Hammer “Rap-The-Vote Concert Series” Secured Re-Election of Russian President Boris Yeltsin

As long as there are reformers in the Russian Federation and the other states leading the journey toward democracy’s horizon, our strategy must be to support them. And our place must be at their side.”

-President Bill Clinton on the re-election of Russian President Boris Yeltsin in 1995- 

Russian President Boris Yeltsin at White House with President Bill Clinton

Our HISTORIC Hammer “Rap-The-Vote Concert Series” Secured Re-Election of Russian President Boris Yeltsin AND Spawned Rise of Vladamir Putin to Power!

This 1995 revisited article was written strictly from a WORLD  HISTORIC perspective about how our “WORLD ALTERING” Urban-American, western style, political campaign strategy utilizing M. C. Hammer in a “Rap-The-Vote Concert Series” secured the 18-45 voter turnout and the re-election of Russian President Boris Yeltsin in 1995 with the “Our Home Is Russia” (NDR), a Russian liberal political party. Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim devised a strategic plan, executive produced, produced, filmed and broadcast on Russian National TV a series of concerts in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and the WORLD. This campaign tactic was their most effective strategy, greatest strength- uniquely different and vastly superior to anything Russia had ever witnessed. This comprehensive, targeted attack with our expertise well grounded in modern focused campaigning strategy, advertising, marketing, and promotions was trumpeted for saving Russian democracy with Yeltsin’s re-election ensuring continuity in the Democratic evolution of Russia and securing world peace. The television programming was so successful that it has regularly run on air since 1995!

This strategy was trumpted for saving Russian democracy with Yeltsin’s re-election ensuring continuity in the Democratic evoultion of Russia and securing world peace.

The television programming was so successful that it has regularly run on air since 1995!



At the time we began our concerts and campaign events over the weeks in St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin was then Deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, organized the St. Petersburg branch of the Party Our Home Is Russia, was it’s Chairman, and led the campaign issue of the party in the elections to the Duma that led to his rise to power and being named President of Russia by Boris Yeltsin. 

After our concerts and campaign events over the weeks ending in Moscow, our overwhelmingly positive Polling numbers cemented the campaign an incredible success and this strategy was heralded world wide by political pundits as “incredibly brilliant”, “ a global coup”, “a miraculous event in history”, a “triumph for democratic reform” and “universally invaluable” in it’s effect of being “a savior”, as Yeltsin was the only alternative to guaranteeing the West’s and the World’s political, economic, and military security to carry out their reform agenda.

BUT, with a Western audience in mind, but I must add an important clarification that I do not aim to justify the authoritarian tendency or the confrontational policies undertaken by Russia, EVER. However, a sober conversation about missed opportunities, of what went wrong, requires a scrutinizing evaluation not only of Russian, but also of the rest of the World, including China, North Korea, South America, Israel and the United States.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has been traversing its own, often difficult path toward independent development. The trajectory of the country’s development was mostly determined by internal factors, particularly concerning the balance of power among various sections of the Russian elite.

For Russia, the early 1990s were one of those critical junctures when many paths were open. The politically active section of society defeated a decrepit totalitarian regime, hoping to restore Russia’s full participation in the community of developed states in the global north. In those days, the most pressing question in Russian society appeared to concern identity: Who are we? In searching for an answer, many members of the reformist elite waited for the West to extend a hand in friendship, to offer assistance as equals.

Accordingly, many among the Russian elite and society at large answered that question by attempting to reclassify their country as a member of the “first world.” It was the world Andrei Sakharov dreamed that Russia could join, as yesterday’s foe and tomorrow’s friend. That move, they hoped, could lead to Russia’s deeper integration into the West’s political, economic, and security structures, such as the EU, NATO, WHO, Schengen Zone, and the World.

Such a move, had it been successful, would not have prevented a nationalist backlash in subsequent years but might at least have limited it: elites integrated into Western systems would have valued the advantages of their position. And if, regardless of those achievements, Russia’s leaders had still opted for isolationism, then the world would be discussing “Russia’s Brexit” and its departure from the EU. It would not be discussing the invasion of Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea, wars in Georgia and Chechnya, and the evisceration of constitutional freedoms in Russia.

“Our Home Is Russia” (NDR) was a Russian liberal political party founded in 1995, existed to 2006, by former Gazprom chairman, then Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. It was a liberal, centrist political movement, founded for the purpose of rallying more technocratic-reformist (right-wing) government supporters. At the time of its founding, Chernomyrdin had the backing of Russian president Boris Yeltsin along with numerous large financial institutions such as Association of Russian Banks, and major companies such as Gazprom, of which he was formerly the chairman. 

Viktor Chernomyrdin, served as Russia’s prime minister under then President Boris Yeltsin from 1992 to 1998, a turbulent period of economic hardship and political turmoil as a bankrupted Russia struggled to recreate itself as a democracy after the Soviet collapse, developing as a market economy while throwing off communism and engineered the creation of Gazprom, now the world’s biggest gas company.

Previously Yeltsin tacitly supported Russia’s Choice as the preferred party to win the December 1993 elections for the Duma and carry out the reform agenda that the late Supreme Soviet had stalled. However, the failure of Russia’s Choice and other reform-oriented parties in that election forced Yeltsin to change his strategy, once again relying on Chernomyrdin, his emerging “Party of Power,” the industrial-military complex, the armed forces, and the KGB–to the detriment of the legislature and Russian democracy.

The leaders of the Democratic Russia Movement, the coalition that pressed Mikhail Gorbachev to annul the communist monopoly on power in February 1990, that launched Yeltsin into the Russian presidency in June 1991, and that then gave birth to the Russia’s Choice party.

The movement attracted the sympathies and interests of many prominent members of the ruling elite of Russia, and NDR was thus nicknamed “the party of power”. It was also known as the party of the Oligarchs, the position previously identified with another political party, Democratic Choice of Russia. Two other parties were interested in cooperating with NDR after its foundation: parts of the Agrarian Party of Russia and Democratic Choice of Russia. Together their platform would promote “freedom, property, and legality”, and would favor such policies as reducing the state’s role in the economy, support for small businesses, privatization of agriculture, military cutbacks and sought “a normal life in Russia” and peace in Chechnya after the First Chechen War. However, after Chernomyrdin’s candidacy for a second term as Prime Minister was in 1998 rejected by the Duma, Our Home – Russia declined the other parties’ bid for cooperation.

Boris Yeltsin wanted to establish a two-party system in 1995 after the American model and advocated the establishment of a center-right and a left- centrist electoral blocs. Yeltsin’s aim was on the one hand to clip the extreme parties on the political fringe, even at the head of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov KPRF away from the power. On the other hand, Yeltsin wanted to create functional, loyal and non-ideological parties to consolidate its power and stability of the country.

The main parties competing in the 1996 Russian Duma elections learned a lesson from 1993 and made wider use of popular artistic and sports figures ¡in advertisements, for endorsements, and as candidates for office. Chernomyrdin’s party even used the American rapper M. C. Hammer. These popular figures help establish a party’s image. To this day, most of Russia’s parties center around personalities and not platforms, and they have yet to consolidate loyal, definable constituencies.

The 1999 Duma elections also followed this trend. The greatest vote-getter was Yedinstvo, a party formed only weeks prior to the elections, which had no political or economic platforms and whose only overt identity was support for Vladimir Putin, the popular prime minister. Therefore, the image that Russian parties convey on television can prove more crucial than in established democracies. This means that whoever has the slickest ad, appeals to emotions (such as Yedinstvo did with the war in Chechnya), and boasts the most charismatic personality often wins the vote. 

Some analysts explain Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s surprise success in the 1993 election by his adept use of symbolism and sleek soundbites, as others have partly attributed Yeltsin’s victory in the June 1991 Russian presidential elections to wide use of popular symbolism, as advised by the Krieble Institute of Washington.

The “Rap-The-Vote Concert Series” was particularly strange given Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin cherished his stodgy, button-down reputation. He was not young, he is not funky, and he most definitely does not “rock the house.” And that is why it was a bit surprising that Chernomyrdin’s campaign hired the American rapper M. C. Hammer to enliven the image of “Our Home Is Russia”, the centrist political party. 

M. C. Hammer in Russian “Rap-The-Vote Concert Series”

Against a glowing red, white and blue “Our Home Is Russia” backdrop at the Rossiya concert hall, Hammer bellowed, “We feel like bustin’ loose!”. 

The campaign for Russia’s parliamentary elections, which were held on Dec. 17, 1995, has begun, with about 5,000 candidates struggling for the attention of voters. And although almost all of them are wrapping themselves in patriotism, nationalism and fierce anti-Western slogans, their campaigns have gone completely Hollywood. 

In television advertising, sex, money and fear-mongering are far more prominent this year than issues and platforms. Although Russia has experimented with American-style campaign tactics before, this campaign is beginning to look like a Soviet propagandist’s worst caricature of the American democratic process. 

Some politicians, like the extreme nationalist Vladimir V. Zhirinovsky, are selling themselves with the kind of erotic imagery usually reserved for car advertisements and music videos. Others, including the popular nationalist general, Aleksandr Lebed, are using slick, scary spots about crime and corruption. And almost every party is using celebrities. Pop stars and actors are not just endorsing candidates, they are running for office on almost every party list. 

Even the Communists are not immune to showbiz. Nikolai Gubenko, a popular actor and theater director, is a top party candidate.

“Except for the Communist Party, there is such weak party identity in Russia that candidates have to sell personalities, not political platforms,” said Michael McFaul, an expert on Russian politics at Stanford University. “It becomes Hollywood glitzy – what personality can make us famous?” 

Our Home Is Russia is known as the “party of power” because it is made up of government officials, is backed by the major Russian banks and has political clout and money, but it has fared poorly in most public opinion polls. 

The party has recruited Nikita Mikhalkov, the Oscar-winning actor in “Burnt by the Sun” and the movie’s director, as well as Ludmila Zykina, a famous anthem singer who was the Soviet Kate Smith. 

Its managers are chasing the vote of the disaffected youth in a way that would make Gary Hart blush. 

“We have to use different, unusual means to wake the voters up,” said Yuri Shuvalov, 30, a campaign strategist.

The state-owned television and radio stations, including ORT, Russia’s largest network, which was formerly state-owned and is now partly owned by a consortium of banks sympathetic to the government, will each give free airtime to all parties – a maximum of one hour a month. They also will sell additional, paid, airtime to campaigns, but ORT has determined that candidates and parties can only buy three minutes of additional airtime. Candidates and their parties are free to buy airtime on Russia’s private networks, but only ORT is broadcast nationwide. 

If many of the candidate’s paid advertisements look like flashy MTV videos, the taped appeals on free airtime that began appearing on Tuesday looked more like late-night public-access television. Politicians like Yegor T. Gaidar of the democratic Russia’s Choice party, and Ivan Rybkin, the speaker of Parliament, running with his own centrist party, fumbled with their notes, fidgeted in their pockets and looked in the wrong cameras. 

Though all the major parties are producing slick television advertisements that concentrate on image more than substance, Zhirinovsky still leads the pack. His first television advertisement, broadcast on the Moscow channel, features a sexy cabaret singer, purring a love song to him (“The world would be so boring without you/you are my idol’”) as she teasingly unzips her blouse. Behind her, a giant screen flickers with clips of Zhirinovsky in action, including the time he flung a glass of orange juice in the face of his opponent during a televised debate. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin

Vladimir Putin was then Deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, who became president of Russia, organized in 1995, the St. Petersburg branch of the Party Our House Russia, was it’s Chairman, and led the campaign issue of the party in the elections to the Duma.

Not necessarily for OHR, of course, but the bloc’s name was prominent on the publicity posters and its deputy chairman in St. Petersburg Alexander Prokhorenko agreed that the existence of OHR was likely to penetrate the minds of MC Hammer fans along with his music.

The concert was aimed to encourage the city’s apolitical young people to vote. “I don’t believe that thinking people could go to a concert and then immediately vote for OHR,” he said. “But at least they will start to wonder who we are.”

Free concert tickets were distributed to the city’s schools, higher education institutes, military academies and youth clubs. “This should be an election for the generation aged between 20 and 40,” Mr. Prokhorenko said. “It must determine its own fate or else the development of Russia on general world lines could slow down.”

He feared that if young people stayed at home on election day and did not support democratic forces then there could be a repeat of the 1993 picture where three-quarters of the electorate did not vote “and only afterwards complain about decisions that are taken. It is obvious that Duma deputies do not represent the majority of people.”

“We are not a political party, we are a social movement,” said Mr Prokhorenko. “We do not have the organizational structures of a political party and there is no official membership system, you just announce that you are a member of our movement,” he continued.

St. Petersburg Mayor Anatoly Sobchak declared his support for OHR, and his wife Ludmilla Narusova was a candidate on the bloc’s federal list.

Mr. Prokhorenko himself is a deputy in the City Assembly. Nevertheless he denied that OHR deserved the oft-quoted label “party of power.” “That is a stereotype which is not correct,” he said. “The essence of any party is the aims it sets itself, and only after that the people who participate in it. “Our purpose is to get the largest possible number of professionally prepared, experienced politicians elected to the Duma.”

In that case, it would have seemed logical for OHR to unite with other democratic parties in opposition to communists and ultra-nationalists.

Mr. Prokhorenko said he did not think so, as Russia had been a totalitarian country for so long that it was time for some freedom of choice.

“The fact that we have democrats of the Rybkin, Yavlinsky, Gaidar and Chernomyrdin types is an expression of Russian minds,” he said. “Maybe it’s not very useful for the country, but it’s objective.”

Former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin was laid to rest after an emotional eulogy by Vladimir Putin.

Former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin was laid to rest after an emotional eulogy by Vladimir Putin. The usually tough and sharp-tongued Putin, the current prime minister, spoke at his funeral service and at one point he paused and appeared to be struggling to hold back tears. His voice trembled as he said: “We will miss Viktor. We will hold his memory in our hearts and in our work.”






November 1995- M. C. Hammer in Russia, The Re-election of Russian President Boris Yeltsin by “Our Home Is Russia”, Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin’s Political Party

Prime Minister Chernomyrdin’s party was struggling to distance their leader from the unpopularity of the Government he headed, resolved to using western style campaign strategy. “Our Home” promised economic stability and continuation of the Democratic course of Yeltsin’s government.


In November 1995 Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim executive produced, produced, filmed and broadcast on Russian National TV a series of concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow by MC Hammer in an urban style, “Rap-The-Vote” to secure the 18-45 voter turnout and re-election of President Boris Yeltsin. Polling after the concerts was overwhelmingly positive..

“Hammer is our father and rap is a very serious subject for me and if Chernomyrdin can give us Hammer then we will give him our vote.” said Oleg, an 18-year old Russian rap fan in attendance.

Being Prime Minister gave Chernomyrdin a huge advantage in access to Russian voters, with slick campaign posters, he told AP “we are using American pop music performances to drum up support among Russian youth for his political campaign”; the video scenes showed M.C. Hammer performing. Chernomyrdin’s travels around Russia in his capacity as Prime Minister, but looked more like the political campaign trail of an American President.


This strategy was trumpeted as “world altering” for saving Russian democracy with Yeltsin’s re-election ensuring continuity in the evolution of Russia and securing world peace.

This strategy was heralded world wide by political pundits as “incredibly brilliant”, a “triumph for democratic reform” and “universally invaluable” in it’s effect of having “saved” Russian democracy, as Yeltsin was the only alternative in ensuring continuity in the evolution of Russia and securing world peace.

This coup, a miraculous event in history, was depicted and canonized in a 2004 film 

“Spinning Boris” starring Jeff Goldblum, Anthony LaPaglia and Liev Schreiber.

“Spinning Boris” The Best President of Russia America Ever Had   ..L. A. Times Review

Jeff Goldblum, Anthony LaPaglia and Liev Schreiber star as a trio of elite American political campaign operatives who were hired in secret to manage Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s election campaign in 1996. He’s polling at 6 percent with the election a few months away. First, they must get someone’s attention; they succeed finally with Yeltsin’s daughter, then it’s polling, focus groups, messages and spin. Even as Yeltsin’s numbers go up, they are unsure who hired them and if Yeltsin’s allies have a different plan in mind than victory. When the going gets toughest, they put a spin on their stake: democracy and capitalism must win. They orchestrate the most spectacular political comeback of the twentieth century – as they “sold” Boris Yeltsin to the Russian public gaining Yeltsin’s successful re-election. http://www.box.net/shared/sc1l8qycmt

The Re-election of Russian President Boris Yeltsin at Excerpts of “Clinton Secrets” in a book by JOHN DIAMOND

The campaign tactic was their most effective strategy, greatest strength- uniquely different and vastly superior to anything Russia had ever witnessed. This strategic plan with our expertise well grounded in modern American campaigning got Yeltsin re-elected. This was simply a matter of fact that he was the best the modern world could get compared to the alternative communist and he was fully supported by the U.S.

A State Department memorandum, marked “confidential,’’ summarized then President Bill Clinton’s meeting with Yeltsin at a summit in Egypt, where Clinton told Yeltsin he ”wanted to make sure that everything the United States did would have a positive impact and nothing should have a negative impact’’ on Yeltsin’s re-election. The memo added the U. S. wanted an upcoming summit with the Russian leader to be successful to “reinforce everything that Yeltsin had done.’’

Excerpts of “Clinton Secrets” in a book by JOHN DIAMOND, Associated Press Writer


Kamala Harris is Unelectable, may NOT be on the DEMO Ticket in 2024!

She was supposed to be the one-term president’s successor. The vice president who would take the torch from a by-then-80-something Joe Biden and carry on the administration’s agenda while becoming the first woman and the first woman of color to capture the White House as the nation’s 47th president.

But as things stand now in November 2021, one has to wonder how Kamala Harris even remains on the ticket in 2024, regardless of who the nominee might be. A USA Today-Suffolk University poll finds that just 28 percent of voters — less than 3 in 10 — approve of the job Harris is doing. For context, that’s 10 points below her boss (38 percent approve, 59 percent disapprove). For more context, Harris was at 46 percent approval and 40 percent disapproval upon entering office, per USA Today-Suffolk.

Harris’s struggles are MANY but here’s a few:

 Less than a month before California’s September 2021 recall election Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked that Biden NOT campaign with/for him and only reluctantly accepted a very, very limited role with the very toxic, polarizing Harris!

 Back in August 2021 three polls combined to produce an unfavorable rating of 46% for Harris, according to an aggregate average compiled by RealClearPolitics. The Hill reported that the number is 3 points below Biden’s 43% unfavorable rating. An Economist-YouGov poll conducted July 24-27 found Harris’s unfavorable rating to be 48%!

 This was entirely foreseeable with Harris who was so unpopular in the Democratic party that she dropped out of the 2020 Democratic primary before anyone voted are worrying that Vice President Kamala Harris could hurt their chances to retain power in the 2022 midterm elections “As of right now, I think she has the potential of doing more harm than good for some of these candidates,” said one Democratic strategist. “My sense is she’ll probably raise a lot of money and maybe she’ll go to some specific districts, but they’ll have to be really strategic with her.” “She doesn’t have the standing at this moment to go to a lot of these tighter districts,” the strategist added, where another political analyst who says this puts Democrats in a no-win position. If they use Harris to campaign for the midterms, she could do damage. If they don’t, it confirms that she is politically toxic!

 Vice President Harris’s bad polls trigger have Democratic worries as they have much ground to make up in order to be perceived more favorably by the public, a complicating factor for the Biden administration as it maps out its midterm strategy.

 Six months into office, polls indicate Harris is viewed less favorably than President Biden. She has also made some tactical missteps outside of the White House that Democrats say show she hasn’t quite yet found her bearings and her once historical Vice presidency has lost it’s luster, the bloom has fallen off the rose, as she has underperform as the future leader at the top of the ticket and her lower ratings haven’t gone unnoticed. “She doesn’t have the standing at this moment to go to a lot of these tighter districts,” the strategist added. “No one is coming out and saying she’s doing an amazing job, because the first question would be ‘On what?’” another person, identified as a “Harris ally” told the Hill. “She’s made a bunch of mistakes and she’s made herself a story for good and bad.”

 VP KAMALA HARRIS HAS LOST THE SUPPORT OF White women who were forced to accept her as the “fake feminist” she is; White men did not previously support her despite her White arranged family financial/political/sexual “partnership/marriage”; Black women who championed her as their “Lord and Savior Soro Sister” KNOW WHO SHE REALLY IS NOW AND ARE EMBARRASSED AND OFFENDED BY HER UNTENABLE “POLITICALPORN STAR” ACTIVITIES THAT GOT HER TO THE Vice Presidency- and sadly that she was NEVER involved in the Sorority EVER, at Howard or since!; Black men have NEVER TRUSTED/SUPPORTED HER (outside of their/her mutual fetish fantasies); Latinas/Latinos/LatinX (Latin Women and Men) have NEVER supported her and those that did abandoned her after her recent immigration debacle at the border with “don’t come here, go home!!” as has ALL IMMIGRANTS; the LGBTQIA voter/donor block has long ago fought themselves to grasp the fact that she is a “fake rights” activist as with the feminist; she has appropriated the very limited Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community as their “Shri-Lakshmi” mother-goddess but this voter/donor block- though cash considerable, is just not that sizable to turn an election; unfortunately there are no more sizable groups of potential voters/donors that she can co-opt/appropriate to exploit.

 She/Biden has told ALL Black Lives Matter, Social Justice Reformers, and Activist “YOU ARE NOT WELCOME AT THE WHITE HOUSE!” (but thank you for getting us elected); stated that “America is NOT a Racist Country”; told immigrants “don’t come here, go home!!”; they have FAILED to pass the long promised George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, a sweeping police reform bill, which passed the House of Representatives in early March, but months later remains bogged down in the Senate; HR 1, or the For the People Act — that sets standards for voting and overhauls campaign finance and ethics law was defeated in the Senate. Another measure — dubbed HR 4, or the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, to combat brazen, destructive, partisan and discriminatory campaign of voter suppression silencing voters of color across the nation and threatens to erode our democracy.  The Supreme Court’s disastrous decision in Shelby v. Holder opened the floodgates of voter suppression, allowing states with dark histories of bigotry and discrimination to pass hundreds of laws designed to keep communities of color from the ballot box! THIS TOO HAS FAILED TO MOVE; YET, in a bitterly divided, bipartisan gridlocked Washington, it managed to only take a few weeks for the Congress and Senate to pass the “STOP ASIAN HATE” bill, the “Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act”!!

 “George Floyd was murdered almost a year ago,” Biden said. “There’s meaningful police reform legislation in his name … legislation to tackle systemic misconduct in police departments, to restore trust between law enforcement and the people they’re entrusted to serve and protect. But it shouldn’t take a whole year to get this done.” Biden PROMISED that this act would be in the books by Floyd’s birthday- that has LONG since passed!

 Biden acknowledged the role that Jim Clyburn played in his election, credited with reviving Biden’s struggling campaign and thanked him when he said, “I would never be in this position, but for you,’’, “You’re quite welcome,’’ Clyburn answered. In regards to his humble acceptance of his debt to Blacks, Biden said “You’ve always had my back, and I will have yours.” So he said that as well. And I think he knows how important this vote is to the Black community. 

 Jim Clyburn has taken Biden to task over administration appointments, saying the president-elect is falling short when it comes to naming Black figures to top positions, expressed disappointment that African Americans — a voting bloc crucial to Biden’s presidential victory — have not featured more prominently among the early picks to fill out senior administration posts next year. “But so far it’s not good.”

She’s practically invisible.

It’s been 153 days since her last sit-down interview with a major broadcast news entity, in the form of NBC’s Lester Holt. You may recall that was the beginning of the end of the administration’s confidence in her abilities to handle even the most basic of questions. 

“Do you have any plans to visit the border?” Holt asked. 

“At some point, you know, we are going to the border,” Harris replied, before oddly repeating herself as if a short-circuit had occurred. “We’ve been to the border. So, this whole thing about the border — we’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.”

“You haven’t been to the border,” Holt correctly noted.

“And I haven’t been to Europe,” Harris snapped before laughing. “And, I mean, I don’t understand the point that you’re making.”

Since then, the only interview Harris has granted was to “The View” on ABC. Her own staff couldn’t have provided a gentler platform.

The vice president has yet to do a solo press conference. Out of sight, out of mind. And when judging Harris solely on the primary task she was given by the president, 23 percent approve of the administration’s handling of the U.S. border, or less than one-quarter.

Harris was never liked much to begin with.

Harris has been dubbed a 2020 presidential candidate. But that’s a misnomer, because she never even got to 2020 as a candidate. Never got to Iowa or New Hampshire. She was polling lower than even Andrew Yang in her home state of California in December 2019, prompting her to drop out while seeming to blame Democratic voters for misogyny and racism.  

Harris told Axios at the time: “I have also started to perhaps be more candid talking about what I describe and what I believe to be the elephant in the room about my campaign.”

Axios: “What is that?”

Harris: “Electability.”

Axios: “What do you mean?”

Harris: “Electability. You know, essentially, is America ready for a woman and a woman of color to be president of the United States?” 

Yet, Barack Obama was twice elected president as a person of color, while Hillary Clinton captured 3 million more votes than Donald Trump in the 2016 general election. So there’s that.

Overall, the USA Today-Suffolk poll has some disturbing numbers for Biden-Harris. Consider the answers to the question, “What is the one thing Americans want President Biden to do in the next year?” 

— Resign/retire/quit: 20 percent

— Economy/jobs: 11 percent

— Unite/help the country: 8 percent

— Immigration/border control: 8 percent

— COVID/mandates: 6 percent

— Infrastructure bills: 5 percent 

— Inflation: 4 percent 

— Health care: 3 percent

— Climate change/environment: 3 percent

— Bipartisanship: 3 percent

That’s right: The top of the list is Americans wanting the president to resign or quit.  

Even more revealing: 64 percent of Americans (nearly two-thirds) don’t want Biden to run again, including a whopping 28 percent of Democrats. 

Can the administration turn this around? Perhaps. But some shake-ups will be needed. Some accountability. A pivot to something resembling the middle. But we’ve seen no inclination to make such a pivot, to make staff changes.

Republicans now lead Democrats by 8 points on the congressional ballot, per USA Today’s survey. Just four seats need to be flipped for Republicans to take control of the House, just one net overall in the Senate. President Obama lost 63 seats in 2010 before losing the Senate in 2014. Donald Trump lost 43 seats in 2018 before losing the Senate in 2020. 

Harris was supposed to represent the next generation of Democrats. She was Plan B for an aging president. At 28 percent approval, it’s hard to see how the VP ever takes the next step to the Oval Office.  

Kamala Harris’s approval rating falls to 28%, a Historic Low for any modern Vice President

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a virtual United Nations General Assembly COVID-19 summit in the South Court Auditorium in the White House September 22, 2021 in Washington, DC.
Vice President Kamala Harris. 

A new poll from USA Today and Suffolk University released on Sunday contains a grim snapshot of public sentiment toward the Biden administration.

President Joe Biden has been on a months-long slide toward historically poor polling numbers, but yesterday’s USA Today/Suffolk poll was even worse for Vice President Kamala Harris.

The American public’s opinion of Vice President Kamala Harris and her track record as President Joe Biden’s supposed right-hand woman is tanking.

According to the survey conducted over the phone Nov. 3-5, 51.2 percent of Americans disapprove of “the job Kamala Harris has done as Vice President.” While it’s been months since Harris relented after scandalously refusing to visit the southern U.S. border despite a raging crisis, voters still do not hold her in high esteem. Harris’s approval rating is hovering at just 28 percent, which is 10 points lower than the public’s view of the president.

Biden’s approval is also backsliding at an alarming rate, as Democrats grow more concerned about their party’s performance in the upcoming 2022 midterms. The same poll that exposed the public’s low opinion of Harris also found that a majority of Americans, 59 percent, disapprove of the president’s track record 11 months into his tenure in the White House.

Of those surveyed, 46 percent, including 16 percent who cast a vote for the Democrat, say Biden has underperformed at his job since getting elected. Among independents, 44 percent agree that Biden has done a worse job in office than they expected.

Biden told reporters last week, “I didn’t run to determine how well I’m going to do in the polls,” but his words are not convincing a majority of Americans, 64 percent, who say they do not support Biden running for a second presidential term. That’s a higher number than the 58 percent opposed to former President Donald Trump running again. Of that 64 percent, 28 percent identify as Democrats.

At this early stage of a modern presidency, Harris’ numbers in the USA Today/Suffolk poll are unprecedented.

The closest comparison — which involves slightly different methodology and margins of error — would be former Vice President Dick Cheney, the most unpopular US vice president in polling history. He bottomed out at 30% in Gallup’s tracking survey, but that wasn’t until the end of former President George W. Bush’s second term in 2007.

Harris has taken on thorny assignments early on in her tenure as VP, including running point on the administration’s disasterous efforts at handling the migration surge of asylum seekers at the southern border.

Joe Concha: When you look at the vice president and her poll numbers where she is at 28% approval that is astounding. This was supposed to be a historic candidate in Kamala Harris who would be handed the bottom by an 80-something-year-old Joe Biden where he says ‘okay I’ve righted the country and now I’m going to pass it on to my Vice President.’ If you’re the Democratic Party how could you possibly put her up as the nominee right now when not even three in 10 Americans approve of the job she’s doing and it’s impossible to find her? She’s never done a press conference since she’s been vice president, she hasn’t done one sit-down interview with a major broadcast network in five months. So, when you’re unseen and you see what’s happening at the border, the one job she was given, the important job anyway, that’s how you get to 28% and that’s why this administration is in serious, serious trouble.

As Insider’s Robin Bravender reported in late October, Harris aides are quietly worried about the 2024 presidential election, should Biden forego a reelection bid, with former 2020 primary rival and Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg posing a potential threat.

Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns calls Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg an ‘enemy of the state’ and says he should be JAILED

  • Burns, famed documentary filmmaker, blasted Facebook founder Zuckerberg 
  • He called Zuckerberg ‘an enemy of the state’ and said he thinks he belongs in jail 
  • Burns also hit out at Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, saying she was ‘complicit’ 
  • He said Zuckerberg, Sandberg, and other tech moguls should face a tribunal 
  • ‘The Nuremberg of this, is if it ever happens, which it won’t, will be pretty interesting,’ Burns told New York Times podcaster Kara Swisher
  • Burns, a prominent Democrat, did not say why he thinks Zuckerberg is a traitor
  • In 2016, Facebook was blamed for allowing pro-Trump misinformation to spread
  • Democrats believe the misinformation helped Trump defeat Hillary Clinton
  • Trump supporters say Facebook has a liberal bias and has censored them
  • Former president has been banned by social media after January 6 riot 


PUBLISHED: 14:25 EDT, 4 August 2021 | UPDATED: 15:08 EDT, 4 August 2021 

Ken Burns blasted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as ‘an enemy of the state’ who ‘doesn’t give a s***’ about the United States and thinks he and his No. 2, Sheryl Sandberg, should be tried for crimes against humanity and put in prison.

‘He knows he can transcend it. He can get away to any place,’ Burns, the award-winning film documentarian and historian, told The New York Times.

‘And so it’s just about filthy lucre, that’s it.’

Burns, the 68-year-old two-time Oscar winner, made the remarks during an interview with Times podcaster Kara Swisher, who invited the filmmaker to talk to him about his latest project – famed boxer Muhammad Ali.

He brought up Zuckerberg’s name unprompted even though Swisher didn’t ask about the tech mogul.

Swisher did not follow up on Burns’ comments, and the filmmaker did not specify why he thought Zuckerberg was a traitor.

Instead, Swisher responded to the Zuckerberg comments by cryptically telling Burns: ‘You’re going to love my memoir, Ken.’ 

The two then move on to discuss the craft of documentary filmmaking. 

DailyMail.com has reached out to Facebook and Burns seeking comment. 

Zuckerberg, the founder of the world’s most popular social media platform that counts more than 2.7 billion users globally, is the fifth richest person on the planet thanks to a net worth that is estimated at around $130 billion.

Swisher asked Burns who he thought ‘would be the version of Muhammad Ali in 100 years?’

Burns then mentioned Stacey Abrams, the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial candidate.

Abrams lost her election to the Republican, Brian Kemp, though she did make history as the first black woman to represent a major party in a race for governor.

‘She’s the real deal,’ Burns said. ‘I mean, I hope Zuckerberg is in jail by then.’

Burns also lashed out at Sandberg, the ‘Lean In’ author and Facebook COO who, along with her boss, has come under fire in recent years over data leaks and the platform’s role in helping Donald Trump win election.

Burns, the documentary filmmaker, also hit out at Zuckerberg’s top deputy, Sheryl Sandberg (seen left with her boss in Sun Valley, Idaho last month), saying she was ‘complicit’

The filmmaker said he thought tech moguls like Zuckerberg, Sandberg, and others should stand trial like the Nazis at Nuremberg after the Second World War.

‘Because these people – and Sheryl is a complicit – the Nuremberg of this, is if it ever happens, which it won’t, will be pretty interesting,’ he said.

‘The way that we’ve been able to temporize and say, oh, it’s okay, we’ll just go a little bit further. Right?’ 

For years, Burns has been a prominent supporter of the Democratic Party, which may explain his antipathy toward Zuckerberg.

Facebook and other social media platforms have been accused by Democrats of allowing Trump and other Republicans to spread misinformation – leading to the 2016 shock election victory over Hillary Clinton.

A BuzzFeed News report from November 2016 revealed that fake news stories outperformed actual news on Facebook – particularly in the weeks and months leading up to the election. 

The most widely read ‘news’ article that year was a fake story which claimed that Pope Francis endorsed Trump. That story generated more than 900,000 engagements on Facebook.

In 2018, Facebook was once again in the news – this time after it was learned that Cambridge Analytica, the now-defunct political consulting firm, mined the data of tens of millions of Facebook users.

The firm was hired by Trump’s campaign in 2016.

Facebook has also drawn the ire of conservatives and Trump supporters, who accuse the social network of having an inherent liberal bias and of censoring pro-Republican views.

In April, Facebook stopped users from sharing articles by DailyMail.com about a BLM founder Patrisse Cullors’ multi-million dollar property empire while users were allowed to share it from other outlets.

Burns, a supporter of the Democratic Party, did not say why he thinks Zuckerberg is a traitor. The social network has been blamed for allowing misinformation to spread during the 2016 election, when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.  

Users that wanted to share links to the DailyMail.com were met with a message that said it ‘couldn’t be shared.’ 

‘This content was removed for violating our privacy and personal information policy,’  a Facebook spokesperson told DailyMail.com.

However, other outlets, such as Black Enterprise, a media company that covers black-owned businesses, was allowed to be shared by Facebook users. 

It’s not the first time Facebook has censored content from conservative voices. 

In March, the social media platform removed a video interview from Lara Trump, interviewing her father-in-law, Donald Trump. 

In the interview, Trump tore into social media and the mainstream media for suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story, he criticized President Biden’s green agenda and railed against cancel culture which he said obliterates US culture. 

Readers of the New York Post on Facebook were also blocked from sharing a story about Cullors’ multi-million-dollar property holdings. 

The Facebook spokesperson claimed that the article ‘shared multiple details which could identify the residence of one of the BLM founders, in violation of her privacy rights.

‘As per our Community Standards: We do not allow people to post personal or confidential information about yourself or of others,’ the spokesperson said.

‘We remove content that shares, offers or solicits personally identifiable information or other private information that could lead to physical or financial harm, including financial, residential, and medical information, as well as private information obtained from illegal sources.’   

Earlier this year, Facebook lifted its ban on discussing whether COVID-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan – this after the claim that was once dismissed as a fringe conspiracy theory has now been accepted as a real possibility.

In April of last year, Facebook announced that it was imposing limits on ‘harmful misinformation about COVID-19’, including about how dangerous the virus is and how many people it was killing.

And in February of this year, the company announced that it was expanding its crackdown to include claims that the virus was man-made, insisting it was a conspiracy theory that had been ‘debunked’. 

Earlier this year, Trump filed suit against Facebook, Twitter, and Google, claiming he and other conservatives have been wrongfully censored.

But legal experts say the suits are likely doomed to fail, given existing precedent and legal protections.

Trump introduced other members of the class action suit who had also been kicked off social media. His team has set up a website for other people to sign onTrump announces class action lawsuit against ‘social media giants’

Trump announced the action against Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube, demanding that his accounts be reinstated.

Trump has been suspended from the platforms since January, when his followers violently stormed the Capitol building, trying to block Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s presidential win.

The companies cited concerns that Trump would incite further violence and have kept him locked out.

‘We’re asking the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida to order an immediate halt to social media companies’ illegal, shameful censorship of the American people,’ Trump said of the filings.

‘We’re going to hold big tech very accountable.’

Twitter, Facebook and Google are all private companies, and users must agree to their terms of service to use their products. Under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, social media platforms are allowed to moderate their services by removing posts that, for instance, are obscene or violate the services’ own standards, so long as they are acting in ‘good faith.’

The law also generally exempts internet companies from liability for the material that users post.

But Trump and some other politicians have long argued that Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms have abused that protection and should lose their immunity – or at least have it curtailed.

While conservatives often claim the sites are biased against them, several recent studies have found that isn’t the case.

Indeed, posts by conservative commentators like Ben Shapiro, Franklin Graham, Dan Bongino and Dinesh D’Souza are routinely among the most widely shared on Facebook.  

How Judicial Top-Down Corruption Plays Out in California

VIEW FROM HERE – Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye, the 28th Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court, does not deserve all the credit for California’s judiciary’s descent into a cesspool of corruption. 

The process was well underway prior to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s nominating her on July 22, 2010. 

From their outset, the California courts have immersed themselves in skullduggery, beginning with the land thefts from the Californios after the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hilgado had guaranteed the prior land grants under Spain and Mexico. The legal proceedings by which the Californios were swindled out of their lands established much of the corruption which characterizes today’s California courts. One of the main ways to steal the Californios’ land was to force them to undergo endless bogus legal challenges until they ran out of funds. As victims of our Family Courts learn, litigation seldom ends until the families run out of money for attorney fees and expensive child custody evaluators. 

After World War II, California did have a respite from the corruption of the land thefts and the railroads’ rule with the appointment of Roger Traynor as a Supreme Court Justice in 1940 and as chief justice from 1964 through 1970 during which time the California Supreme Court became one of the most respected in the nation. Subsequently, Gov. Jerry Brown appointed Rose Bird as Chief Justice in 1977. In 1986 she lost the judicial retention election along with Justice Joseph Grodin and Justice Cruz Reynoso. Governor George Deukmejian then appointed his law partner Malcolm Lucas as Chief Justice touching off the era of never-ending judicial corruption which plagues us today. 

One should not discount the influence which the reign of Manny Real, judge in the United States District Court for Central District of California from 1966 through 2018 (Chief Judge from 1982-1993), had in spurring on state court corruption. How the immoralities of the state court and the federal court systems interact, however, is beyond the ken of this article as is the obsequious pandering of Rep. Adam Schiff in allowing Judge Real to remain on the bench

Soon after the 1986 Election, Pro-corruption Opinions Issued. 

(1) Foley v. Interactive Data Corp., (1988) 47 Cal.3d 65, which held it was okay for executives to fire employees who objected to the hiring of an embezzler to help loot the corporation,  

(2) Moradi-Shalal v Firemans’ Fund (1988) 46 Cal.3d 287, giving insurance companies the right to cheat claimants, and 

(3) Moncharsh v. Heily & Blase (1992) 3 Cal.4th 1, requiring courts to enforce binding arbitration awards which were wrong on their face and worked a substantial injustice. Soon thereafter Justice Lucas, author of the Moncharsh decision, retired to a lucrative career of being an arbitrator with his income fortified by his Moncharsh decision.  

As Justice Joyce Kennard wrote in her Moncharsh dissent, “I will not agree to a decision inflicting upon this state’s trial courts a duty to promote injustice by confirming arbitration awards they know to be manifestly wrong and substantially unjust.” Justice Kennard was fighting a losing battle. In January 2015, federal judge Alex Kozinski in the Baca case, where the prosecution used a lying jailhouse informant and the prosecutor took the stand and committed perjury, stated that the California courts had a “epidemic of misconduct.” The state’s appellate courts found no problem with prosecutors who suborned perjury and then committed perjury themselves. The California state courts had turned crimogenic. Judge Kozinski was later forced off the bench. 

By the time Judge Kozinski’s 2015 comments in Baca, Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye had been chief justice for four years. That year, she let stand the decision that Cal Const. Art VI Sec 10 allowed judges to use their personal bigotries as the basis for their rulings. Hollywoodians Encouraging Logical Planning had argued that Judge John Torribio was excluding it from the multi-party case on the Hollywood Community Plan as its attorney was a troublemaker Jew “who would refuse Jesus Christ.” (As disclosed in previous articles, I was the miscreant Jewish attorney.) Judge Torribio never disputed the charges but instead signed an opinion, faxed to him from the office of Frederick Bennett III, that Cal. Const. Art VI Sec 10 gave him the right to exclude Jews and to alter evidence offered by Jews.  In 2021, the Chief Justice again let stand a case arising from the disbarment of Save Hollywood’s Jewish attorney based on Judge Torribio’s dislike of Jews. (Yes, Yours Truly again)  One suspects that my interference with judicial money laundering played a larger role than my religious-ethnic identification. 

The important aspect of Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye’s interpretation of the Art VI Sec 10 is that it reveals the crimogenic nature of the state’s judicial system – that is, judges and their friends may do whatever they wish without regard to facts or law. Three recent cases reek of the corruption: (1) Attorney Tom Girardi’s theft of millions of dollars with the cooperation of the judges and State Bar, (2) the abuse of Britney Spears and (3) Jolie-Pitt Divorce. 

Tom Girardi Stole Millions of Dollars from His Clients 

“Looking the other way” would be too mild to characterize the judges involved with Girardi. Girardi ran a far-flung operation of favors for judges with his special retreats and gifts, while the State Bar squelched all complaints of his wrongdoing. The State Bar is one of the three judicial institutions over which Chief Justice holds sway. 

The Los Angeles Probate Court’s Predatory Abuse of Britney Spears 

Britney Spears has been suffering abuse from the Los Angeles Probate-Conservatorship court since 2008. Britney’s experience is typical. Under the tutelage of the Chief Justice, the conservatorship court has written out the game plan for looting the estates of elders in Mozer v Augustine, Sept 2019, #B288162 assuring the thieves that they will never be held accountable. The Mozer Process: judges force persons with mental problems and elders into mediations where they are forced to sign mediation agreements which strip them of all their rights and property and then forbid them to ever mention what was done to them. The Mozer case is classic predatory behavior where the abuser then intimidates the victim into silence. 

Jolie Pitt Divorce Case’s Endless Predation 

(Case # 308958, 2d Dist, Div 7) 

On July 23, 2021, at page 15, the appellate court wrote: 

“The standard for (a judge’s) disqualification . . . is fundamentally an objective one. It represents a legislative judgment that due to the sensitivity of the question and inherent difficulties of proof as well as the importance of public confidence in the judicial system the issue is not limited to the existence of an actual bias. Rather, if a reasonable man would entertain doubts concerning the judge’s impartiality, disqualification is mandated. ‘To ensure that the proceedings appear to the public to be impartial and hence worthy of their confidence, the situation must be viewed through the eyes of the objective person.’” [Bold added] 

Everything the appellate court wrote is a crock! None of those rules apply in the real world. They are merely BS for which Jolie and Pitt probably have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees. Once again, the rule for the entire California judicial system under Cal Cont Art VI Sec 10 is simple: a judge can do anything he/she wants. Watch as Jolie and Pitt are now suckered into paying hundreds of thousands of more dollars in attorney and private judging fees. Neither needed any disclosure to know what Ouderkirk was like; he had married them in France in 2014. 

According to the Chief Justice, judges may have secret ex parte communications with the opposing attorneys; judges may exclude attorneys from sidebars; judges may alter the evidence, judges may reverse the testimony of a witness, invent new testimony, withhold transcripts, etc.  In two cases six years apart, Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye has affirmed that Art VI Sec 10 allows judges to whatever they wish, (except step on the toes of more important judges.) 

Being disbarred for complaining about anti-Jewish bigotry is mild to what has happened to thousands of minority defendants due to the prevailing ethos of Art VI Sec 10.  For decades, minority defendants have been coerced into plea deals since they know that a fair trial is a delusion in Los Angeles County. Ten of thousands of pages could not begin to mention all the injustices which the California judiciary has inflicted on Californians, not the least of which has been the mass destruction of poor people’s homes resulting in the homeless crisis. 

While Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye may not claim sole credit for turning the California judiciary into a haven for predators and bootlickers, she merits honorable mention for California’s decline into its moral abyss.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor. The views expressed herein are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch. You may email him at RickLeeAbrams@Gmail.com)

Photos [top L&R] Paul Sakuma/AP, Screenshot courtesy of Bravo/Youtube.  [bottom L&R] Kevin Winter/Getty Images, Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

How California Politicians who owe $2 million in Campaign Fines don’t get Punished

Many politicians failing to pay back fines are raising questions about whether California is effectively enforcing its campaign finance law.

California’s secretary of state’s office has failed to collect $2 million in fines owed by politicians, lobbyists and campaign donors who the office says filed disclosure reports late, a CalMatters analysis shows. It’s allowed some of the largest fines to languish for many years with no consequences to those who are supposed to pay up.

The debts are owed by a range of political players, according to a list published on the secretary of state’s website that details outstanding fines as of April 1. It shows fines owed by 26 state lawmakers and 21 superior court judges, as well as former legislators, losing candidates, ballot measure campaigns, Democratic and Republican clubs and corporate and labor-backed political action committees.

Some of the fines are very small. About 300 of them are less than $100, reflecting paperwork filed a few days late — a routine violation of campaign finance law that’s the political equivalent of a parking ticket. 

But 45 of the fines are more than $10,000, and some are for violations more than a decade ago — raising questions about whether California is effectively enforcing its campaign finance lawthat is meant to promote transparency and prevent corruption.

“Enforcement in California is horribly lax up and down the scale, whether it’s regulatory compliance or criminal compliance,” said Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. “The rules ought to be clear, they ought to be fair, they ought to be enforceable and they ought to be enforced.”

The secretary of state’s office sends three letters to people who owe the fines, but doesn’t take steps beyond that to collect the money, spokesperson Joe Kocurek said. In the past, he said, staff members called people who were behind on paying their fines, but that became too time-consuming. 

The problem has persisted long before Shirley Weber, the current secretary of state, took office in January. Still, she said she’ll look into the issue to see if any changes should be made. Though $2 million is a tiny portion of California’s more than $200 billion annual budget, it’s roughly as much as the state spends to educate about 190 students for a year.

“It’s a large amount of money, and so the question is: What can we legitimately do?” Weber said in an interview this week. “They’ve done things in the past, (but) what good is a fining system, if you can’t enforce it?” 

Sam Mahood, a spokesperson for U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla — who was secretary of state for six years before Weber — said the office “has limited resources and enforcement mechanisms to collect late fines.” Even so, it collected more than $3.6 million in fines during Padilla’s tenure, he said. 

The lax enforcement is a far cry from the experience ordinary Californians face if they, for example, neglect to pay a traffic ticket. Those fines increase when people don’t pay. Eventually, people can be charged with a misdemeanor for not paying, or have their tax refunds seized through a debt collection process. 

“Once you get a fine in the criminal justice system, it compounds and increases and it easily takes over your life if you are low-income,” said Natasha Minsker, a lobbyist who has pushed for more leniency in traffic fines.

“The fact that these fines (on politicians and judges) can go unpaid without any consequence, it’s definitely an illustration of privilege.”

A bureaucratic maze

Legislators write laws and judges enforce laws, so they have an especially high duty to obey them. CalMatters analyzed the list posted on the secretary of state’s website and contacted lawmakers and judges who, according to the list, owed more than $1,000 as of April 1. CalMatters also contacted campaigns that owe more than $30,000 and politicians who owe relatively small amounts but hold prominent positions.

The process revealed a byzantine system of accountability. Until CalMatters contacted them, many officials on the list said they had never been notified about an outstanding fine. Others said they were aware of it, but were negotiating to have it reduced or waived. Some were confused that the secretary of state was lodging campaign finance violations because they had already resolved an issue with the Fair Political Practices Commission. While the FPPC is responsible for enforcing broader provisions of the campaign finance law, both agencies can levy fines for late disclosure reports. The Commission on Judicial Performance also can discipline judges for violating campaign finance law.

The largest outstanding fine for a public official is nearly $38,000 owed by Alameda County Superior Court Judge Jennifer Madden stemming from her 2016 campaign. She did not return multiple messages seeking comment. In 2019, she paid a $4,000 fine to the FPPC for failing to file required campaign disclosures in 2016. 

CalMatters found several instances where officials said they are working to resolve the fines, either by paying them off or asking to have them waived:

  • Assemblymember Eloise Reyes, a San Bernardino Democrat, owes nearly $15,000 from her 2016 campaign. She said in a statement that her attorneys are working to resolve the issue “and once that occurs any outstanding fines will be paid as soon as possible.”
  • State Sen. Shannon Grove, a Bakersfield Republican, owes a total of $3,940 from campaigns in 2012, 2014 and 2018. The fines “should have been paid in full when we were first notified,” Grove said in an email. “I regret the payment was not made on time, as promised to me. I have been assured by my Treasurer that the fines will be paid in full by (mid-April).”
  • Stanislaus County Superior Court Judge Annette Rees owes $2,410 from her 2020 campaign. She said the secretary of state notified her of the fine last month — a year after she had resolved the same issue with the FPPC, which resulted in a warning letter. “I filed an appeal of the (Secretary of State) fines,” Rees wrote in an email. “I am currently awaiting a decision in my appeal.”
  • Sen. Steven Bradford owes $1,490 and Assemblymember Chris Holden owes $1,160, both from their 2020 campaigns. The Los Angeles Democrats have asked to have the fees waived, according to their lawyer Stephen Kaufman. “Once they receive a determination from the Secretary of State, the committees will pay any remaining fees that have not been waived or reduced,” Kaufman said by email.
  • Marin County Superior Court Judge Sheila Shah Lichtblau owes $1,090 from her 2016 campaign. Her treasurer, David Lichtblau, said he filed required disclosures on time with the county elections office, but that the secretary of state didn’t accept the forms through the county’s electronic filing system. He said that he resubmitted them directly to the state, and that he and the county registrar requested that the state waive any penalties. The secretary of state “recently admitted the waiver was never processed,” David Lichtblau wrote in an email, adding that he has re-submitted the request and expects the fine to be waived in the next two weeks. 
  • Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon owes $90, from his 2016 and 2020 campaigns. He believes the fines should be waived, said his campaign spokesperson Bill Wong: “Sometimes there is a mistake in billing. While it’s in dispute, we are not going to pay it.”  

Judges and lawmakers owe outstanding fines

More than two dozen state legislators and 21 judges owe outstanding fines for filing campaign disclosure forms late, according to the California Secretary of State. Some of them said they were never notified of the fines or that they were issued by mistake. Here’s a look at those who owed more than $1,000 as of April 1, 2021. 

Judges and lawmakers owe outstanding fines

In other cases, officials said they were unaware that the secretary of state’s list shows they owe outstanding fines until CalMatters raised questions:

  • Assemblymember Carlos Villapudua, a Stockton Democrat, owes more than $10,000 from his 2018 run. A campaign spokesman said Villapudua was not notified of the fine. Last year, Villapudua paid a $483 fine to the FPPC for filing 2018 campaign disclosures late. He “never got anything from the secretary of state saying, ‘You owe $10,000,’” said Lee Neves. 
  • Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge JoAnne McCracken owes $4,097 from a 2010 campaign. She said it must be an error because she never received notice of a fine. “To my knowledge, I do not have an outstanding fine nor did I fail to comply with any reporting requirements during my 2010 campaign for judge. In fact, your email is the first time I have heard of this,” McCracken wrote to CalMatters. 
  • Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Efrain Matthew Aceves owes $1,450 from his 2016 campaign. He also said he had no knowledge of the fine until contacted by CalMatters. “I want to follow the law to the letter of the law,” Aceves said in a phone interview. “What’s odd to me is that there weren’t any notifications at all, and now it’s five years later.”
  • Sen. Richard Roth, a Riverside Democrat, owed $1,120 from his 2016 campaign. He was unaware of the fine until questioned by CalMatters, attorney James C. Harrison said, but promptly paid up after learning of it. Days later, Roth’s campaign heard from the secretary of state’s office “that the fine was assessed in error and that they would be returning Senator Roth’s check,” Harrison said in an email.
  • GOP gubernatorial candidate John Cox, who says he will challenge Gov. Gavin Newsom if there’s a recall election, owes $650. “California residents face a maze of burdensome regulations covering nearly every part of their lives,” he said in a statement. “This is a perfect… example.”
  • State schools superintendent Tony Thurmond owes $550 from a 2014 campaign for Assembly. His spokesperson David Beltran called it a clerical error and said “it’ll be paid immediately.” 

Weber did not address any specific fine but said that her office may have difficulty collecting some debts if campaign committees disband after an election.

“Some of these folks on this list haven’t been in existence in forever. And so as a result… who do you contact?” she said. 

Confusing enforcement

The FPPC has its own log of outstanding fines — which stands at $414,112 for cases from 2014 to 2020, according to spokesperson Jay Wierenga. It includes fines for various violations of California’s political ethics law, not just for filing disclosure reports late. But its procedure can include more repercussions than the secretary of state’s: It refers outstanding debts to the Franchise Tax Board, which can garnish tax refunds and state lottery winnings.

Bob Stern, who helped write California’s campaign finance law in the 1970s, said it was intentionally designed with multiple channels of enforcement, even though that comes with some inefficiencies. 

“We were concerned that if you put it all in one agency there could be a problem,” Stern said. “It was a conscious decision we made to have different agencies enforce the law because we wanted to ensure there was somebody out there who would enforce the law.”

But that divided responsibility and an apparent lack of coordination has also led to some confusion. 

A 2014 campaign committee that hoped to overturn a law allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice (but never qualified for the ballot) owes more than $42,000 in fines, according to the secretary of state. Treasurer John Fugatt said the committee had paid off its fine to the FPPC: “My understanding is that the secretary of state fees are then waived once an FPPC agreement is reached. Not sure why these are still showing as due.”

Similarly, the secretary of state’s list shows that unsuccessful Assembly candidate Robert Bernosky, a Hollister Republican, owes more than $34,000 from a campaign in 2012. But his attorney Harmeet Dhillon said Bernosky paid a $2,500 fine to the FPPC and was never notified that his name sat on a list of outstanding fines: “If the secretary of state is defaming people with nonsense like this, that just underscores the incompetence of the office.”