The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Presents: “Entourage” in Trader Joe’s “Tribute to Legends of Jazz” Show!

7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605-3032
(510) 394-4501, Fax (510) 638-8889
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
Abdul-Jalil Honored in Port Au-Prince, Haiti and Miami, Fla. for Relief Missions to Haiti
Join the Superstars Entertainment and Sports Network
Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile
Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil on Twitter: @ajalil
Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room
Abdul-Jalil on FaceBook
iPhone 4 FaceTime: (510) 394-4501
AIM, Video Chat Screen Name:
Skype Video Chat Screen Contact Name: Superstarmanagement
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France

Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
Founder of BLACK EXPO shown with Olympic Sprinter John Carlos , Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference , Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference, Oakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
Join the Superstars Entertainment and Sports Network
Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile
Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil on Twitter: @ajalil
Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room
iPhone 4 FaceTime: (510) 394-4501
AIM, Video Chat Screen Name:
Skype Video Chat Screen Contact Name: Superstarmanagement
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France

Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
Founder of BLACK EXPO shown with Olympic Sprinter John Carlos , Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference , Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference, Oakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,

You can click on any highlighted word to view or download that item

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation


¿eX-whY AdVentures?

James Ahmed Rasheed’s “Entourage” with Trader Joes’s Capt. Randy Holland on drums in a “Tribute to Legends of Jazz” Show!, May 26, 2012, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Trader Joes’s, 2742 Pinole Valley Road, Pinole, CA.


Trader Joes’s, one of our strong supporters and 20 year partner in our Community Free Food Program allowed AMWFT and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? to produce an In-Store promotion with a Live Jazz performance by James Ahmed Rasheed’s “Entourage” with Trader Joes’s Capt. Randy Holland on drums! The response was incredible with many customers turned fans, dancing in the isles while shopping! Outstanding!

The many standing ovations and applause echoed throughout the store as the mellow jazz sounds were accentuated by the ringing of the cash register! The customers-turned-fans and store staff were caught totally by surprise as the Pinole store Capt. (manager) Randy Holland sat in on drums for the second set with the Jazz Trio! Everyone was simply BLOWN AWAY!! And the Dude has chops, he can flat out PLAY!

The customers-turned-fans shamelessly testified how the shopping experience was soo much greater, more intimate and engaging, as they stayed while shopping longer and bought more! They unanimously requested that the in-store promotion be held at least weekly and perhaps over the weekends! The store staff was trilled with the event success and asked that Corporate institute it as a weekly promotion.

This was The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation’s “Thank You” to Trader Joe’s for 20 great years of providing us with the ability to serve over 30,000 a month of those most in need in the Northern California Community from our 14 locations from Fremont in the south to Fairfield in the north.

Watch the video performance of “Entourage” with Randy Holland in Trader Joes’s “Tribute to Legends of Jazz” Show

Thank you ALL sooo much!


” The Man Who Turn$ Hit$ Into Million$”

BORP Wheelchair Basketball Tournament Sponsor Poster


BORP Sponsor Poster

Oaklanders Honored for Work In Haiti, Free Logo Design and Business Strategic Plan; YOUR Free Food Program; Entertainment Jobs Feb. 2012- March 2012
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
Join the Superstars Entertainment and Sports Network
Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile
Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil on Twitter: @ajalil
Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room
iPhone 4 FaceTime: (510) 394-4501
AIM, Video Chat Screen Name:
Skype Video Chat Screen Contact Name: Superstarmanagement
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France

Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
Founder of BLACK EXPO shown with Olympic Sprinter John Carlos , Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference , Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA ConferenceOakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,

You can click on any highlighted word to view or download that item

    Abdul-Jalil and crew were nominated for an EMMY with “OUT. The Glenn Burke Story”, and although they did not win it, they have already won several major honors for it and expect more.


1unknownname    Dr. Kenya Numan and her organization “Stepping Together” as well as Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim and “The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation” were recently honored in Miami, Florida and Port Au Prince, Haiti in July 2011 for the Relief Missions that they have sent to Haiti since the earthquake. The incomparable Dr. Numan has served in the  Gulf War and was a top level surgeon on the front line addressing the needs on the U.S. soldiers where word of her superior talents spread throughout the region such that even the opposition sought her out when they were detained. She has served the needs of many around the world in Africa, South and Central America, and here in the U. S.

    A very special “Thanks” to all that have supported our efforts over the years!

On August 25, 2010 Abdul-Jalil received the letter shown below of “Thanks” from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune of Grace Village in Haiti for the Relief Mission they received from the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together on behalf of The World Conference of Mayors (WCM- 18,000 Political Leaders and Dignitaries from around the world) and The National Conference of Black Mayors (NCBM). This is a tangible reality of SUCCESS in Haiti for ALL the members of the organizations world-wide rather than the many idle cocktail party rants and raves of projects that exist without any substance behind them. THEY DID IT! ALL the members of the World Conference of Mayors can celebrate their success and acknowledge their contribution.

They are now moving forward in a meaningful way to secure financial, subsistence, construction and medical aid and support for the next mission which will take place as soon as we can unite to raise the necessary items just mentioned. They can tap into the resources of the USAIDS and the National Medical Association to make great progress in securing bi-weekly missions to various needed areas around the World!

They are committed and prepared to work with the WCM and NCBM organizations to raise funds, provide support and organize continued relief efforts for financial donations, to deliver much needed medical support and supplies; food; clothing; educational materials; construction support and building materials; much needed personal items; and legal assistance for displaced children from orphanages that were given transportation and temporary housing in the United States with other families, churches, and organizations until homes have been rebuilt to house them. Where most relief efforts are limited, if not stopped altogether by current travel restrictions in, within, and out of Haiti, The World Conference of Mayors has some political cache that it can exercise to further achieve our united goals globally. This could be the first step toward fulfilling several of their conversations of thier organizations providing relief support to WCM and NCBM efforts globally.

Additionally, in relations to their working together on relief missions here in America and globally, Abdul-Jalil is exploring the possibility of a telethon, perhaps with J. C. Watts “Black Television News Channel” (BTNC). To that end the WCM is prepared to provide it’s full support to his and their joint efforts to overcome the continual need for financial assistance to achieve their goals. These fundraising efforts include the proposed telethon as a measure to not only raise funds but to raise awareness for the causes as well. Now they are moving forward with these joint and several fundraising efforts with a goal of working together on projects of mutual interest and support in a spirit of oneness.

Again, there is much work to do and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are committed and prepared to work with WCM and NCBM organizations to raise funds and organize continued relief efforts to provide assistance to countries around the world, especially Africa, the Caribbean and South/Central America.

Page One of Letter


Page Two of Letter


Oakland City Attorney
Resigns! FORCED OUT!!! Can’t Dodge Fraud, Corruption Charges!

The Occupy Movement that has swept America and the world, had it’s Occupy Oakland beginnings with the revelation of irrefutable evidence of the mass fraud and corruption of the Oakland City Attorney, Oakland Police Department, Alameda County District Attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, California State Appeals Court and California Supreme Court in an action to deny justice and cover up that denial of justice in the 20 year case of Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim vs CSAA, Rescue, et al.

The unrest caused by the exposure of the criminal actions of these law enforcement, legal and judicial individuals/bodies in this matter implored others to investigate the ongoing case revealing even more rampant corruption that has dramatically portrayed the sullied, sordid underbelly culture of corruption that Oakland and Alameda County has long been known for! This pattern continued even through the Oscar Grant murder debacle but lead to the people of the Oakland East Bay Area and beyond, standing up to that corruption and saying “NO MORE!!!”.

The cry at ALL the Occupy events world-wide are echoing the frustration felt by the people of the East Bay Area, “We are ALL Oscar Grant!!” and most are reacting in solidarity and union with those whom have voiced their opinions with their frustrations in a varied manner of ways. The world witnessed as Oakland revolted and burned with the that cry and now the whole world is chanting the same tune and following Oakland lead as it did in the 1960-70’s re-evolution!

    The Minority and Occupy Communities ( #occupyoakland #OWS) are evaluating the elected officials, want-to-be-leaders, clergy and so-called power brokers that do not represent their interest, yet claim to bargain and speak for them! How can these self-perceived “influence peddlers” bargain away the rights and interests of people they do not talk to, know nor represent?

African-American youth, the overall Minority Youth Community with the Occupyers ( #occupyoakland #OWS) know these carpet baggers and their “bagmen” are sellouts and represent BIG BUSINESS INTEREST- the Developers, Banks, Insurance Companies, Attorneys and maintaining the status quo! The Minority Youth Community with the Occupyers proclaim widely and loudly that they ARE NOT the constituents of these turncoats that disavow their very own ethnic orientation because they acknowledge that being Black in America is to be considered worthless and disposable!

One of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan’s problems is her depending on the advice of Uncle Toms Sandre Swanson, and Keith Carson; while fighting bootlicking-backstabbing Larry Reid
and Ignacio DeLaFuente; assumming theres some influence of want-to-be-leaders, clergy and so-called power brokers to move the concerned disenfranchised; with double crooked duplicitous Dan Siegle! (More coming on this cast of characters)

Oakland City Councilmen
Larry Reid and Ignacio DeLaFuente have given away many, many millions of dollars in valuable Real Estate to their developer partners! From 14th Ave to 106th Ave and down from MacArthur Blvd. to the Bay. Councilmen Reid and DeLaFuente are owned and controlled by developers! That’s why they constantly connive so shamelessly for the Civil Gang Injunctions and curfews, with EVERY act of difference they are in the media spinning it as an example of serious crime that could be eliminated with the injunction/curfew. Reid has gone on air and repeatedly tried to trivialize and void the entire good of some lives by claiming their life was somehow lost to or compromised by gang related violence that could have been avoided by the injunction/curfew by pushes for his disposed partner in crime, former City Attorney John Russo. Many families resenting that media manipulation with on air to publicly denounce Reid’s developers serving claims!

Reid was served with a complaint against his partner Russo and refused to investigate it, but rather chose to cover it up. Not so oddly enough, that was the same stance taken by Sandre Swanson, Keith Carson and District Attorney Nancy O’Malley. Who are they protecting and why? Carson has made himself a witness in this case my the admissions made by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley to him regarding the incident where she had al-Hakim removed from the D. A.’s office while sitting alone in the lobby waiting for a meeting!

The real reason the Reid Gang wants the injunction/curfews are because they are law enforcement and real estate developers dream tools for gentrifying the inner-city and administratively taking land from the poor! Not so unfortunately, an analyst last week revealed that the North Oakland Gang Injunction HAS FAILED to reduce crime in any way, yet in has enriched the police department with over $12 million while the Oakland Police Department has FAILED to comply with the Federal Mandate to meet MINIMUM agreed upon standards to fight corruption! This failure is one of the presumed reasons for Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts resigning. One question being asked now is did Mayor Ron Dellums or City Attorney John Russo investigate the many alleged charges of abuse against former Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts before they hired him and was that a factor in his resigning?

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed California & Alameda County Superior Court Corruption
Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed Oakland City Attorney John Russo Gave Case File To Stephan Barber and Law Firm Ropers Majeski, didn’t Tell Court

Watch video of al-Hakim and forced Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide- Must Resign
Watch video of al-Hakim and exposing Judge Jon Tigar’s appointment to his judicial post was through Nepotism and Cronyism

Listen to voicemail from Deputy District Attorney

Kevin Dunleavy exposing continued Corruption and Fraud by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley as he had victim al-Hakim removed from Courthouse Building while al-Hakim was waiting for a meeting with him! O’Malley further ordered al-Hakim to NEVER return to the courthouse under the threat of arrest by D. A. Bob Conner, someone known to al-Hakim to have tried to place al-Hakim in a life threatening situation that resulted in the only conviction of police officers crimes committed while on duty! She made this order without any legal proceeding, court order nor cause in her effort to prompt a conflict of interest charge to avoid having to investigate and prosecute the complaint and evidence by al-Hakim that establishes the admitted fraud committed by the D.A.’s office for over 20 years!

Listen to Maggie Takeda voicemail exposing Presiding Judge Jon Rolfenson losing/throwing away the formal Corruption Fraud Complaint!

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed Govenor Jerry Brown Covering for Judges, DA, City Attorney’s from Oakland and San Leandro that he was suppose to Investigate 4 Fraud! Watch the story with video and documents at:

Unlike the late, great Gil Scott-Herron said, you can watch the OCCUPY RE-EVOLUTION from the comfort of your home or away on our 24/7 live television feed from OCCUPY OAKLAND and the other OCCUPY Movements around the world on the website here:

Crooked former Oakland City Attorney John Russo was forced to resign from a constant three year barrage of fact laden reports of fraud and corruption by Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, has been appointed the Alameda city manager position sources have confirmed. You can view the 2009 video of former Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide- Must Resign at:

al-Hakim has over 87,000 signatures and implores everyone to click on any one of the links and sign the Petition To The Honorables President Barack Obama and United States Attorney General Eric Holder to raise it’s investigation of corruption involving then Attorney General Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams, former District Attorney Tom Orloff, and current District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley.



From the great success that we have had with our Free Food Programs established in the 1950’s by my Parents, Aaron and Margaret Wallace, we have since been instrumental in the founding and supplying of other free food service organizations around the country.
With the demand for our help in creating these organizations being driven by the skyrocketing need for the services, we have decided to open up our efforts to all interested in starting a food pantry for the needy.
We can provide access to the training necessary to qualify your organization and partner you with the local organizations and businesses that can support your efforts. Contact us and we will help you through the RED TAPE and push your program to success!
Here’s some new videos for the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Social Services Programs. The first is the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Free Food Program Celebrity Giving Back

The second one is Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Kids Celebrity Gift BackPacks.

You can view the following Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddi’s, Trader Joe’s, Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Marshawn Lynch’s “Fam1ly F1rst” and Leon Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland”:

Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation

Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 1

Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 2

You can listen to or download many of the Public Service Announcements for our partners that were broadcast over national radio on the page “A& MWF Supports Inter-Faith Multi-Cultural Events” at: We have provided and we have produced videos from some of them as well.  We will do one for any of our partners that work with us.

Will YOU support those in need with your secure Paypal donation?

Alameda County Community Food Bank!

The Alameda County Community Food Bank is looking for new member agencies that will provide food bags and/or hot meals to Alameda County community members year-round.

We are especially interested in new member agencies that are:

  • Open during high-need times of afternoon, evening, and/or weekend hours
  • Serving clients in high-need areas of:
    • Downtown Oakland/Chinatown (94612 zip code)
    • West Oakland (94607 zip code)
    • East Oakland-Eastlake area (94606 zip code)
    • East Oakland- Elmhurst area (94603 zip code)
    • East Oakland- Fruitvale area (94601 zip code)
    • San Leandro & San Lorenzo area
    • Tri-Cities area (Fremont, Newark, Union City)

Benefits of Membership
Membership gives your agency:

  1. Free & low-cost food (including free farm-fresh produce)
  2. Free trainings & skill-building sessions
  3. Opportunities to apply for grants to increase agency capacity
  4. Access to free nutritional education services, Food Stamp (CalFresh) outreach services, and the emergency food referral Helpline

To become a Member Agency, your organization must:

  • Be a non-profit, charitable organization that is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. (Other 501c organizations, such as 501c5, do not qualify).
  • Operate an emergency food program, such as a food pantry, hot meal program/soup kitchen, or emergency shelter that is open to walk-in clients.*
  • Distribute food regularly for at least 3 months prior to applying for membership.
  • Provide food directly to individuals and families in need. At least 51% of your clients must be low-income.
  • Distribute Food Bank food at no charge. Your agency may not ask for donations from clients for food.
  • Not require clients to work or to attend any religious activities in exchange for food or meals.
  • Be willing to follow Food Bank regulations such as (but not limited to) submitting monthly food distribution reports and taking food safety training once per year.

* Please note: The Food Bank is not accepting new non-emergency programs at this time. Non-emergency programs include day care sites, afterschool programs, rehabilitation centers, treatment centers, and residential programs.

New Member Agency Application Process:

Contact the Food Bank’’s Agency Services staff to let us know about your interest in Food Bank membership. You can email us at agency (at) or call us at 510-635-3663ext. 365.

Agency Services staff will work with you to determine your eligibility

Attend a series of 2 trainings. At least 2 staff/volunteers from your agency must attend EACH of the trainings. We welcome (and highly encourage) agencies to bring more than 2 staff/volunteers to attend each training.

      • Note: The last round of training dates for 2011 has already passed. The next round of training dates will be sometime in January – March 2012. Please contact us to let us know about your interest in Food Bank membership so that we can contact you when these dates have been scheduled.

Submit a New Member Agency Application. Applications can only be submitted after at least 2 staff/volunteers from your agency have completed all 2 trainings.

Complete a successful site visit at your agency. Food Bank Agency Services staff will visit your site to see your program, facilities, and review food safety policies.
Applications will be reviewed by the Agency Relations Committee. The Agency Relations Committee, a Food Bank board committee of staff and volunteers from current member agencies, will review and select member agencies eligible to join the Food Bank. Decisions are usually made within 6-8 weeks from the training dates.

FREE Business Strategic Plan

Are you interested in growing your business?
We are offering a FREE Business analysis and will discuss your needs for an overall Strategic Plan including a Website upgrade with a national media campaign, after you have completed the Strategic Planning Client Questionnaire on our website and schedule a meeting to contract our services and move forward to SUCCESS!

    We can mount a media campaign for you with events and advantages your business offers to potential clients as the centerpiece of that effort. This could not only provide exposure and build your new brand, but could also build your business development with corporate sponsors, business partners, non-profit organizations and donors.

    You could be your own special BRAND within and without the business campaign! This will not detract from the business campaign in any way and inevitably lead to other business opportunities, and a very effective social position that will allow you to achieve more business goals!

    We will be integrally involved in creating the campaign concept with you as both a separate branded entity and the business brand. We would develop them within the overall brand platform and defining a tangible brand experience across the myriad offerings of the business services and social activities. Our work will touch on all aspects of the business as a brand, and the brand’s physical presentation; client offerings; programs; events; promotions; Web site; marketing; advertising; publicist; social media managements; sponsorship vehicles; and creation of “your business Community” through multi-channel strategies for both traditional and new media to engender an engaging, interactive and sustainable customer experience.

    We will to develop and create expedient, viable, replicable solutions to optimize your bottom line, raise your public profile and social perception while increasing the satisfaction quotient for your customers.

    As a means for us to move forward I would like to begin the initial intake process for you as a Strategic Planning Client. To that end I would like you are to complete our on-line “Strategic Planning Client Questionnaire” on our website at:

    Complete the form as thoroughly as you can so that we can move forward in an informed, intelligent way to achieve your stated goals.

    If you like, please fill out the  Website Design Client Questionnaire at: to give us a good idea of your website needs. This will help clarify your website goals, design ideas, features, budget, and timeline. The more details you can give us, the better we will understand your needs and be able to provide you with the best service possible. As always if you get stuck or have questions, please give us a quick call and we will be glad to help.
The things that I feel you needs to address on your website/blog are:
1) E-Commerce with PayPal and all top payment services (including charitable donations),
2) Forms completion,
3) Cloud Storage for documents with selective access,
4) Video Conferencing and Chat,
5) Client Services Web Chat,
6) Audio and Video Display,
7) Members Only and Private Pages access,
8) Blog Post latest news and messages

    You should take the time while at the website to review a great source of information on our company here and more useful information on the following pages:
Social Media Management at:
Publicist Services at:
New Client Questionnaire at:

    There is much work to do and we are committed and prepared to work with you and look forward to our attaining success beyond your wildest dream!

    Thank you again for allowing us to help you as we look forward to many more successful efforts!


The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation(A&MWF) is a non-denominational, multi-cultural,100% volunteer financed and operated relief organization that provides FREE food, medicine, clothing, educational and employment opportunities, mental and physical health referrals, legal aid, shelter and other necessities to individuals, children, families, and organizations who lack these essentials for any reason. We provide private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals FREE for ANYONE whom has the need at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation website.Providing The Necessities For Success In Life

A&MWF, a public services organization based on GIVING AND SHARING, has created a 100% volunteer self-operated, self-supported, self financed model defined by developing the marketplace of a network that features high-performing results in the invaluable areas of: youth development; elementary, secondary and college education; poverty alleviation; mental and physical health medical services; social services, as well as other economic-empowerment programs for individuals, families; and small businesses.

A&MWF delivers food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to over 4,000 individuals- children, families, and organizations per month who lack these essentials and is pioneering a new trend, as government and community funds grapple with the recession and the challenges of raising funds, WE have forged an awareness and sustained an effort to connect those in dire need with service providers, donors, volunteers and nonprofit groups with these causes. We have taken community foundations and moved into social networking, reaching beyond static “bricks and mortar” to interactive Web sites to serve as a dynamic virtual clearinghouses or “town square” that holds conversations between those in NEED and their local charities, citizens, donors, and volunteers.

A&MWF has made it easy and effortless for service providers, donors, volunteers and nonprofit groups to connect with those in NEED, as we have received more individuals needs profiles submitted on this site. The profiles include their contact information, information about their needs, desired solutions, pleas for their need satisfaction, and a listing of opportunities to achieve their solution. We also have profiles submitted of individuals as prospective donors or volunteers, include information about the causes that interest them.

If you or someone that you know needs Quality of Life Aid, PLEASE fill out the form below so that we can determine the best way to assist them.

Anyone can register at http://AMWFTRUST.ORG by submitting an online request form in a strictly confidential submission and they can also feel free to call the number (510) 394-4101 as well.

    WE are trying to end this travesty by helping and giving for their change of life circumstances! Can YOU help Us help THEM?


¿eX-whY AdVentures?


There are some good entertainment industry job listings below and on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!
We have a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing targeting the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY AdVentures?. We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the motion picture or television project, stage play, entertainment event, commercial ads, film trailers, soundtracks, the jingle, voice overs, and all promotions associated with the product.
We are developing jobs for actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and writers in the entertainment, commercial advertisement, stage, film and television fields.
To that end , our management agency would like you to provide us with a list of your castings calls that might fit this description for consideration in placement for jobs that you have.
We would be interested in any roles for anyone of our 10,000 Professional Athletes, Entertainers, Celebrity, Musicians, and Actors direct email recipients; our over 270,000 list members; and our over 21 million total readers of the publications we submit to.
As you can tell from our roster of talent, our Casting Division has a unique advantage in all forms of casting. With the growing popularity of ‘film and music video-style’ products, we have found that directors and producers value our ability to call in seasoned, serious talent from the film and television industries to add depth and quality to performances in stage, film, television and commercials.
More than two decades of feature film, television and commercial casting experience has provided us with strong relationships with agents, managers and talent which helps us to find the necessary talent to create innovative, creative and one-of-a-kind artistic product.
We can send Photos, Bios, videos, Comp Cards, CV with samples of work and salary requirements, where necessary. We are members of the Casting Society of America (C.S.A.), Independent Film Producers (I.F.P.), Screen Actors Guild (S.A.G.), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) to list a few.
There are some good entertainment industry job listings on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!


        SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK has over 270,000 subscriber/members with a reach of over 21 million readers! The Network offers FREE advice and help with your sports or entertainment career, FREE Casting calls for TV shows, films, and stage, Invites to Red Carpet and Celebrity A-List Events, FREE notices of Sports and Entertainment jobs, FREE tickets to concerts, films, sporting events, symphony, amusement, and entertainment events, To be part of a Professional Network that provides what YOU need to advance YOUR career. Receive FREE Information and Opportunities for Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts, Casting opportunities, product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing. Subscribe to Superstars Network here. To learn more go to the SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK” page on
We are offering FREE LISTENING OR DOWNLOADS of our iTunes and podcast of Entertainment Law, “The Art of Reppin Pro Athletes & Entertainers”and “Hip Hop & Spread of Islam” at:

iTunes at:



*Get FREE working CONTRACTS for Music, Sports, Film, Advertising, Entertainment, Literary, etc!!!

We Provide and Share opportunities in the Sports and Entertainment Worlds
We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.
* Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management, and advise in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts as entertainers, artists, labels, producers, songwriter, publishers, distributors, retailers, merchandisers; commercial advertising, corporate sponsorships, product endorsements, marketing and promotions; also including establishing and management of your sports entity;
* Drafting, reviewing and negotiating of contracts for professional athletes; entertainers, artists, recording; producing; motion picture, television, radio and video; performing and touring; booking; publishing; royalties, copyrights and trademarks; distribution; merchandising; interactive multimedia and the internet; synchronization licenses; mechanical licenses; and publishing clearances;
* Casting opportunities,product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing;
* Contract negotiations, arbitrations, salary grievances, booking, production, management, recording, publishing, distribution, merchandising, licensing, to representation in copyright matters, royalty disputes, and an array of sports and entertainment issues and problems, with an emphasis on the sports and music industry;
* Provide special services to Rookies, Free Agents, Wavered players, and established Veterans by actively promoting and marketing your interest to the teams, securing try outs and contracts, while giving supplemental reports to selected teams to aid in your quest to get the big dollar contract. For every player, we secure alternate contracts with foreign teams in Canada, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Mexico, Africa, the Islands, as well as other American teams here. We secure contracts for try outs, tours, tournaments and leagues, in addition to employment referrals and aid in furthering your education. For those that do not make it in the United States the first time, we reorient you back into the U.S. pro sports industry with updated film, scouting reports, and information we release to all the pro teams on your progress, statistics, performances, and availability while acquiring new opportunities for you. There is absolutely no other agency or attorney that can do this for you. Just ask them. But….
* Record Demo Shopping; and Label Deals, independent record label, production deals, publishing company and/or distribution company deals.
* Programs that offer several Plans specially designed to fit your needs by providing you with expert advisers to ascertain your clients complete financial security. We provide the best professional advisers to negotiate you or your clients contract and advise you as to the length, the amount of money, the bonuses, incentives, and options in the contract. We have attorneys to procure all your legal needs, certified public accountants for your tax planning, financiers for your investment portfolio, insurance, and estate planning. Additionally we provide personal artist managers to enhance your commercial advertisement, product endorsement, and motion picture appeal. Subscribe to Superstars Network here.

We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.

We are members of the Casting Society of America (CSA), Independent Film Producers (IFP), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Producers Guild of America (PGA), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI)

Thanks, and don’t forget to check out our website at:

(510) 394-4601

February 2012- March 2012-New Job Listings


Beverly Hills based modeling agency is seeking a theatrical talent agent to cross-over models into film & television. Ideal candidates should have a minimum of two years’ experience as a talent agent or manager.  Looking for someone to start immediately.  Please include your resume and cover letter.

Screen Actors Guild-LA seeks a Manager, Industry Relations. The position will aid in and engage in managing and providing essential research, forecasting, and the development and management of Industry relationships as it relates to the creation of opportunities and organizing efforts on behalf of SAG members. Minimum 3-5 years entertainment/industry experience required. $52,200 starting salary. Equal Opportunity Employer. For consideration please email resume with salary requirements to

United Talent Agency (UTA) seeks qualified candidates for its agent trainee program. Previous industry experience and bachelors degree required. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, have excellent communication and organizational skills and a desire to learn the business of talent representation. This is a very demanding environment with excellent opportunities to work in Film, Television, Music, New Media and Entertainment Marketing. Proficiency with Microsoft Office software is mandatory. Compensation includes overtime and full benefits. References required. for more information. Fax cover letter & resume to (310) 247-1111 or email to Attn: Human Resources. No calls.

Production Controller desired to oversee the production finance function for an independent studio.  Candidates must possess strong analytical skills to identify potential risks and/or oversights in budgeting, cash planning and estimating.  Must have a broad skillset for and be willing to have ownership of a broad spectrum of tasks and functions and require minimal to no oversight or follow up.  Prior experience with film bond companies a plus.  Position will oversee internal post production accounting and financial reporting as well as work in partnership with the Physical Production department. Please submit resume, cover letter, and salary history to

Talent management and development company seeks assistant to President & VP with strong interest in management. Previous experience required. Must have a great phone presence and communication skills. Job responsibilities include but are not limited to: phones, scheduling, office management, client submissions, research, booking travel, script coverage, etc. Will be working with A-List actors. Includes some personal duties. Please email  with your cover letter in the body of the email and your resume as an attachment to

Film Engine seeks a driven, detail-oriented assistant to CEO  of the company.  Position supports busy producer with script coverage, submitting projects, managing schedules, and general assistant duties.  Candidates should have prior assistant experience to be considered.  Send resume and cover letter to with Producer Assistant in subject line.

GRB Entertainment is looking for a highly-organized Assistant for two Development Executives.  Must have at least 1 year on entertainment industry desk, be highly proficient with phone systems, travel booking and Microsoft Office.  Responsibilities include rolling calls, scheduling, booking travel, creating presentation materials and overseeing interns.  Ideal candidate is a born multi-tasker with strong interests in unscripted television; detail-oriented, confident, motivated, personable. Please send resume and cover letter to

Busy, growing production company seeks an experienced assistant with interest in unscripted television development. Candidate must have excellent communication and computer skills and must be detail-oriented, extremely organized and driven. Responsibilities include heavy phones, scheduling, filing, creative grid upkeep, etc. Send resume to    2/24
Talent agency is seeking an assistant to the President and Head of Celebrity Endorsement and Licensing. Candidate should be motivated, resourceful and have excellent communication and organizational skills. Ideal candidate should be an industrious self-starter with a can- do attitude and strong desire to be an agent. Attention to detail a must. Apply only if you have prior industry desk experience. Email your cover letter and resumes to

Commercial Production company seeks assistant to its President.  Looking for someone with at least 1-year industry experience, preferably at an agency.  Responsibilities include phones, coordinating schedules, accounting, research, overseeing the website, working with FTP sites, and maintaining a database for a busy production department with a large roster of directors.   Tech savvy and knowledge of Keynote or InDesign are a plus. Please send resume to  with Commercial Assistant in the subject line.

Exec Asst to Head of Major Studio. Min 10 years exp in an EA role for an A Level Exec. Must have impeccable calendar skills & be extremely savvy. Ent exp required. Some personal – liaison with house staff.  Excellent gatekeeper, think 3 steps ahead. College degree required. $80k. Resumes to:

Established management/production company with A-list literary and talent clients is looking for a new assistant ASAP for a talent manager.  At least one year management/agency experience preferred, and for the right candidate with more experience this can be a great opportunity to work in a “Junior Manager” type capacity. Also a plus if you are mac proficient.  Email resumes to

Well-established Entertainment Company seeking full-time Executive Assistant to support CEO. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree with minimum 2-years’ experience at major agency, production company or studio. Responsibilities include scheduling, travel coordination and phones/emails. Must be detail-oriented, motivated to excel and have ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment. Exceptional written and oral communication skills required. Email confidential Resume and Cover Letter to

A-List production/finance company Perfect Storm Entertainment seeks a stellar creative assistant for two busy executives. Candidates should be able to multi-task, prioritize, and handle two busy desks. Tasks include heavy phones, booking travel, scheduling meetings, handling submissions, reading etc. There’s definitely room for growth. Prior industry experiences necessary, agency experience preferred. Resumes and cover letters to:

Talent Management company is looking for a Junior Manager. Minimum two years industry experience required. Candidate should be detail-oriented, with solid computer knowledge and excellent communication, organizational and multi-tasking abilities. Basic knowledge of industry leaders and executives is important. Must work well under pressure in a fast paced environment. Duties include day to day management of actors and musicians. Background in the music industry is a plus. Please only apply if you currently live in Los Angeles. Please send resumes to:

Seeking Executive Assistant to Partner at a busy & growing Management/Production company. Job responsibilities include maintaining clients schedules & appointments, answering phones/rolling calls, script coverage, submitting clients for projects, booking travel, and maintaining busy calendar. For the right candidate this is an excellent opportunity for growth within company. Strong experience is key — Candidates should have at least 1 year agency or management experience. Must be reliable, thick skinned, punctual, work well under pressure & multitask. Please send resumes to

Management Company seeks qualified assistant to work for extremely busy partner of talent manager.  Must have strong knowledge of film and television. Candidates must have at least 1 year experience at an agency or management company, and please do not apply if not. Duties include rolling calls, heavy scheduling, heavy travel, submitting Breakdowns/letter submissions, and maintaining a general sense of order in clients’ and manager’s lives. 1 year commitment required. This is entry level assistant pay and benefits after 3 months. Please send resumes to

Management Company seeks a new, full-time assistant. Main responsibilities include general assistant duties such as scheduling, phones, coordinating with other offices and working with a large client base to submit materials to producers and financiers. We are looking for someone who can do all that, and also be part of the creative process within the office and turn good ideas into great scripts.Please submit resumes as a .pdf

Established management/production company with A-list literary and talent clients is looking for a new assistant for a talent manager. At least one year management/agency experience preferred, and for the right candidate with more experience this can be a great opportunity to work in a “Junior Manager” type capacity.  Candidates regardless should be well versed in the basics of the representation business and have a knowledge of the industry players. Email resumes to

Director’s assistant needed for M Night Shyamalan on his current project AFTER EARTH for Sony Pictures.  Shooting will take place in Philadelphia, Utah & Northern California.  Main role will comprise of on set production duties.  Primary tasks include handling directors needs (scheduling, errands, storyboards, dailies, on set coordination), tracking daily progress of filming schedule, arranging & managing on set logistics, interfacing with talent, producers & department. Looking to hire immediately.  Prior experience in production/studio/agency is a plus and bachelor’s degree is mandatory.  Please email all resumes to

Feature film financing and production company seeks office assistant.  Requirements: bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 1 year experience at a major agency/management co/production co or studio only.  Feature film experience preferred. Candidates must be efficient with excellent communication and organizational skills. Duties include phones, tracking projects, scheduling and general office duties. Extensive knowledge of industry players in both TV and film is a plus. Salary dependent on experience with full health and dental benefits. Send resumes to

Story Editor / Asst: Support for both a seasoned President and EVP in charge of content and film development of Visual Effects/Animation Company based in Hollywood, CA. Traditional Assistant Duties. In addition, creative work will include script development, tracking, and assisting in building out story and art departments for upcoming animated feature film. Agency/Management experience is helpful as well as knowledge in VFX and Animation Production. Please email resumes/cover letter to:

Busy Beverly Hills entertainment talent law firm is looking for a reliable name-partner’s assistant.  Must be able to juggle heavy phones, scheduling, billing, expense reports, client management and related tasks professionally and with complete discretion and a positive attitude.  Candidates must be folks who are set up to anticipate needs, act pro-actively to keep the desk moving. Entertainment experience is required and legal assistant experience is preferred.  Please email your cover letter, a detailed resume and your references to:  Salary is flexible depending on experience.

Long term personal/exec assistant needed for busy studio executive. Ideal candidate must have min. of 3yrs in current position, and 5yrs assistant experience, college degree, and prior entertainment experience.  Must be able to work overtime. Send resume and salary history to for consideration.

Major talent agency is looking for an assistant to the Head of Research; looking for a candidate who shows potential to be advance in the department.  Looking for someone with a statistical background and is comfortable constructing databases, building predictive models and interpreting results.  Proficiency in Excel is a must as well as a familiarity with SPSS. A passion for media is preferred, specifically social media, film and television. Open to applicants with experience, newly graduated (or soon to be graduated) students with a concentration in mathematics and/or statistics.  Send resumes to

Seeking highly-motivated office assistant for boutique TV and film literary management company (not a production or development job). Requirements: industrious, tough, self-starter, multi-tasker with can-do attitude who can work independently and who is available to start by mid-November and make one-year commitment. Similar (non-production) entertainment office experience highly preferable (phone sheet, submissions, scheduling, filing, logs, etc.).  $500 to $550/week depending on experience.  Limited benefits. Send resume and cover letter to Field Entertainment:

CE/Creative Assistant position at Sketch Films – The position is two-fold: assistant to President David Bernardi and also fulfill the responsibilities of a Creative Executive: track material, do writer/director/actor lists, take pitches, and write notes. If interested please email

SVP Business & Legal Affairs seeks full-time legal assistant with television and/or film experience; Salary commensurate with experience. Bachelor’s degree required; legal experience a plus.  Duties would include: answering phones, scheduling and maintaining calendar, processing expense reports, creating and maintaining department’s legal files and binders, preparing memorandums, letters, forms procedures and other documents. Licensed notary a plus.  College degree required.  Paralegal study a plus. Send resumes to:

VP of Film at Chernin Entertainment is seeking a new assistant. Looking for someone with at least 1 year industry experience, preferably at an agency. Please send resumes to

Full time Assistant needed in a fast-paced environment. Must be smart, energetic, dynamic, responsible, motived & professional. Excellent communication, organization skills & great personality a mus. Must be comfortable with children. Computer skills needed & Benefits & 401k. Salary in 20k range. Send resumes

Accounting Associate. Salary $45,000 to $50,000   This is a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an exciting new film distribution company located in Brentwood. The position will provide great exposure to various aspects of film distribution accounting. Responsibilities will include accounts payable supervision, journal entries, account analysis and reconciliations, financial close, ad hoc reporting, and special projects. An accounting degree or equivalent experience is required. Prior film company experience or familiarity with Microsoft Dynamics AX would be a plus, but is not required.  Send resumes to

Partner for Talent Management Company looking for experienced assistant. Looking for a self-starter who is personable, detail oriented, efficient and organized.  Talent agency or management experience required. Position has growth potential. Hiring immediately. Salary & benefits. Please send cover letter and resume to

Production company seeks highly organized and professional assistant for its CEO/President.  Duties include executive assisting at the highest level, proficient script coverage/notes for both television and feature films, coordinating travel schedules and meetings. Work with team at Hollywood-based office; Proficient in Mac, Entourage, Excel and Powerpoint. Bachelor degree and 2 years min. related experience required; Excellent writing and communications skills a must; Opportunity for growth. Email resume and cover letter to

Busy Film Producer seeks 1st Assistant.  Producer requires past experience at an agency.  Position is very fast paced.  Must be able to stay calm, organized under high pressure and deadline oriented environment.  Must be very detail oriented, organized, thick skin, and good communication skills.  Duties include manage busy schedule, rolling calls, arrange travel, and script coverage.  Must have reliable car, good attitude, and Mac / PC savvy.  Send resume/CV to

Management 360 seeks an assistant for one of our talent partners. Ideal candidates have a minimum of one year desk experience at a talent agency or management company as a paid assistant. This is a non-negotiable requirement. Must be, dedicated, have excellent skills (rolling calls, travel, client schedules, attention to detail, etc.) and have a strong desire to be a talent manager. If you do not meet all these qualifications, please do not apply. Send resumes to as an attached pdf. And put “talent partner asst” in the subject.

Talent Manager at a bi-coastal management firm seeks seasoned assistant, meaning with experience (at a min. 6 months-1 year) for office in Los Angeles.  Experience must include time at an agency or management company.  Internship does not count.  Applicants must be self-motivated, highly organized, hard-working, detail-oriented and able to multi-task in a fast-paced environment. Competitive pay and benefits.  Again, please do not apply for this position unless you have at least six months to a year experience at a major agency or management office working as an assistant to an agent/manager who represents actors.   Email cover letter and resume to:

Production Company is seeking an assistant for its partner/president.  An ideal candidate would have the mental fortitude to handle a busy desk in an ever-evolving environment.  It will require a straightforward and articulate manner and an ability to manage a high volume of requests and administrative tasks.  Agency experience required, as this is not an entry-level position.  A passion for creative development is a must. Please email with your resume.

Top film/music video/commercial production company seeks a polished, skilled and energetic assistant to its busy General Manager / Producer. Excellent phone and computer skills are a must.  Our ideal candidate is extremely bright and motivated with the ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment.  Knowledge of MAC, MS Office and Apple Mail required; This is a fantastic opportunity to learn the ins and outs of feature film, commercial and music video production and how to run a production company. Salary starts at 26k depending on experience. Please send resumes to, subject line GM Asst.

Prime Focus in Hollywood seeks “type A” administrative assistant for a fast paced Executive.  You are a highly motivated professional, impeccably organized, and an effective communicator with excellent writing skills.  You want to learn everything about the workings of a global entertainment company and grow.  Industry experience a plus but not required; high energy and professional demeanor interfacing all levels of management are.  Compensation includes overtime and benefits.  Email resume and cover letter to

Management/production company is looking for junior manager. Industry experience preferable. Clients are award-winning international indie directors, novelists, screenwriters, graphic novelists and playwrights.  Candidates should be self-starters, resourceful, and looking for opportunities for advancement. Perfect for currently-frustrated assistants who want to make their mark. Please email resume to

Groundswell Productions is looking for an assistant to work for our President and President of Production. Great opportunity to learn and gain exposure to every aspect of filmmaking and producing including business and legal affairs, physical production, development, foreign sales and post production. Ideal candidate must have previous entertainment experience at a production company or agency. Must have college degree and be professional, detail oriented, resourceful, have excellent communication skills, and work well under pressure. Please send cover letter and to

Producer with first look deal at major studio seeks assistant to start immediately. Standard assistant duties entail phones, scheduling, travel, reading and coverage. It’s a hands on desk where you will have great exposure to all facets of the industry and have the opportunity to work on films in production. Some personal duties as well. Candidate must have two years’ experience on a busy desk at an agency, management co, or studio. Please paste your resume in the body of an email and send to:

Media Rights Capital is seeking an ambitious and hardworking assistant to work in office of the CEOs and join our Executive Trainee Program. Must be detail oriented, comfortable with a high-pressure work environment, intellectually curious, and be proficient in handling assistant duties such as managing heavy phones and scheduling.  Ideal candidate will have some relevant entertainment experience.  Bachelor’s degree required.  Please submit a resume and cover letter to

Assist SVP of Alternative Programming and Development at Sony Pictures Television.  Must have successful track record working for high-level television executives – adept at handling an intense desk, heavy phones/scheduling, with topnotch writing and research skills, and obsessive attention to detail.   Must be energetic, creatively driven, with proven passion for non-scripted programming.  Previous experience producing/developing projects is a big plus.  Please submit cover letter and resume to

Reality TV Production Company is seeking a qualified Assistant to support the Executive Vice President of Development in our LA office.  One to two years previous assistant experience in the Entertainment Industry required. This person will be the first point of contact for clients and vendors and will be expected to make a great first impression.  Will be responsible for answering phones and e-mails, scheduling appointments, maintaining and updating filing/office systems, and other tasks as assigned.  Competitive salary + benefits.  Apply at

TV Executive Producer/Showrunner looking for assistant.  Must be friendly, upbeat, take initiative, highly organized with a “no job too small” attitude.  Tasks will be personal and administrative.  Great position for someone just getting familiar with the TV landscape.  Please email resumes to:

Eclectic Pictures is seeking a dedicated personal assistant to a distinguished producer. Directly responsible for all her business and personal matters; must also run a busy office and manage interns. You are the #1 point person at the company. Salary from $450-650/week. Please send email with cover letter, resume, and 2-3 references.

Hollywood A-list actress, foundation creator and active fundraiser in search of an experienced executive assistant. Responsibilities include a positive attitude and bright personality with high organizational skills. The environment is very friendly but extremely busy and includes booking travel, acting as a constant liaison to all parties and reps in inner circle, assisting with all personal duties, expenses, extensive scheduling and regular travel. The number one need will be organizational skills and attention to detail. Salary commensurate to experience.  Please send resumes to

Major talent agency is looking for an experienced, Manager to Director-level publicist (with knowledge of corporate PR preferred) to work alongside head of corporate communications. Candidate must have trade and business press experience, as well as minimum 5+ years working at PR agency, studio or network. Candidates should have top-notch written and oral communication skills, including ability to write press materials under tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Growth potential. Position reports to head of corporate communications but will also interface with senior management. Competitive salary (commensurate with experience) and all customary benefits offered. Please fax resumes and cover letters to 310-205-5608. No calls please.

Full service boutique entertainment marketing company based in LA seeks a passionate Executive Assistant. This is a full time, temp to perm position – looking for an energetic and talented individual to support the Founder & CEO, as well as organizing and coordinating office operations and procedures. Must demonstrate interest in music, entertainment and pop culture. Requirements: minimum of 3 years experience as Executive Assistant, minimum 2 years experience in entertainment Marketing, PR, or related field. Please email your resume to

Boutique talent PR firm in West Hollywood is seeking a motivated and hardworking PR Assistant to deal with a variety of high profile clients. You will be responsible for day to day tasks including press clippings, pitching media, putting together all client memos, keeping up with media request etc. This job will also require general office duties including phones, maintaining calendar etc. Please note that this position will require long hours. Please reply with resume and cover letter to

Executive Assistant needed for music manager.  Minimum three years executive assistant experience required. Duties include handling busy schedule, travel, phones, some day-to-day artist management. Music industry and agency experience a plus.   Must multi-task, be efficient, have a great attitude and an abundance of common sense, be professional, personable and detail oriented.  Submit resume and cover letter to

Looking for interns for a music management company, to start immediately.  Must be smart, willing to work hard and do the basics around the office.  Common sense, phone manners/ skills a must.  This is a paid internship, not for school credit. Preferably in college or recent grads.  20-30 hours per week. Please submit cover letter and resume to

Vuguru LLC, a new media company funded by Michael Eisner’s Tornante Company and Rodgers Media seeks a VP of Development to report to the Chief Creative Officer.  Duties include seeking material and talent appropriate for the company.  Managing the development process from acquisition through post across the entire slate.  Should have working knowledge of the leading buyers in the digital space.  Please email resumes to

Academy-Award winning producer seeks experienced writer for inspirational new media company, Must possess a mature perspective. The writer will work in our West LA office.  Please familiarize with our content and provide a cover letter and one short (under 5 pages) writing sample. Please have at least one professional writer gig under your belt (doesn’t have to be feature film). Send to

Inspirational new media company founded by an Academy Award winning producer is looking for experienced animators. They have to be well-versed in After Effects and have a versatility in style. Would be a plus if they can draw. Animators will work in our West LA office.  Email cover letter, resume and example of work to

Entertainment company is seeking candidate for unpaid internship. Great opportunity to learn about the entertainment industry. You’ll have a chance to be involved in website development, project pitches, promotional marketing, and client branding. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, creative, have excellent communication, and organizational skills. Must be proficient in web design and graphic design software. College credit provided. Office located in Beverly Hills. Please email cover letter, resume, and design portfolio to

Seeking executive assistant to cover two vice presidents of digital group at major studio. The ideal candidate will be detail-oriented and able to prioritize tasks and manage time with little supervision, and have exceptional phone and email manner. Can-do attitude essential; will be expected to provide support to other members of group. Must be Proficient in Microsoft Office. Agency/management experience preferred. Salary DOE. Full benefits. Please send cover letter and resume to

Major talent agency is looking for an assistant to the Head of Research; looking for a candidate who shows potential to be advance in the department.  Looking for someone with a statistical background and is comfortable constructing databases, building predictive models and interpreting results.  Proficiency in Excel is a must as well as a familiarity with SPSS. A passion for media is preferred, specifically social media, film and television. Open to applicants with experience, newly graduated (or soon to be graduated) students with a concentration in mathematics and/or statistics.  Send resumes to

Freelance readers needed for digital studio.  Looking for experienced readers/story analysts to do coverage on incoming feature, tv, and digital projects. $20+ per script. Please send resume and a brief cover-letter describing previous experience to: is looking for motivated individuals to help build YouTube content networks.  Responsibilities: Research/outreach to high potential YouTube Channels, Negotiating YouTube Channel Acquisition, Community management of networks, etc. Background: 1-2 years’ experience for an online content or management company, social media or talent agency, or inside sales.  To apply: Send email to with “YouTube Talent Outreach” in the subject. Include:
Name, Email, Phone Linkedin, PDF resume, and cover letter.

Production Company seeks Full Time Website Editor/Manager for their soon to be launched online publication. Responsibilities include developing and managing the consistent content, coordinating assignments for staff writers, maintaining the website, and constant communication with Website Designers.  Candidate must be extremely organized with web design, writing, and management experience.  Competitive salary.  Please send resume to

Handmade Mobile Entertainment runs multiple social networks across web and mobile. Ideally you have experience in entertainment, social or mobile. Job duties include trend analysis, identifying user behavior patterns, studying A/B testing, and working with senior management to optimize our revenue streams. Must be passionate about social media, have great presentation skills, and have 2-3 years of experience in FP&A or as a Business Analyst.  Please send resume and cover letter to

Production Company with major deal to produce several original digital media series is seeking a Production Coordinator for fun, fast-paced downtown LA office. Experience with development, production, and social media preferred.  Candidates should be creative, detail-oriented, work well under pressure, and possess strong communications skills.  Duties include managing schedules, coordinating travel, and assisting with several shows in production.  Salary, full time position.  Please send cover letter and resume to:

Instinctive Film/ Interactor Media, worldwide film finance, production, and distribution company seeking Marketing/ Distribution Intern. Responsibilities include: create and execute strategic marketing plan for films, employ traditional and new media technologies. Availability at least 1-3 days per week. This is an un-paid internship, can receive credit and considering performance may receive commissions from the film projects. Email cover letter and resume ASAP (PDF or word doc) to

Demo/McCarthy Casting seeks casting interns to work on a feature film starting immediately. Tasks include phones, sorting submissions, scheduling appointments and general office support. A great way to break into and learn about casting. Flexible days/hours, college credit available. Please email resumes to

NON-LA POSITIONS (All Locations/All Positions)
Off The Fence, international TV distribution company, seeking distribution intern to assist in marketing and sales efforts, in addition to acquisitions, in the NYC office. Duties include: corresponding with North American programmers and producers, implementing corporate and program marketing strategies, research market trends, assist in acquisitions and sales efforts. Must receive course credit.  Please email resume and cover letter to:

New York based production company dedicated to developing, producing, and financing original films is seeking a talented and enthusiastic intern to join the finance team.  It’s a full-time internship with a minimum 90-day commitment.  Candidates must be computer and excel literate, work well in a professional office environment, and – last but not least – have a passion for movies and the business of movies.  Please e-mail your cover letter and resume to:

New York based film production company is seeking a seasoned Lead Assistant for a top level executive. Candidates should have a keen interest in the entertainment business, an awareness of the key players and companies, and the requisite skill set of an experienced assistant.  The position is demanding and requires long hours and occasional travel. Please send resumes to

Amazing receptionist needed for music company. Responsibilities: greeting guests in friendly/ professional manner, handle multiple phone lines. Must be a self-starter/ quick learner with exceptional people and communications skills; must have common sense; detail oriented; strong organizational skills; prioritize and multi-task; possess desire to excel at all tasks; no task is too small. Please submit cover letter and resume to

INTERNSHIPS (Film & Television)
Intern wanted for Talent Manager with celebrity and development music/theatrical clients. Looking for motivated intern who is interested in becoming a talent manager, plenty of room for growth.  Duties will be submitting clients on breakdowns/casting sites and emailing client auditions.  Must own a computer and can work from home or my office. Hours are very flexible, small stipend and big name for your resume.  Email Blackheart Management to:

Millennium Films is looking for development interns in our main office off Wilshire Blvd. Job will entail back up phones, coverage of scripts and manuscripts, notes on projects currently in development, research and general office assistance. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to learn the business. This is an unpaid position.  School credit necessary.  Please email

We are a Santa Monica based feature film production company seeking a bright, capable and responsible intern. Ideal candidate is detail oriented, computer savvy, a self-starter, and interested in gaining a broad perspective of the entertainment industry.  Must have strong interest in film production and development, be enrolled in an accredited college, university, or film school & have own transportation.  Please send resume and cover letter to attention Eduardo.

Vertigo Entertainment (The Ring, The Departed) is looking for enthusiastic interns ASAP. We are a very busy production company with numerous projects in various stages of development and production. This is an extremely creative environment where interns can be as involved in the development process as they want to be. Very important to be a self-starter. Please email resume and brief cover letter to Include ”Internship” in the subject line.

Fly On The Wall Entertainment, a leading reality tv production company, is seeking a graphic design intern. Applicants should be able to show samples of work created in photoshop and illustrator.  Samples should include some Typography or Logo/Branding development.  Experience with AfterEffects, Cinema4D or Maya is not necessary but an added bonus. Please send a PDF Resume to

Muse Productions seeks committed, extremely organized, computer-savvy applicants with excellent communication skills for our spring internship. Duties include office work relating to all aspects of feature film development. Applicants must have a car to do light runs (we reimburse for gas). Internship is unpaid but may lead to paying work. Please send cover letter and resume to

A List Rapper/Actor’s film production company in Beverly Hills seeks unpaid interns interested in learning and gaining experience in the film industry.  Part-time and full-time.   Duties include reading scripts, writing coverage, as well as general administrative duties.  Should be dependable, have reliable car, laptop, Mac savvy, and have excellent office skills including Microsoft Office. Send resume/CV to

Amsel, Eisenstadt & Frazier, Inc. is seeking part-time administrative interns to work within its multiple divisions (theatrical, commercial, youth and below the line). Credit is available where applicable; unpaid. This serves as a great introduction to the industry. Dates available are February -May 2012. Contact with the subject “Internship”.

A-List director seeking interns. Must be thick skinned, organized, work well under pressure, and be extremely detail oriented. Looking for multi-taskers who are computer savvy and have exceptional communication skills. Open availability and reliable transportation are a must. This is an unpaid internship; only includes reimbursement for gas and expenses. If interested please e-mail resumes to:

A-list director is seeking a graphic artist intern. Must be thick skinned, organized, work well under pressure, and be extremely detail oriented. The ability to work unusual hours and to be a fast paced worker is important. Must have reliable transportation, computer savvy, and be exceptional communicator. This is an unpaid internship; only includes reimbursement of expenses. If interested please email resume, cover letter, and examples of work to:

A busy West Hollywood based film financier and production company require a part time intern immediately. Duties include office work and script coverage. Candidates should be enthusiastic, computer literate and detail-oriented. This is a great opportunity to learn and see how independent films are financed.  Position is unpaid, candidates must have script coverage experience. Please email cover letters, availability and resumes to:

Laura Ziskin Prods. is looking for applicants for their Spring internship program. Located on the Sony Lot and prepping a pilot and feature going into production. Development & industry knowledge, excellent attitude, speed, accuracy, car, and willingness to get it done are all a must. Unpaid. School credit available. Please email your cover letter and resume to

Independent film director and Associate Producer is seeking a part-time intern for college credit. Responsibilities include: project research, script coverage, assistant editing and helping out with ongoing projects. Great opportunity for someone looking to gain creative hands on experience to many areas in the film industry. Proficiency in Final Cut Pro is a plus. Please send a brief email highlighting your skills along with your resume and availability to:

Talent Agency has immediate opening for an ambitious individual to intern in our office.  Candidate will be punctual, pleasant personality, excellent communication skills, able to multi-task, organized and follow instructions.  Duties include, packaging submissions, receptionist work, going on runs, and various clerical duties.  Strong computer skills, both PC/Mac.  Car a must with valid driver’s license and proof of insurance. Email resume with cover letter to

ThinkFactory Media, a very busy television and feature film production company, is looking for interns for their scripted development department. Candidates must be enthusiastic, self-motivated, enjoy reading and can communicate ideas effectively. Must have computer skills, excellent writing skills and a stellar personality. Internship is unpaid and will include reading books and scripts, writing coverage and light office work. Please email resume and cover letter to:

Talent management company is looking for a new intern to start.  The company manages actors, writers, and directors in film and television and develops features and TV series.  Candidate must be organized with excellent computer and phone skills and have the ability to juggle various duties in a fast-paced environment. Must have college degree or be currently enrolled.  E-mail cover letter and resume to

Boutique Talent Management Company with A-list clients seeking eager interns to start immediately. Must be able to handle heavy phones and other administrative duties.  Candidate should be motivated, professional, organized, and computer literate. Interest in talent management is a plus.  Please send cover letter and resume to

Red Hour Films is currently looking for qualified and eager interns. Duties will include reading scripts, answering phones, running errands and providing overall support to executives and assistants. Candidates should have experience with script coverage, have knowledge of the comedy/film world, and be willing to learn.  Unpaid but college credit is available. Please email resume, cover letter and sample script coverage to

Miss World, a documentary film produced and directed by Cecilia Peck is seeking an unpaid intern to start immediately and work 2-3 days a week on post-production Ideal candidate will be proactive, energetic, and possess very strong computer, research, and writing skills. You may receive school credit.  Please send your resume and cover letter to

Fly on the Wall Entertainment is seeking extremely bright and competent individuals who will take initiative and work efficiently. Looking for two interns, one for graphic design and one for development. Research, filing, organization, runs, and other various office tasks. College credit is not required, but we will only be accepting intern submissions from those enrolled in college. Email with a PDF resume.

An A-list management and production company in Beverly Hills seeks a diligent and ambitious intern. Tasks include answering phones, managing schedules, working with clients, and going on runs. Previous desk experience is preferred but not required. This internship is not paid so those interested must be able to receive school credit from their respective institution. E-mail cover letter and resume to

Vinson Films is currently seeking hard working, hungry interns starting immediately.  Responsibilities include general office duties and creative work:  reading, tracking, researching and occasional covering desks.  Ideal candidate should be available at least 2 days a week and must be highly skilled with both PC/MAC.  Very fast paced, strong environment.  If you want to learn producing and development, this is a major opportunity to see how it all works.  Send resumes to

Blumhouse Productions is seeking interns for creative development, physical production, on-set work, and post production. The internship is unpaid (but lunch is included). Knowledge in film production is not required but encouraged. If you are looking for a fast-paced and exciting opportunity, apply now. Please email resumes to

Hollywood based Production Company seeking resourceful, skilled individuals for internship positions. Candidate must have great communication skills, professionalism and be computer and web savvy. Duties include basic administrative office work, script coverage and scheduling. Minimum of 2 days a week commitment. Must currently attend a University or a Bachelor degree is required. Entertainment and/or agency experience is a plus. Could lead to permanent position.
For consideration please send your resume to

Boutique Literary and Talent Management company seeks interns to start immediately.  Interns will be hands on and involved with development and management aspects.  Responsibilities include: phones, script coverage, admin support, and research. Candidates should have strong interest in feature and television development and must be receiving school credit.  Unpaid. Please send resumes and cover letters to .

Samuel Goldwyn Films is looking for bright and detail-oriented Development (and Acquisitions) Interns. Responsibilities include participation in the creative and development process, reading and covering scripts, plays, books as well as research and data entry. All applicants must be currently enrolled university students. Those receiving college credits for the internship are strongly preferred, as the position is unpaid. Email cover letter and resume to

Fuse Entertainment seeks reliable, enthusiastic, and dedicated students for our internship program. We offer a fun, fast-paced environment where interns are encouraged to ask questions and contribute creatively. Responsibilities include: clerical support, phones, script coverage and research. Candidates should have strong interest in television development and must be receiving school credit. Unpaid. Send resumes and cover letters to

Incognito Pictures, a new production company, is seeking a highly motivated, detail oriented, unpaid intern. Must be a self-starter who is, trust worthy, organized and reliable. Candidates must have good communication skills and be able to handle a variety of tasks from data entry, scheduling, itineraries, etc. Mac based knowledge as well as a proficiency with Filemaker, Google Apps, and InEntertainment a plus. Please Email cover letter and resume to

Busy film production company based at Walt Disney Pictures is looking for development interns.  Nice people, easy going environment.  Job duties will include coverage, research and occasionally phones.  Great way to get real development experience. Please send resumes to:

Smart Entertainment seeks passionate interns to start immediately. Responsibilities include script reading and coverage, research, answering phone calls and general office demands. This is an excellent opportunity to learn in an active environment and grow within the entertainment industry.  2-3 days/week preferred. Email resumes and cover letters to:

Open Road Films is an acquisition based domestic distribution company. The Acquisitions department is accepting an intern for Spring semester, starting in mid-February.  The position is unpaid, however parking and lunch will be provided.  Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills and a love for story, film and marketing.  Duties will include ordering lunch, answering phones, reading scripts, writing coverage, entering festival data and watching submitted screeners.  Email resume and cover letter to John at this temporary email:

Talent management company seeking an unpaid intern. Direct participation and a great learning experience. PC knowledge is must. Email cover letter and resume to

Los Angeles based management company looking for hard working intern. Applicants must have good communication skills and be able to handle a variety of tasks including answering phones, data entry, and general office duties. Previous desk experience is preferred but not required. E-mail cover letter and resume to

Experienced film and TV producer working at a top boutique talent management company is currently looking for an intern. Qualified applicants will have passion and some experience in entertainment, be extremely organized and detail-oriented, excellent with MS Office, and experience with (or willing to learn) graphic/web design and editing. Please submit brief cover letter and resume to Please clearly include your availability in your email. Internships are unpaid, but course credit is offered.

New Wave Entertainment is seeking enthusiastic, hardworking, dedicated and reliable interns with a huge desire to work in talent management to come aboard us this pilot season. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, handling submissions, script reading/coverage, research, assisting executives and assistants, errands, and/or general office needs. Candidates should have strong interest in talent management and must be receiving school credit. Please send your resumes to

Verve Talent & Literary Agency based in Los Angeles is seeking hard working, motivated interns for the winter to start in January.  Duties will include research, coverage and general office/clerical duties.  Candidates should be resourceful, able to multitask and excited to learn about the industry in a fast-paced and demanding environment.  This internship provides the opportunity for hands-on involvement and a fantastic learning experience.  Internship is unpaid, but college credit is available if needed.  Please email resume and cover letter to:


About Abdul-Jalil

SSM Logo


Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
Founder of BLACK EXPO shown with Olympic Sprinter John Carlos , Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference , Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA ConferenceOakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,

You can click on any highlighted word to view or download that item

UnknownnameEntertainment Law, “The Art of Reppin Pro Athletes & Entertainers”and “Hip Hop & Spread of Islam” available FREE at:

iTunes at:


        SUPERSTAR MANAGEMENT,(SSM),  the first entertainment and sports management and marketing firms, is world renowned for promoting, representing, advising, negotiating, and arbitrating many lucrative and unprecedented contracts in the sports and entertainment field for such clients as Muhammed Ali, Brian Taylor, U.S. Rep. J.C. Watts, Warner Bros. Records, Deion Sanders, Byron Stewart, Delvin Williams, Giant Records, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, M.C. Hammer, Capitol Records, Larkin Arnold(Michael Jackson, Luther Vandross, Natalie Cole, “Get On The Bus”), Lyman Bostock, Evander Holyfield, Spencer Haywood, Cliff Robinson, Abbey Lincoln, EMI Records, Emanuel Stewart(Lennox Lewis, Prince Naseem Hamed, Oscar DeLa Hoya), George L. Smith Mangement(The Deele, Antonio “LA” Reid, Kenneth “BabyFace” Edmonds, Bobby Brown, Pebbles, Soul II Soul), John Carlos, Reggie White, Marvin Gaye, Martin Wyatt, and Leslie Allen among others. SSM handles professional personal services contracts in sports, entertainment, electronic multimedia, literary, publishing, merchandising, licensing, commercial advertisement, product endorsement, personal appearances, corporate affiliations, concerts, tours, broadcasting,T.V., video, and motion pictures.
The parent company of SSM and ¿eX-whY AdVentures?, TGRW, INC.,(TGRW) is a Strategic and Tactical Planning corporation specializes in the areas of Marketing, Advertising, Promotions, Public Relations, Political Campaigns, Fundraising, Product Placement and Development, Electronic Multimedia, and Event Planning. TGRW devises and implements overall strategies and tactics for reaching its clients target market(s) using sports, motion picture, entertainment, concerts, internet,  advertisements, endorsements, and special event properties as marketing vehicles to implement sponsorship and other promotional programs of an advertising campaign, for corporate exposure and product image enhancement.
The ¿eX-whY? AdVenture is a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing to the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, video directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY? AdVenture. We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the commercial, the jingle, and all promotions associated with the product. Do you remember the award winning Nike “Freestyle” Commercial with MJ, Vince Cater, etc.? How about the Allen Iverson Reebok “MVP” commercial?.


TGRW has produced TV programming for Disney, ABC-TV and ESPN, as well as events in Japan, Russia, Egypt, Romania, Paris, Europe, Brunei, and the U.S.  and has consulted and advised BBDO Worldwide Advertising, Starter, Members of The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia, The Arthur Ashe Foundation, Rare Multimedia, Capcom, Comspan,The National Medical Association, Apex 1, Electronic Arts(EA SPORTS), The ESPY’S, National Football League(NFL EXPERIENCE) Super Bowl, “90210”, Black Entertainment Television(BET), Sega, The Sultan of Brunei, Trans-Pacific Centre, Nike, Pepsi Co., Oakland City Image Campaign, Boost Mobile Innercity Leadership Initiative, Russell Athletic, Private Jet, ESPN, Sports Image Awards, Clorox Co., Golden State Warriors Adonal Foyle’s “Athletics and Academics” Basketball Camp, BART, Levi Strauss, Montgomery Wards, The Jimmy V Foundation, “Home Improvement”, Lynn Harris’ “Fourth Quarter Athletics Basketball Showcase” (with Ashley and Courtney Paris(OU), Devanei Hampton (Cal), Alexis Gray-Lawson (Cal), Candice Wiggins, Brooke Smith, and Ashley Walker(Cal), Minority Business Forum, Foremost/McKesson, Young Brothers Timepices, etc.
We are members of the Casting Society of America (CSA), Independant Film Producers (IFP), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Producers Guild of America (PGA), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI).


    Abdul-Jalil is the producer for the radio show “The Law of Sports” hosted by Ivan Golde on ESPN Radio “The Ticket 1050”


KTCT 1050 AM, and “The Sports Leader” KNBR 680 AM the flagship station and home of pro teams the San Francisco Giants, San Francisco 49ers, and the Golden State Warriors and Stanford University, including their Pre / Post Game Shows. Their ESPN Radio broadcast include “Rome is Burning” with Jim Rome, “The Dan Patrick Show” with Dan Patrick; plus all featured local and national sports events and special shows including: Murph & Mac, the Gary Radnich Show, Fitz & Brooks Show, The Razor & Mr. T, Sportphone with F.P Santangelo, At the Track with Sam Spear, Hooked on Golf, Gary Allen on Business, and The Damon Bruce Show with programming that features Mychael Urban, Marty Lurie, and Tony Bruno, among others. Jalil also serves as a co-host and featured guest on the show.


Nominated for Emmy, GLAAD Awards
“Out. The Glenn Burke Story”

Click link for “Out. The Glenn Burke Story” YouTube Promotion:

“Out. The Glenn Burke Story” documents the extent of Burke’s courage, strife and friendship throughout his life, and the compassion and callousness of the sport of baseball.  The program weaves together insights from Burke’s teammates and friends, including Dusty Baker, Davey Lopes, Sports Agent Abdul-Jalil, Reggie Smith, Rick Monday, Manny Mota, Rickey Henderson, Claudell Washington, Mike Norris, Shooty Babitt, Tito Fuentes, and former Major Leaguer and gay rights activist Billy Bean. Out. The Glenn Burke Story Narrated by Dave Morey, Bay Area Broadcasting Icon and Member of the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame’s Class of 2010


We have attached the links to a short video documentary about a radio conversation, the live radio broadcasts on November 20, 2010 over ABC Networks’ KGO 810 FM Radio Show and on December 4, 2010 over KNBR- The Sports Leader, 680 AM and ESPN Radio “The Ticket” 1050 AM, of the discussion of the film “OUT. The Glenn Burke Story” The ABC- KGO Radio broadcast was with Shooty Babbitt, John Lambert and Abdul-Jalil. The KNBR show was with Doug Harris, the producer of “Out. The Glenn Burke Story” on the show “Law and Sports” with host attorney Ivan Golde, whose also a legal analyst for CNN, Warner Bros- KRON, and CBS-KPIX, among others.
The on-air discussions were about Glenn, the film, society and sports. We think you will be very moved with the overall content and how Glenn’s impact has becoming a serious topic of discussion around the country. Glenn lives on!!!
Here are the links:
Short documentary about a radio conversation with Sports and Entertainment Manager-Agent Abdul-Jalil, Oakland A’s Executive Shooty Babitt and NBC Sports Broadcaster John Lambert, some of the cast members of OUT. The Glenn Burke Story. The topic of the discussion was gays in professional sports. The conversation was hosted by Rich Walcolf, and filmed at KGO 810 studios in San Francisco.

KGO Radio’s broadcast discussion of “Out. The Glenn Burke Story”

The Sports Leader, KNBR 680 AM and ESPN Radio “The Ticket” 1050 AM.


        SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK has over 270,000 subscriber/members with a reach of over 21 million readers! The Network offers FREE advice and help with your sports or entertainment career, FREE Casting calls for TV shows, films, and stage, Invites to Red Carpet and Celebrity A-List Events, FREE notices of Sports and Entertainment jobs, FREE tickets to concerts, films, sporting events, symphony, amusement, and entertainment events, To be part of a Professional Network that provides what YOU need to advance YOUR career. Receive FREE Information and Opportunities for Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts, Casting opportunities, product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing. Subscribe to Superstars Network here. To learn more go to the SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK” page on
We are offering FREE LISTENING OR DOWNLOADS of our iTunes and podcast of Entertainment Law, “The Art of Reppin Pro Athletes & Entertainers”and “Hip Hop & Spread of Islam” at:

iTunes at:



*Get FREE working CONTRACTS for Music, Sports, Film, Advertising, Entertainment, Literary, etc!!!



As President and CEO of Superstar Management for the past 38 years, the first African-American in this field, Abdul-Jalil has a tremendous wealth of experience in all aspects of business and personal management, contract drafting and negotiations, and performed all arbitrations of salary grievances and contract disputes for all professional sports and entertainment clients with unprecedented legal and historical results. He negotiates and drafts all agreements for all publishing, merchandising and licensing; commercial advertisements and product endorsements; corporate sponsorships and affiliations; motion picture, television, radio and personal appearances. He was the first African-American in the field and has taught and lectured Entertainment Law for 35 years. Many of the agents and lawyers in the business where instructed, consulted, influenced or inspired by his work….

1978-  “The National Basketball Association (Denver Nuggets) vs. The National Basketball Players Association (Brian Taylor)”
In an unprecedented case in Professional Basketball he negotiated an addendum to the contract and represented the player in a dispute of the contract that was originally negotiated by the players union director. The inherent problems that this situation provided for the National Basketball Association, the Denver Nuggets, and most importantly the Director of the NBA Players Union and the Union itself, were incredible. In mid-season the team breached the contract with a late payment that triggered a clause in the addendum that allowed him to opt out of the contract. The player withheld his services in the middle of the season and the team filed for arbitration. In prevailing in this matter the player received his pay, was declared free of his contract (“a Free Agent”), and allowed to negotiate a new contract with the team of his choice. Cite Arbitration Decision in the matter of “The National Basketball Association (Denver Nuggets) vs. The National Basketball Players Association (Brian Taylor)”, Jan. 25, 1978….


He negotiated a series of contracts that included many unprecedented benefits to the individual clients, one of which was interest-free loans that could be forgiven. Upon review by the Internal Revenue Service, the contracts and  returns where thrown out and challenged by the IRS as the IRS filed suit. After an 8 year legal battle, he prevailed in Federal Tax Court and established that Interest free Loans where in fact legal. This unprecedented legal ruling was established as a standard in the Tax Laws and was written in several National Law Journals. Cite:  “IRS vs Al-Hakim”  published by Commerce Clearing House(CCH) Tax Court Memorandum Cases editions KF 6234A 505 and Maxwell McMillian (Prentice Hall) Federal Tax Cases edition KF 6234A 512 Tax Court Memorandum Decisions. Articles and citations available upon request….

The Historic “al-Hakim” Tax Code §7872 [692] Ruling
After al-Hakim’s victory in the Federal Tax Courts against the Tax Commissioner, in December 2000 the IRS moved to change the Tax Codes with the historic “al-Hakim” Tax Code §7872 [692] Ruling. The IRS changed the Federal Tax Codes such that it now “prevents no-interest loans” and was instituted to eliminate and close the Federal Income Tax loop-hole created with al-Hakim’s use of interest free loans in sports and entertainment financial transactions.
CITE: Tax Notes, Dec. 4, 2000, p. 1311; 89 Tax Notes 1311 (Dec. 4, 2000) “al-Hakim Tax Code” Ruling

al-Hakim’s victory in the Federal Tax Court over the U. S. Tax Commissioner has the nations foremost academic institutions and academians in the study of Law and Business teaching al-Hakim’s use of interest free loans in Tax Free financial transactions as part of the Law and Business ciriculum in such hallowed halls as Harvard University, Yale University,Washington University, Stanford University, University of Virginia, and Wake Forest University Schools of Law Federal Tax Courses, among others.

Washington University School of Law Federal Tax Course,
Professor: Bixby;

Yale University School of Law Federal Tax Course,
Professor: Eric M. Zolt
Text Authors: William A. Klein, Joseph Bankman, Daniel N. Shaviro;

University of Virginia School of Law Federal Tax Course,
Professor: M. Robinson * Federal Income Taxation * L. Dominick
Text Authors: William A. Klein, Joseph Bankman, Daniel N. Shaviro;

Washington & Lee University School of Law Federal Tax Course,

Harvard University School of Law Federal Income Taxation Course Outline,
Professor: Flusche

al-Hakim’s victory in the Federal Tax Court over the U. S. Tax Commissioner has academians teaching al-Hakim’s use of interest free loans in Tax Free financial transactions as part of a Wake Forest University School of Law Federal Tax Course on “ISLAMIC AND JEWISH PERSPECTIVES ON INTEREST” and al-Hakim’s historic impact on Shariah-Riba Complaint financial transactions in the business world.

Wake Forest University School of Law Tax Course on “ISLAMIC & JEWISH PERSPECTIVES ON INTEREST”,
Author/Professor: Newman, Joel S.
al-Hakim’s victory in the Federal Tax Court over the U. S. Tax Commissioner has academians teaching al-Hakim’s use of interest free loans in Tax Free financial transactions as part of the Wake Forest University School of Law Federal Tax Course on “ISLAMIC AND JEWISH PERSPECTIVES ON INTEREST” and al-Hakim’s historic impact on Shariah-Riba Complaint financial transactions in the business world.
Joel S. Newman is a professor at Wake Forest Law School, Winston Salem, North Carolina.
In this report, Newman discusses financial transactions that allow devout Muslims and Jews to obey religious prohibitions against interest, while giving investors a return on their investments. The tax treatment of these transactions is considered. An integral part is al-Hakim’s case.

1977- “The Major Leagues of Professional Baseball Clubs (Atlanta Braves) vs. The Major League Baseball Players Association (Alvin Jr. Moore)”
He negotiated a professional Baseball contract for a rookie player that contained several special clauses and one that allowed him to declare himself a “Free Agent” in the middle of the season if he was dissatisfied with his playing time. The National Baseball League President ruled against the clause citing that “it contained provisions inconsistent with the Reserve System Articles of the new Basic Labor Agreement” and threw it out, whereupon he took the case to arbitration. He prevailed in this case of unprecedented legal rights benefits and it was hailed by the Director of the Players Union, Marvin Miller, as “the single greatest advancement of player rights in baseball history and as valuable as any inherent rights in the Major League Players current Basic Labor Agreement.” This clause became the industry standard and was the example distributed to all other representatives by the Players Union to be included in their contracts. Cite: Arbitration Decision No.32 in the matter of “The Major Leagues of Professional Baseball Clubs (Atlanta Braves) vs. The Major League Baseball Players Association (Alvin Jr. Moore)”, Sept. 7, 1977.


2011- In June 2011 Dr. Kenya Numan and her organization “Stepping Together as well as Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, Superstar Management, and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation were honored in Miami, Florida and Port Au Prince, Haiti for the Relief Missions that they have sent to Haiti since the earthquake. Special “Thanks” to all that have supported our efforts over the years!

2010- On August 25, 2010 Abdul-Jalil received the letter shown below of “Thanks” from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune of Grace Village in Haiti for the Relief Mission they received from the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together on behalf of The World Conference of Mayors (WCM) and The National Conference of Black Mayors (NCBM). This is a tangible reality of SUCCESS in Haiti for ALL the members of the organizations world-wide rather than the many idle cocktail party rants and raves of projects that exist without any substance behind them. THEY DID IT! ALL the members of the World Conference of Mayors can celebrate their success and acknowledge their contribution.

They are now moving forward in a meaningful way to secure financial, subsistence, construction and medical aid and support for the next mission which will take place as soon as we can unite to raise the necessary items just mentioned. They can tap into the resources of the USAIDS and the National Medical Association to make great progress in securing bi-weekly missions to various needed areas around the World!

They are committed and prepared to work with the WCM and NCBM organizations to raise funds, provide support and organize continued relief efforts for financial donations, to deliver much needed medical support and supplies; food; clothing; educational materials; construction support and building materials; much needed personal items; and legal assistance for displaced children from orphanages that were given transportation and temporary housing in the United States with other families, churches, and organizations until homes have been rebuilt to house them. Where most relief efforts are limited, if not stopped altogether by current travel restrictions in, within, and out of Haiti, The World Conference of Mayors has some political cache that it can exercise to further achieve our united goals globally. This could be the first step toward fulfilling several of their conversations of thier organizations providing relief support to WCM and NCBM efforts globally.

Additionally, in relations to their working together on relief missions here in America and globally, Abdul-Jalil is exploring the possibility of a telethon, perhaps with J. C. Watts Black Television News Channel (BTNC). To that end the WCM is prepared to provide it’s full support to his and their joint efforts to overcome the continual need for financial assistance to achieve their goals. These fundraising efforts include the proposed telethon as a measure to not only raise funds but to raise awareness for the causes as well. Now they are moving forward with these joint and several fundraising efforts with a goal of working together on projects of mutual interest and support in a spirit of oneness.

Again, there is much work to do and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are committed and prepared to work with WCM and NCBM organizations to raise funds and organize continued relief efforts to provide assistance to countries around the world, especially Africa, the Caribbean and South/Central America.

Page One of Letter


Page Two of Letter


2003- al-Hakim Prevails in Motion to Vacate the Appraisal Awards Against CSAA
In February 2003 after 3 years of defendants legal delays with ten motions for terminating sanctions to prevent the motion from being heard, al-Hakim prevailed in his Motion to Vacate the Appraisal awards against CSAA. (View or download Order here
The courts found that the awards had to be vacated if, among other grounds, “the award was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means”; or the appraisers(A. Michael  DeCeasare, Ruben Estrada, Ron Magin and Gene Roberts) “exceeded their powers and the award cannot be corrected without affecting the merits of the decision upon the controversy submitted”. The order further cited the improper use of “cash value” as replacement cost, use of erroneous “used cost” figures, denial of coverage, injection of fraud, concealment, breach of contract, and coverage issues without any reason or evidence, CSAA could not defend their actions nor those of their own appraiser. What the court did not address in the motion to vacate was the actual collusion and fraud again perpetrated upon the court by the defendant Ron Cook and the hostile intervener when they provided to and the appraisal panel adopted the improper “cash values” used in the vacated award and the exhibits to support them came directly from the presentation of CSAA’s expert Gary Halpin at the vacated appraisal, and that the fraudulent award itself was further prepared, written, submitted and distributed by defendant Cook and the hostile intervener. This victory locks CSAA in on the Bad Faith actions we submitted to the courts and are subject to summary judgment.

2005- Federal Complaint with United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, of Hate Crime of Islamophobia and Xenophobia
In 2005 he filed a federal complaint with the United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, of a hate crime of Islamophobia and Xenophobia committed against him by Judge David C. Lee during a trial in Superior Court of Alameda County, California, that is moving forward with the investigation and charges of criminal extrinsic fraud upon the court of the State of California, spoliation of evidence, and the doctrine “unclean hands” against defendants/hostile intervener AAA Insurance; Ron Cook and the law firm of WILLOUGHBY, STUART & BENING; defense counsel Steve Barber and the law firm of Ropers Majeski; and others. The complaint, drafted and filed by al-Hakim in pro per, has broad based support from Democrats and Republicans, was submitted by Congresswoman Barbara Lee with the offices of Congressmen John Conyers, and Charles Rangel, has been review by several legal experts, with advocacy by former Republican Senator J. C. Watts, a client of al-Hakim’s.
The complaint addresses the concern that a Superior Court Judges’ conduct rose to the level of consideration for a Federal Crime and a Civil Rights violationbecause the bench upon which the judge rules is “under the color of law” and certainly the violation of anyone’s civil rights is a federal crime. “Muslims, just as any other group, can not be afraid to speak up when their rights have been abridged. If one does not speak up, then the transgressions goes unreported and the perpetrator goes on to harm again unchecked, it does not matter whom the transgressor is” said al-Hakim. The complaint, perhaps even more importantly, not only requested Merrily Friedlander, Chief of the Civil Rights Division, to make an investigation of a judicial hate crime, but also the many other civil rights and due process violations of judicial misconduct, and attorney extrinsic fraud upon the court and law that are themselves directly the matters complained. J. C. Watts in asking “What does a supposed terrorist act in Russia have to do with the negligent contamination of a home in America?” posed the argument that there must be consideration of and a response to the many issues in the complaint.

2005 – Present,  “Powe Folks” NBA World Champion Basketball Camp at Leon Powe of the NBA World Champion Boston Celtics
Promoted, Marketed and provided Media for Leon Powe’s “Powe Folks” NBA World Champion Basketball Camp.
In Game 2 of the NBA Finals, Powe, a second-year, second-round draft pick from Oakland was the Celtics hero. Years earlier, he was his family’s hero, as he helped keep his siblings together while they bounced between 26 different homeless shelters in a year during a patch when his mother couldn’t afford shelter. It’s one of the most touching sports stories in ages, and his emergence as a playoff force only highlights it.
ABC/ESPN produced a short biography on how Leon overcame tremendous adversity to make it on the Boston Celtics. The night this aired, Powe wowed the international television crowd as he scored 21 points off the bench in less than 15 minutes to spark the Boston Celtics to a 108-102 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers to take a 2-0 lead in the NBA Finals.The Celtics went on to win the NBA Championship.

November 1995-  M C Hammer in Russia, The Re-election of Russian President Boris Yeltsin by “Our Home Is Russia”, Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin’s Political Party Prime Minister Chernomyrdin’s party was struggling to distance their leader from the unpopularity of the Government he headed, resolved to using western style campaign strategy. “Our Home” promised economic stability and continuation of the Democratic course of Yeltsin’s government.
November 1995 al-Hakim executive produced, produced, filmed and broadcast on Russian National TV a series of concerts in St. Petersburg and concerts in Moscow by MC Hammer in an urban style, “Rap-The-Vote” to secure the 18-45 voter turnout and re-election of President Boris Yeltsin. Polling after the concerts was overwhelmingly positive..
Hammer is our father and rap is a very serious subject for me and if Chernomyrdin can give us Hammer then we will give him our vote.” said Oleg, an18-year old Russian rap fan in attendance.
Being Prime Minister gave Chernomyrdin a huge advantage in access to Russian voters, with slick campaign posters, he told AP “we are using American pop music performances to drum up support among Russian youth for his political campaign”; the video scenes showed M.C. Hammer performing. Chernomyrdin’s travels around Russia in his capacity as Prime Minister, but looked more like the political campaign trail of an American President.
This strategy was trumpted as “world altering” for saving Russian democracy with Yeltsin’s re-election ensuring continuity in the evoultion of Russia and securing world peace.
This strategy was heralded world wide by political pundits as “incredibly brillant”, a “triumph for democratic reform” and “world altering” in it’s effect of having “saved” Russian democracy, as Yeltsin was the only alternative in ensuring continuity in the evoultion of Russia and securing world peace.
This coup, a miraculous event in history, was depicted and cannonized in a 2004 film “Spinning Boris”starring Jeff Goldblum, Anthony LaPaglia and Liev Schreiber.

“Spinning Boris” The Best President of Russia America Ever Had   ..L. A. Times Review
Jeff Goldblum, Anthony LaPaglia and Liev Schreiber star as a trio of elite American political campaign operatives who were hired in secret to manage Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s election campaign in 1996. He’s polling at 6 percent with the election a few months away. First, they must get someone’s attention; they succeed finally with Yeltsin’s daughter, then it’s polling, focus groups, messages and spin. Even as Yeltsin’s numbers go up, they are unsure who hired them and if Yeltsin’s allies have a different plan in mind than victory. When the going gets toughest, they put a spin on their stake: democracy and capitalism must win. They orchestrate the most spectacular political comeback of the twentieth century – as they “sold” Boris Yeltsin to the Russian public gaining Yeltsin’s successful re-election.

The Re-election of Russian President Boris Yeltsin at Excerpts of “Clinton Secrets” in a book by JOHN DIAMOND
The campaign tactic was their most effective strategy, greatest strength- uniquely different and vastly superior to anything Russia had ever witnessed. This strategic plan with our expertise well grounded in modern American campaigning got Yeltsin re-elected. This was simply a matter of fact that he was the best the modern world could get compared to the alternative communist and he was fully supported by the U.S.
A State Department memorandum, marked “confidential,’’ summarized then President Bill Clinton’s meeting with Yeltsin at a summit in Egypt, where Clinton told Yeltsin he ”wanted to make sure that everything the United States did would have a positive impact and nothing should have a negative impact’’ on Yeltsin’s re-election. The memo added the U. S. wanted an upcoming summit with the Russian leader to be successful to “reinforce everything that Yeltsin had done.’’
Excerpts of “Clinton Secrets” in a book by JOHN DIAMOND, Associated Press Writer

July 1996-  “Community Movement Toward Improvement” Music Conference at Clara Muhammed School & Masjidul Warithdeen
“Community Movement Toward Improvement” Music Conference at Clara Muhammed School & Masjidul Warithdeen in Oakland, California featuring MC Hammer, Martin Wyatt-KGO TV, Mohammed (MTV Real World-SF),Sway, Imani, Davey D, Raphael Saadiq- Tony Toni Tone, Greg Khalid Peck- Warner Bros,Karen Lee- Warner Bros Music, Eric B, Rico Cassanova, Abdul-Jalil,Tony Collins- Giant Records, Anita Greathouse-Knight, Gene Shelton, Lenny Williams,Thembisa Mshaka, Roy Tesfaye-Death Row Records shown in ABC-TV news clip.

1993 – Present, National Footbal League Super Bowl
In 1994 Awarded Silver Cross Pen and Pencil set for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” to National Footbal League Super Bowl and “NFL Experience”by NFL Properties.

1993-6  Co-Promoted, Managed and Trained Evander Holyfield including fights versus Riddick BoweHeavyweight Title Boxing Matches

In 1980 founded COMPUTER INTELLIGENCE, (COIN), the worlds first Authorized Minority IBM and Apple Computer dealer; is a complete computer integration, network, communications, sales, service and systems company. Established certified educational, corporate and government market specialist that provide custom integrated computer systems, design, networks, Auto CAD/CAE, Desktop Publishing, Internet training, consulting, programming, maintenance, and software training to Pac Bell, State of California, PG&E, City of Oakland, Univ. of California, Sandia Labs, EBMUD, BART, etc. They are Apple and IBM Certified Educational Specialist;  Business, Legal and Accounting Office specialist;  Web Commerce specialist; Local Area Network specialist; and repair technicians.
In 1987 his computer store was burglarized by members of the City of Oakland Police Department, including Neuman Ng and Kailey Wong. He took his case to the District Attorney’s office, homicide division to conduct the investigation that lead to the arrest and conviction of two policemen for the rash of bomb burglaries and sentenced.

1983-  Commercials for City of Oakland “Conference On Urban Economic Development”
Originated, Executive Produced, Engineered, and Administered polling and analysis of Oakland Urban Economic Development survey for the City of Oakland; Wrote, Executive Produced, Produced, Directed, Edited and broadcast commercials for City of Oakland “Conference On Urban Economic Development”.

1982 –  City of Oakland Image Campaign “I know You’ll Love Oakland” Commercials
Originated, Executive Produced, Engineered, and Administered polling and analysis of Oakland City image survey for the City of Oakland; Co-Wrote, Executive Produced, Co-Produced, and Edited theme song “I know You’ll Love Oakland”; Wrote, Executive Produced, Produced, Directed, Edited and broadcast commercials for City of Oakland Image Campaign “I know You’ll Love Oakland”. Acknowledgement from ” CITY Of OAKLAND “

March 1979- The Historic BALSA 1979 National Law Convention
The historic Black American Law Students Association, 11th Annual National Convention, March 28-April 1, 1979, Hyatt, Oakland, was themed: “The Reconstruction of Black Civilizations.” Dedicated to- Rev. Ben Chavis of the Wilmington Ten, Introduction- Mayor Lionel Wilson, Keynote Speaker- Min. Louis Farrakhan, with veritable “Who’s Who” of nations leading Black presenters: Junius Williams-Pres. NBA, Hon. Ben Travis, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, Don Warden (Khalid al-Mansour), Dave Wilmont-Georgetown Law Center; Howard Moore, Alfred Slocum- Rutgers School of Law, Angela Davis, Victor Goode- Ex. Dir. NCBL, Hon. Judith Ford, Herb Reed- Howard School of Law, Asa Hilliard, Nathan Hare, Ron Baily- Northwestern University, Michael Ashburne, David Hall- FTC, Denice Carty Bernia- North Eastern University; Moot Court Judges: Hon. Wiley Manuel, Hon. Clinton White, Hon. David Cunningham, Hon. Allen Broussard, with “Thanks” to -John Burris, Peter Cohen, Claude Ames, Robert Harris, Eva Patterson, George Holland.

1974 – Creator, Executive Producer, Producer, and Host Cabel Television Show “The Super Stars”
In 1974 he Created, Executive Produced, Produced, and Hosted the worlds first cable television sports talk show that was distributed around the world. The show has hosted and been hosted by many of the worlds greatest athletes, entertainers, performing artist, and celebrities.

Articles and citations available upon request.




~Leon Powe’s “Powe Folks” Basketball Camp, Oakland, CA. 2006-8, ~ Lynn Harris’ “Fourth Quarter Athletics Basketball Showcase” (with Ashley and Courtney Paris(OU), Devanei Hampton (Cal), Alexis Gray-Lawson (Cal), Candice Wiggins (Stanford), Brooke Smith (Stanford), and Ashley Walker(Cal), Oakland, CA. 2006, Golden State Warriors Adonal Foyle’s “Athletics and Academics” Basketball Camp, Oakland, CA. 2006, ~Music in Islam, University of California, Berkeley, CA 2003~ National Islamic Convention, Seacaucus., NJ 1997,~ Host Evening of Elegance, National Arabic Conference, Oakland, CA. 1997,~ National Islamic Convention, N.Y.C, N.Y. 1996,~ International Islamic Conference, Los Angeles, CA. 1996,~ Oaktown Music Conference, Oakland, CA 1996,~ National Society of Black Engineers Conference-Region 6, San Luis Obispo, CA.  1992,~ CAREER FEST, Oakland, CA. 1986, ~ California State University, Hayward, CA.  1985,~ United States Coast Guard, Oakland, CA.  1982,~ National BALSA Law Conference, Houston, TX 1981,~ National BALSA Law Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 1982,~ National BALSA Law Conference, Oakland, CA. 1979,~ National BALSA Law Conference, N.Y.C., N.Y. 1980,~ Mountain Regional Law Convention, Oklahoma City, OK. 1980,~ College of Alameda, Alameda, CA.  1981,~ Eastern Regional Law Conference, Washington D.C. 1980,~ National Black Media Convention, Oakland, CA. 1972,~ National BALSA Law Conference, Washington D.C. 1976,~ Pacific Coast Law Conference, San Francisco, CA. 1976,~ Stanford Law Society, Palo Alto, CA. 1976,~ National Black History Week Awards, San Francisco, CA, 1974


1972-73 Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Stanford, California; Candidate for Degree of Masters in Business Administration.
1968-71 University of California School of Business, Berkeley, California, Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and Policy. Minor in Educational Psychology and Sociology.


~ Graduated from High School with honors,~ Deans List at U.C. Berkeley,~ Ford Foundation Scholar and COGME Fellowship Award at Stanford University Graduate School of Business,~ Federal Law Review, 1987,~ Enshrined in ” WHO’S WHO “, United States Registry, 1990,~ Enshrined in ” WHO’S WHO IN CALIFORNIA “, California Historical Society, 1982,~ Enshrined in ” OUTSTANDING YOUNG MEN OF AMERICA “ United States Jaycees, 1982,~ Enshrined in ” WHO’S WHO IN ELECTRONICS”, United States Registry, 1989,~ Acknowledgement from ” CITY Of OAKLAND “, Oakland, CA.  1982,~ Acknowledgement from ” UNITED STATES CONGRESS, 7TH DISTRICT “, Oakland, CA.  1974,


~ Only person to graduate from University of California, Berkeley in 2.5 years and achieve letters in three academic disciplines; Business Administration, Educational Psychology, and Sociology,~ Took and passed one full year class load in one college academic quarter!,~ Recognized for Genius I.Q.~ College Commitment Counselor, ~As a senior founded a Minority Scholar-Athlete Admissions Program at U. C. Berkeley, ~Had completed 1.5 years of 2 year MBA program before entering Stanford Graduate School of Business as a result of Undergraduate Business Degree from Cal Berkeley, ~Started own business while at Stanford and still operates it as a corporation today over 35 years later, ~Founded the “Community Food Bank” through the Margaret & Aaron Wallace Foundation to provide food and meals for the needy in 1992 to continue a similar program started by his father in the 1950’s.


~ In 1971 Abdul-Jalil had his portrait painted by world renowned artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France. Delaney, the worlds foremost African-American artist, has created portraits of Emperor Halle Selassie of Ethiopia, James Baldwin, Jean Jernae among other famous people. The portrait hangs in the museum in Montmartre, once considered ‘The Harlem of Paris,’ a thriving district of African American artists, musicians, historians and political exiles during the 20’s and 30’s, mirroring the artistic expression and activism of the Harlem Renaissance in New York.


Lettered in Football, Basketball, Track and Field in High School. Lettered in Basketball, Track and Field at University of California. N.C.A.A. Champions in Track and Field in 1971.


“The Evening of Elegance” Oakland, CA, 1997-Host; CMS Community Food Bank, Oakland, 1996; “The Stars”, Cable TV Show, Oakland, CA, 1974; Montgomery Wards Pre-Reserve Training Program, Richmond, CA,1974; Montgomery Wards “Super Sunday”, Richmond, CA,1974; Montgomery Wards “Men Only Night”, Richmond, CA, 1973; Bay Area Black Expo, Oakland, CA, 1973; Congress of Athletes For Alternatives to Youths, 1972; Martin Luther King Basketball Classic, l972; California Fashion and Beauty Pageant, 1975.


~ National Lawyers Guild, ~ Muslim Bar Association of New York, ~ Houston Muslim Lawyers , ~ National Muslim Law Students Association, ~ Association of Muslim-American Lawyers, ~ Associate Board Member- University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business East Bay Alumni Network

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (A&MWF) is a non-denominational, multi-cultural,100% volunteer financed and operated relief organization that provides FREE food, medicine, clothing, educational and employment opportunities, mental and physical health referrals, legal aid, shelter and other necessities to individuals, children, families, and organizations who lack these essentials for any reason. We provide private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals FREE for ANYONE whom has the need at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation website.

Providing The Necessities For Success In Life

A&MWF, a public services organization based on GIVING AND SHARING, has created a 100% volunteer self-operated, self-supported, self financed model defined by developing the marketplace of a network that features high-performing results in the invaluable areas of: youth development; elementary, secondary and college education; poverty alleviation; mental and physical health medical services; social services, as well as other economic-empowerment programs for individuals, families; and small businesses.        The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation provides food; clothing; private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals for ANYONE whom has the need at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation website.
A&MWF delivers food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to over 4,000 individuals- children, families, and organizations per month who lack these essentials and is pioneering a new trend, as government and community funds grapple with the recession and the challenges of raising funds, WE have forged an awareness and sustained an effort to connect those in dire need with service providers, donors, volunteers and nonprofit groups with these causes. We have taken community foundations and moved into social networking, reaching beyond static “bricks and mortar” to interactive Web sites to serve as a dynamic virtual clearinghouses or “town square” that holds conversations between those in NEED and their local charities, citizens, donors, and volunteers.
A&MWF has made it easy and effortless for service providers, donors, volunteers and nonprofit groups to connect with those in NEED, as we have received more individuals needs profiles submitted on this site. The profiles include their contact information, information about their needs, desired solutions, pleas for their need satisfaction, and a listing of opportunities to achieve their solution. We also have profiles submitted of individuals as prospective donors or volunteers, include information about the causes that interest them.
Anyone can register at http://AMWFTRUST.ORG by submitting an online request form in a strictly confidential submission and they can also feel free to call the number (510) 394-4101 as well.
From the great success that we have had with our Free Food Programs established in the 1950’s by my Parents, Aaron and Margaret Wallace, we have since been instrumental in the founding and supplying of other free food service organizations around the country.
With the demand for our help in creating these organizations being driven by the skyrocketing need for the services, we have decided to open up our efforts to all interested in starting a food pantry for the needy.
We can provide access to the training necessary to qualify your organization and partner you with the local organizations and businesses that can support your efforts. Contact us and we will help you through the RED TAPE and push your program to success!
Here’s some new videos for the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Social Services Programs. The first is the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Free Food Program Celebrity Giving Back

The second one is Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Kids Celebrity Gift BackPacks.

You can view the following Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddi’s, Trader Joe’s, Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Marshawn Lynch’s “Fam1ly F1rst” and Leon Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland”:

Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation

Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 1

Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 2

You can listen to or download many of the Public Service Announcements for our partners that were broadcast over national radio on the page “A& MWF Supports Inter-Faith Multi-Cultural Events” at: We have provided and we have produced videos from some of them as well.  We will do one for any of our partners that work with us.
Thanks again for the opportunity to serve you and let’s ALL do more and better for those less fortunate.


* * TESTIMONIALS ON ABDUL-JALIL * * “The Man who turns hits into MILLION$.” – The Tribune.
“You really are the best.” – L. BOSTOCK, California Angels.
“GOD sent me an Angel” – M.C. HAMMER.
“Smart Youth, most intriguing, has the Baseball world at his feet.” – N.Y. POST .
“I don’t know what I would have done without you!.” – J.C. WATTS, U.S. HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES.
“Thanks for directing me to the Sonics.” – GUS WILLIAMS, NBA.
“Imaginative, foresighted, some pretty impressive credentials. His I.Q. QUALIFIES HIM AS A GENIUS.” – UPI .
“That’s the finest promotion job for an unknown athlete that I have ever seen.” – N.Y. JETS.
“I’m so happy!! I’m full of money!!” – C. ROBINSON, NBA.
“He is personable, unafraid, confident. and athletes are attracted to him” – D. MAGGARD, U.S. Olympic Committee.
“You have never been wrong” – EMANUEL STEWARD, Boxing
“He told me what he wanted, we shook hands. We made the deal in 5 minutes.” – B. BAVASI, California Angels

Free Tickets to: Kev Choice; Talib Kweli Idel Warship; Lalah Hathaway;Snoop Dogg, Wiz Kalifa; Erykah Badu; Fela!; Pharcyde; Duke Ellington; Brian McKnight; Colors of Xmas; Hiroshima; Jose James; Zongo Junction; Maceo Parker; Business Strategic Plan; YOUR


7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605-3032
Phone (510) 394-4601 FAX (510) 638-8889
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
Join the Superstars Entertainment and Sports Network
Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile
Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil on Twitter: @ajalil
Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room
iPhone 4 FaceTime: (510) 394-4501
AIM, Video Chat Screen Name:
Skype Video Chat Screen Contact Name: Superstarmanagement
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France

Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
Founder of BLACK EXPO shown with Olympic Sprinter John Carlos , Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference , Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference, Oakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,

You can click on any highlighted word to view or download that item

Dr. Kenya Numan and her organization “Stepping Together as well as Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation were recently honored in Miami, Florida and Port Au Prince, Haiti last month for the Relief Missions that they have sent to Haiti since the earthquake.
Abdul-Jalil and crew are currently up for an EMMY with “OUT. The Glenn Burke Story”, and have already won several honors for it and expect more.
Special “Thanks” to all that have supported our efforts over the years!

FREE tickets to:

Kev Choice, Wed., 11/30 @8 pm, Yoshi’s- Oakland, 510 Embarcadero W, Oakland Ca 94607;
THE PHARCYDE with Live Band,
Fri 12/16/11 @10:30pm, Yoshi’s- San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
“A rising jazz star… Spectacular!” – New York Times, Thu 12/8/11 @10:30pm, Yoshi’s- San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
Tue 12/13/11 @8pm, Yoshi’s- San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
Keb’ Mo, Thu, 12/1/11 @8:00 PM, The Regency Ballroom, 1290 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94109
Erykah Badu, Fri., 12/9 @9pm, The Warfield Theater, 982 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Snoop Dog and Wiz Kalifa
, Mon., 12/12 @9pm, The Warfield Theater, 982 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Fela!, Produced by Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, 11/15 – 12/11 @8pm, Curran Theatre, 445 Geary St, San Francisco, CA 94102
Colors of Christmas, featuring Peabo Bryson, Jennifer Holliday, Lea Salonga, Ben Vereen with A.M.E. Oakland Mass Choir and San Francisco Symphony, December 13-15, 2011, 8:00 pm, Davies Symphony Hall, 201 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco , CA 94199
Duke Ellington, featuring San Francisco Symphony, Sunday, December 11, 2011, 8:00 pm, Davies Symphony Hall, 201 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco , CA 94199
Sat 12/10/11 @10pm, Yoshi’s- San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, Celebrating their Annual Holiday show at Yoshi’s San Francisco
Fri 12/9/11 @10pm, Yoshi’s- San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
MACEO PARKER’S NEW YEARS PARTY- Celebrate the New Year with Some Funk!, Thu 12/29/11 @10pm, Yoshi’s- San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
An Evening with BRIAN MCKNIGHT Special Christmas Week of Performances,
Wed 12/21/11 @8pm, Yoshi’s- San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
TALIB KWELI’S IDLE WARSHIP featuring Talib Kweli, Res, and Live Band, Fri 1/6/12 @10pm, Yoshi’s San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble, Thur, 12/29/11 @9:00 PM, SLIM’S, 333 11th St., San Francisco, CA 94103
Zongo Junction/ Turkuaz, Thur, 12/29/11 @9:00 PM, SLIM’S, 333 11th St., San Francisco, CA 94103
The tickets will be awarded via our Text, Twitter or website, so DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL, and if you haven’t already, you should join us on:
Text “I Want Tickets to (show)” with your name and email address to: (510) 394-4501; Twitter at: , , ,, , or go to the websites at: , , http://AMWFTRUST.Org/ or http://NowTruth.Org/ and make your request on the “I WANT TICKETS” page.

Kev Choice


“The Art of Composition”

Yoshi’s Oakland

510 Embarcadero W
Oakland Ca 94607

Pianist/M.C./Producer/Band-Director premieres excerpts from his new hip-hopera: The Chosen One


The theme for this special performance is “The Art of Composition” as Oakland M.C./Pianist/Composer Kev Choice and his dynamic Ensemble will focusing on compositions and instrumental works that he has written and compiled over the years. His compositions have a wide range of influence from Herbie Hancock to Maurice Ravel to J-Dilla. He will also cover select compositions from his favorite composers ranging from Stevie Wonder, Chopin, to Kanye West. In addition, Kev Choice will be premiering excerpts from his Hip-Hopera-“Electus Unus” (The Chosen One), which will feature the Ensemble joined by a string trio section and bassonist. “The Chosen One”, a concept project that Kev has been working on for the past year, is a mythological story of a child who was sent to the Earth, from the Heavens, to save a self-destructing world with his extraordinary musical talents. The story is told in a rap style over lush string arrangements and classic hip-hop drum patterns. Extended intros, codas, modulations, thick instrumentation, lays the foundation of this half-fantasy/half-reality tale that stretches the boundaries of the hip-hop genre. As “Keyboard Magazine” recently tweeted, “Anyone who doesn’t think real keyboard playing and rap dont mix, check Kev Choice”.

Pianist/M.C./Producer/Band-Director, Kev Choice is a multi-faceted artist poised to take the music world to dimensions it has never before seen. Never before has an artist grounded in the Hip-Hop tradition, had this type of musical prowess. Classically and jazz trained, schooled in the classic era of Hip-Hop, and influenced by genres from all over the globe, Kev Choice is a unique artist with the capabilities to blend musical elements in a convincing manner. With a resume that includes a Master’s Degree in Music, and having toured the world professionally as a keyboardist and M.C. with a diverse list of artist such as of Lauryn Hill, D.J. Quik, Too Short, Dwele, Zion I, Goapele, LyricsBorn, Martin Luther, and Michael Franti and Spearhead, it is hard to deny the extreme gift that Kev Choice brings to the stage. Having formed his band, Kev Choice Ensemble, in 2007, Kev Choice began to focus on giving the world his unique sound and vision while presenting a powerful stage show. Kev Choice has named “Best Musician” and “Most Multi-Talented Instrumentalist” by East Bay Express in the past few years and also nominated for “Best Soul-Funk Artist” by SF WEEKLY on 3 different occasions. An M.C. that can deliver conscious, witty, relevant lyrics, while playing keys with the skill of a seasoned pianist, is a sight to behold and a breath of freshness to the industry.

The Kev Choice Ensemble has been one of the most dynamic bands in The Bay Area over the last 5 years. The Ensemble features a diverse array and mix of talented musicians with a broad range of talents from the jazz elements of Howard Riley and Geechi Taylor to the soulfulness of Viveca Hawkins voice or Greggo Simmons on guitar. The foundation is held together by the super solid Hassan Hurd on drums, the funk-rock presence of Uriah Duffy on Bass, and the seasoned stylings of Mike Blankenship on keys. For this show they will also be joined by Ajayi Jackson on bassoon and percussion, as well as a string trio featuring violin, viola, and cello. The Ensemble has been heralded as “the most musical hip-hop group ever”.

Keb Mo

Keb’ Mo’

The Regency Ballroom
1290 Sutter St.
San Francisco, CA 94109

  • Day: Thu, Dec 1, 2011
  • Showtime: 8:00 PM
  • Doors open: 7:00 PM

Keb’ Mo’ Henry (Cambridge Folk Fest 2004)

Singer-songwriter and guitarist Keb’ Mo’s music is a living link to the seminal Delta blues that traveled up the Mississippi River and across the expanse of America–informing all of its musical roots-before evolving into a universally celebrated art form. Born Kevin Moore in South Los Angeles to parents originally from the deep South, he adopted his better known stage name when he was a young player who became inspired by the force of this essential African-American legacy. In the storied tradition of bluesmen before him including Muddy Waters-formerly McKinley Morganfield-and Taj Mahal, who began his days as Henry St. Clair Fredericks, Moore became known as Keb’ Mo’. His acclaimed self-titled 1994 debut album introduced that now famous appellation to the world, and his latest album, 2006’s Suitcase, brings it to new heights.



Lalah Hathaway

Yoshi’s Oakland

510 Embarcadero W
Oakland Ca 94607

“Where It All Begins”

Lalah Hathaway, one of contemporary R&B’s most prized artists and in-demand vocalists will release her sixth solo album and second for Stax Records, Where It All Begins on October 18th, 2011. The versatile, critically acclaimed musician, songwriter, vocalist and producer found creative regeneration and newfound energy making this record, an artistic re-birth she’s eager to share with anyone willing to listen. “Everybody is an artist in some way,” Hathaway enthuses, “I wanted to explore what that really means. For me it meant walking into being the artist I’ve always wanted to be. It was an opportunity for me to embrace my independence as an artist through my music and connection to my fans.”

Hathaway brings that message home splendidly on the gorgeous title track, penned by her and Ernest Green. “If you say what you mean/And mean what you say,” she croons at the beginning of Where It All Begins, showcasing her sensual alto over a languid, hypnotic groove.

In addition to Green, Hathaway recruited other esteemed kindred spirits to either co-write or contribute tailor-made tunes. The list includes Lewis Williams, Lee Hutson, Jr., Errol Cooney, James Day, James Fauntleroy, Rahsaan Patterson, Terrence Lilly, Jonathan Richmond, Mike City, Dave Young, Bryan Sledge, Eddie Serrano, Rich King, Andre Harris and Vidal Davis. Recruiting such top-tier songwriters – some of who have penned hits for Alicia Keys, Jill Scott, Bilal, Babyface, Musiq Soulchild, and host of others, demonstrates Hathaway’s long-held status in contemporary R&B.

This album contains several up-tempo gems that are sure to heat up urban radio stations and nightclubs. For example, check out “If You Want To,” the album’s thumping, synth-driven first single, penned with Patterson, Richmond, and Lilly and the effervescent “My Everything,” which she co-wrote with Jonathan Richmond. The slinky groove of Hutson, Jr.’s “Small of My Back” is also undeniable.

Where It All Begins comes on the heels of Hathaway’s most successful album to date, 2008’s Self Portrait, her first record for legendary soul label Stax Records. The album reached the top ten on the Top R&B Albums chart and included the Grammy® nominated (Best Female R&B Vocal) song “That Was Then.”

Indeed, Hathaway intoxicates as a storyteller. Even though her voice brims with magnetism, she never overpowers it to point of drowning out the lyrics. As with previous albums, Where It All Begins comes loaded with enduring songs that sound personal yet easily relatable, touching upon affairs of the heart as well as the everyday joys of life.
The disc comes on strong from the get-go. Andre Harris and Vidal Davis’ gutsy “Strong Woman,” is a sassy cautionary tale, urging lotharios to step up to the plate and stop taking their devoted female lovers for granted.

Naturally, the singer hasn’t abandoned her R&B roots. Where It All Begins includes luxurious slow jams such as “This Could Be Love” (co-written with Green and Lewis), on which she sings of joys and fears of truly falling in love with that someone special, and City’s bittersweet “Always Love You,” which hints of the sadness leaving an unfulfilling romantic relationship.

Hard-core fans will certainly be delighted with the newly arranged and recorded “I’m Coming Back,” a Quiet-Storm jewel, written by Gary Taylor, which appeared on her 1990 eponymous debut. It’s a song that’s remained a highlight of her live shows for two decades. “No matter, where I go – churches, festivals, Japan, South Africa – people love that song,” Hathaway says, “This version has a different arrangement, because it’s morphed over the years. I decided to rerecord it. We added vocalist Rachelle Ferrell at the end, which is really sublime.”

When it comes to honoring her predecessors, perhaps there’s no other greater example on Where It All Begins than with her spellbinding take on “You Were Meant For Me,” a chestnut that her late father – the incomparable Donny Hathaway recorded.
In view of Donny Hathaway’s landmark albums and indisputable influence on generations of singers worldwide, she speaks of him as a guiding light, especially when it comes to interpreting other people’s music. “I really listened to my dad’s own songs,” Hathaway says fondly, “‘Jealous Guy’ by John Lennon – I always thought my father owned that,” she laughs, “I just grew up with the approach of opening yourself up to create something beautiful, that’s a love letter to what came before.”

On Where It All Begins, Lalah Hathaway unquestionably succeeds at opening herself up in new and profound ways, striving for artistic higher ground and to ‘create something beautiful.’ “I feel like I’m at the top of my game, like I’m at the beginning again,” she says, excitedly. “There aren’t many artists, particularly female singers, who after 20 years, are kind of still on the come up. I feel like I’m on the come up.”

Just That Good




Yoshi’s San Francisco

1330 Fillmore Street
SF, CA 94115

“A rising jazz star… Spectacular!” -New York Times

Jose James – vocals
Nate Smith-drums
Ben Williams-bass
Kris Bowers-keys
Takuya Kuroda-trumpet

José James “Trouble” – AllSaints Basement Sessions

Born and raised in Minneapolis, José James came of age with the sounds of Prince, hip-hop and Modern jazz. Discovering an early passion for both music and creative writing, José combined these through performance – singing jazz standards, originals, and the works of John Coltrane with his quartet throughout the Twin Cites. Becoming a member of the groundbreaking avant-garde performance poetry and jazz ensemble Ancestor Energy, José was determined to devote his life to music, community, and spiritual unity.

Moving to New York City to attend The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music, he was mentored by and recorded with both the legendary drummer Chico Hamilton and the pianist Junior Mance. There he also met his first ensemble that would form the studio and international touring band for his 2008 debut album “The Dreamer” (Jan 2008, Brownswood).

A chance meeting in London with international tastemaker and DJ Gilles Peterson led to a record deal on Peterson’s Brownswood Recordings label. Drawing upon diverse influences such as Freestyle Fellowship and Rahsaan Roland Kirk, “The Dreamer” was an international critical success, with José performing at venues such as the North Sea Jazz Festival, Billboard Live Tokyo, The Hermitage Museum, and Central Park Summerstage. “The Dreamer” was voted #21 Critic’s Pick of JazzTimes Top 50 Jazz Albums of 2008.

His sophomore release “BLACKMAGIC” (Feb 2010, Brownswood) explored the worldwide underground, featuring production from Flying Lotus, Moodymann, Taylor McFerrin, and DJ Mitsu the Beats. “BLACKMAGIC” also featured James’s live band in new territory, covering dubstep pioneer Benga’s “Emotions” and exploring a soul/hip-hop version of the R&B classic “Save Your Love For Me.” “BLACKMAGIC” toured in over 30 countries, at venues such as the Montreal Jazz Festival, Ancienne Belgique, Melkweg, and Lincoln Center. “Love Conversation” (produced by Taylor McFerrin), “Save Your Love for Me,” and “Desire” (from The Dreamer) were featured in Fox Searchlight Pictures 2010 “Our Family Wedding” starring Forest Whitaker, America Ferrera, Carlos Mencia, and Lance Gross.

Signing to Verve/Universal in 2010, James’s third studio album “For All We Know” (May 2010, Impulse!) was released on the legendary “Impulse!” label, home to many of John Coltrane’s masterworks. Largely recorded in a single day at the famed Galaxy Studios in Belguim, “For All We Know” is a deep and timeless duo album of jazz standards featuring Jef Neve on piano.

Winner of both the Edison Award and L’Académie du Jazz Grand Prix for best Vocal Jazz Album of 2010, “For All We Know” was James’s most intimate project to date, with performances in premiere concert halls such as L’Olympia, Royal Festival Hall, and De Roma, as well venues such as the Umbria Jazz Festival, Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola and Cotton Club Tokyo.

The collaboration between James and Jef Neve continued with an ambitious ongoing live project “Facing East: The Music of John Coltrane.” Conceived and directed by James “Facing East” made its worldwide debut at Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, and continued on to venues such as the North Sea Jazz Festival, Nice Jazz Festival, New Morning, and Ronnie Scott’s.
As a featured guest José has recorded albums with Junior Mance, Chico Hamilton, Nicola Conte, Bassment Jaxx, Jazzanova, Toshio Matsuura, J.A.M., DJ Mitsu the Beats, Timo Lassy, Taylor McFerrin, and Flying Lotus.

Recent projects include guest performances with Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra’s “A Tribute to Billy Strayhorn” at Rose Theater, as well as touring internationally with McCoy Tyner’s “The Music of John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman.”
He was recently voted 2011 DownBeat Critics Poll “Rising Star Best Male Vocalist” and is currently working on his fourth studio album “No Beginning, No End.”


San Francisco State University Gospel Choir

Yoshi’s San Francisco

SF State Choir

1330 Fillmore Street
SF, CA 94115

The SF State Gospel Choir was founded by current choir director Ja Ronn Thompson in the Spring of 2004. At that time he didn’t expect anyone to take him seriously. He was only a freshman and not even a music major. But he was determined to bring Gospel music to our campus. When he expressed interest in starting the choir, music professor Dr. Dee Spencer told him to “Make it happen.” Therefore, Ja Ronn toured the campus handing out fliers and encouraging people to try out.

There were seven members at their first rehearsal, singing without sheet music or a band to accompany them from one musical transition to the next. They also didn’t have a regular practice room, so they used various classrooms and sometimes hallways in order to perfect their songs.

The San Francisco State gospel choir, a student-run group, became a one-unit music course in its second semester. Now in it’s 14th semester the group is comprised of 85 singers and 7 musicians of different backgrounds and majors, there is plenty of diversity in this group. Having grown exponentially over the past 7 years, their big sound has only gotten better.




Yoshi’s San Francisco

1330 Fillmore Street
SF, CA 94115

Celebrating with their Annual Holiday show at Yoshi’s San Francisco!

In the three decades since they first convened, the Los Angeles-based ensemble of Dan Kuramoto (keyboards/woodwinds/composer/producer), June Okida Kuramoto (koto), Danny Yamamoto (drums), Kimo Cornwell (piano/keyboards), Dean Cortez (bass) and newest member Shoji Kameda (taiko drum/percussion) have blended jazz, pop, and rock with traditional Japanese folk music and instruments. The resulting sound was a pioneering voice in the world music movement of the late 20th century.

While Hiroshima have sold more than three million records in their prolific career, they’ve done something even more important in the process: they’ve introduced a variety of traditional Asian instruments to a global audience, and integrated them seamlessly into a new music and art form. The Japanese koto, a zither-like, 13-stringed instrument, shakuhachi, a five holed bamboo flute, and the powerful taiko (which literally means “drum”) combine with instruments from the Western Hemisphere to create their unique musical palette.

This year, we are delighted to have Hiroshima bring their (Los Angeles) annual holiday tradition to Yoshi’s San Francisco. With a mix of Hiroshima “classics” as well as songs that reflect the “spirit of the season” ..this will certainly be one show that you won’t want to miss!

Oakland City Attorney
Resigns! FORCED OUT!!! Can’t Dodge Fraud, Corruption Charges!

The Occupy Movement that has swept America and the world, had it’s Occupy Oakland beginnings with the revelation of irrefutable evidence of the mass fraud and corruption of the Oakland City Attorney, Oakland Police Department, Alameda County District Attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, California State Appeals Court and California Supreme Court in an action to deny justice and cover up that denial of justice in the 20 year case of Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim vs CSAA, Rescue, et al.

The unrest caused by the exposure of the criminal actions of these law enforcement, legal and judicial individuals/bodies in this matter implored others to investigate the ongoing case revealing even more rampant corruption that has dramatically portrayed the sullied, sordid underbelly culture of corruption that Oakland and Alameda County has long been known for! This pattern continued even through the Oscar Grant murder debacle but lead to the people of the Oakland East Bay Area and beyond, standing up to that corruption and saying “NO MORE!!!”.

The cry at ALL the Occupy events world-wide are echoing the frustration felt by the people of the East Bay Area, “We are ALL Oscar Grant!!” and most are reacting in solidarity and union with those whom have voiced their opinions with their frustrations in a varied manner of ways. The world witnessed as Oakland revolted and burned with the that cry and now the whole world is chanting the same tune and following Oakland lead as it did in the 1960-70’s re-evolution!

The Minority and Occupy Communities ( #occupyoakland #OWS) are evaluating the elected officials, want-to-be-leaders, clergy and so-called power brokers that do not represent their interest, yet claim to bargain and speak for them! How can these self-perceived “influence peddlers” bargain away the rights and interests of people they do not talk to, know nor represent?

African-American youth, the overall Minority Youth Community with the Occupyers ( #occupyoakland #OWS) know these carpet baggers and their “bagmen” are sellouts and represent BIG BUSINESS INTEREST- the Developers, Banks, Insurance Companies, Attorneys and maintaining the status quo! The Minority Youth Community with the Occupyers proclaim widely and loudly that they ARE NOT the constituents of these turncoats that disavow their very own ethnic orientation because they acknowledge that being Black in America is to be considered worthless and disposable!

One of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan’s problems is her depending on the advice of Uncle Toms Sandre Swanson, and Keith Carson; while fighting bootlicking-backstabbing Larry Reid and Ignacio DeLaFuente; assumming theres some influence of want-to-be-leaders, clergy and so-called power brokers to move the concerned disenfranchised; with double crooked duplicitous Dan Siegle! (More coming on this cast of characters)

Oakland City Councilmen Larry Reid and Ignacio DeLaFuente have given away many, many millions of dollars in valuable Real Estate to their developer partners! From 14th Ave to 106th Ave and down from MacArthur Blvd. to the Bay. Councilmen Reid and DeLaFuente are owned and controlled by developers! That’s why they constantly connive so shamelessly for the Civil Gang Injunctions and curfews, with EVERY act of difference they are in the media spinning it as an example of serious crime that could be eliminated with the injunction/curfew. Reid has gone on air and repeatedly tried to trivialize and void the entire good of some lives by claiming their life was somehow lost to or compromised by gang related violence that could have been avoided by the injunction/curfew by pushes for his disposed partner in crime, former City Attorney John Russo. Many families resenting that media manipulation with on air to publicly denounce Reid’s developers serving claims!

Reid was served with a complaint against his partner Russo and refused to investigate it, but rather chose to cover it up. Not so oddly enough, that was the same stance taken by Sandre Swanson, Keith Carson and District Attorney Nancy O’Malley. Who are they protecting and why? Carson has made himself a witness in this case my the admissions made by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley to him regarding the incident where she had al-Hakim removed from the D. A.’s office while sitting alone in the lobby waiting for a meeting!

The real reason the Reid Gang wants the injunction/curfews are because they are law enforcement and real estate developers dream tools for gentrifying the inner-city and administratively taking land from the poor! Not so unfortunately, an analyst last week revealed that the North Oakland Gang Injunction HAS FAILED to reduce crime in any way, yet in has enriched the police department with over $12 million while the Oakland Police Department has FAILED to comply with the Federal Mandate to meet MINIMUM agreed upon standards to fight corruption! This failure is one of the presumed reasons for Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts resigning. One question being asked now is did Mayor Ron Dellums or City Attorney John Russo investigate the many alleged charges of abuse against former Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts before they hired him and was that a factor in his resigning?

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed California & Alameda County Superior Court Corruption

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed Oakland City Attorney John Russo Gave Case File To Stephan Barber and Law Firm Ropers Majeski, didn’t Tell Court

Watch video of al-Hakim and forced Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide- Must Resign

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposing Judge Jon Tigar’s appointment to his judicial post was through Nepotism and Cronyism

Listen to voicemail from Deputy District Attorney Kevin Dunleavy exposing continued Corruption and Fraud by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley as he hadvictim al-Hakim removed from Courthouse Building while al-Hakim was waiting for a meeting with him! O’Malley further ordered al-Hakim to NEVER return to the courthouse under the threat of arrest by D. A. Bob Conner, someone known to al-Hakim to have tried to place al-Hakim in a life threatening situation that resulted in the only conviction of police officers crimes committed while on duty! She made this order without any legal proceeding, court order nor cause in her effort to prompt a conflict of interest charge to avoid having to investigate and prosecute the complaint and evidence by al-Hakim that establishes the admitted fraud committed by the D.A.’s office for over 20 years!

Listen to Maggie Takeda voicemail exposing Presiding Judge Jon Rolfenson losing/throwing away the formal Corruption Fraud Complaint!

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed Govenor Jerry Brown Covering for Judges, DA, City Attorney’s from Oakland and San Leandro that he was suppose to Investigate 4 Fraud! Watch the story with video and documents at:

Unlike the late, great Gil Scott-Herron said, you can watch the OCCUPY RE-EVOLUTION from the comfort of your home or away on our 24/7 live television feed from OCCUPY OAKLAND and the other OCCUPY Movements around the world on the website here:

Crooked former Oakland City Attorney John Russo was forced to resign from a constant three year barrage of fact laden reports of fraud and corruption by Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, has been appointed the Alameda city manager position sources have confirmed. You can view the 2009 video of former Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide- Must Resign!

al-Hakim has over 87,000 signatures and implores everyone to click on any one of the links and sign the Petition To The Honorables President Barack Obama and United States Attorney General Eric Holder to raise it’s investigation of corruption involving then Attorney General Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams, former District Attorney Tom Orloff, and current District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley.


Erykah Badu


with The Cannabinoids

The Warfield
982 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

  • Day: Fri, Dec 9, 2011
  • Showtime: 9:00 PM
  • Doors open: 8:00 PM

Erykah Badu was born Erica Wright in Dallas, Texas, in 1972. By the age of 14, Erykah was free-styling for a local radio station alongside such talent as Roy Hargrove, who, incidentally, was a talented beat-boxer back in the 80’s and who is now a very successful session musician in his own right. In her early youth, she decided to change the spelling of her name from Erica to Erykah, as she firmly believed her original name to be her ‘slave’ name. The term ‘kah’ signifies the inner self, which, when translated from Muslim, means ‘can do no wrong’. Her surname, Badu, derives from an Arabic word which means ‘to manifest truth and light’. After completing her theatre studies at university in 1993, Erykah Badu decided to concentrate on her music. She began to teach children how to sing and dance, whilst also performing in a hip-hop act with her cousin entitled Erykah Free. The following year Erykah met Tim Grace, of Legacy Entertainment. He listened to a demo once and decided to sign the young hip-hop duo without further hesitation. He then successfully managed to book Erykah Free to open for such established hip-hop crews as A Tribe Called Quest and Arrested Development. Erykah began recording the Baduizm set in 1996 and worked with such talented producers as ?love and Richard Nichols of The Roots, James Poyser and N’dambi. February of 1997 couldn’t possibly have been a bigger year for Erykah. Her debut album was released and it achieved platinum status in under a month; her live shows received continual praise and her popularity increased dramatically. Erykah Badu had finally arrived on the big stage. Erykah Badu inevitably drew close comparisons to the legendary Billie Holiday. The formers blend of old soul, jazz and hip-hop, fused with a hypnotic flow is capable of stirring the deepest emotions, and Erykah’s place amongst today’s elite female soul artists of the world is already well and truly assured.


Snoop Dogg & WizThe High School Tour

Snoop Dog & Wiz Khalifa

The Warfield
982 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

  • Day: Mon, Dec 12, 2011
  • Showtime: 8:00 PM
  • Doors open: 7:00 PM


Women of Jazz Celebrate the Holidays:

Women Jazz


Yoshi’s San Francisco

1330 Fillmore Street
SF, CA 94115

Thursday, December 13, 2011
8:00 pm

Destiny Muhammed Jazz Trio – Harpist from the Hood

Destiny, Sound Sculptress, mesmerizes her audience with her musical imagery. She writes classical/ crossover eclectic jazz for vocals and harp.

Destiny has performed for: Susan L. Taylor, Editorial Director -ESSENCE Magazine Women Who Are Shaping the World Leadership Summit, Monterey Jazz Festival, Revelations Transformation Conference Founder and ‘The Secret’ Visionary Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, The Disney Concert Hall, Black Aids Institute, GRAMMY Award Winner India Arie, Irie’s ‘Testimony’ the Seattle Center, Fischer Hall, San Francisco Librairies, Concert for World Peace and the Brooklyn Jazz Festival with Jazz Ambassador Eddie Gale.

Destiny most recently shared the stage with multi GRAMMY Award Winning producer Narada Michael Walden for a fundraiser for Songstress Angela Bofill and a panelist for the West Coast Songwriters Performing Songwriters Panel and panelist for the GRAMMY San Francisco Chapter ‘State of the Music ‘Industry.
Destiny is expanding her musical ideals with her project(s) S.O.N.G/ Strings of a Nubian Groove Nubian String Ensemble, The Destiny Muhammad Jazz Trio, & The Richard Howell Quintet (RHQ) and venturing into the world of Pedal Harps on her Salvi Daphne 46- string Concert Harp.

Destiny is Governor Emeritus and Educational Chair Emeritus of the Recording Academy, San Francisco Chapter and the Principle Harpist for the Oakland Public Conservatory Orchestra.

A Victoria Theodore Christmas

Victoria Theodore received her Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Classical Piano Performance and Computer Music from Oberlin College / Conservatory of Music (where she studied piano with Sedmara Zakarian Rutstein), and her Master of Arts degree in Classical Piano Performance from Stanford University (where she studied piano with George Barth and vocal accompaniment with Judith Bettina). As a teen, Victoria studied piano and voice in the UC Berkeley Young Musician’s Program (YMP) and sang (and began her accompanying career) with the Oakland Youth Chorus (OYC) , under the direction of Trente Morant. Through YMP, Victoria studied piano primarily with Eugene Gash (1920-1995), the first African-American concert pianist to perform a solo concert at Carnegie Hall, and a student of E. Robert Schmitz (1889-1949), a student of composer Claude Debussy. During her Stanford years, Victoria also studied Jazz Piano with Mark Levine, Bill Bell and Frank Martin.

While studying for her MA, Victoria performed with several San Francisco Bay Area ensembles and bands, including The Peninsula Symphony, Theatreworks, Hayward Little Theater, Oakland Youth Chorus, and jazz bands Victoria Theodore Quintet, Time Will Tell Sextet, LMNOP and 10BassT. Shortly after graduation from Stanford, Victoria toured nationally as a keyboardist for Captiol Records artists Oaktown 357 – produced by MC Hammer.

After Oaktown 357’s tour ended, Victoria moved to New York City to run a multimedia company. In 2000, Victoria returned to the Bay Area after several years running her company, – a very successful venture which is still a market leader in same day media duplication.

Beginning in August, 2007, Victoria was hired to tour with legendary musical genius Stevie Wonder, playing keyboards and singing background vocals in his band. She has traveled around the world with Stevie and looks forward to more touring! (And yes, it’s as fabulous as you’d imagine!)

Victoria is a highly sought Bay Area pianist, keyboardist and accompanist, respected for her wide ranging musical versatility. Victoria resides in San Leandro, CA, and teaches students from her home when she’s not performing with various R&B, jazz, gospel, pop and classical artists.

Victoria has performed with Sting, Smokey Robinson, B.B. King, John Legend, Jeff Beck, Rickey Minor, Boney James, Esperanza Spalding, Tyrese, Prince, Tony Bennett, John Mayer, India Arie, Glenn Lewis and many others!



November 15, 2011 -December 11, 2011

Curran Theatre
445 Geary St
San Francisco, CA 94102

Fela! is presented by Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, the first time they’ve produced a Broadway show. Fela! was created by Bill T. Jones. Jones choreographed, wrote the play book for, and directed Fela! Jones created his own dance company, has won a MacArthur Genius Award, a Harlem Renaissance Award, an Obie, and a Tony, among many other honors.

Fela! documents the incredible true story of Fela Kuti, a musician from Nigeria who pioneered Afro beat music, and who fought for civil rights and against political corruption in his native country.

Fela was initially going to be a doctor, but decided to be a musician instead, fusing many different styles and the sounds of his native country into what eventually became known as his own distinct and complex style of music, Afrobeat.

The Political Struggles of Fela

Fela first started calling his music Afrobeat in the late sixties, and as his career progressed, his music got more political, much to the chagrin of the Nigerian government, who attacked the commune where Fela lived, destroying his studio, and beating him badly (Fela’s mother was killed during the attack).

But this didn’t quiet Fela or his music, which continued to infuriate the government. Fela also tried to run for President in Nigeria’s first elections in over ten years. When Fela died in 1997, over a million people came to the funeral chanting “Fela will live forever,” and a shrine was built in his honor.

It has been said that hip-hop would not exist without Fela’s music, and he was also described as a combination of James Brown, Muhammad Ali, and Bob Dylan. Eventually Fela’s music was re-released, and several musical shows showcasing his story and life hit the stage (recently a movie from Focus Features about the life of Fela was made for release in 2010).

Fela! was first performed off-Broadway in 2008, and it was a huge success, hitting Broadway the following year, with the help of Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith, Jay-Z, and several other producers. The music of Fela has also been provided by Antibalas, a modern nine-piece afrobeat band. Fela! of course also features the incredible legacy of music he left behind, and his musical and political legacy still live on strong.

The Triumph of Fela

The musical Fela! is an incredible explosion of music, color and culture. The website notes, “Please be advised that Fela! has loud sound effects, smoke and haze effects and strobe effects. “The Broadway experience can be like sitting with blinders on,” the creator of Fela! told Billboard. “This is a show you enjoy as much with your body as with your mind. It’s free and communal.”

Fela! is presented by Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, the first time they’ve produced a Broadway show. Fela! was created by Bill T. Jones. Jones choreographed, wrote the play book for, and directed Fela! Jones created his own dance company, has won a MacArthur Genius Award, a Harlem Renaissance Award, an Obie, and a Tony, among many other honors.

Fela! has been nominated for 11 Tony Awards, and has won three: Best Choreography, Best Costume Design for a Musical, and Best Sound Design for a Musical.


The Duke Ellington OrchestraDuke
Sun, Dec 11, 2011 8:00pm
Davies Symphony Hall
201 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco , CA 94199

$15 to $68- Half price for ages 17 and under
The Duke Ellington Orchestra

The music of Duke Ellington defies any strict categorization. Call it Jazz, call it Swing, call it Big Band. But whatever you call it, call it the music that will make you want to dance in the aisles of Davies Symphony Hall! Don’t you dare miss The Duke Ellington Orchestra in a toe-tappin’, finger-snappin’ concert of music from the great Ellington songbook, including holiday hits and some of his best loved tunes. One happenin’ night only!


Colors of Christmas

Peabo Bryson
Jennifer Holliday
Lea Salonga
Ben Vereen
San Francisco Symphony

Tuesday, December 13-15, 2011
8:00 pm

Davies Symphony Hall
201 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94199
(415) 864-6000

It’s a night like no other and a holiday tradition at Davies Symphony Hall. Peabo Bryson, Jennifer Holliday, Lea Salonga and Ben Vereen celebrate at the annual Colors of Christmas concerts with the San Francisco Symphony, with director Jeffery Williams and the A.M.E. Oakland Mass Choir, performing traditional Christmas favorites and their individual hits. Hear these sensational singers perform their pop hits and Christmas favorites in a memorable concert sure to keep you clapping.

Peabo Bryson

Peabo Bryson
Peabo Bryson is one of the premier male vocalists in contemporary music and with twenty-five years of music-making to his credit. Peabo Bryson is expanding his creative horizons as a producer and songwriter….

Jennifer Holliday

Jennifer Holliday
Born October 19, 1960, Riverside, Texas, Jennifer Holliday is a two-time Grammy Award®-winning African-American singer and actress. Some of her works include: * 1983 Feel My Soul #31 U….

Lea Salonga

Lea Salonga
Lea Salonga-Chien is a Filipina singer and actress. She is best known for originating the lead role of Kim in the musical Miss Saigon, for which she won the Olivier, Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics and Theatre World awards….

Ben Vereen

Ben Vereen
Few entertainers today are as accomplished or versatile as Ben Vereen. His legendary performances transcend time and have been woven into the fabric of this country’s artistic legacy. H…San Francisco Symphony

San Francisco Symphony
Founded in 1911, the San Francisco Symphony (SFS) is widely considered to be among the country’s most artistically adventurous and innovative arts institutions. Under Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas (MTT), the SFS presents more than 220 concerts and presentations annually for an audience…

A.M.E. Oakland Mass Choir
Jeffery Williams, director



McKnightYoshi’s San Francisco

1330 Fillmore Street
SF, CA 94115

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
8:00 pm

A Special Christmas Week of Performances!

Brian McKnight ‘Fall’ Music Video from Brian McKnight on Vimeo.

As an artist who needs no introduction, Brian McKnight has earned himself a spot in contemporary music history. He has released 13 albums to date, with several going 2 and 3x platinum, and he has sold over 20 million albums worldwide. In addition to being a singer, songwriter and producer, McKnight is also a multi-instrumentalist who plays nine instruments including piano, guitar, bass, drums, percussions, trombone, tuba, flugelhorn and trumpet.

In an industry known for a constantly revolving door of artists, McKnight has easily established himself with an enviable record of chart consistency, has toured successfully for over a decade, and has collaborated with performers across every genre including Quincy Jones, Justin Timberlake, Mariah Carey, Diddy, Christina Aguilera Rascal Flatts, Nelly, Vanessa Williams, Willie Nelson and Kenny G.

Born in Buffalo, New York, McKnight’s musical career began in childhood when he became a member of his church NY choir and a bandleader for his high school, Sweet Home High School. By the age of 19, he signed his first recording deal with Mercury Records. In 1992, his self-titled album “Brian McKnight” was released followed by “I Remember You” (1995) and “Anytime” (1997). “Anytime” sold over two million copies and was nominated for a Grammy. In 1999 McKnight released “Back at One” on Motown Records, which sold over three million copies.

Along with several Grammy nominations, Brian McKnight has been the recipient of American Music Awards, Soul Train Awards, NAACP Image and Blockbuster Awards, and Billboard Songwriter of The Year. He has crossed the boundaries of EVERY medium. He has hosted “Soul Session Countdown with Brian McKnight” on BETJ. In addition, “The Brian McKnight Morning Show” on KTWV the Wave Smooth Jazz radio station, was a Top 5 rated show 2 years running. In 2009 Brian started hosting his own radio show “The Brian McKnight Show” which ran in over 60 markets and was syndicated through ABC Radio. Brian also hosted his own nationally syndicated TV show “The Brian McKnight Show.”

McKnight has also used his vast industry knowledge as a red carpet host for Extra! and in 2007, McKnight stepped into Broadway with a successful run as Billy Flynn in Chicago. He was also a contestant on the Donald Trump hit show “Celebrity Apprentice” and is currently touring nationwide in the JeCaryous Johnson play “Cheaper to Keep Her” with Vivica A. Fox. 2011 will see the release of McKnight’s 14th album, entitled “Just Me” along with a worldwide tour and live DVD. McKnight is also making the tour a family affair this time around and will be joined on tour by his brother Claude McKnight (Take 6) and sons BJ and Niko also known as “BRKN RBTZ” (broken robots), for what promises to be a spectacular one-of-a kind show.



THE PHARCYDE with Live Band

Yoshi’s San Francisco

1330 Fillmore Street
SF, CA 94115

Friday, December 16, 2011
10:30 pm

An influential alternative rap quartet from South Central Los Angeles, the Pharcyde was formed by MCs/producers Tre “Slimkid” Hardson, Imani Wilcox, and Romye “Booty Brown” Robinson. Hardson, Wilcox, and Robinson were all dancers and choreographers who met on the L.A. underground club circuit in the late ’80s, worked together for a while, and served a stint as dancers on In Living Color. Under the tutelage of Reggie Andrews, a local high-school music teacher, the group learned about the music industry and the process of recording an album. They landed a deal with Delicious Vinyl in 1991, and a year later released their eccentric debut album, Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde, which went gold. After support slots for De La Soul and A Tribe Called Quest as well as a successful spot on Lollapalooza’s second stage in 1994, the group released its second album, Labcabincalifornia, which was calmer than their first but no less warped. After a five-year break which saw little action, the Pharcyde returned in late 2000 with their third album, Plain Rap.

DJ Funklor

DJ Funklor has ripped up stages from his hometown, the Bay Area, all the way to Greece. In that time he has been asked to play for artists such as: Smokey Robinson, Snoop Dogg, Erykah Badu, Drake, The Roots, Damian Marley, Ice Cube, Ben Harper, N*E*R*D, Nas and many more.



Yoshi’s San FranciscoMaceo

1330 Fillmore Street
SF, CA 94115

Thursday, December 29, 2011
10:00 pm

Celebrate the New Year with some Funk!

Parker talks with his sax, chatters away without a seeming care. It’s a musical antidepressant, an antidote to dark days. ….firmed my belief that the world would be a better place if we all funked together.

-San Diego Reader

Maceo Parker: his name is synonymous with Funky Music, his pedigree impeccable; his band: the tightest little funk orchestra on earth.

Everyone knows by now that he’s played with each and every leader of funk, his start with James Brown, which Maceo describes as ” like being at University “; jumping aboard the Mothership with George Clinton; stretching out with Bootsy’s Rubber Band. He’s the living, breathing pulse which connects the history of Funk in one golden thread. The cipher which unravels dance music down to its core.

His collaborations over the years performing or recording or both have included Ray Charles, Ani Difranco, James Taylor, De La Soul, Dave Matthews Band and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. His timeless sound has garnered him a fresh young fan base.

It is almost impossible to separate which came first, Maceo or the funk. The amazing P-funk Parker has been at it with his legendary alto horn for some time dating back to the 1960’s. That’s when Maceo and his drummer brother Melvin climbed on board the James Brown funky soul funk train. It wasn’t long before James coined the solo summoning signature, “ Maceo, I want you to Blow!”. To most musicologists it’s the muscially fertile group of men from this period of James Brown’s band who are recognized as the early pioneers of the modern funk and hip-hop we still jump to today.

For more information, please visit Maceo Parker’s website.


Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble

  • Day: Sat, Dec 24, 2011
  • Showtime: 7:00 and 9:00 PM
  • Doors open: 6:00 PM

333 11th St
San Francisco, CA 94103

The principal purpose of the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble is to employ black gospel music to express the power of spirit and bring a message of faith, hope, love and joy to the country and to the world, to exemplify through interfaith, multi-racial and multi-cultural membership the principles of equality, justice, peace, unity and cooperation and to serve as a model for what is possible among all people. Please join us at Slim’s for our annual Christmas tradition!



  • Day: Thur, Dec 29, 2011
  • Showtime: 9:00 PM
  • Doors open: 8:00 PM

333 11th St
San Francisco, CA 94103

Zongo Junction embodies the wealth of Brooklyn’s musical diversity, by melding traditional West African rhythms with Funk, Jazz and Soul from the U.S. Heavily influenced by Nigerian superstar, political activist and afrobeat pioneer, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, the 13-piece ensemble gets audiences riled up and dancing at every show they put on.

The band was conceived in early 2007 by drummer Charles Ferguson and original keyboardist, Adam Coopersmith while the two attended the New School in New York City. When Charles returned from a six-month trip to Ghana, where he studied African highlife music and traditional xylophone technique, he teamed up with Adam and 11 other musicians to form Zongo Junction. The name comes from the bus stop from which Charles lived off of while living in Accra, Ghana.

The band was well received from the start. Their club debut at Public Assembly (formerly the Galapagos Arts Center) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in July was a huge success, and led to a monthly residency for the duration of the year. Since then, the band has performed at some of New York’s most illustrious venues including the Knitting Factory and Le Poisson Rouge as well as Williams College in Williamstown, MA and the Elbo Room in San Francisco where they played a sold out show the night before New Year’s in 2009.

The core of the band was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and has been playing music together virtually since they were all still in diapers. Five members of the band were part of the prestigious Berkeley High School Jazz Ensemble (alumni include: Joshua Redman, Peter Apfelbaum, Will Bernard, Benny Green) and twice toured Europe. All members moved to New York after High School to attend music programs at The New School and New York University.

Turkuaz is comprised of Brooklyn’s funkiest and brightest. The two founding members, Taylor Shell and Dave Brandwein, met at Berklee College of Music in Boston. As members of the Galaxy Smith Digital Media Collective ( they are now kicking things into high gear with their 8 – 13 piece (depending on the occasion) high energy funk band. Influences range from the Talking Heads to James Brown – P-Funk to Jamiroquai – creating a show which is an eclectic mix of funk influences and sounds from all over the board. When the group takes their party to the stage it certainly is a spectacle to be remembered.



Idlefeat. Talib Kweli, Res and Live Band

Yoshi’s San Francisco

1330 Fillmore Street
SF, CA 94115

Friday, January 6, 2012
10:00 pm

Idle Warship “System Addict” feat. Jean Grae & Jay Knocka

After four years of independently released tracks that spread like wildfire across the web, Idle Warship will release their first official collection of songs entitled Habits of the Heart on November 1st, 2011, viaBlacksmith/Element 9/Fontana. The 12-track album has Idle Warship storming the music scene with a bold and indefinable mash-up of influences, from soul to hip-hip to alternative to electronic. Idle Warship brought an incredible range of musical sensibilities into the studio and we’ll venture to say that the output will completely blow your mind.

Idle Warship is a perfect example of how a whole can become greater than the sum of its parts – and that is saying quite a lot given the musical components of this project. A collaboration between longtime friends and collaborators, hip-hop luminary Talib Kweli and critically acclaimed soulful singer and songwriter Res, Idle Warship was born out of sheer experimentation in the studio. But some of the best things in life happen when least expected. When fans of Talib and Res heard and reacted to some online MP3s of what these two had created during their off-the-cuff sessions, it became clear that that something much bigger was brewing. Since making a huge splash at SXSW in 2009 and completing a successful European tour, Idle Warship made Party Robot – their mixtape with master DJ Mick Boogie and singer/songwriter Graph Nobel – available for free download in 2010. It only left the fans craving more, and now the wait is over!

With an obvious chemistry, a dedication to free creative expression and now a new album, Talib and Res’partnership has become a musical force to be reckoned with. Habits of the Heart effortlessly shifts from the rhythmic hand-clapping blast of “Laser Beams” (stream or embed the song here) to the off-kilter futuristic track “Driving Me Insane” to the unbridled, heartfelt piano ballad “Beautifully Bad.” With guest spots fromChester French and John Forte on “Covered in Fantasy,” and Michelle Williams on “Katya,” Habits of The Heart takes you on one thrilling journey.

Visit for more info.



From the great success that we have had with our Free Food Programs established in the 1950’s by my Parents, Aaron and Margaret Wallace, we have since been instrumental in the founding and supplying of other free food service organizations around the country.
With the demand for our help in creating these organizations being driven by the skyrocketing need for the services, we have decided to open up our efforts to all interested in starting a food pantry for the needy.
We can provide access to the training necessary to qualify your organization and partner you with the local organizations and businesses that can support your efforts. Contact us and we will help you through the RED TAPE and push your program to success!
Here’s some new videos for the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Social Services Programs. The first is the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Free Food Program Celebrity Giving Back

The second one is Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Kids Celebrity Gift BackPacks.

You can view the following Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddi’s, Trader Joe’s, Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Marshawn Lynch’s “Fam1ly F1rst” and Leon Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland”:

Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation

Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 1

Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 2

You can listen to or download many of the Public Service Announcements for our partners that were broadcast over national radio on the page “A& MWF Supports Inter-Faith Multi-Cultural Events” at: We have provided and we have produced videos from some of them as well. We will do one for any of our partners that work with us.

Alameda County Community Food Bank!

The Alameda County Community Food Bank is looking for new member agencies that will provide food bags and/or hot meals to Alameda County community members year-round.

We are especially interested in new member agencies that are:

  • Open during high-need times of afternoon, evening, and/or weekend hours
  • Serving clients in high-need areas of:
    • Downtown Oakland/Chinatown (94612 zip code)
    • West Oakland (94607 zip code)
    • East Oakland-Eastlake area (94606 zip code)
    • East Oakland- Elmhurst area (94603 zip code)
    • East Oakland- Fruitvale area (94601 zip code)
    • San Leandro & San Lorenzo area
    • Tri-Cities area (Fremont, Newark, Union City)

Benefits of Membership
Membership gives your agency:

  1. Free & low-cost food (including free farm-fresh produce)
  2. Free trainings & skill-building sessions
  3. Opportunities to apply for grants to increase agency capacity
  4. Access to free nutritional education services, Food Stamp (CalFresh) outreach services, and the emergency food referral Helpline

To become a Member Agency, your organization must:

  • Be a non-profit, charitable organization that is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. (Other 501c organizations, such as 501c5, do not qualify).
  • Operate an emergency food program, such as a food pantry, hot meal program/soup kitchen, or emergency shelter that is open to walk-in clients.*
  • Distribute food regularly for at least 3 months prior to applying for membership.
  • Provide food directly to individuals and families in need. At least 51% of your clients must be low-income.
  • Distribute Food Bank food at no charge. Your agency may not ask for donations from clients for food.
  • Not require clients to work or to attend any religious activities in exchange for food or meals.
  • Be willing to follow Food Bank regulations such as (but not limited to) submitting monthly food distribution reports and taking food safety training once per year.

* Please note: The Food Bank is not accepting new non-emergency programs at this time. Non-emergency programs include day care sites, afterschool programs, rehabilitation centers, treatment centers, and residential programs.

New Member Agency Application Process:

Contact the Food Bank’’s Agency Services staff to let us know about your interest in Food Bank membership. You can email us atagency (at) or call us at 510-635-3663ext. 365.

Agency Services staff will work with you to determine your eligibility

Attend a series of 2 trainings.At least 2 staff/volunteers from your agency must attend EACH of the trainings. We welcome (and highly encourage) agencies to bring more than 2 staff/volunteers to attend each training.
  • Note: The last round of training dates for 2011 has already passed. The next round of training dates will be sometime in January – March 2012. Please contact us to let us know about your interest in Food Bank membership so that we can contact you when these dates have been scheduled.
Submit a New Member Agency Application. Applications can only be submitted after at least 2 staff/volunteers from your agency have completed all 2 trainings.
Complete a successful site visit at your agency. Food Bank Agency Services staff will visit your site to see your program, facilities, and review food safety policies.
Applications will be reviewed by the Agency Relations Committee. The Agency Relations Committee, a Food Bank board committee of staff and volunteers from current member agencies, will review and select member agencies eligible to join the Food Bank. Decisions are usually made within 6-8 weeks from the training dates.
FREE Business Strategic Plan

Are you interested in growing your business?
We are offering a FREE Business analysis and will discuss your needs for an overall Strategic Plan including a Website upgrade with a national media campaign, after you have completed the Strategic Planning Client Questionnaire on our website and schedule a meeting to contract our services and move forward to SUCCESS!

We can mount a media campaign for you with events and advantages your business offers to potential clients as the centerpiece of that effort. This could not only provide exposure and build your new brand, but could also build your business development with corporate sponsors, business partners, non-profit organizations and donors.

You could be your own special BRAND within and without the business campaign! This will not detract from the business campaign in any way and inevitably lead to other business opportunities, and a very effective social position that will allow you to achieve more business goals!

We will be integrally involved in creating the campaign concept with you as both a separate branded entity and the business brand. We would develop them within the overall brand platform and defining a tangible brand experience across the myriad offerings of the business services and social activities. Our work will touch on all aspects of the business as a brand, and the brand’s physical presentation; client offerings; programs; events; promotions; Web site; marketing; advertising; publicist; social media managements; sponsorship vehicles; and creation of “your business Community” through multi-channel strategies for both traditional and new media to engender an engaging, interactive and sustainable customer experience.

We will to develop and create expedient, viable, replicable solutions to optimize your bottom line, raise your public profile and social perception while increasing the satisfaction quotient for your customers.

As a means for us to move forward I would like to begin the initial intake process for you as a Strategic Planning Client. To that end I would like you are to complete our on-line “Strategic Planning Client Questionnaire” on our website at:

Complete the form as thoroughly as you can so that we can move forward in an informed, intelligent way to achieve your stated goals.

If you like, please fill out the Website Design Client Questionnaire at: to give us a good idea of your website needs. This will help clarify your website goals, design ideas, features, budget, and timeline. The more details you can give us, the better we will understand your needs and be able to provide you with the best service possible. As always if you get stuck or have questions, please give us a quick call and we will be glad to help.
The things that I feel you needs to address on your website/blog are:
1) E-Commerce with PayPal and all top payment services (including charitable donations),
2) Forms completion,
3) Cloud Storage for documents with selective access,
4) Video Conferencing and Chat,
5) Client Services Web Chat,
6) Audio and Video Display,
7) Members Only and Private Pages access,
8) Blog Post latest news and messages

You should take the time while at the website to review a great source of information on our company here and more useful information on the following pages:
Social Media Management at:
Publicist Services at:
New Client Questionnaire at:

There is much work to do and we are committed and prepared to work with you and look forward to our attaining success beyond your wildest dream!

Thank you again for allowing us to help you as we look forward to many more successful efforts!


The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation(A&MWF) is a non-denominational, multi-cultural,100% volunteer financed and operated relief organization that provides FREE food, medicine, clothing, educational and employment opportunities, mental and physical health referrals, legal aid, shelter and other necessities to individuals, children, families, and organizations who lack these essentials for any reason. We provide private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals FREE for ANYONE whom has the need at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation website.Providing The Necessities For Success In Life

A&MWF, a public services organization based on GIVING AND SHARING, has created a 100% volunteer self-operated, self-supported, self financed model defined by developing the marketplace of a network that features high-performing results in the invaluable areas of: youth development; elementary, secondary and college education; poverty alleviation; mental and physical health medical services; social services, as well as other economic-empowerment programs for individuals, families; and small businesses.

A&MWF delivers food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to over 4,000 individuals- children, families, and organizations per monthwho lack these essentials and is pioneering a new trend, as government and community funds grapple with the recession and the challenges of raising funds, WE have forged an awareness and sustained an effort to connect those in dire need with service providers, donors, volunteers and nonprofit groups with these causes. We have taken community foundations and moved into social networking, reaching beyond static “bricks and mortar” to interactive Web sites to serve as a dynamic virtual clearinghouses or “town square” that holds conversations between those in NEED and their local charities, citizens, donors, and volunteers.

A&MWF has made it easy and effortless for service providers, donors, volunteers and nonprofit groups to connect with those in NEED, as we have received more individuals needs profiles submitted on this site. The profiles include their contact information, information about their needs, desired solutions, pleas for their need satisfaction, and a listing of opportunities to achieve their solution. We also have profiles submitted of individuals as prospective donors or volunteers, include information about the causes that interest them.

If you or someone that you know needs Quality of Life Aid, PLEASE fill out the form below so that we can determine the best way to assist them.

Anyone can register at http://AMWFTRUST.ORG by submitting an online request form in a strictly confidential submission and they can also feel free to call the number (510) 394-4101 as well.


¿eX-whY AdVentures?Searchrite1


There are some good entertainment industry job listings below and on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!
We have a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing targeting the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY AdVentures?. We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the motion picture or television project, stage play, entertainment event, commercial ads, film trailers, soundtracks, the jingle, voice overs, and all promotions associated with the product.
We are developing jobs for actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and writers in the entertainment, commercial advertisement, stage, film and television fields.
To that end , our management agency would like you to provide us with a list of your castings calls that might fit this description for consideration in placement for jobs that you have.
We would be interested in any roles for anyone of our 10,000 Professional Athletes, Entertainers, Celebrity, Musicians, and Actors direct email recipients; our over 270,000 list members; and our over 21 million total readers of the publications we submit to.
As you can tell from our roster of talent, our Casting Division has a unique advantage in all forms of casting. With the growing popularity of ‘film and music video-style’ products, we have found that directors and producers value our ability to call in seasoned, serious talent from the film and television industries to add depth and quality to performances in stage, film, television and commercials.
More than two decades of feature film, television and commercial casting experience has provided us with strong relationships with agents, managers and talent which helps us to find the necessary talent to create innovative, creative and one-of-a-kind artistic product.
We can send Photos, Bios, videos, Comp Cards, CV with samples of work and salary requirements, where necessary. We are members of the Casting Society of America (C.S.A.), Independent Film Producers (I.F.P.), Screen Actors Guild (S.A.G.), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) to list a few.
There are some good entertainment industry job listings on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!


SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK has over 270,000 subscriber/members with a reach of over 21 million readers! The Network offers FREE advice and help with your sports or entertainment career, FREE Casting calls for TV shows, films, and stage, Invites to Red Carpet and Celebrity A-List Events, FREE notices of Sports and Entertainment jobs, FREE tickets to concerts, films, sporting events, symphony, amusement, and entertainment events, To be part of a Professional Network that provides what YOU need to advance YOUR career. Receive FREE Information and Opportunities for Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts, Casting opportunities, product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing. Subscribe to Superstars Network here. To learn more go to the SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK” page on
We are offering FREE LISTENING OR DOWNLOADS of our iTunes and podcast of Entertainment Law, “The Art of Reppin Pro Athletes & Entertainers”and “Hip Hop & Spread of Islam” at:

iTunes at:



*Get FREE working CONTRACTS for Music, Sports, Film, Advertising, Entertainment, Literary, etc!!!

We Provide and Share opportunities in the Sports and Entertainment Worlds
We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.
* Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management, and advise in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts as entertainers, artists, labels, producers, songwriter, publishers, distributors, retailers, merchandisers; commercial advertising, corporate sponsorships, product endorsements, marketing and promotions; also including establishing and management of your sports entity;
* Drafting, reviewing and negotiating of contracts for professional athletes; entertainers, artists, recording; producing; motion picture, television, radio and video; performing and touring; booking; publishing; royalties, copyrights and trademarks; distribution; merchandising; interactive multimedia and the internet; synchronization licenses; mechanical licenses; and publishing clearances;
* Casting opportunities,product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing;
* Contract negotiations, arbitrations, salary grievances, booking, production, management, recording, publishing, distribution, merchandising, licensing, to representation in copyright matters, royalty disputes, and an array of sports and entertainment issues and problems, with an emphasis on the sports and music industry;
* Provide special services to Rookies, Free Agents, Wavered players, and established Veterans by actively promoting and marketing your interest to the teams, securing try outs and contracts, while giving supplemental reports to selected teams to aid in your quest to get the big dollar contract. For every player, we secure alternate contracts with foreign teams in Canada, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Mexico, Africa, the Islands, as well as other American teams here. We secure contracts for try outs, tours, tournaments and leagues, in addition to employment referrals and aid in furthering your education. For those that do not make it in the United States the first time, we reorient you back into the U.S. pro sports industry with updated film, scouting reports, and information we release to all the pro teams on your progress, statistics, performances, and availability while acquiring new opportunities for you. There is absolutely no other agency or attorney that can do this for you. Just ask them. But….
* Record Demo Shopping; and Label Deals, independent record label, production deals, publishing company and/or distribution company deals.
* Programs that offer several Plans specially designed to fit your needs by providing you with expert advisers to ascertain your clients complete financial security. We provide the best professional advisers to negotiate you or your clients contract and advise you as to the length, the amount of money, the bonuses, incentives, and options in the contract. We have attorneys to procure all your legal needs, certified public accountants for your tax planning, financiers for your investment portfolio, insurance, and estate planning. Additionally we provide personal artist managers to enhance your commercial advertisement, product endorsement, and motion picture appeal. Subscribe to Superstars Network here.

We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.

We are members of the Casting Society of America (CSA), Independant Film Producers (IFP), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Producers Guild of America (PGA), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI)

Thanks, and don’t forget to check out our website at:

(510) 394-4601

December 2011-January 2012 New Job Listings


Established Talent Management Company, with offices in New York and Los Angeles, is looking to hire a seasoned Manager and or Agent for their rapidly expanding Below-The-Line Division. They are seeking candidates that are highly motivated, savvy and must come with an existing client list. Competitive salary & commission deal offered. All inquiries will be kept confidential. They are looking to fill positions in both their LA and NY offices. Minimum 5 years’ experience as Below-The-Line Agent or Manager. Please reply to with your CV and info.

Full Service Creative Agency with feature, commercial, music video and international video background looking for seasoned Production Manager. This person must be knowledgeable in the industry with ample production office / set experience. The ideal candidate will be proficient in the following: mac/pc, Microsoft Office, Photoshop/Illustrator, Final Cut, bookkeeping/light budgeting, scheduling, travel arrangements, phone etiquette (often internationally) and rolling calls. It is essential to work well under pressure. Please email cover letters and resumes to:

In-House Manager/CEO needed for author and public speaker. Must have experience in publishing or entertainment, preferably in management, legal, or marketing. 7+ years project management experience required, plus strong communication, time management, organization, prioritization, and people skills. Duties include management, growth, and expansion of current businesses and projects; training and managing employees; evaluating and initiating new projects; and negotiating contracts and deals. Email with “Kennedy” in the subject line of your email.

United Talent Agency (UTA) seeks qualified candidates for its agent trainee program. Previous industry experience and bachelors degree required. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, have excellent communication and organizational skills and a desire to learn the business of talent representation. This is a very demanding environment with excellent opportunities to work in Film, Television, Music, New Media and Entertainment Marketing. Proficiency with Microsoft Office software is mandatory. Compensation includes overtime and full benefits. References required. for more information. Fax cover letter & resume to (310) 247-1111 or email to Attn: Human Resources. No calls.

Talent management company seeks highly motivated assistant preferably with some entertainment industry experience. College degree required. Applicant must be articulate, highly organized and able to work in a fast-paced environment. Please send resumes and cover letters to

Management company seeks qualified assistant to work for extremely busy talent & lit manager in the film and television department. Candidates must have at least one year previous agency or management experience. Duties include rolling calls, heavy scheduling, heavy travel, database upkeep (inEntertainment and Microsoft Office Suite knowledge is required), submitting Breakdowns, and maintaining a general sense of order in clients’ and manager’s lives. Manager is a partner at the firm.18 month commitment required. Send cover letter and resume to

Feature film production company seeks experienced freelance story analysts. Applicants must have at least two years of experience writing coverage for a producer, network or studio. Please email resume, references, and two coverage samples (1 script, 1 book) to

Assistant to SVP of Reality Development and SVP of Scripted Development at a television production company. Ideal candidate would have agency experience, and an interest in both scripted and unscripted programming. Duties include: rolling calls; scheduling; coordinating with production and post-production; research; and contributing to projects in development. Qualifications: Must work well under pressure, have strong organizational skills, personable, reliable. Photoshop and powerpoint skills a plus. Send resumes to

Executive Assistant to Senior production executive at Miramax needed. Minimum one year prior experience as assistant to either agent, manager or production exec required. Needs to be very proficient with Mac and PC. Must be interested in reading, development, and packaging. Must have great organizational skills, etc. Position starts sometime in January. Please send resumes to:

Leading online entertainment news website seeking Executive Assistant. 2+ years experience rolling calls, scheduling meetings, red-lining docs, extremely trustworthy, and able to work long hours with dynamic entertainment personalities. Someone from an agency would be ideal who wants to break into production as an assistant. Reply with resume to:

Premiere celebrity talent agency is seeking an agent assistant. Candidate will support President and Head of endorsements/licensing. Experience in celebrity endorsements or marketing preferred. The candidate should be excellent at handling multiple projects while maintaining a strong sense of professionalism. Apply only if you have prior industry desk experience. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to be an agent. Email your cover letter and resume to

TV Chef and NY Times Bestselling Author seeks a creative, hard working, extremely reliable Assistant. You will provide production/culinary support for multiple TV shows, cookbooks, infomercials and her entire brand. Must have 2 years substantial production or agency experience and a strong interest in all things culinary. This is more of a production / kitchen assistant than personal assistant. If interested email resume and cover letter to

Principato-Young Entertainment seeks qualified assistant to work for a busy lit manager in the film and television department. Candidates must have at least one year previous agency or management experience. Duties include rolling calls, heavy scheduling, travel, heavy grid upkeep, and maintaining a general sense of order in clients’ and manager’s lives. The desk requires heavy coverage and notes writing; candidates should have thoughtful comments on scripts and a passion for reading material. Manager is a partner at the firm. Please send cover letters and resumes to

Seeking qualified assistant for Beverly Hills-based talent agent. Clients include TV/film actors, producers, athletes, and reality stars. Ideal candidate would wish to be an agent long-term, and a sense of humor, lateral-thinking skills, and an ability to multi-task would be beneficial. Prior agency experience required, inEntertainment proficiency a plus. Job would begin first week of January 2012. Please send all cover letters and resumes to

Beverly Hills based talent management company seeks office assistant. Candidates must have a strong/friendly phone presence, excellent communication skills, be extremely detail oriented, and able to multi-task and prioritize. Job responsibilities include but are not limited to: phones, scheduling, office management, client submissions, research, booking travel, script coverage, etc. Interest in talent management essential. Please email resume and cover letter to

Beverly Hills talent agency looking for an energetic, motivated assistant to support a high-volume agent in our alternative/reality department. The ideal candidate is even-keeled, smart, multi-tasking, passionate about reality TV and attuned to pop culture. Must have an interest in comedy and light script coverage. Entertainment experience preferred. Email resume and cover letter to

Exec Assistant needed for new production company in BH. Should be savvy, sophisticated & fashion oriented with impeccable phone & email etiquette, as you will be corresponding with high profile clients. 3+ years of talent agency and or production experience is a must. College degree is a must. Amazing opportunity to start with a great company from the beginning. $50k + DOE. Send resumes with “Start Up Assistant” in subject to

British owned company is seeking an executive assistant to the CEO. Candidate needs to be presentable, polite, and able to multi-task in a high pressured environment as this person will work at the front desk. Attention to detail, diplomacy, great communication skills and an excellent work ethic are necessary. Responsibilities include managing the CEO’s calendar, travel, calls, order/pick up meals. Our company produces award winning reality and factual television. Please send resumes to Daniel:

Fox Networks Group seeks a second assistant for the Chairman, Entertainment. The ideal candidate can handle multiple tasks simultaneously in a fast-paced environment. This is not a permanent assistant position, and the candidate must want to be a television executive. A high level of professionalism and confidentiality, a college degree, and one year of entertainment experience are required. Agency experience is highly preferred. Please send resumes to

Seeking an executive assistant for a Management / Production Company based in Los Angeles (Century City). Job responsibilities entail overall office upkeep, answering phones, maintaining busy schedule, rolling calls, scheduling meetings, travel, interacting with casting offices and clients and providing administrative support for the head of our talent department. Candidates should have 1-2 years agency/management experience. Please email resume and cover letter to:

Looking for an assistant to join one of the faster growing comedy managements companies. Lots of room for advancement. Must have a passion for comedy and entertainment industry experience. Send resumes and cover letters to:

TV Chef and NY Times Bestselling Author seeking a creative, hard working, extremely reliable Assistant. You will provide culinary and production support for multiple TV shows, the brand of cookbooks, magazine articles, infomercials, dessert line and more. Must have production or agency experience, a strong interest in all things culinary as this is more a kitchen assistant than personal assistant position. If interested email resume and cover letter to

Established TV/Commercial Director seeks Personal/Professional Assistant for one year commitment. Applicant must be multi-tasker, organized, hard working, computer savvy and love dogs. Strong Final Cut Pro editing skills required. Full time job – actors with auditions will not be considered. Must have car, cell phone and have no problem with combined personal/professional duties. Salary $575 weekly. Please send resume to

Author seeks personal/executive assistant with 5+ years experience. If you’d look forward to the stability and working relationship, send resumes to

Executive/Personal Assistant wanted. The job is 5 days a week, you must work from home and being on call is required. Cell phone & internet hot spot will be provided, but need to have good working laptop. Must be tech savvy and blogger experience is a big plus, as well as YouTube knowledge. Candidate will be in charge of schedule and other various duties and must be available to travel if needed. Please send back a resume, along with a picture, and blog URL if you have one.

Worldly and eco conscious jewelry brand that has been in business for over 20 years is looking for an executive/personal assistant. You will be responsible for managing the personal and professional calendar, party planning, email & phone correspondence, sending gifts. The ideal person will have at least 3 years of executive assistant experience, must be very proactive and have a can-do attitude. Excellent written & verbal skills a must. $50k. Send resumes to

Established TV/Commercial Director seeks Personal/Professional Assistant for one year commitment. Applicant must be multi-tasker, organized, hard working, computer savvy and love dogs. Strong Final Cut Pro editing skills required. Full time job – actors with auditions will not be considered. Must have car, cel phone and have no problem with combined personal/professional duties. Salary $575 weekly. Please send resume to

Major talent agency is looking for an experienced, Manager to Director-level publicist (with knowledge of corporate PR preferred) to work alongside head of corporate communications. Candidate must have trade and business press experience, as well as minimum 5+ years working at PR agency, studio or network. Candidates should have top-notch written and oral communication skills, including ability to write press materials under tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Growth potential. Position reports to head of corporate communications but will also interface with senior management. Competitive salary (commensurate with experience) and all customary benefits offered. Please fax resumes and cover letters to 310-205-5608. No calls please.

Major talent agency is seeking a full-time intern for Corporate Communications Department. Excellent opportunity for learning about media relations in the corporate environment. Applicants must be highly motivated, organized, detail-oriented and self-starting. Interns will assist with office projects, administration, and special events. Strong computer, verbal and written skills are essential. This is a paid internship through June 2012. Must hold bachelor’s degree (any major) from accredited four-year college or university. Potential for full-time position. Please email to to apply.

As the worldwide leader in entertainment public relations, Rogers & Cowan specializes in developing integrated marketing campaigns for entertainment, technology, and fashion/beauty clients. A Fall internship at Rogers & Cowan is intended to provide a true learning experience for the student along with the opportunity to observe public relations professionals in a business environment. It will provide familiarity with the public relations field and with the functions of a large agency. Email for consideration. College credit only.

Screen Actors Guild-Los Angeles seeks a Communication Specialist with experience in media communications and public relations. Position is responsible for creating and supporting all marketing communications programs and initiatives. Undergraduate degree required. 3-5 years of related experience required. Combination of experience and education may be suitable. Writing sample required. $52,200 starting salary. Equal Opportunity Employer. For consideration e-mail resume with salary requirements to

Los Angeles based PR and Marketing firm is looking for eager and hard-working interns to come in and help out at least two full days per week. Clients include those in the fashion, design, and entertainment fields. Tasks include answering phones, filing, research, occasional work-related errands, etc. Occasional attendance at events required as well. Internship is for school credit only. Please email resumes to

Los Angeles-based PR agency Konnect PR is seeking a full-time Account Executive with experience in lifestyle consumer products. Ideal candidate should have solid media relations, good writing skills, a Bachelor Degree in PR/ related field and minimum of 1-2 years of PR experience. Please send resumes and cover letters to

Beck Media, a Santa Monica-based public relations agency serving the television and technology industries, seeks motivated, persistent self-starters with strong writing and multi-tasking abilities to intern at our office. Creativity and resourcefulness required. Duties include: media research, list building, event staffing, research and writing assignments, etc. Timing is flexible around classes, but we would prefer someone available for at least 4 hours/day, 4-5 days/week. Please apply to

Red Light Public Relations, a product placement and entertainment marketing firm in Hollywood seeks to fill the position of a Senior Account Executive. Qualified candidates must have prior entertainment/product placement/publicity backgrounds. Fashion PR showroom experience is a must and a strong list of contacts is a plus. Please send resume and cover letter to

Public relations and marketing firm specializing in emerging brands and entertainment is looking for responsible and dedicated interns to start immediately and gain valuable hands-on experience with media and the mechanics of PR campaigns and strategy. We are looking for interns who have an active interest in social media and website design/management. Interest in creating social media strategies that build fan base, increase engagement and drive traffic. Must be an ambitious multi-tasker comfortable in a fast paced environment who can stay ahead of industry trends. Please send resumes to:

Red Light PR, a boutique fashion firm specializing in product placement, publicity, entertainment marketing and celebrity seeding seeks to fill positions in their internship program with potential transition to full-time employment. Qualified candidates should have excellent communication/people skills, prior experience in fashion PR field, and open schedule availability. Email resume and cover letter as soon as possible to

Independent Music Management firm seeks manager for music administration division. Position requires knowledge of music publishing administration, contract admin and database management. Knowledge of production company and record label a&r is useful, although not essential. This position requires at least 5 years of industry experience, preferably in music publishing. Ability to exercise self-motivation, stellar communication and people skills, and quality control is essential. Please send CV to:

Looking for the best Final Cut Pro Editors to join our New Media Breaking News team. Full time employment starts 2012. Must be extremely fast. We have daily and hourly turn around on our content. Great creative work environment. This is not a beginners position. Any and all other program experience a plus. Especially graphic design & Photoshop experience. Must live in LA. Email Resume & Reel to

A major teen and young adult website is looking for a Social Media Intern (Communications major). Duties include cultivating a social media voice and connecting with our worldwide followers. Qualifications: Avid Twitter user; mastery of teen pop culture, awareness of emerging social media trends, and interest in new social media platforms. Please send resume to This is an unpaid internship for college credit.

Beverly Hills talent agency looking for a social media/digital marketer for the tour marketing department. Duties include, contact gathering, itineraries, gathering ticketing links, policing appropriate websites, organizing client social media data, working with the PR department on daily breaks, and coming up with online/digital promotions or campaigns to be implemented nationally/tourwide and track the success of said campaigns. Ideal candidate has previous industry and/or tour marketing experience, detailed, organized, and extremely proactive. Please e-mail resumes to

A major teen website is seeking a talent relations assistant intern (public relations or communications major) next semester. The job consists of researching upcoming events in the L.A. area, answering phones, and assisting the Senior Director of Talent Relations to book, oversee and distribute celebrity interviews. Qualifications: Broad knowledge of teen pop culture, knowledge of proper email etiquette, and friendly demeanor. Please send resume This is an unpaid internship for college credit.

A major teen website is looking for an Editorial Intern next semester. Duties include researching breaking celebrity news, reporting to the Managing Editor, and writing news articles for the website. Qualifications: Strong writing skills; knowledge of AP Style, broad knowledge of teen pop culture, and experience using blogging platforms such as WordPress, Movable Type or Tumblr. Please send resume to This is an unpaid internship for college credit

A-list management company seeks a qualified web design and development coordinator. Responsibilities include assisting in maintenance of websites and apps for clients, executing marketing campaigns, and organizing and executing online publicity and grassroots newsletters. MUST be proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, wire-framing, HTML, and CSS. E-mail cover letter and resume to

CEO of a large media/tech company which is on the cutting edge of video and technology production, seeks a motivated, creative executive assistant. Duties include heavy scheduling, travel coordination, research, administrative duties, creative brainstorming/projects with execs and anything to make sure the office runs smoothly. Candidates should be willing to dedicate 1-2 years to being a rock star assistant, after which, the possibilities for growth and promotion are endless. Agency/management experience preferred. Please send resumes to

Interns needed to start immediately at HaHa Media, Inc, a web-based media company. We seek highly motivated, creative and intelligent interns who are eager to learn. This is a three-month internship, and interns must be available at least 2 days or 14-16 hours a week. Duties include learning how to effectively write for the web; aiding with research; and learning the nuts and bolts of search engine optimization. A sense of humor, organization and outside-the-box resourcefulness is a must, experience with social media is helpful. Please send cover letter and resume to

Production company with major deal to produce several original digital media series is seeking Production Coordinator/Office Manager for downtown LA office. Experience with development, production, post production, and social media preferred. Candidates should be creative, detail-oriented, work well under pressure, and possess strong communication skills. Salary, full time position. Please send cover letter and resume to:

Maya Entertainment has exciting new internship opportunities within its Home Entertainment division. Duties include: online research, creating/updating Maya’s social media messaging, generating html sales newsletter, assisting with general office tasks (phones, filing, data entry). Knowledge of, or desire to learn about, the entertainment industry preferred. College credit. Skills: Microsoft Office, blogging, some web building, social networks and online marketing. Submit resume as PDF to:

Top digital-entertainment company is seeking assistant to the GM. Responsibilities include: managing calendar, rolling calls, travel, etc. This position provides the opportunity to actively engage in the programming strategy as well as participate in the business development of the network. Candidate will actively interface with the entertainment and production team to continue creating this innovating new-media destination. Ideal applicant will possess prior talent agency/production experience. Please send resumes to:

Management and production company in Beverly Hills seeks a diligent and ambitious candidate to work as a production intern in the Digital Studios department. Applicants must have extensive knowledge of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, be very detail oriented and have an extended knowledge of YouTube and its back end. Experience with Final Cut Pro and Photoshop is a must. This internship is a great opportunity to gain work experience in the area of digital entertainment as well as develop your professional network and resume. E-mail cover letter, resume or reel to

NON-LA POSITIONS (All Locations/All Positions)
Bi-Coastal (NY/LA) music management, celebrity and athlete endorsement firm is seeking an eager/hard-working intern to help out at least two full days per week. Clients include high-end celebrities and athletes in music, acting and lifestyle. Must be goal oriented and confidential. Tasks include answering phones, making outgoing calls, research, and basic office skills. Must be competent with Excel and Word. Internship is for school credit only. Please email resumes to

Partner at talent agency seeking full-time assistant in Branding/Endorsement Dept. Job responsibilities include heavy phones, filing and standard office tasks, handling agent schedule, booking agent and client travel, etc. Position requires experience in Microsoft Word and Excel, excellent writing ability, and professional phone etiquette. Great opportunity for growth. Agency, public relations, or management experience required. This is a New York based position. Please email resumes to

Established Talent Management Company, with offices in New York and Los Angeles, is looking to hire a seasoned Manager and or Agent for their rapidly expanding Below-The-Line Division. They are seeking candidates that are highly motivated, savvy and must come with an existing client list. Competitive salary & commission deal offered. All inquiries will be kept confidential. They are looking to fill positions in both their LA and NY offices. Minimum 5 years’ experience as Below-The-Line Agent or Manager. Please reply to with your CV and info.

NY film production company is seeking an Assistant for NY based VP of Marketing. This position is fast paced; candidates should have a focus in Marketing or Marketing assistant experience, and be an excellent multi-tasker with rock-solid administrative skills, phone skills and have knowledge of Photoshop and Adobe products. Also knowledge of Microsoft office programs. We are looking for someone quick, savvy and energetic. Please send resume to

Constellation, an online movie theater channel with offices in NYC, is seeking dedicated fall interns to assist in areas including film research, PR/marketing, and social media. Interns will be exposed to a dynamic start-up environment and will learn about the changing landscape of film distribution on the front lines. Seeking students who are well-organized, personable, ambitious, have exceptional written and verbal communication skills, and proficiency in social media platforms. Send resume and cover letter to:

Santa Monica Production Company seeks Front Office Receptionist for day time hours on Saturday and Sunday as well as early evening (5:30 PM to about 10 PM) on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Position will include, but not limited to, answering phones, greeting visitors, managing all aspects of company mail and shipping as well as other various clerical duties. Please email cover letter and resume to:

Red Granite Pictures is looking for a organized and enthusiastic receptionist to start immediately. Responsibilities include answering phones, preparing expense reports, scheduling meetings, ordering supplies, as well as reading scripts and writing coverage. Excellent communication and organizational skills required. Please email resumes to, subject “Reception Opening.” This is a part-time position.

Bi-coastal talent agency is looking for an experienced Receptionist to start immediately. Duties include answering phones, greeting clients, and providing administrative support. Candidates must have experience on an entertainment industry desk, computer savvy, excellent phone etiquette, a strong work ethic, and the ability to learn quickly, multi-task, and be a team player with the right personality. Please email resume and cover letter to:

Boutique beauty agency is seeking an exceptional, highly motivated and detailed orientated Receptionist/Assistant Agent. Candidates must be able to answer heavy calls, book travel, have excellent communication and organizational skills, a desire to learn the business and a high level of enthusiasm. Agency experience a plus. Great entry level opportunity to experience the entertainment world. Salary position & more details upon interview. Send cover letters and resumes to

INTERNSHIPS (Film & Television)
The Research & Development/Studio Operations divisions of Marvel Studios are seeking interns interested in comics and film development. Proficiency in Adobe Suite and Microsoft Office are preferred. Interns will be largely responsible for film project research in addition to assisting with administrative tasks Internship runs from Jan to May/June and are 20 hours/week. Interns must receive course credit. Please email resume and cover letter to: Attn: Development Internship Coordinator.

Thunder Road Pictures seeks sharp, creative interns passionate about Film and TV. Excellent analytical reading and writing skills necessary, as coverage is expected regularly. Our internship producing program teaches interns the steps taken to develop and produce feature films and television series in a fun, friendly work environment. Car required and all interns must be able to earn credit. Hours are preferably 2-3 full days a week. We are currently hiring interns for Winter/Spring 2012 (Jan-May). Please send cover letter and resume to

Momentum Entertainment Group, a future generation content studio, is looking for spring interns within the Alternative Department. 20-25 hours a week, willing to work around class schedules. Please email resume and cover letter to Students must receive class credit.

Underground Films is looking for interns for their trainee program to start right away. The position is unpaid. You will gain valuable experience and knowledge in the areas of management and production, as well as working in a creative environment. Intern will have the opportunity to attend development meetings, client meetings, generals and listen in on calls. Intern must be able to multi-task as duties include script reading, answering phones, scheduling and other general office duties. No previous experience needed. Please email resume and cover letter to Austin at

Working Title Films is searching for intern candidates for the Spring 2012 semester. WTF is looking for highly capable individuals who have a passion for film and a desire to learn. Candidates must be outgoing, smart self-starters who like to work hard and have fun. Junior and Senior applicants only. Lunch is paid. Please submit resume and cover letter to with the subject – Internship.

Looking for a smart, hard-working intern to read scripts, write coverage, and assist with day-to-day duties at Muse Entertainment, a production company located in Studio City. Position is unpaid. A great opportunity to learn how the development process works alongside high-level execs, as it’s a small office with large projects. Academic credit offered. Please contact to be considered.

Prime Universe Productions is looking for enthusiastic interns. We are a very busy production company with numerous projects in various stages of development. This is an extremely creative environment where interns can be as involved in the development process as they want to be. Very important to be a self-starter. Please email resume and brief cover letter to Include ”Internship” in the subject line.

Film Rites, a production company founded by Steve Zaillian with a first-look deal at DreamWorks is looking for highly motivated interns to for the Spring 2012 semester. Interns will be exposed to daily operations, learning film development first-hand at an active production company. Duties include script coverage, actor/writer/director lists, administrative (copies, correspondence, phones), scheduling, creative meetings. Knowledge of film and strong writing skills are top priorities. This is an unpaid internship. Resumes should be sent to

UTA writer client looking for an intern to help with research on several projects including two TV pilots and several feature scripts all in development. Must know Final Draft and have good proofreading skills. Hours are flexible, around 5-10/week. Unpaid. In return for their services, they will get career and relationship advice. A good opportunity for aspiring writers/producers to gain experience working with a successful writer. Please send resumes to

Brand new financier/production company hiring a few interns to start immediately. While the job does not pay it’s a fantastic experience if you put in the work. Must commit to at least 6 months, 2 days a week. Reading on your weekends. We are making films. Duties include office duties (everything that entails). If you haven’t read at least 50 scripts and have no experience doing coverage do not send your resume. Email resumes to

Academy Award-winning filmmaker seeks an intern for his production company, 2-3 days per week (M/W or M/W/F). Tasks include administrative work, but also a significant amount of development, brainstorming, and coverage. Send resumes to Include a brief cover letter in the body of your email. Put the title of a book (with author) in the subject line. Must be a current college student able to receive credit.

Big Screen Entertainment Group is looking for young, motivated, and enthusiastic interns. Duties will include phones, emails, script coverage and general office support. The position will be 2-3 days per week, 12-15 hours total. We pay for lunch and reimburse for gas. This is a great opportunity to learn the development, production, and distribution sides of the business. Please send cover letters and resumes to

Small but prevalent production company seeks creative, tech-savvy critical thinkers that don’t shy away from hard work and a do-it-yourself attitude. This internship revolves around coverage, office duties, and we are looking for individuals who shine in a fast-paced and creative environment. Applications could potentially be an animator, graphic designer, filmmaker, writer, web designer, etc. School credit only. Start January, 2012 (Spring Semester). Send cover letter and resume to

Crucial Films, a busy production company for entertainment mogul Dr. Dre, seeks motivated interns starting in January 2012. Candidates must be fulltime students. Focusing on films/TV, this is a unique opportunity for a very hands on experience. Duties: handle phone calls, set meetings for executives, read and report on scripts. This is an unpaid internship, but will help you take your career to the next level. Send resumes to

Endgame Entertainment is a film production and finance company seeking interns for its work based training program relating to the company’s creative development and business development departments. Interns will gain training and experience in phones, clerical duties, and script coverage. Previous knowledge of script coverage is appreciated but not required. Please send cover letters and resumes to Unpaid. School credit only for Spring semester.

High level talent management/production company is seeking interns for the Fall semester. Applicant must be passionate about film industry and acting management with a good talent for script coverage, and must be proficient with answering phones, scheduling, and light office work. Internship is non-paid, and must be for college credit. Please email resumé and cover letter to

Smokewood Entertainment is looking for an intern to assist in post production on their most recently wrapped film, Long Time Gone. Duties will include making runs, assisting with editorial needs and being a liaison between producers and editorial. This is a great opportunity to see how post production works on a feature film and to make connections with professionals in the industry. Please send cover letter and resume to:

Original Film seeks sharp interns passionate about film and eager to learn. Friendly work environment. Past interns have been hired. Responsibilities include reading, coverage, research, and general demands of an office. An excellent opportunity to learn in an active environment. 2-3 days/week preferred. Class credit available. Email resumes to

Film finance company and its literary management subsidiary seek office interns for the winter/spring 2012 season. Duties will range from going on runs, general office tasks, backup reception / assistants, script coverage, and research projects. Availability required is 2 days a week M-F 9am – 7pm. School credit required, no exceptions. Candidates that do not meet these requirements need not apply. Please send attached cover letters and resumes to

Bold Management & Production, a boutique management company representing artists in the areas of Talent, Literary and Music, seeks creative, outgoing, organized individuals for 3 day/week unpaid internships. Duties include but not limited to rolling calls, script coverage, project tracking, talent submissions, appointment scheduling, support with booking bands to local music venues, developing relationships with leading music blogs and general office duties. Email resumes to:> College credit given if applicable.

FilmNation Entertainment is a development and production company based out of Beverly Hills. This company is a great place to see the whole process of filmmaking, from development through delivery. Duties include heavy amounts of script reading and coverage as well as answering phones, and greeting clients. Interns are expected to be detail oriented, proactive, hardworking, and excited by this industry. Internship is unpaid. Parking is provided. Please email resumes and cover letters to

Global artist/brand management firm seeks motivated, hard-working interns available 3-5 days/week. Responsibilities include handling phones, merchandise and product inventory, in addition to general administrative duties. The ideal candidate is a team player who takes initiative and sees projects through to completion. This position requires a great deal of professionalism and attention to detail. Internships are unpaid. Please send cover letter and resume to

Intern for Pilot Presentation. Start immediately. January shoot. Prefer someone with production experience and Final Draft to assist with script compilation. Must be a team player to work alongside producers, cast, and crew. PC literate. Assist in various aspects of production, organizing office, phones. This could become a full time job when/if the show goes to series. Valley location. We’ll need someone 5 days/week. Small weekly stipend.

Steve Carr is currently looking for interns for his production company Rumpus Entertainment. Duties will be script coverage, general administrative tasks, and the occasional errand. This internship is for college credit. We ask that interns have a car, a laptop, and are available 2 days a week. Forward resumes and attachments in the body of an email to

Scenario, a new literary management and production company, offers interns a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience and earn great references by working with our writers, directors, and creative producers in the story development process doing story analysis, research, and notes. Part-time and full-time positions are available (including optional evening and weekend hours) for this unpaid internship. For more details, email

Color Force, Nina Jacobson’s production company, is currently seeking interns for the Spring. We are looking for motivated, self-starters who are eager to learn more about the development and production process to intern 2-3 full days per week. We are a small and hands-on company. In addition to general administrative tasks, our interns attend ideas meetings, write script coverage, and complete research projects. The internship is unpaid and college credit is required. Please submit a cover letter and resume to

Leading Reality Television Show is seeking interns to aid in the preproduction of our second season. Interns will work alongside world class talent as well as top level television producers. Responsibilities will include: research, correspondence, scheduling, and errands. Positions are unpaid however successful completion of internship will likely lead to employment. Fluency in Hebrew and English a plus. Please email resumes and cover letters to

OddLot Entertainment is looking for interns seeking hands-on experience in film development/production. Duties include covering scripts, participating in Weekend Read meetings, phone reception, errands, etc. We’re looking for candidates who are outgoing, organized, and have a hunger to learn the ins and outs of film production. While the internship is unpaid, we provide lunch. Please email your cover letter/resume to, Attn: Office Manager/HR, with subject line P&D Internship Spring 2012. 11/18
IM Global, the leading sales company and financier is seeking interns in the sales, acquisitions, and finance departments. Duties include: phones, reading scripts, other admin responsibilities in a fast-paced setting. Internship is unpaid but school credit available. Great opportunity to gain hands-on experience from one of the most successful companies in the field. Please send resume to:

Boutique talent agency in Santa Monica seeks intelligent, creative and computer-savvy intern with a great attitude and an interest in learning the industry. You will be involved in talent submissions, coverage, answering phones, assisting with contracts, filing, as well as other general administrative duties. Two full days (10am-5pm) a week minimum. Internship is unpaid, but school credit available. We are a small company so our interns get a real hands-on experience and an extraordinary education. Please submit cover letter, resume and availability to

Myriad Pictures is a Santa Monica based development, production and film sales company. Interns tasks include reading, coverage, participation in weekend read meetings, general office duties, errands, covering desks, and research. Applicants should be capable, motivated, responsible, detail-oriented, and proficient in Word/Excel/Outlook. This is an incredible opportunity to experience multiple aspects of the film industry. This internship is unpaid, and participants must be eligible to receive academic credit. Flexible schedule. Please send resume and cover letter to

Production Company, with films in development, is looking for an intern to start as soon as possible. Duties include: answering phones, scheduling, writing script coverage, and various other jobs. You will get the chance to work closely with the CEO and see firsthand how a production company is run. Please send cover letter and resume to

Busy film producer seeks part-time assistant or intern, depending on experience. Ideal candidate is self-motivated, organized, and has great communication and computer skills. Responsibilities include clerical duties, and participating in development, production and post-production. Fluency in Mandarin Chinese a major plus. Please forward resume and cover letter to

Miss World, a documentary film produced and directed by Cecilia Peck is seeking an unpaid intern to start immediately and work 2-3 days a week on post-production (flexible schedule.) Ideal candidate will be proactive, energetic, and possess very strong computer, research, and writing skills. You may receive school credit. Please send your resume and cover letter to

A small independent production company is seeking interns for an exciting documentary on music art and film now entering post-production. This a great way to get hands on film/TV skills as you will be assisting the Editor with transcription and tape logging. Unfortunately the position is unpaid, but future opportunities with the company may be available. Please send a pdf of your resume and a cover letter to

An A-list management and production company in Beverly Hills seeks a diligent and ambitious intern interested in working in the television development. Tasks include answering phones, managing schedules, working with client, and going on runs. This is a great opportunity to gain work experience in the management area of the entertainment field as well as develop your professional network and resume. Previous desk experience is preferred but not required. This internship is not paid. E-mail cover letter and resume to

Four By Two Films is currently seeking reliable interns with an interest in comedy, writing, development and production. Responsibilities include script coverage, phones, office management, project research, and occasional runs. This is a non-paid internship. College credit necessary. Ideally looking for 2-3 day/week commitment. Please email resumes and cover letters with your availability to:

River Road Entertainment is seeking reliable, enthusiastic interns for winter/spring. Responsibilities include: script coverage, projects (writer/director lists, research), and administrative support (phones, copies). Contribute in creative meetings, and learn the development process firsthand. Candidates should have strong interest in feature film development, superior writing skills, and great taste! Send resume, cover letter and coverage samples, if available to Credit required.

Talent-based feature production company with a focus on comedy is currently seeking reliable interns with an interest in writing, development and production. Responsibilities include script coverage, phones, office management, project research, and occasional runs. This is a non-paid internship. College credit necessary. Ideally looking for 2-3 day/week commitment. Please email resumes and cover letters with your availability to:

Mandate Pictures seeks interns for its spring semester film development internship program. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: reading and evaluating script, book, and article submissions, updating script and DVD databases, pitching material to executives, attending weekly staff meetings, compiling film festival grids, researching short films and up-and-coming talent, and covering executives’ desks/phones when relevant. The internship also involves a Q&A dinner with Mandate’s creative executives and intern seminars on film finance and film marketing. Candidates must be eligible to receive college credit. Send resume and cover letter to

Intrigue Entertainment seeks interns for the winter/spring term. We are currently in Studio City, but will be relocating to the westside early next year, and interns are expected to be available at both locations. Duties include conducting project research, writing coverage, and general administrative tasks. Ideal candidates will be professional and be committed to at least three days a week. Candidate must supply his/her own laptop and should have their own transportation. Position is unpaid.
Email cover letter and resume in the body of the email, with subject line “Internship” to:

Interns needed immediately for a comedy pilot presentation for AMC. Interns will spend time in the production office as well as on set. Internship begins immediately. Shoot starts November 15th and lasts 4 days. Applicants must have a car and a valid drivers license. Send resume to:

Samuel Goldwyn Films is looking for hard working interns to start immediately. Responsibilities include film festival prep, script reading and screening movies coverage, research, and general office needs. We are looking for someone to commit to 2 or more days/week in our Beverly Hills office. Students must be enrolled in a recognized academic institution. Please email resumes to

Lawrence Bender Productions seeks Fall & Spring Session interns with a motivated attitude to start immediately as well as for our next intern session. Heavy reading, answering phones, runs and the opportunity to sit in creative meetings. Must have a car, all mileage reimbursed. Hours: 9am-7pm, 2-3 days a week. Please send resumes and cover letters as attachments to:

Katalyst Films’ Production Department seeks bright, qualified interns for the Spring semester 2012. Interns must receive college credit and commit to at least 2days a week. An interest in production is desired; duties include supporting the Vice President of Production, organizing and prepping shoots, dealing with logistics, helping to facilitate communication and assisting with basic finance processes. Please submit a brief cover letter with a resume (PDF attachment preferred) to

Blumhouse Productions is looking for 4 creatively-minded, enthusiastic, and intelligent interns to be a part of a growing company in the heart of Hollywood. Responsibilities include coverage, office duties, and you will have the chance to get creatively involved with our current projects as well! Students with film/tv production degrees are preferred! Please email all resumes to

Angry Films is looking for highly motivated interns to assist as we move into a very active period. Job responsibilities would include, but not limited to, organization of script libraries, script coverage, regular office duties and phones, spending one on one time with producers assisting them, and whatever else we can throw at you. Applicants need to be computer literate, well spoken, own a car and have the ability to multitask and be organized. Internship is unpaid. Please send cover letter and resume in body of email to

Practical Pictures is looking for interns (unpaid, starting Jan 3rd). Hands-on interfacing with the producer bosses in a small company– you’ll need some experience (phones, computers). We’re in post on AMERICAN REUNION (PIE), releasing 4/16/12. We also have development projects at every studio. If you’re able to work 2 full days, please email resumes to

Vuguru, an independent Beverly Hills-based studio funded by Michael Eisner’s Tornante Company and Rogers Media, seeks motivated interns. Selected applicants will have an opportunity to work alongside executives in Development, Production, Post Production, Distribution, Marketing and Legal. Unpaid/academic credit only for the Spring 2012 semester. Positions available beginning mid-December2011. Minimum four days per week. Must have car. Resumes to Please specify department of interest. No cover letter required.

Beverly Hills literary management company seeks efficient, intelligent, creative interns to start immediately. Duties include but not limited to script coverage, phone duty, office duties, running errands, scheduling, and research. Candidates should be creative thinkers, great multi-taskers and possess excellent communication skills. These are non-paying, part-time internships but will be an amazing opportunity for anyone willing to learn to about the industry. Please send cover letter and resumes to

The Gersh Agency seeks dedicated interns for year-round internships for our Talent, Motion Picture Literary, Television and Comedy departments. Responsibilities include reading/covering scripts for consideration, rolling calls, actor submissions, and general office duties. Furthermore, our internship provides the opportunity to shadow Assistants and Agents in their day-to-day activities. Interns are required to work with us 1-2 days a week and supply evidence of school credit. To apply, please email your resume to: Be sure to include a short paragraph detailing your interest in our Internship Program.

Occupy Oakland; Free Tickets to: Snoop Dogg/Wiz Kalifa; Erykah Badu; Fela!; Avant; Keb’ Mo; Montclair Womens Big Band; Duke Ellington; Velveteen Rabbit; Colors of Xmas; Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble; Zongo Junction; Orgone; Business Strategic Plan; Y


7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA  94605-3032
Phone  (510) 394-4601  FAX  (510) 638-8889
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
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Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room
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Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France

Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
Founder of BLACK EXPO shown with Olympic Sprinter John Carlos , Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference , Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA ConferenceOakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,

You can click on any highlighted word to view or download that item

    Dr. Kenya Numan and her organization “Stepping Together as well as Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation were recently honored in Miami, Florida and Port Au Prince, Haiti last month for the Relief Missions that they have sent to Haiti since the earthquake.
Abdul-Jalil and crew are currently up for an EMMY with “OUT. The Glenn Burke Story”, and have already won several honors for it and expect more.
Special “Thanks” to all that have supported our efforts over the years!

FREE tickets to:
Avant, Fri & Sat., 11/25-26 @10 pm, Yoshi’s- Oakland, 510 Embarcadero W, Oakland Ca 94607;
Orgone with Allen Stone, Sat, 11/26/11 @8:00 PM, Great American Music Hall, 859 O’Farrell St., San Francisco, CA 94109
Montclaire Womens Big Band
, Sun, 11/27 @7 pm,  Yoshi’s- Oakland, 510 Embarcadero W, Oakland Ca 94607;
The Velveteen Rabbit, Choreographed and directed by KT Nelson, Sat., 11/26 @2 p.m., Novellus Theater at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 701 Mission Street (at 3rd Street), San Francisco, CA
Keb’ Mo, Thu, 12/1/11 @8:00 PM, The Regency Ballroom, 1290 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94109
Erykah Badu, Fri., 12/9 @9pm, The Warfield Theater, 982 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Snoop Dog and Wiz Kalifa
, Mon., 12/12 @9pm, The Warfield Theater, 982 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Fela!, Produced by Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, 11/15 – 12/11 @8pm, Curran Theatre, 445 Geary St, San Francisco, CA 94102
Colors of Christmas, featuring Peabo Bryson, Jennifer Holliday, Lea Salonga, Ben Vereen with A.M.E. Oakland Mass Choir and San Francisco Symphony, December 13-15, 2011, 8:00 pm, Davies Symphony Hall, 201 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco , CA 94199
Duke Ellington, featuring San Francisco Symphony, Sunday, December 11, 2011, 8:00 pm, Davies Symphony Hall, 201 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco , CA 94199
Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble,
Thur, 12/29/11 @9:00 PM, SLIM’S, 333 11th St., San Francisco, CA 94103
Zongo Junction/ Turkuaz, Thur, 12/29/11 @9:00 PM, SLIM’S, 333 11th St., San Francisco, CA 94103

The tickets will be awarded via our Text, Twitter or website, so DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL, and if you haven’t already, you should join us on:
Text “I Want Tickets to (show)” with your name and email address to: (510) 394-4501; Twitter at: , , , , or go to the websites at: ,  , http://AMWFTRUST.Org/  or http://NowTruth.Org/  and make your request on the “I WANT TICKETS” page.


With Allen Stone

Great American Music Hall
859 O’Farrell St.
San Francisco, CA 94109

  • Day: Sat, Nov. 26, 2011
  • Showtime: 8:00 PM
  • Doors open: 7:00 PM

Orgone Los Angeles?Funk / Soul / Afro-beat??or·gone (ôr’gon) ?n. A universal life force, a cosmic unit of energy, the creative force in nature.

Los Angeles based band Orgone is many souls with a cosmic connection, a natural creative force and musicians who have played together for years. They are self schooled and continue to shape their musical voice as a solid unit of guys who hang, spin records and jam out their shared inspirations. With a rooted sense of funk, soul, afrobeat, deep rhythms and an intimate understanding of dj culture as well as each others’ individual talents, Orgone seamlessly slides through multiple styles and dynamic performances. The group continuously injects whatever they play with a heavy brand of raw funk power.

At the core of the band is a rhythm section comprised of close friends who have played together for more than 10 years. Having grown artistically as a unit they function as one organic and intuitive whole. The orginal 5-member band started out by putting their own gritty takes on tunes by the likes of the JBs, the Meters, Booker T. and the MGs, Grant Green and Funkadelic among many others. They quickly gained underground respect and die hard fans. With their searing live sets and original instrumentals, Orgone soon released their debut self titled CD, “Orgone,” in 2002. The result was a collection of all original down home, transcendental, tough and gritty funk instrumentals.


Keb’ Mo’

The Regency Ballroom
1290 Sutter St.
San Francisco, CA 94109

  • Day: Thu, Dec 1, 2011
  • Showtime: 8:00 PM
  • Doors open: 7:00 PM

Keb’ Mo’ Henry (Cambridge Folk Fest 2004)

Singer-songwriter and guitarist Keb’ Mo’s music is a living link to the seminal Delta blues that traveled up the Mississippi River and across the expanse of America–informing all of its musical roots-before evolving into a universally celebrated art form. Born Kevin Moore in South Los Angeles to parents originally from the deep South, he adopted his better known stage name when he was a young player who became inspired by the force of this essential African-American legacy. In the storied tradition of bluesmen before him including Muddy Waters-formerly McKinley Morganfield-and Taj Mahal, who began his days as Henry St. Clair Fredericks, Moore became known as Keb’ Mo’. His acclaimed self-titled 1994 debut album introduced that now famous appellation to the world, and his latest album, 2006’s Suitcase, brings it to new heights.




the voice of modern soul

Yoshi’s Oakland

510 Embarcadero W
Oakland Ca 94607

He was once hailed as the “new voice of ghetto soul.” No more. Avant can now be hailed as the “new voice of modern soul.” The proof is in the listening as the singer prepares to release his sixth album—and first—on Verve Forecast: “The Letter” (Dec. 7).

“A letter is what you write to people to tell them what’s going on in your life,” says Avant. “This album is a letter from me to my fans about what’s going on in my life, what’s going through my head and my struggles as a man.”

Simmering with radio-friendly yet relatable introspections about romance/love, commitment and other realities of life, “The Letter” finds singer/songwriter Avant ready to ascend into music’s mainstream ranks—joining such predecessors as Maxwell, Marvin Gaye, and D’Angelo. Guiding Avant on that journey is a contingent of established and emerging producers from the R&B/hip-hop realm. Among them: The Pentagon, whose members Damon Thomas, Eric Dawkins and Antonio Dixon have collectively crafted hits for Mary J. Blige, Fantasia, Babyface and Usher; Mike City, whose credits include Usher, Jamie Foxx, Brandy and Carl Thomas; Marshall Leathers, formerly of the Architects, who has worked with India.Arie and Missy Elliott and Kajun, fresh off the top 5 R&B hit “Sex Room” by Ludacris featuring Trey Songz.

Avant, who also co-wrote and co-produced several “Letter” tracks, has revitalized his music without sacrificing his primary sound: “love ballads and mood records in the vein of Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds, Luther Vandross and R. Kelly. “These guys,” says Avant, “gave me the drive to write and sing about the way relationships should go.”

Acknowledging the career-evolving fear factor artists face with each new album, Avant notes, “You don’t want to let your fans down, but you don’t want to come off like you’re trying to be someone else. At the same time, you want to stay relevant without sounding boring. For me, it’s about giving people great music. And I feel I’ve got that niche.”

At the forefront of accomplishing the singer’s current mission is the lead single “Kiss Goodbye.” Introduced by a driving piano riff, “Kiss Goodbye” settles into an atmospheric, mid-tempo groove that provides the melodic backdrop to the song’s cautious message: don’t ever take a romantic relationship for granted. “See you done got a lot of passes/Sick of waiting on you to change,” sings Avant. “You won’t know it, it’s a perfect disguise/She won’t show it, but lips don’t lie …/It’s OK if she said she was out with her girls and you know it’s a lie/But if she kissed him, that’s your kiss goodbye.” In a nutshell, the song doubles as the male equivalent to Beyoncé’s own cautionary tale broken down on the hit single “Irreplaceable.”

“I’m out to raise caution to the fellas,” explains Avant about the inspiration behind “Kiss Goodbye,” produced by The Pentagon. “We’ve been used to talking our way out and through situations. But now we have to show more action.”

Avant draws on his inner Marvin Gaye as he skillfully works his way through “Hot 16,” a mood-setting number about an anticipated romantic liaison. “We’re about to make a masterpiece … something to remember,” he smoothly croons. The mood shifts on “Where Did We Go?,” a commentary on the day-to-day stresses that can cause the demise of a relationship. Avant isn’t afraid to bare his emotions as he laments his and his lady’s inability to simply reach out and talk in an increasingly digital world. The Pentagon, who produced “Hot 16” and “Where Did We Go?,” also helmed the beautiful anthem, “Walking on Water.” It’s destined to become a wedding classic by virtue of its quiet melody and revelatory lyrics: “I finally found someone/A girl I can love forever/Never thought it would happen for me/Feels like I’m walking on water; walking on water/ When I’m with you, impossible is easy to do.”

Among the other 11 tracks comprising “The Letter” is another R&B highlight, “Night Life.” Directed by producer Mike City, it features the feel-good morning-after line: “Waking up late with you on my mind.” Avant also taps into the hip-hop side of R&B on the languid “Body Police” and club jam “Had Enough,” both produced by Kajun, as well as the mid-tempo groove “That Dude,” produced by Marshall Leathers. In addition to its melodic, contemporary R&B framework and story-telling lyrics, “The Letter”’s cohesiveness is tied together by Avant’s lilting tenor, which can shift effortlessly from romantic crooner to get-down party man.

Avant comes by those skills naturally. Born and raised in Cleveland, the church-honed singer attended Cleveland School of the Arts and later became the first act signed to Magic Johnson’s MCA-distributed label, Magic Johnson Music (MJM). Avant came to the NBA legend’s attention when the singer wrote and released the single “Separated.” The song, about a failed romantic relationship, began getting airplay on the top-rated Chicago radio station WGCI. The song was eventually included on Avant’s 2000 MJM debut album, “My Thoughts.” Reaching No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, “Separated” was followed by the top five hit “My First Love,” a cover of the 1983 René & Angela R&B classic featuring KeKe Wyatt. Avant returned the favor on Wyatt’s 2001 album debut, “Soul Sista,” pairing up with her on the No. 4 hit “Nothing in This World.”

After scoring platinum with “My Thoughts,” Avant released two more platinum-certified albums, “Ecstasy” (2002) and “Private Room” (2003), and notched several more top 10 singles: “Makin’ Good Love,” “Read Your Mind.” Fourth album “Director”—distributed through Geffen and his final MJM project—was released in 2006 and featured the hit “4 Minutes.” Two years later, he segued to Capitol for a fifth, self-titled album that yielded the top 20 single “Break Ya Back.”

Having recorded with such diverse acts as Nicole Sherzinger and Lil Wayne, Avant isn’t afraid to stretch his vocal wings. He most recently partnered with contemporary jazz artist Brian Culbertson on the single “Skies Wide Open” from Culbertson’s new “XII” album. He was also among the select group of singers chosen to pay homage to R&B legend Frankie Beverly on “Silky Soul Music … An All-Star Tribute to Maze featuring Frankie Beverly.”

“The different textures of music excite me,” says Avant. “The dabbling in other genres inspires my writing.”

Another side of Avant is revealed on the new DVD release of playwright David E. Talbert’s “In the Nick of Tyme,” which also stars Morris Chesnut, Ellia English and Terry Dexter. Says Avant, “Bringing across another character was so much fun.”

However, it’s the singer/songwriter part of Avant that’s on center stage right now as Verve Forecast prepares to release “The Letter,” the next step in the artist’s ongoing evolution. “I have to say, I’m not where I want to be yet, and I won’t be complacent,” declares Avant. “I’m always fighting to go further. Once you hit a plateau, it’s time to create another. I’m just getting started.”



Montclair Women’s Big Band

Yoshi’s Oakland

510 Embarcadero W
Oakland Ca 94607

Ellen Seeling, Director

Brownsville Express – Montclair Women’s Big Band by Yoshisjazz

The Montclair Women’s Big Band celebrates its thirteenth year with a special Thanksgiving perfomance at Yoshi’s Oakland, the band’s home town.  With a vivid cast of some of the best jazzwomen in the San Francisco Bay Area, the band combines an audacious sense of swing, tight ensemble work and inspired solos.   All About Jazz writes “the Montclair Women’s Big Band is one of the most formidable jazz ensembles on the West Coast…this is premium-grade big band jazz, rigorously blended for high mileage and maximum pleasure.”

MWBB cemented its status as a world-class ensemble with the release of it’s self-titled debut CD.  Recorded at George Lucas’s state-of-the-art Skywalker Sound in Marin County and engineered by three-time Grammy winner Leslie Ann Jones the recording has become a best-seller on CDBaby.  Jazziz Magazine labeled the recording “a blues-drenched gem that swings with dazzling aplomb.”  The band has gained visibility through a series of high-profile gigs, including performing to a sold out audience in LA for the Grammy Foundation, headlining the Mary Lou Williams Festival at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., and being featured on National Public Radio’s number one syndicated show, Piano Jazz, with Marian McPartland.

Don’t miss the band’s Thanksgiving celebration!  The ensemble will present a number of new compositions by women including Mary Lou Williams and band members Jean Fineberg and Christy Dana, featuring the band’s outstanding soloists.  All About Jazz writes “the MWBB unsheathes an arsenal of meticulous sharpshooters including pianist Tammy Hall, trumpeters Ellen Seeling and Marina Garza, saxes Mad Duran and Jean Fineberg, and trombonists Sarah Cline and Mara Fox.”  Rounding out the personnel are saxes Kasey Knudsen, Yvonne Line and Carolyn Walter; trumpets Tiffany Carrico and Ariel Vento; trombones Crystal Bryant and Becca Burrington; pianist Erika Oba; bassist Ruth Davies and drummer Russ Gold.  Be there or be square!!

Oakland City Attorney
Resigns! FORCED OUT!!! Can’t Dodge Fraud, Corruption Charges!

The Occupy Movement that has swept America and the world, had it’s Occupy Oakland beginnings with the revelation of irrefutable evidence of the mass fraud and corruption of the Oakland City Attorney, Oakland Police Department, Alameda County District Attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, California State Appeals Court and California Supreme Court in an action to deny justice and cover up that denial of justice in the 20 year case of Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim vs CSAA, Rescue, et al.

The unrest caused by the exposure of the criminal actions of these law enforcement, legal and judicial individuals/bodies in this matter implored others to investigate the ongoing case revealing even more rampant corruption that has dramatically portrayed the sullied, sordid underbelly culture of corruption that Oakland and Alameda County has long been known for! This pattern continued even through the Oscar Grant murder debacle but lead to the people of the Oakland East Bay Area and beyond, standing up to that corruption and saying “NO MORE!!!”.

The cry at ALL the Occupy events world-wide are echoing the frustration felt by the people of the East Bay Area, “We are ALL Oscar Grant!!” and most are reacting in solidarity and union with those whom have voiced their opinions with their frustrations in a varied manner of ways. The world witnessed as Oakland revolted and burned with the that cry and now the whole world is chanting the same tune and following Oakland lead as it did in the 1960-70’s re-evolution!

    The Minority and Occupy Communities ( #occupyoakland #OWS) are evaluating the elected officials, want-to-be-leaders, clergy and so-called power brokers that do not represent their interest, yet claim to bargain and speak for them! How can these self-perceived “influence peddlers” bargain away the rights and interests of people they do not talk to, know nor represent?

African-American youth, the overall Minority Youth Community with the Occupyers ( #occupyoakland #OWS) know these carpet baggers and their “bagmen” are sellouts and represent BIG BUSINESS INTEREST- the Developers, Banks, Insurance Companies, Attorneys and maintaining the status quo! The Minority Youth Community with the Occupyers proclaim widely and loudly that they ARE NOT the constituents of these turncoats that disavow their very own ethnic orientation because they acknowledge that being Black in America is to be considered worthless and disposable!

One of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan’s problems is her depending on the advice of Uncle Toms Sandre Swanson, and Keith Carson; while fighting bootlicking-backstabbing Larry Reid
and Ignacio DeLaFuente; assumming theres some influence of want-to-be-leaders, clergy and so-called power brokers to move the concerned disenfranchised; with double crooked duplicitous Dan Siegle! (More coming on this cast of characters)

Oakland City Councilmen
Larry Reid and Ignacio DeLaFuente have given away many, many millions of dollars in valuable Real Estate to their developer partners! From 14th Ave to 106th Ave and down from MacArthur Blvd. to the Bay. Councilmen Reid and DeLaFuente are owned and controlled by developers! That’s why they constantly connive so shamelessly for the Civil Gang Injunctions and curfews, with EVERY act of difference they are in the media spinning it as an example of serious crime that could be eliminated with the injunction/curfew. Reid has gone on air and repeatedly tried to trivialize and void the entire good of some lives by claiming their life was somehow lost to or compromised by gang related violence that could have been avoided by the injunction/curfew by pushes for his disposed partner in crime, former City Attorney John Russo. Many families resenting that media manipulation with on air to publicly denounce Reid’s developers serving claims!

Reid was served with a complaint against his partner Russo and refused to investigate it, but rather chose to cover it up. Not so oddly enough, that was the same stance taken by Sandre Swanson, Keith Carson and District Attorney Nancy O’Malley. Who are they protecting and why? Carson has made himself a witness in this case my the admissions made by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley to him regarding the incident where she had al-Hakim removed from the D. A.’s office while sitting alone in the lobby waiting for a meeting!

    The real reason the Reid Gang wants the injunction/curfews are because they are law enforcement and real estate developers dream tools for gentrifying the inner-city and administratively taking land from the poor! Not so unfortunately, an analyst last week revealed that the North Oakland Gang Injunction HAS FAILED to reduce crime in any way, yet in has enriched the police department with over $12 million while the Oakland Police Department has FAILED to comply with the Federal Mandate to meet MINIMUM agreed upon standards to fight corruption! This failure is one of the presumed reasons for Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts resigning. One question being asked now is did Mayor Ron Dellums or City Attorney John Russo investigate the many alleged charges of abuse against former Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts before they hired him and was that a factor in his resigning?

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed California & Alameda County Superior Court Corruption 

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed Oakland City Attorney John Russo Gave Case File To Stephan Barber and Law Firm Ropers Majeski, didn’t Tell Court

Watch video of al-Hakim and forced Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide- Must Resign

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposing Judge Jon Tigar’s appointment to his judicial post was through Nepotism and Cronyism

Listen to voicemail from Deputy District Attorney

Kevin Dunleavy exposing continued Corruption and Fraud by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley as he had victim al-Hakim removed from Courthouse Building while al-Hakim was waiting for a meeting with him! O’Malley further ordered al-Hakim to NEVER return to the courthouse under the threat of arrest by D. A. Bob Conner, someone known to al-Hakim to have tried to place al-Hakim in a life threatening situation that resulted in the only conviction of police officers crimes committed while on duty! She made this order without any legal proceeding, court order nor cause in her effort to prompt a conflict of interest charge to avoid having to investigate and prosecute the complaint and evidence by al-Hakim that establishes the admitted fraud committed by the D.A.’s office for over 20 years!
Listen to Maggie Takeda voicemail

exposing Presiding Judge Jon Rolfenson losing/throwing away the formal Corruption Fraud Complaint!

Watch video of al-Hakim and exposed Govenor Jerry Brown Covering for Judges, DA, City Attorney’s from Oakland and San Leandro that he was suppose to Investigate 4 Fraud! Watch the story with video and documents at:
Unlike the late, great Gil Scott-Herron said, you can watch the OCCUPY RE-EVOLUTION from the comfort of your home or away on our 24/7 live television feed from OCCUPY OAKLAND and the other OCCUPY Movements around the world on the website here:

Crooked former Oakland City Attorney John Russo was forced to resign from a constant three year barrage of fact laden reports of fraud and corruption by Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, has been appointed the Alameda city manager position sources have confirmed. You can view the 2009 video of former Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide- Must Resign at:


al-Hakim has over 87,000 signatures and implores everyone to click on any one of the links and sign the Petition To The Honorables President Barack Obama and United States Attorney General Eric Holder to raise it’s investigation of corruption involving then Attorney General Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams, former District Attorney Tom Orloff, and current District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley.


Erykah Badu

with The Cannabinoids

The Warfield
982 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

  • Day: Fri, Dec 9, 2011
  • Showtime: 9:00 PM
  • Doors open: 8:00 PM

Erykah Badu was born Erica Wright in Dallas, Texas, in 1972. By the age of 14, Erykah was free-styling for a local radio station alongside such talent as Roy Hargrove, who, incidentally, was a talented beat-boxer back in the 80’s and who is now a very successful session musician in his own right. In her early youth, she decided to change the spelling of her name from Erica to Erykah, as she firmly believed her original name to be her ‘slave’ name. The term ‘kah’ signifies the inner self, which, when translated from Muslim, means ‘can do no wrong’. Her surname, Badu, derives from an Arabic word which means ‘to manifest truth and light’. After completing her theatre studies at university in 1993, Erykah Badu decided to concentrate on her music. She began to teach children how to sing and dance, whilst also performing in a hip-hop act with her cousin entitled Erykah Free. The following year Erykah met Tim Grace, of Legacy Entertainment. He listened to a demo once and decided to sign the young hip-hop duo without further hesitation. He then successfully managed to book Erykah Free to open for such established hip-hop crews as A Tribe Called Quest and Arrested Development. Erykah began recording the Baduizm set in 1996 and worked with such talented producers as ?love and Richard Nichols of The Roots, James Poyser and N’dambi. February of 1997 couldn’t possibly have been a bigger year for Erykah. Her debut album was released and it achieved platinum status in under a month; her live shows received continual praise and her popularity increased dramatically. Erykah Badu had finally arrived on the big stage. Erykah Badu inevitably drew close comparisons to the legendary Billie Holiday. The formers blend of old soul, jazz and hip-hop, fused with a hypnotic flow is capable of stirring the deepest emotions, and Erykah’s place amongst today’s elite female soul artists of the world is already well and truly assured.


The High School Tour

Snoop Dog & Wiz Khalifa

The Warfield
982 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

  • Day: Mon, Dec 12, 2011
  • Showtime: 8:00 PM
  • Doors open: 7:00 PM

The Velveteen Rabbit
Choreographed and directed by KT Nelson.
November 26, 2011, at 2 p.m.

Novellus Theater at YBCA
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
701 Mission Street (at 3rd Street)
San Francisco, CA 94103-3138
415.978.ARTS (2787)

ODC/Dance — one of America’s most exciting contemporary dance companies, returns to Yerba Buena Center for the Arts to present their 25th season of this beloved Bay Area production.

Brimming with with, festive costumes, madcap characters and the perfect amount of holiday cheer, ODC/Dance is proud to present Margery Williams’ classic tale of a well-worn nursery rabbit that becomes real. Emotionally told though music, dance and a powerful narration recorded by Bay Area actor Geoff Hoyle, The Velveteen Rabbit celebrates the unique relationship between a little boy and his stuffed rabbit, and the enduring power of love.

For more information go to, for Group Sales 10+ contact or call 415-678-5956, for Family Pack discounts call YBCA Box Office at 415.978.2787 (Closed Mondays) The “Milk & Cookies post-performance party in the YBCA FORUM on Sun, Nov 27th must be ordered separately from the 2pm performance.



November 15, 2011 -December 11, 2011

Curran Theatre
445 Geary St
San Francisco, CA 94102

Fela! is presented by Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, the first time they’ve produced a Broadway show. Fela! was created by Bill T. Jones. Jones choreographed, wrote the play book for, and directed Fela! Jones created his own dance company, has won a MacArthur Genius Award, a Harlem Renaissance Award, an Obie, and a Tony, among many other honors.

Fela! documents the incredible true story of Fela Kuti, a musician from Nigeria who pioneered Afro beat music, and who fought for civil rights and against political corruption in his native country.

Fela was initially going to be a doctor, but decided to be a musician instead, fusing many different styles and the sounds of his native country into what eventually became known as his own distinct and complex style of music, Afrobeat.

The Political Struggles of Fela

Fela first started calling his music Afrobeat in the late sixties, and as his career progressed, his music got more political, much to the chagrin of the Nigerian government, who attacked the commune where Fela lived, destroying his studio, and beating him badly (Fela’s mother was killed during the attack).

But this didn’t quiet Fela or his music, which continued to infuriate the government. Fela also tried to run for President in Nigeria’s first elections in over ten years. When Fela died in 1997, over a million people came to the funeral chanting “Fela will live forever,” and a shrine was built in his honor.

It has been said that hip-hop would not exist without Fela’s music, and he was also described as a combination of James Brown, Muhammad Ali, and Bob Dylan. Eventually Fela’s music was re-released, and several musical shows showcasing his story and life hit the stage (recently a movie from Focus Features about the life of Fela was made for release in 2010).

Fela! was first performed off-Broadway in 2008, and it was a huge success, hitting Broadway the following year, with the help of Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith, Jay-Z, and several other producers. The music of Fela has also been provided by Antibalas, a modern nine-piece afrobeat band. Fela! of course also features the incredible legacy of music he left behind, and his musical and political legacy still live on strong.

The Triumph of Fela

The musical Fela! is an incredible explosion of music, color and culture. The website notes, “Please be advised that Fela! has loud sound effects, smoke and haze effects and strobe effects. “The Broadway experience can be like sitting with blinders on,” the creator of Fela! told Billboard. “This is a show you enjoy as much with your body as with your mind. It’s free and communal.”

Fela! is presented by Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, the first time they’ve produced a Broadway show. Fela! was created by Bill T. Jones. Jones choreographed, wrote the play book for, and directed Fela! Jones created his own dance company, has won a MacArthur Genius Award, a Harlem Renaissance Award, an Obie, and a Tony, among many other honors.

Fela! has been nominated for 11 Tony Awards, and has won three: Best Choreography, Best Costume Design for a Musical, and Best Sound Design for a Musical.


The Duke Ellington Orchestra

Sun, Dec 11, 2011 8:00pm
Davies Symphony Hall
201 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco , CA 94199

$15 to $68- Half price for ages 17 and under
The Duke Ellington Orchestra

The music of Duke Ellington defies any strict categorization. Call it Jazz, call it Swing, call it Big Band. But whatever you call it, call it the music that will make you want to dance in the aisles of Davies Symphony Hall! Don’t you dare miss The Duke Ellington Orchestra in a toe-tappin’, finger-snappin’ concert of music from the great Ellington songbook, including holiday hits and some of his best loved tunes. One happenin’ night only!


Colors of Christmas

Peabo Bryson
Jennifer Holliday
Lea Salonga
Ben Vereen
San Francisco Symphony

Tuesday, December 13-15, 2011
8:00 pm

Davies Symphony Hall
201 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94199
(415) 864-6000

It’s a night like no other and a holiday tradition at Davies Symphony Hall. Peabo Bryson, Jennifer Holliday, Lea Salonga and Ben Vereen celebrate at the annual Colors of Christmas concerts with the San Francisco Symphony, with director Jeffery Williams and the A.M.E. Oakland Mass Choir, performing traditional Christmas favorites and their individual hits. Hear these sensational singers perform their pop hits and Christmas favorites in a memorable concert sure to keep you clapping.

Peabo Bryson

Peabo Bryson
Peabo Bryson is one of the premier male vocalists in contemporary music and with twenty-five years of music-making to his credit. Peabo Bryson is expanding his creative horizons as a producer and songwriter….

Jennifer Holliday

Jennifer Holliday
Born October 19, 1960, Riverside, Texas, Jennifer Holliday is a two-time Grammy Award®-winning African-American singer and actress. Some of her works include: * 1983 Feel My Soul #31 U….

Lea Salonga

Lea Salonga
Lea Salonga-Chien is a Filipina singer and actress. She is best known for originating the lead role of Kim in the musical Miss Saigon, for which she won the Olivier, Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics and Theatre World awards….

Ben Vereen

Ben Vereen
Few entertainers today are as accomplished or versatile as Ben Vereen. His legendary performances transcend time and have been woven into the fabric of this country’s artistic legacy. H…San Francisco Symphony

San Francisco Symphony
Founded in 1911, the San Francisco Symphony (SFS) is widely considered to be among the country’s most artistically adventurous and innovative arts institutions. Under Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas (MTT), the SFS presents more than 220 concerts and presentations annually for an audience…

A.M.E. Oakland Mass Choir
Jeffery Williams, director


Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble

  • Day: Sat, Dec 24, 2011
  • Showtime: 7:00 and 9:00 PM
  • Doors open: 6:00 PM

333 11th St
San Francisco, CA 94103

The principal purpose of the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble is to employ black gospel music to express the power of spirit and bring a message of faith, hope, love and joy to the country and to the world, to exemplify through interfaith, multi-racial and multi-cultural membership the principles of equality, justice, peace, unity and cooperation and to serve as a model for what is possible among all people. Please join us at Slim’s for our annual Christmas tradition!



  • Day: Thur, Dec 29, 2011
  • Showtime: 9:00 PM
  • Doors open: 8:00 PM

333 11th St
San Francisco, CA 94103

Zongo Junction embodies the wealth of Brooklyn’s musical diversity, by melding traditional West African rhythms with Funk, Jazz and Soul from the U.S. Heavily influenced by Nigerian superstar, political activist and afrobeat pioneer, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, the 13-piece ensemble gets audiences riled up and dancing at every show they put on.

The band was conceived in early 2007 by drummer Charles Ferguson and original keyboardist, Adam Coopersmith while the two attended the New School in New York City. When Charles returned from a six-month trip to Ghana, where he studied African highlife music and traditional xylophone technique, he teamed up with Adam and 11 other musicians to form Zongo Junction. The name comes from the bus stop from which Charles lived off of while living in Accra, Ghana.

The band was well received from the start. Their club debut at Public Assembly (formerly the Galapagos Arts Center) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in July was a huge success, and led to a monthly residency for the duration of the year. Since then, the band has performed at some of New York’s most illustrious venues including the Knitting Factory and Le Poisson Rouge as well as Williams College in Williamstown, MA and the Elbo Room in San Francisco where they played a sold out show the night before New Year’s in 2009.

The core of the band was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and has been playing music together virtually since they were all still in diapers. Five members of the band were part of the prestigious Berkeley High School Jazz Ensemble (alumni include: Joshua Redman, Peter Apfelbaum, Will Bernard, Benny Green) and twice toured Europe. All members moved to New York after High School to attend music programs at The New School and New York University.

Turkuaz is comprised of Brooklyn’s funkiest and brightest. The two founding members, Taylor Shell and Dave Brandwein, met at Berklee College of Music in Boston. As members of the Galaxy Smith Digital Media Collective ( they are now kicking things into high gear with their 8 – 13 piece (depending on the occasion) high energy funk band. Influences range from the Talking Heads to James Brown – P-Funk to Jamiroquai – creating a show which is an eclectic mix of funk influences and sounds from all over the board. When the group takes their party to the stage it certainly is a spectacle to be remembered.



From the great success that we have had with our Free Food Programs established in the 1950’s by my Parents, Aaron and Margaret Wallace, we have since been instrumental in the founding and supplying of other free food service organizations around the country.
With the demand for our help in creating these organizations being driven by the skyrocketing need for the services, we have decided to open up our efforts to all interested in starting a food pantry for the needy.
We can provide access to the training necessary to qualify your organization and partner you with the local organizations and businesses that can support your efforts. Contact us and we will help you through the RED TAPE and push your program to success!
Here’s some new videos for the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Social Services Programs. The first is the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Free Food Program Celebrity Giving Back

The second one is Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Kids Celebrity Gift BackPacks.

You can view the following Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddi’s, Trader Joe’s, Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Marshawn Lynch’s “Fam1ly F1rst” and Leon Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland”:

Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation

Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 1

Santa Fe Elementary Little Caesars Pizza Part 2

You can listen to or download many of the Public Service Announcements for our partners that were broadcast over national radio on the page “A& MWF Supports Inter-Faith Multi-Cultural Events” at: We have provided and we have produced videos from some of them as well.  We will do one for any of our partners that work with us.

Alameda County Community Food Bank!

The Alameda County Community Food Bank is looking for new member agencies that will provide food bags and/or hot meals to Alameda County community members year-round.

We are especially interested in new member agencies that are:

  • Open during high-need times of afternoon, evening, and/or weekend hours
  • Serving clients in high-need areas of:
    • Downtown Oakland/Chinatown (94612 zip code)
    • West Oakland (94607 zip code)
    • East Oakland-Eastlake area (94606 zip code)
    • East Oakland- Elmhurst area (94603 zip code)
    • East Oakland- Fruitvale area (94601 zip code)
    • San Leandro & San Lorenzo area
    • Tri-Cities area (Fremont, Newark, Union City)

Benefits of Membership
Membership gives your agency:

  1. Free & low-cost food (including free farm-fresh produce)
  2. Free trainings & skill-building sessions
  3. Opportunities to apply for grants to increase agency capacity
  4. Access to free nutritional education services, Food Stamp (CalFresh) outreach services, and the emergency food referral Helpline

To become a Member Agency, your organization must:

  • Be a non-profit, charitable organization that is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. (Other 501c organizations, such as 501c5, do not qualify).
  • Operate an emergency food program, such as a food pantry, hot meal program/soup kitchen, or emergency shelter that is open to walk-in clients.*
  • Distribute food regularly for at least 3 months prior to applying for membership.
  • Provide food directly to individuals and families in need. At least 51% of your clients must be low-income.
  • Distribute Food Bank food at no charge. Your agency may not ask for donations from clients for food.
  • Not require clients to work or to attend any religious activities in exchange for food or meals.
  • Be willing to follow Food Bank regulations such as (but not limited to) submitting monthly food distribution reports and taking food safety training once per year.

* Please note: The Food Bank is not accepting new non-emergency programs at this time. Non-emergency programs include day care sites, afterschool programs, rehabilitation centers, treatment centers, and residential programs.

New Member Agency Application Process:

Contact the Food Bank’’s Agency Services staff to let us know about your interest in Food Bank membership. You can email us at agency (at) or call us at 510-635-3663 ext. 365.

Agency Services staff will work with you to determine your eligibility
Attend a series of 2 trainings.At least 2 staff/volunteers from your agency must attend EACH of the trainings. We welcome (and highly encourage) agencies to bring more than 2 staff/volunteers to attend each training.

      • Note: The last round of training dates for 2011 has already passed. The next round of training dates will be sometime in January – March 2012. Please contact us to let us know about your interest in Food Bank membership so that we can contact you when these dates have been scheduled.

Submit a New Member Agency Application. Applications can only be submitted after at least 2 staff/volunteers from your agency have completed all 2 trainings.

Complete a successful site visit at your agency. Food Bank Agency Services staff will visit your site to see your program, facilities, and review food safety policies.

Applications will be reviewed by the Agency Relations Committee. The Agency Relations Committee, a Food Bank board committee of staff and volunteers from current member agencies, will review and select member agencies eligible to join the Food Bank. Decisions are usually made within 6-8 weeks from the training dates.

FREE Business Strategic Plan

Are you interested in growing your business?
We are offering a FREE Business analysis and will discuss your needs for an overall Strategic Plan including a Website upgrade with a national media campaign, after you have completed the Strategic Planning Client Questionnaire on our website and schedule a meeting to contract our services and move forward to SUCCESS!

    We can mount a media campaign for you with events and advantages your business offers to potential clients as the centerpiece of that effort. This could not only provide exposure and build your new brand, but could also build your business development with corporate sponsors, business partners, non-profit organizations and donors.

    You could be your own special BRAND within and without the business campaign! This will not detract from the business campaign in any way and inevitably lead to other business opportunities, and a very effective social position that will allow you to achieve more business goals!

    We will be integrally involved in creating the campaign concept with you as both a separate branded entity and the business brand. We would develop them within the overall brand platform and defining a tangible brand experience across the myriad offerings of the business services and social activities. Our work will touch on all aspects of the business as a brand, and the brand’s physical presentation; client offerings; programs; events; promotions; Web site; marketing; advertising; publicist; social media managements; sponsorship vehicles; and creation of “your business Community” through multi-channel strategies for both traditional and new media to engender an engaging, interactive and sustainable customer experience.

    We will to develop and create expedient, viable, replicable solutions to optimize your bottom line, raise your public profile and social perception while increasing the satisfaction quotient for your customers.

    As a means for us to move forward I would like to begin the initial intake process for you as a Strategic Planning Client. To that end I would like you are to complete our on-line “Strategic Planning Client Questionnaire” on our website at:

    Complete the form as thoroughly as you can so that we can move forward in an informed, intelligent way to achieve your stated goals.

    If you like, please fill out the  Website Design Client Questionnaire at: to give us a good idea of your website needs. This will help clarify your website goals, design ideas, features, budget, and timeline. The more details you can give us, the better we will understand your needs and be able to provide you with the best service possible. As always if you get stuck or have questions, please give us a quick call and we will be glad to help.
The things that I feel you needs to address on your website/blog are:
1) E-Commerce with PayPal and all top payment services (including charitable donations),
2) Forms completion,
3) Cloud Storage for documents with selective access,
4) Video Conferencing and Chat,
5) Client Services Web Chat,
6) Audio and Video Display,
7) Members Only and Private Pages access,
8) Blog Post latest news and messages

    You should take the time while at the website to review a great source of information on our company here and more useful information on the following pages:
Social Media Management at:
Publicist Services at:
New Client Questionnaire at:

    There is much work to do and we are committed and prepared to work with you and look forward to our attaining success beyond your wildest dream!

    Thank you again for allowing us to help you as we look forward to many more successful efforts!


The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation(A&MWF) is a non-denominational, multi-cultural,100% volunteer financed and operated relief organization that provides FREE food, medicine, clothing, educational and employment opportunities, mental and physical health referrals, legal aid, shelter and other necessities to individuals, children, families, and organizations who lack these essentials for any reason. We provide private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals FREE for ANYONE whom has the need at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation website.Providing The Necessities For Success In Life

A&MWF, a public services organization based on GIVING AND SHARING, has created a 100% volunteer self-operated, self-supported, self financed model defined by developing the marketplace of a network that features high-performing results in the invaluable areas of: youth development; elementary, secondary and college education; poverty alleviation; mental and physical health medical services; social services, as well as other economic-empowerment programs for individuals, families; and small businesses.

A&MWF delivers food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to over 4,000 individuals- children, families, and organizations per month who lack these essentials and is pioneering a new trend, as government and community funds grapple with the recession and the challenges of raising funds, WE have forged an awareness and sustained an effort to connect those in dire need with service providers, donors, volunteers and nonprofit groups with these causes. We have taken community foundations and moved into social networking, reaching beyond static “bricks and mortar” to interactive Web sites to serve as a dynamic virtual clearinghouses or “town square” that holds conversations between those in NEED and their local charities, citizens, donors, and volunteers.

A&MWF has made it easy and effortless for service providers, donors, volunteers and nonprofit groups to connect with those in NEED, as we have received more individuals needs profiles submitted on this site. The profiles include their contact information, information about their needs, desired solutions, pleas for their need satisfaction, and a listing of opportunities to achieve their solution. We also have profiles submitted of individuals as prospective donors or volunteers, include information about the causes that interest them.

If you or someone that you know needs Quality of Life Aid, PLEASE fill out the form below so that we can determine the best way to assist them.

Anyone can register at http://AMWFTRUST.ORG by submitting an online request form in a strictly confidential submission and they can also feel free to call the number (510) 394-4101 as well.


¿eX-whY AdVentures?

There are some good entertainment industry job listings below and on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!
We have a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing targeting the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY AdVentures?. We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the motion picture or television project, stage play, entertainment event, commercial ads, film trailers, soundtracks, the jingle, voice overs, and all promotions associated with the product.
We are developing jobs for actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and writers in the entertainment, commercial advertisement, stage, film and television fields.
To that end , our management agency would like you to provide us with a list of your castings calls that might fit this description for consideration in placement for jobs that you have.
We would be interested in any roles for anyone of our 10,000 Professional Athletes, Entertainers, Celebrity, Musicians, and Actors direct email recipients; our over 270,000 list members; and our over 21 million total readers of the publications we submit to.
As you can tell from our roster of talent, our Casting Division has a unique advantage in all forms of casting. With the growing popularity of ‘film and music video-style’ products, we have found that directors and producers value our ability to call in seasoned, serious talent from the film and television industries to add depth and quality to performances in stage, film, television and commercials.
More than two decades of feature film, television and commercial casting experience has provided us with strong relationships with agents, managers and talent which helps us to find the necessary talent to create innovative, creative and one-of-a-kind artistic product.
We can send Photos, Bios, videos, Comp Cards, CV with samples of work and salary requirements, where necessary. We are members of the Casting Society of America (C.S.A.), Independent Film Producers (I.F.P.), Screen Actors Guild (S.A.G.), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) to list a few.
There are some good entertainment industry job listings on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!


        SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK has over 270,000 subscriber/members with a reach of over 21 million readers! The Network offers FREE advice and help with your sports or entertainment career, FREE Casting calls for TV shows, films, and stage, Invites to Red Carpet and Celebrity A-List Events, FREE notices of Sports and Entertainment jobs, FREE tickets to concerts, films, sporting events, symphony, amusement, and entertainment events, To be part of a Professional Network that provides what YOU need to advance YOUR career. Receive FREE Information and Opportunities for Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts, Casting opportunities, product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing. Subscribe to Superstars Network here. To learn more go to the SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK” page on
We are offering FREE LISTENING OR DOWNLOADS of our iTunes and podcast of Entertainment Law, “The Art of Reppin Pro Athletes & Entertainers”and “Hip Hop & Spread of Islam” at:

iTunes at:



*Get FREE working CONTRACTS for Music, Sports, Film, Advertising, Entertainment, Literary, etc!!!

We Provide and Share opportunities in the Sports and Entertainment Worlds
We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.
* Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management, and advise in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts as entertainers, artists, labels, producers, songwriter, publishers, distributors, retailers, merchandisers; commercial advertising, corporate sponsorships, product endorsements, marketing and promotions; also including establishing and management of your sports entity;
* Drafting, reviewing and negotiating of contracts for professional athletes; entertainers, artists, recording; producing; motion picture, television, radio and video; performing and touring; booking; publishing; royalties, copyrights and trademarks; distribution; merchandising; interactive multimedia and the internet; synchronization licenses; mechanical licenses; and publishing clearances;
* Casting opportunities,product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing;
* Contract negotiations, arbitrations, salary grievances, booking, production, management, recording, publishing, distribution, merchandising, licensing, to representation in copyright matters, royalty disputes, and an array of sports and entertainment issues and problems, with an emphasis on the sports and music industry;
* Provide special services to Rookies, Free Agents, Wavered players, and established Veterans by actively promoting and marketing your interest to the teams, securing try outs and contracts, while giving supplemental reports to selected teams to aid in your quest to get the big dollar contract. For every player, we secure alternate contracts with foreign teams in Canada, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Mexico, Africa, the Islands, as well as other American teams here. We secure contracts for try outs, tours, tournaments and leagues, in addition to employment referrals and aid in furthering your education. For those that do not make it in the United States the first time, we reorient you back into the U.S. pro sports industry with updated film, scouting reports, and information we release to all the pro teams on your progress, statistics, performances, and availability while acquiring new opportunities for you. There is absolutely no other agency or attorney that can do this for you. Just ask them. But….
* Record Demo Shopping; and Label Deals, independent record label, production deals, publishing company and/or distribution company deals.
* Programs that offer several Plans specially designed to fit your needs by providing you with expert advisers to ascertain your clients complete financial security. We provide the best professional advisers to negotiate you or your clients contract and advise you as to the length, the amount of money, the bonuses, incentives, and options in the contract. We have attorneys to procure all your legal needs, certified public accountants for your tax planning, financiers for your investment portfolio, insurance, and estate planning. Additionally we provide personal artist managers to enhance your commercial advertisement, product endorsement, and motion picture appeal. Subscribe to Superstars Network here.

We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.

We are members of the Casting Society of America (CSA), Independant Film Producers (IFP), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Producers Guild of America (PGA), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI)

Thanks, and don’t forget to check out our website at:

(510) 394-4601

November-December 2011 New Job Listings


Television / feature film production company is seeking a Creative Executive. Must have one to two years’ experience in TV. Responsibilities include script coverage, compiling writer/director/actor lists, research and writing detailed notes.  Must be familiar with TV writers and showrunners and the general TV development landscape.  Executive will be expected to bring in projects and work across both TV (scripted and reality) and Features.  Will also assist two senior development executives with some administrative tasks (scheduling/research) when necessary.  Send cover letter and resume to

The Robert Simonds Company (Culver City) Veteran producer Robert Simonds seeks Creative Executive to assist in development of star-driven scripts. New venture startup backed by private equity firm TPG. Salary commensurate with experience. Please forward cover letter and resume for consideration to

Beverly Hills-based TV Production & Distribution Company seeks Director of International Distribution.  Minimum of 2 years’ experience in worldwide sales of TV programming required.  Most qualified applicant will be driven, organized, with existing contacts around the world.  Please send resume and cover letter to:

A west-side entertainment company seeks Accounting Manager to work with the Controller and CFO.  Salary $50K to $65K. Responsibilities: supervision of accounts payable, preparation and analysis of cost reports compared to budget, journal entries, account reconciliations, financial close, ad hoc reporting, and special projects. The ideal candidate will have an accounting degree with 2-4 years of experience. CPA, prior film company experience, or familiarity with Microsoft Dynamics AX would be a plus. Email resume to temporary email address

Bi-Coastal Talent Management is seeking an experienced talent manager for its Los Angeles office. Experience at either a management office or talent agency is a must. A client list that comes with you is a major plus. We are also open to applicants with agent or manager assistant experience who have established industry relationships. We will also consider a creative deal with “small shop” or sole proprietor manager with a great list and desire to join a well-respected bi-coastal team at a respected management firm. Send resumes to

The Association of Talent Agents, is looking for a full-time Executive Coordinator/Office Administrator.  Provide daily administrative support to the Executive Director. Coordinate events, meetings and seminars. Create and maintain Board Meeting “Minutes”. Computer literacy using MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook) & Website HTML skills a plus. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience. Minimum of three years experience supporting a high level executive. Benefits include medical, 401(k), vacation. Email resume to

Busy commercial production company in Culver City, Los Angeles seeks Staff Bidder/Production Manager. Ideal candidate will have commercial bidding or production managing experience.  Responsibilities will include bidding, bid research, systems management, supervision of freelance crews, and assisting Executive Producer. Please email resume, and a cover letter describing your history in commercial production and your personal goals. Please forward your information to

A boutique Talent Agency is interested is seeking an on-camera Commercial Talent Agent or a Youth Talent Agent for immediate openings. We are seeking an experienced, highly motivated, agent to provide day to day submissions, pitches, negotiations as well as to help meet the department’s future expansion goals. Great relationships with casting directors. We are a cozy, pleasant, friendly, hip workplace. Name your email “Talent Agent Opening(your name/phones) and send to

Leading independent reality Production Company, based in Los Angeles, seeks Manager of Development to join its innovative and growing department. Key qualities include solid writing skills, strong work ethic, and sharp intellect. Applicants must have experience researching, developing and formatting original program ideas, and have a sincere interest in non-scripted television.  Ability to shoot, edit, and run shoots a plus. Please send cover letter, resume, and writing sample to

Leading talent & literary management company is looking for a mailroom supervisor. Must have knowledge of office machines and be technologically savvy. Knowledge of Avaya phone system a plus. You will set up headsets for employees, program phones, supervise shipping, maintain the Xerox & binding machines, order supplies, coordinate requests from assistants and assign runners.  Please send your resume in pdf format to

Seeking a Director of Business Development and Sales for Los Angeles office to head the acquisition of new business and grow existing client relationships and accounts.  Super! Alright! is a creative agency/production company that produces commercials, Film + TV, and all types of new media for top-tier brands and clients. Candidates must have a proven track record in business development, both in initial outreach to prospective clients as well as negotiation and deal closure. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are required. Please send resumes to:


United Talent Agency (UTA) seeks qualified candidates for its agent trainee program. Previous industry experience and bachelors degree required. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, have excellent communication and organizational skills and a desire to learn the business of talent representation. This is a very demanding environment with excellent opportunities to work in Film, Television, Music, New Media and Entertainment Marketing. Proficiency with Microsoft Office software is mandatory. Compensation includes overtime and full benefits. References required. for more information. Fax cover letter & resume to (310) 247-1111 or email to Attn: Human Resources. No calls.

Busy television production company with studio term deal seeks an assistant who wants to learn about the TV/film industry.  Candidate should be driven, computer literate, detail-oriented and creative with strong communication skills.  Entertainment experience and excellent computer skills are mandatory. Agency experience preferred. Responsibilities include heavy phones, scheduling and office management.  Email resumes/cover letters to

Seeking highly-motivated office assistant for boutique TV and film literary management company, not a production or development job. Requirements: industrious, tough, self-starter, multi-tasker with can-do attitude who can work independently and who is available to start by mid-November and make one-year commitment. Similar entertainment office experience highly preferable (phone sheet, submissions, scheduling, filing, logs, etc.).  $500 to $550/week depending on experience.  Limited benefits. Send resume and cover letter to Field Entertainment to

2nd assistant position available for high level executive at a major studio. We need an energetic person with a great attitude who has the ability to keep up with an extremely busy, fast paced office. Responsibilities include full calendar duties, planning all travel and putting together extensive/detailed itineraries, expenses, rolling calls and some personal work. Ability to work quickly and precisely is important. Collaborative and “no task too small” mentality is a must. Please send resumes to:

Management Company Alchemy Entertainment is seeking an experienced assistant for its manager/president.  Candidate must be able to work extremely well in a fast paced environment and be able to handle a busy desk. At least one year of agency desk experience or casting director experience preferred.  Looking for someone who wants to get into talent management.  Please send resumes to

Boutique literary agency is seeking an exceptional, highly motivated and detailed orientated Assistant to support agents.  Must be able to work well in a fast paced deadline driven environment. Candidates must have excellent communication and organizational skills, a desire to learn the business and a high level of enthusiasm. Great entry level opportunity to experience the entertainment world. Send resumes to

Mandate Pictures is seeking a 2nd Assistant to the President Nathan Kahane.  This is a demanding position with growth opportunities for the right person.  Must be detail oriented, comfortable in a high pressure work environment, and possess the mental fortitude to handle large amounts of personal responsibilities coupled with administrative tasks.  A great work ethic, positive energy, and passion for creative development are a must.  Please send resumes to:

Seeking Junior Manager or experienced, mature Assistant to become Junior Manager within 6 months. Opportunity for further growth within the company. Looking for someone who is able to hold their own at a Broadway opening or a set visit for Film and TV, able to participate in signing of new clients, and covering existing clients. Company is a respected, high profile boutique management company that is growing quickly. Salary negotiable based on experience. Resume/Cover letter required. Send to

Boutique Talent Management Company seeks Assistant.  Must have genuine interest in the entertainment industry and working with talent.  The following are a must; absolute attention to detail, ability to multi-task, self-starter with excellent communication skills.  Previous agency or management experience required. Excellent growth potential. Salary + Benefits. Please email with your resume and cover letter.

High level boutique commercial talent agency is seeking an agent assistant with desk experience. Candidate will support President and Head of endorsements/licensing. Experience in celebrity endorsements or marketing a big plus. This is not an entry level position. We are looking for someone with agency experience that we can grow. We are looking for someone who has the potential to be an agent. Please only apply if you have prior industry desk experience. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to be an agent. Email resumes to

Media Rights Capital (MRC) is seeking an assistant for the office of Co-CEOs Modi Wiczyk and Asif Satchu. This is a demanding position with growth opportunities for the right candidate. Must be detail oriented, comfortable with a high-pressure work environment and be proficient in handling assistant duties such as managing heavy phones and scheduling. Ideal candidate will have some relevant entertainment experience. Bachelors degree required. Please submit a resume and cover letter to

Hollywood based talent management company seeks assistant to 2 managers. Previous industry experience and college degree required. Candidates must have a strong/friendly phone presence, excellent communication skills, be extremely detail oriented, and able to multi-task and prioritize. Job responsibilities include but are not limited to: phones, scheduling, office management, client submissions, research, booking travel, script coverage, etc. Please email cover letter and resume to

Leading reality/game show production company has immediate opening for an Executive Assistant. This position will handle administrative duties for Executive Producer/President. The position will also assist the development team with research, presentations, sizzle reels, and projects as needed.  Candidates should have 1-2 years of experience in entertainment and/or supporting a busy executive/producer. College degree required.  Competitive salary commensurate with experience, excellent benefits package, and a great working environment.

The Ant Farm Broadcast Department seeks a Producers Assistant with 1-2 years’ experience, a college degree and who is experienced, reliable self-starter for Producer.  Mac, Excel, Word and Entourage proficient.  Knowledge of the post production process, tape formats, budgets, storyboards, research and finishing required.  Must be able to work very long hours under pressure.  Send cover letter, resume and salary history:  Must include in email subject line:  Job Code: PA/B-UTA

Seeking a full time Executive Assistant for the Executive Producer of a daily television talk show.  Looking for someone that is extremely organized, detail oriented, can manage others and always has a smile on their face. Fast pace work environment and long hours. Ideal candidates will have past experience as an assistant.  Experience in television is a plus.  Please send resumes to

Shine International seeks a Sales Team Assistant. In addition to standard assistant duties, this position will be responsible for analyzing deals/agreements, tracking negotiations, and inputting closed deals into the company’s rights-manager software. The Executive Assistant must build and maintain relationships within the company and facilitate communications with colleagues in the US and the UK, as well as with clients from around the world.  Must speak French or Spanish. (Tri-lingual a plus.) Please email cover letter and resume to Indicate job title in subject.

Seeking Executive Assistant to report directly to the Executive Producer of a daily television talk show. This is a fast paced, busy work environment. Must be able to manage others, work late nights, and early mornings on show days.  Ideal candidates will have past experience as an assistant.  Experience in television is a plus.  We need to fill this position immediately.  Please send resumes to

SU2C Production hiring assistant to two Producers and serves as a liaison to other departments.  Candidate should have the ability to multi-task with strong interest(s) in production, music, entertainment, marketing, and vanquishing cancer.  Job responsibilities include: phones, scheduling, media management, research, booking travel, expenses/accounting, and managing interns. Proficiency in Microsoft Office and some knowledge of  Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop- a plus. Send resumes to:

Growing Film/TV production company seeks an assistant/creative executive who has a strong background both creatively, and also in business. Agency experience preferred. A driven, highly-organized, self-starter who can work under pressure and maintain focus in a flexible environment is a must. Opportunities for growth within the company. Email resume and coverletters to:

Award-winning film Producer / Director in Santa Monica looking for Executive Assistant.  Must have entertainment industry experience.  Should have an understanding of development, business affairs and production and be interested in an entrepreneurial environment.  Job requirements include office management, executive assistant duties, script development, production and post-production, and overseeing a small charitable foundation.  Understanding of Mac and web-hosting a plus. Submit resume to

Top Below-the-Line Agency in Santa Monica seeks an assistant to the head of commercial department. Must have a strong phone presence and strong computer skills, including working w/Mac OS and MS Word.  This is a great opportunity for someone to have exposure to all aspects of the area of representation.  The ideal candidate would have a good understanding of production and would desire to work towards becoming an agent.  Looking to interview candidates this week.  Must love dogs! Email resumes to

Fashion oriented celebrity website is seeking a fulltime Writer/Editorial Assistant.  Looking for an employee to help develop stories based on current entertainment news, proofread articles, and search for photographs that bring engaging and fun articles to life. Position is entry-level with great benefits.  Offices located in West Hollywood.  Early schedule, 6am start time, Monday-Friday.  Email resume, cover letter, and relevant writing samples to

Top management company is seeking an experienced assistant for a partner/manager. Candidate must be able to work extremely well with high-profile clients in a fast paced environment and be able to handle a busy desk.  At least one year of agency/management desk experience preferred.  Looking for someone who is motivated for a career in talent management. Please send resume to:

A 2nd assistant position is opening up at a high level production company where the producer has a digital side of the company, but you will also have access to the film side of the company. The position requires rolling calls, heavy scheduling, process expenses, help with digital presentations and submissions, read scripts write notes, research and read the trades, update writers/directors/financier lists. Must be computer savvy (Microsoft Office suite: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook; Filemaker Pro; knowledge of Adobe is a plus). Send resumes to

Film & music director is looking for a part-time assistant from now until the end of the year (approx. 20 hrs/wk). You will be expected to manage cast lists, do research, post tumblr updates, and organize the director’s work and schedule during the preproduction of a high profile music video. Experience with a 5D camera for documentation is a plus but we can train you if need be. Knowledge of modern art history is also a major plus. Please provide a brief, three sentence, description of yourself along with your resume. Email resumes in PDF format to:

CEO at prominent film school is in search of an experienced Executive Assistant. Looking for a computer proficient, educated positive person with a great attitude. Must take on any and all assignments with enthusiasm and dedication. This is a full-time, paid position. Please email resumes and cover letters to

COO/CFO of a studio-affiliated production/finance company is looking for an executive assistant. Candidates must be highly organized and detail oriented with an ability to maintain high levels of accuracy while handling multiple tasks.  Understanding of basic accounting concepts via education and/or experience is required. Duties include general office and mild accounting .  Experience with MAS 200 Accounting Software a plus.  Computer system literate – proficiency in the use of MS Word and Excel.  Please e-mail resume and cover-letter to

Boutique talent and literary management company seeks a full time, executive assistant for president of the company.  Responsibilities include but are not limited to: heavy phones, making travel arrangements, scheduling, arranging auditions, script reading, coverage and correspondence. Prefer candidate with interest in graduating to full time manager as promotion is guaranteed for the right person (if becoming a manager is not your goal, this is not the job for you).  Minimum of 1 year agency experience a must.  Salary and benefits commensurate with experience.  Please send cover letter and resume to

Executive Vice-President of a studio-affiliated production/finance company is looking for an executive assistant. Candidates must be motivated self-starters, love to read, and able to manage a busy desk including heavy phones, travel, scheduling, have a keen understanding and passion for the motion picture business, as well as extensive knowledge of screenwriters, directors, agents, producers and actors.  Please e-mail resume and cover-letter to

Management 360 is seeking an assistant for one of our talent partners. Ideal candidates have an excellent educational background and a minimum of one year paid desk experience at a talent agency or management company. Must have excellent skills (rolling calls, travel, client schedules, attention to detail, etc.) and have a strong desire to be a talent manager. If you do not meet all these qualifications, please do not apply. Send resumes as an attached pdf file to

Independent television/film/digital production company seeks experienced executive assistant to Head of Sales and our Head of Business Affairs.  The ideal candidate must have prior experience supporting senior level executives on the business side, including functional business areas such as Business Affairs, Sales, Finance, or Human Resources.   Candidates must have 1-2 years of experience as executive assistant to a senior executive(s) at agency/studio/network.  Compensation is commensurate with experience.  Please send resumes to and write “Sales and Business Affairs Executive Assistant” in the subject line.

Telepictures Productions Inc. is seeking an Executive Assistant IV to provide administrative support to the President of the division. As part of executive offices, it is a very fast-paced production environment acting as liaison with Telepictures Productions executives to ascertain current status of various projects and on all division activities. Extensive executive assistant experience and Macintosh, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook required. Please submit your resume as an attachment and cover letter to


Film Financier (Beverly Hills) Personal Assistant wanted for a high profile film financier and family. Someone very organized, great researcher, knows calendaring, scheduling, making travel arrangements, and ambitious to be part of a growing, exciting company. Responsibilities include working out of a home office handling the estate, home life, family life, and social events for the family. Full time job, 9-6:00 PM with some flexibility. College degree. Salary commensurate with experience. Please send resume, cover letter, and pic for consideration to

A very busy TV producer and showrunner with a deal at a major studio seeks a part-time personal assistant.  This is for a go getter fresh out of college.  If you think you have too much experience to do something like this than you probably do.  You will have the opportunity to make some invaluable contacts and there is the possibility for this to turn into a full time position in the new year.  Please submit resumes and a brief cover letter to with the words Personal Assistant in the subject line.

The job will be M – F/9-5. You will be responsible for all the errands, shopping, and some driving. Creative person that has done events and a lot of gift buying, wrapping, and shipping. Must be good to help manage the house and petty cash. Great w/ excel and computer. Calendar skills are very important as you will be interfacing with the husband’s (producer/actor) office. Approximate 52K plus health insurance. You must be great w/ kids but there are nannies.

Personal assistant needed for busy TV producer. Daily responsibilities include shopping for groceries, furniture, and gifts, property management, occasional clerical work. Part time, typically 20 hrs/week. Applications should be focused, thorough, detail oriented, and smart. Must be able to start immediately. Send resumes and references to

A-List Actor seeks first personal assistant. Duties include personal/work scheduling, handling errands, general multi-tasking and personal assistant duties. Must be able to tolerate a high demand of work and be willing to travel. Previous personal assistant experience is required, starting salary 35K: Please email resume as a PDF and cover letter to

Top film and tv production company looking for a personal assistant for an A-list director. Candidates must be motivated, hard-working, responsible, resourceful, and an exceptional multi-tasker. Duties will include, but are not limited to, scheduling meetings, planning personal events, handling all aspects of travel, and other common tasks associated with being a personal assistant. Both a bachelor’s degree and valid passport are required. Email cover letter and resume to

Looking for Personal Assistant to high profile individual. Previous experience and degree preferred. World-wide travel. Candidate will be creative, resourceful, positive, a go-getter, find no job too big or too small. Must have good communication skills, be able to complete projects in a timely manner. This position is for a personal assistant. Duties include errands such as organizing, shopping, packing for trips, mailing packages etc. Room for promotion. References required . Send resumes to:


Major talent agency is looking for an experienced, Manager to Director-level publicist (with knowledge of corporate PR preferred) to work alongside head of corporate communications. Candidate must have trade and business press experience, as well as minimum 5+ years working at PR agency, studio or network. Candidates should have top-notch written and oral communication skills, including ability to write press materials under tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Growth potential. Position reports to head of corporate communications but will also interface with senior management. Competitive salary (commensurate with experience) and all customary benefits offered. Please fax resumes and cover letters to 310-205-5608. No calls please.

Small marketing and branding company within the entertainment industry with fortune 50 clients is looking to hire a high-powered office manager.  Job includes keeping the office and clients organized, interfacing with billing and staying on top of projects in progress.  We are looking for someone who is energetic, a good problem solver, multidimensional and professional.  3-5 years’ experience handling a high volume office required.  Experience with mac platforms and programs preferred.  Email a brief cover letter and resume to

Entertainment Fusion Group, EFG PR, a full service fashion, beauty, entertainment and lifestyle PR Firm with offices in NY and LA is looking to hire an Account Supervisor/Senior Account Exec in Fashion/Beauty and Lifestyle in the LA office. Looking for long-term candidates who want to learn and grow with the agency. Qualifications: Minimum of 4 years experience in beauty/fashion/lifestyle PR; Excellent client management skills; Self-starter as well as a team player; Ability to perform within a fast-paced, multi-priority setting and a passion for the PR industry; Strong relationships across multi-media platforms. EFG PR offers a competitive salary and unlimited room for growth. Please email resumes to

Entertainment Fusion Group, EFG PR, a full service fashion, beauty, entertainment and lifestyle PR Firm with offices in NY and LA is looking to hire an Account Coordinator in Fashion/Beauty in the LA office.  Looking for long-term candidates who want to learn and grow with the agency. Qualifications include: Must have experience as an intern/assistant at a PR agency in Beauty/Fashion and/or Lifestyle; Client Relations Skills; Must be savvy in building and managing media lists/contact database; Thorough knowledge of fashion and entertainment industries; must be able to identify celebrities and fashion trends. Please email resumes to

Hollywood based Advertising Agency/Production Company looking for a hardworking and dependable intern available at least 2-3 days a week. No pay but chance to advance and fun, educational working environment. Must be interested in film and television production as well as creative.  Qualified candidates will be brought in for interviews. Extra work days will be paid Adore Creative is an international advertising and creative services Agency. Great research and computer skills a plus. Please submit cover letter and resume to

Boutique Talent Management and Brand Marketing Company looking to immediately hire Marketing/Brand executives with an extensive rolodex of contacts and relationships in the brand world to sponsor A-List Celeb Events. Candidates should be extremely aggressive and have top-notch written and oral communication skills, including ability to pitch materials and secure deals. Depending on experience, your own office may be provided. Please send resume and cover letter to

REV New Media is seeking for two marketing interns to help out with day-to-day operations. This position will consist of involvement in all aspects of the business including: reaching out to online publications, social media networking, link exchanges, and more.  These positions will consist of working very closely with the CEO of the company. Position is unpaid, but hours are flexible (at least 16 hours per week) those hours must be between the hours of 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, M-F. College credit is provided. Send cover letters and resumes to

Partner at high-profile PR firm seeking coordinator.  Must have prior desk experience, is a quick-learner, self-starter, reliable, detail oriented, organized, great at multi-tasking and follow up.  Microsoft programs, good communication skills and common sense a must. Duties include phones, scheduling, handling client press kits, client requests, light pitching etc.  Office in West Hollywood.  Interested applicants please send resume/cover letter to

Busy boutique PR Firm seeks organized, self-starter with excellent communication skills for the position of: Assistant to a Partner. This is not an entry level position; applicants must have Public Relations and administrative experience. Duties include maintaining schedules for A List clientele as well as that of a partner at the firm. Roll calls, research projects and contacts, provide general public relations and personal assistance support, where required. Bachelor’s degree and strong computer skills required. To submit your resume email:

42West is seeking an assistant to the Deputy Head of Talent. Candidates must be extremely detailed, organized, possess a high level of initiative, and have the ability to multi-task and be resourceful.  Candidates with at least 1 year experience in entertainment will be considered.  Daily duties include: rolling calls, managing publicist’s calendar, servicing press clippings, updating press kits, booking hair and make-up, creating client travel and publicity schedules.  We are looking for someone who is willing to make at least a 1 year commitment.  Please email resume and cover letter to

B|W|R Public Relations is seeking an account executive for its Corporate/Lifestyle division.  Bachelor’s degree in PR, Communication or a related field required, and 2+ years’ experience preferred.  Must be able to work directly with clients, to execute campaign tactics on a daily basis, solicit stories, field media inquiries and track results.  Experience required in planning and participating in client events, from photo shoots to press conferences. Submit resumes to

Entertainment PR Firm seeks assistant with prior work experience. Must be extremely organized, self-motivator, prolific writing skills, and outgoing.  Must have paid experience in PR or as an assistant. Responsibilities will include assisting the partners of boutique Film PR agency with film festivals, premieres, press junkets and more. Heavy computer and internet work.  Room for advancement within in company. Please send salary requirements with resume to

PR and marketing firm specializing in emerging brands and entertainment is looking for responsible and dedicated interns to start immediately and gain valuable hands-on experience with media and the mechanics of PR campaigns and strategy. Credit-only interns who have an active interest in all forms of public relations and marketing, specifically social media and website design/management. Applicants must be a dedicated, reliable, articulate, and personable. Must be able to commit to at least 10-15 hours per week.  If interested, please send a resume and cover letter to

Entertainment marketing company seeks energetic, ambitious, self starter to join our team and learn the business.  Fast paced creative environment.  Responsibilities include project management, event production, research and administrative support. Successful candidate must be detail oriented, have strong communication skills, able to multitask and interface with clients and talent.  Superior organizational skills, Microsoft Office, Photoshop preferred.  West Hollywood location.  Email resume and cover letter

Nancy Seltzer & Associates entertainment public relations agency in Los Angeles seeks an intern. This person’s duties include, but are not limited to: scheduling, answering phones, working on various projects, updating lists, organization, client interface, helping with events and red carpets.  Excellent verbal and writing skills are a must. Must be, organized, able to multi-task and be computer literate. Internship is unpaid, though there is room to advance in the company. Please contact via email to


Network Music Reality Show seeks a PA to support the Music Department with preparing lyrics and sheet music, making reference CDs, reviewing cue sheets, researching writers/publishers, making runs and other assorted office duties. Candidate needs to be proficient with Macs, Word/Excel, iTunes, internet research and burning CDs.  5 days weeks (days vary / weekends included). Please send resume and cover letter to:

Unpaid Intern: Bulletproof Entertainment, run by one of the top music producers/supervisors in the motion picture and soundtrack industry, is in need of interns to assist with scanning, video editing, reachout, our CD library & iTunes database, record production, computer graphics, as well as some light office duties. Requirements: strong interest in music and film industries and strong proficiency with Mac/Apple software. Email resume and brief letter to


EQAL is a leading social media company that builds digital “influencer” networks around celebrities and brands.  The Department Coordinator will provide significant administrative support to the Chief Content Officer as well as other department executives.  Responsibilities include including managing calendars, answering emails, answering phones, filing, expense reports and managing travel.  Will also serve as a ‘utility player’ and complete special projects including: writing, copyediting, pitch deck design/development and project tracking. Bachelor’s Degree required.  Send resume and cover letter to and specify you are applying for Dept Coordinator position.

Job opening for a Social Media Manager at a small TV production company.  Manage website, blog, and social media accounts. Mostly in-office but could have some telecommute hours as well.   We have two on-air television shows and more projects in the development stage.  Great opportunity to grow with the company and get plenty of experience.  Must take direction well, be tech-savvy and have excellent writing skills.  Please send cover letter, resume and writing sample to:


A very busy casting office working on three different studio movies simultaneously and located in Hollywood is seeking a smart, un-paid intern immediately.  Intern duties will include editing and uploading audition footage, sorting submissions, helping out with phones and other administrative and research tasks.  Experience with iMovie preferred and knowledge of CastIt is a plus.  Must have your own laptop computer.  The internship is for college credit i.e. only students will be accepted. This is a great learning experience for someone who wants to get into casting after college.  Send cover letter / resume to

Demo/McCarthy Casting seeks casting interns to work on a feature film starting immediately. Tasks include phones, sorting submissions, scheduling appointments and general office support. A great way to break into and learn about casting. Flexible days/hours, college credit available. Please email resumes to

NON-LA POSITIONS (All Locations/All Positions)

Dimension Films is seeking an assistant in production/development in the New York office. This is a highly demanding position with plenty of opportunity for advancement. Must be dedicated, focused and proficient in handling assistant tasks – phones, scheduling, etc. Ideal candidate will have at least 2 years of relevant experience. Knowledge of script coverage a must.  Bachelors degree required. Please submit a resume and cover letter to

Scott Rudin Productions is looking for an NYC-based assistant in Scott Rudin’s office. Ideal candidates will need to be intelligent, driven, organized, and thick-skinned. This is not an entry-level position.  To be considered you must have at least a year of assistant experience in film, theatre, television or in an agency. Must know standard industry phone etiquette, have some knowledge of Broadway theatre and be very familiar with the film/tv industry power-players including writers, directors, talent and agents. Please send resume and cover letter to:

Busy NY PR Department at cable network seeks a temp assistant who will complete 200+ Emmy entries, collect support materials and book nominee travel and accommodations for various high profile award ceremonies.  Candidate should be computer literate, detail oriented with strong communication skills and professional email etiquette.  Two years entertainment experience is mandatory. Responsibilities include heavy data entry, airfare, car and hotel bookings.  Email resume and cover letter to:

NY based film production company seeking Production Finance / Physical Production Coordinator. Should be self-motivated, with strong organizational, analytical and interpersonal skills. Strong verbal and written communication with ability to work extended hours during peak periods.
Necessary Experience: Coding, logging and processing check requests, wires and invoices. 1-2 years feature film/ TV accounting experience. 1-2 years assisting an executive. Bachelor’s Degree and proficient in Excel. Please E-Mail resumes to

New York based film production company is seeking a seasoned assistant for a top level executive. Candidates should have a keen interest in the entertainment business, an awareness of the key players and companies, and the requisite skill set of an experienced assistant.  The position is demanding and requires long hours and occasional travel. Please send resumes to

Constellation, an online movie theater channel with offices in NYC, launching in November, is seeking dedicated fall interns to assist in areas including film research, PR/marketing, and social media. Interns will be exposed to a dynamic startup environment and will learn about the changing landscape of film distribution on the front lines.  Seeking students who are well-organized, personable, ambitious, have exceptional written and verbal communication skills, and proficiency in social media platforms.  Send resume and cover letter to:


Fast paced, high profile production company seeking hard working, resourceful general office assistant. Must be able to handle heavy call volume, operate with a polite demeanor, and have own car. Responsibilities will include – but are not limited to, – receptionist responsibilities, script coverage, runs, filing, personal errands for principals, and general office support. Candidates with desk, production, or high volume office experience will be considered first. Please send resume and two references with contact information to:

Santa Monica Production/Distribution company seeks full time Front Office Receptionist.  Candidate must be outgoing and energetic with a positive attitude and excellent phone etiquette.  Position will include, but not limited to, answering phones, greeting visitors, managing all aspects of company mail and shipping as well as other various clerical duties. Salary: $500+ a week.  Medical after 90 days probation.  Please email cover letter and resume to:

Part-Time bookkeeper needed for boutique Talent Management and Development Company.  Must have prior industry experience.  Must be highly organized and detail oriented. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Possibility for full time position.

INTERNSHIPS (Film & Television)

Benderspink is seeking highly motivated candidates for an unpaid internship to start immediately for a 3 month minimum commitment. Interns will receive first hand exposure into the day-to-day operations of a leading production management firm. Duties include: script reading & coverage, executing daily office tasks, and covering assistant desks and reception. In addition, interns will participate in weekly idea pitch meetings with company associates. Interested applicants should send resumé and cover letter to

Film/ TV/ Commercial Production Company at Paramount seeks a creative intern.  Must be available at least two days a week and ideal candidates will possess knowledge of Photoshop and other graphic design programs and a tenacity for reading scripts.  Candidate must supply his/her own laptop.  We have two films in post production two more in pre-production.  Position is unpaid, but college credit is available.   Send cover letter and resume to with “Office Internship” in subject line.

Red Hour Films is looking for qualified and eager interns. Duties will include reading scripts, answering phones, running errands and providing overall support to executives and assistants. Candidates should have experience with script coverage, have knowledge of the comedy/film world, and be willing to learn. Unpaid but college credit is available. Please email resume, cover letter, and sample script coverage to

Small World IFT, a boutique international television company, is seeking interns to start immediately in its Hollywood office. Must be smart, hard-working and highly motivated, and should have an interest in both international television distribution and creative development.  Candidates with strong writing and researching skills a plus.  Interns should be prepared to commit 2-3 days per week for this unpaid internship (college credit can be provided).  Candidates must have car and personal laptop.  Please email cover letter and resume to:

A-List director seeking interns. Must be thick skinned, organized, work  well under pressure, and be extremely detail oriented. Looking for multi-taskers who are computer savvy and have exceptional communication skills.  Open availability and reliable transportation are a must. This is an unpaid internship; only includes reimbursement for gas and expenses. If interested please e-mail resumes to:

Red Granite Pictures is looking for enthusiastic, hard working interns to start immediately. Responsibilities include answering phones as needed, script reading/coverage, research, assisting executives and assistants, errands, and/or general office needs. Excellent communication and organizational skills required. We are looking for interns who can commit to 2 or more days/week in our Hollywood office. Please email resumes to Non-paid internship – college credit only.

American Work, Inc. is writer/producer Scot Armstrong’ s production company. We have a first look producing deal with NBC Universal and have features in development at Paramount and Sony. We are looking for interns to both help out around the office and also assist creatively. This includes answering phones, photo copies, reading scripts, helping out with writers/directors lists, etc.   We are a small production company and work as a team, so it is a great opportunity for the right person. Please email resumes to

La Minitura Kids seeks qualified interns to assist Sales and Production. Previous experiences is preferred but not required. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, have excellent communication and organizational skills and a desire to learn the Apparel Industry. This is a great opportunity to learn from the best and in a great environment. Microsoft Office software is mandatory. The ideal candidate is a student that can work 3-5 days a week. This position is unpaid but will be given school credit if a student. Please send resumes to

Two television producers at NBC/Universal are seeking highly motivated interns to begin 11/14. The position will consist of involvement in all aspects of the business including script reading/coverage, research, phones, distribution and desk coverage. Position is unpaid but hours are flexible (16 hours per week) and college credit is provided. Applicants should possess strong communications skills, a desire to learn and a passion for scripted television. Please send cover letters and resumes to

Seeking Interns for Elevate Entertainment; Management / Production company based in Los Angeles (Century City). Job responsibilities entail overall office upkeep, answering phones, interacting with casting offices and clients, and script coverage. Candidates should be interested in pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. Interns must be reliable, thick skinned, punctual, work well under pressure and be proficient with both MAC and PC. Knowledge of MS Office a must.  Please email resume and cover letter to:

Seeking a driven and efficient management intern for a bi-coastal boutique talent management and production company. Candidate must be articulate, personable, and able to multitask, as you will assist four managers, in addition to liaising with our New York office. Duties include: answering phones, general office duties, scheduling meetings, occasionally driving clients to auditions, script coverage, and assisting with talent management. This is an unpaid internship.  Please send all resumes to:

A Santa Monica-based television and film Production Company with a first-look studio film deal is looking for smart, hard-working interns to read scripts, write coverage, and assist with day-to-day duties. Position is unpaid, but hours are flexible (approx. 2 days/week) and college credit is provided. Candidates should have professional manner, strong work ethic, and positive attitude. If interested, please contact:

Boutique Talent Management Company with A-list clients seeking eager interns to start immediately. Must be able to handle heavy phones and other administrative duties.  Candidate should be motivated, professional, organized, and computer literate. Interest in talent management is a plus.  Please send cover letter and resume to

Echo Lake Entertainment, an independent production company and film financier with a management division, is seeking interns to work in their Beverly Hills office. Looking for an intern to start immediately.  Interns should be prepared to commit 2/3 days per week for 3 months for this unpaid internship. Resumes and cover letters can be emailed to

REV New Media is seeking for two production interns to help out with day-to-day operations. This position will consist of involvement in all aspects of the business including: screening and logging tapes, research, delivery to other production companies, assisting in production coordination, attending celebrity events, and more. You must live in Los Angeles or a very short commute away. Position is unpaid, but hours are flexible (at least 16 hours per week) those hours must be between the hours of 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, M – F. College credit is provided. Send cover letters / resumes to

Venice-based Literary and Talent Management company seeks interns to start immediately.  Interns will get to be hands on and are encouraged to ask questions and contribute creatively.  Responsibilities include: clerical support, phones, script coverage, and research. Candidates should have strong interest in feature and television development and should be receiving school credit.  Unpaid. Please send resumes and cover letters to

Office of a Feature Director seeking intern while in prep for Major Fox Picture. To start immediately – Mid November possibly longer (TBD) Must have own car (will reimburse mileage) and personal laptop.  Offices are on The Lot in West Hollywood.  Please contact Luke:   10/21
GreeneStreet Films is looking for development interns in our Beverly Hills office. Job will entail coverage of scripts and manuscripts, notes on projects currently in development, research and general office assistance. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to be a writer or learn the business. Must like dogs.  Please send resumes to  This is an unpaid position.

A-list record label and management company in Beverly Hills seeks a bright, motivated intern to help with administrative tasks. Duties include phones, helping with promotional mailings, coordinating travel, organizing information, and other duties as assigned. Previous desk experience preferred but not required. Candidates must be able to receive school credit as the position is unpaid. E-mail cover letter and resume to

Talent-based feature production company with a focus on comedy is currently seeking reliable interns with an interest in writing, development and production. Responsibilities include script coverage, phones, office management, project research, and occasional runs. This is a non-paid internship. College credit necessary. Ideally looking for 2-3 day/week commitment. Please email resumes and cover letters with your availability to:

Television and feature production company helmed by prominent director seeking readers for script coverage. No pay but credit available. Please send resumes to

A busy West Hollywood based film financier and production company require a part time intern immediately. Duties include office work and script coverage. Candidates should be enthusiastic, computer literate and detail-oriented. This is a great opportunity to learn and see how independent films are financed.  Position is unpaid, candidates must have script coverage experience. Please email cover letters, availability and resumes to:

The Walt Becker Company, an independent film and television production shingle, is seeking interns for the fall semester. Position is unpaid and consists of heavy script reading/coverage, phones, office management, and occasional runs (though a car is not required).  Interns get a chance to cover desks as well as work directly with development executives.  A great opportunity to see the inner workings of a small but active production company.  Please send resumes and a short cover letter to

Boutique talent management company seeks organized, upbeat and well-read interns to start immediately. Duties include but are not limited to maintaining office organization, updating client lists, script coverage, creating database management, and some filing. Experience with script coverage and an interest in management a plus but not required. Must be able to multi-task. Please send resume and cover letter to

Busy actor/producer based Production Company on the Sony lot is currently seeking interns.  Looking for hardworking and bright students to assist with all aspects of company functions including development (reading, coverage, and research), general office tasks (answering phones, maintaining script database). Mileage and lunch paid for. School credit required.  Please email with resumes.

A full service film production company is seeking a highly motivated intern. The position will consist of everything from reading scripts and writing coverage to helping the staff prepare for meetings and sometimes covering desks.  There is a lot of opportunity to learn everything about the film production process from the ground up.  Candidates must be able to multi-task, learn quickly and perform tasks in a positive and expedited manor.  Strong communication skills required.  The position is unpaid, but gas will be reimbursed.  Please send resume to

Independent television/feature/new media production company in Los Angeles seeks office interns to start immediately. Applicants must be able to receive school credit.  Required availability is two days per week, M-F 10AM-6PM. Duties will include general office tasks, conducting research for projects in development, light errands, and providing creative input. Applicants should be proficient with Mac computers and have their own laptops to bring to the office.  Please send cover letters and resumes as attachments to

Village Roadshow Pictures Entertainment is seeking conscientious and enthusiastic interns to support our Production department.  Interns will also be exposed to Marketing, Distribution and other divisions of the company.  This internship is designed to prepare interns to enter the Entertainment Industry workforce, and is focused on teaching script coverage and analysis, film awareness as well as general office duties.  Please send all resumes to

Film/TV producer seeks intern to handle office duties Tuesdays and Thursdays. Duties include phones, scheduling meetings, handle calendar, travel booking, etc.  Must be proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Excel and word.  Please be organized, professional and trustworthy individual who is eager to participate in development and production.  This internship can apply towards college credit. If interested please send resume to:

Millennium Films is looking for development interns in our main office off Wilshire Blvd. Job will entail coverage of scripts and manuscripts, notes on projects currently in development, research and general office assistance. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to learn the business. This is an unpaid position.  School credit necessary.  Please email

Award winning agency and production company is seeking 2 interns to work with an award-winning costume designer and stylist on a television promo shoot.  This is a great opportunity.  Candidate must be professional, motivated, flexible.  Basic experience in fashion world a plus.  Non-paid internship starts immediately and will continue on to October, 22 2011.  Please send brief email why you would be perfect and your resume in the body of an email to

Worldwide film production, finance and sales company based in West Hollywood seeks interns interested in learning about global theatrical marketplace.  Focus is on presales, financing, and festivals.  Part-time and full-time welcome.  Business school students encouraged to apply. Should be Mac capable and have excellent office skills including Microsoft Office. Must be receiving credit.  Send resume to

Fluent Entertainment, a Beverly Hills based international film production/financing Company aligned with a major studio, has a part-time internship position available (1-3 days/week). Ideal candidate should be interested in the international film marketplace, researching, culling and learning individual territory trends, talent, information and data. Must be computer and excel literate and language skills would be helpful. Please forward cover letter and resume to:

Frederic Golchan Productions, associated with Radar Pictures, is searching for a development/office intern.  This is a great hands on experience as you will be working directly with Mr. Golchan.  You will work on specific projects as well as coverage, rolling calls, scheduling, etc.  College credit is available.  Lunch/parking is paid/reimbursed.  Must commit 2-3 days a week.  Email resume and cover letter to and

Frederic Golchan Productions, associated with Radar Pictures, is searching for a Mandarin Chinese speaking development/office intern.  You will work on specific projects, as well as coverage, rolling calls, scheduling, etc.  You will work directly with Mr. Golchan.  Specific projects are compensated and college credit is available.  Lunch/parking is paid/reimbursed.  Must commit 2-3 days a week.  Email resume and cover letter to and

Boutique law firm, which offers comprehensive legal services. Excellent opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about the legal ins-and-outs of the entertainment industry or business transactions. In search of bright, enthusiastic, reliable law or college students, who are eager to learn and are interested in pursuing a career in entertainment law. Good organization skills, attention to detail, high computer proficiency. Please send resume and cover letter to

A busy independent production company seeks an in house Creative Development Intern to assist with our day to day development and operational needs.  Applicants must have transportation to and from West Hollywood. We provide great references upon successful completion.  We are seeking thick-skinned interns who can multi-task and take initiative in chaotic situations!  Send resumes to

Point Grey Pictures, which released its first film this fall to critical acclaim, is seeking one intern in a fast-paced and open working environment. Position is unpaid but with several projects in development, our intern will be involved with every aspect. Duties include administrative tasks, covering scripts and assisting executives. Applicants best suited will have a strong work ethic, knowledge of film & tv, proficiency with Word & Excel and most importantly, a positive attitude. Prior experience is not necessary, though liking dogs and having your own transportation is. Submit cover letter and resume to

Talent management company is looking for a new intern. The company manages actors, writers and directors in film and television and develops features and TV series.  Opportunity for advancement for somebody interested in representation. Must have college degree or be currently enrolled. E-mail cover letter and resume to

Talent Agency Film/TV, Literary, Print, Voice Over & Commercial Divisions seek College Interns for School Credit. Ideal for Communications/Marketing/Film/Business & Television majors. Will work closely with Agency reps, resume must be text only and inside email, not attachment. Please send resumes to and title your email Film/Tv/Commercials Agency Intern (your name)(your city)(your phones).

Boutique Agency looking for interns who have interned in an agency or management company before. Must know phones, computers, have knowledge of the industry and be great with people skills. Please send your resumes to