Before Jason Collins

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Before Jason Collins

Originally Published: May 15, 2013

By Rick Reilly |

Glenn Burke
AP Photo/Mark Hundley)
In 2013, the world was ready for Jason Collins’ announcement. Glenn Burke, above, lived in a totally different time.

The world is throwing a parade for Jason Collins, the 7-foot free-agent NBA center who came out last month. He was hugged by Oprah, celebrated by “Good Morning America,” and congratulated by President Obama.

But nobody seems to remember baseball’s Glenn Burke, who tried to come out nearly 40 years ago and was stuffed back in.

“How’s Jason Collins going to talk about being the first?” says Burke’s agent, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim. “Glenn Burke was the first. And he wasn’t any free agent, either. He was in the lineup.”

Glenn Burke was a barrel-chested jokester, a singing, dancing, one-man cabaret. His teammates called him King Kong. In high school, the 6-foot Burke could dunk two basketballs at once, in street shoes. He roamed center field for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Oakland A’s in the late 1970s.

2013-04-30-glennburkehighfive.jpgBurke was the pulse of the clubhouse. He wore a red jock. He’d jump in the backs of pink Rolls-Royces after games. He invented the high-five (with Dusty Baker). Oh, yes, he did.

He was as out as an athlete could be in the mid-1970s. It wasn’t that he was flaunting it. It was that he couldn’t keep it in.

“When we’d land at airports,” remembers Davey Lopes, the Dodgers’ second baseman. “There’d always be guys waiting for Glenn. We’d go our way and he’d go off on his merry way. We’d go to clubs and women would hand him their numbers. But he’d never call ’em. Didn’t matter to us. We loved him.”

In the famous 1977 Dodgers-Yankees World Series — starring Reggie Jackson, Thurman Munson, Steve Garvey, and Ron Cey — only one rookie cracked either starting lineup: Glenn Burke.

“Nobody tripped that he was gay,” says Burke’s longtime pal, Doug Harris, who produced the documentary “Out” about Burke in 2010. “The people who tripped off it were the Dodgers [management]. They didn’t want to talk about it. He was trying to tell the reporters, but they said they couldn’t write that stuff.”

“Out. The Glenn Burke Story”

The atmosphere in Burke’s time was far more hostile to gays than it is in Jason Collins’ time. Few gay characters in movies. No states where gay marriage was legal. “You couldn’t put [anything] gay in an ad or anything,” remembers al-Hakim. “That was a no-no. The reporters didn’t want to write it. You couldn’t go there.”

Glenn Burke was so out that the Dodgers’ front office finally called him in, laid a $75,000 check on the desk, and offered to pay for his wedding if he’d just get married — soon.

Burke started laughing.

“I guess you mean to a woman, right?”

Then he walked out, without the check.

“Glenn told me he wasn’t the first Dodger called in and presented a check,” says childhood friend Vince Trahan. “They’d done it with gay players before. The difference was Glenn didn’t take it.”

None of this helped his career. Nor did palling around with Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda’s colorfully gay son, Spunky, according to Burke’s 1995 autobiography, “Out at Home.”

But friends of Burke’s say they were never a couple, despite what you’ve read. “Glenn never had an intimate relationship with Tommy’s son,” says Trahan. “He wasn’t attracted to the real flamboyant types.”

Didn’t matter. Next thing Burke knew, early in the 1978 season, he was traded to pitiful Oakland, despite Lopes and others walking into the office of general manager Al Campanis to complain.

A year and a half later, during spring training, new A’s manager Billy Martin greeted Burke by sitting his team down in center field, pointing to Burke and saying, “Boys, this is Glenn Burke. He’s a f—–.”

That’s when everything stopped being so funny.


“In those days, a guy did one of two things when a friend was out,” says Lopes, now the Dodgers’ first-base coach. “He’d either support him, or the pendulum would swing the other way and he’d avoid him. A lot of ballplayers back then would stay away. Guys were afraid somebody would start saying the same thing about them.”

Cue the movie montage: Catcalls from fans. Latino players mumbling a gay slur in Spanish under their breath. Nobody within 20 feet of him in the showers.

Injured, he packed his bag for the minors — Utah to be exact.

To a partying gay ballplayer from Berkeley, a minor league team in Utah is hell on earth. Twenty-five games into the 1980 season, Burke and his tortured .237 batting average retired, after only four years in the major leagues.”Had he taken that check the Dodgers offered,” says Trahan, “his career would’ve gone on and on. He could’ve relaxed and played great baseball. But he wasn’t going to lie. He was going to be true to who he was.”

He was welcomed into The Castro as a conquering hero. “They can’t ever say now that a gay man can’t play in the majors,” he’d brag, “because I’m a gay man and I made it.”

But soon enough, he stopped making it. He became depressed. He became a cocaine addict. Then homeless. Then he contracted AIDS. He died in 1995, at 42. They buried King Kong in Oakland, under a small stone, grave No. 3171.

Jason Collins came out of the closet and was put on magazine covers. Glenn Burke came out and got covered up. The president never called.

“I’m happy for Jason Collins,” says Trahan. “But he wasn’t the first. He was the first in this new era, this new time of acceptance of gays, gay marriages, gays on TV, all that. He wasn’t the first. He was just the first who was listened to.”

You say Glenn Burke was born too soon, but that’s not exactly right. The problem was all the people born without the courage to stand up for a friend, a colleague, an employee.

Yes, Jason Collins was courageous to come out. But if others back then had the guts Glenn Burke had, Collins wouldn’t have needed courage at all.

 KGO Radio Conversation On ”OUT. The Glenn Burke Story“


Rick Reilly | email


  • 11-time National Sportswriter of the Year
  • Author of “Sports from Hell: My Two-Year Search for the World’s Dumbest Competition”
  • Finalist 2011 Thurber Prize for Humor

Entertainment Jobs Oct.-Nov. 2011


7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA  94605-3032
Phone  (510) 394-4601  FAX  (510) 638-8889
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
Join the Superstars Entertainment and Sports Network
Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile
Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil on Twitter: @ajalil
Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room
iPhone 4 FaceTime: (510) 394-4501
AIM, Video Chat Screen Name:
Skype Video Chat Screen Contact Name: Superstarmanagement
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France

Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
Founder of BLACK EXPO shown with Olympic Sprinter John Carlos , Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference , Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA ConferenceOakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,

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(510) 394-4601


October-November 2011 New Job Listings


Leading talent & literary management company is looking for a mailroom supervisor. Must have knowledge of office machines and be technologically savvy. Knowledge of Avaya phone system a plus. You will set up headsets for employees, program phones, supervise shipping, maintain the Xerox & binding machines, order supplies, coordinate requests from assistants and assign runners.  Please send your resume in pdf format to

Seeking a Director of Business Development and Sales for Los Angeles office to head the acquisition of new business and grow existing client relationships and accounts.  Super! Alright! is a creative agency/production company that produces commercials, Film + TV, and all types of new media for top-tier brands and clients. Candidates must have a proven track record in business development, both in initial outreach to prospective clients as well as negotiation and deal closure. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are required. Please send resumes to:

Leading independent Production Company, based in Los Angeles, is seeking a Manager of Development to join its innovative and growing Development department. Key qualities include solid writing ability, strong work ethic, and sharp intellect. Must have experience developing and formatting original program ideas and a sincere interest in non-scripted television. Shooting and editing skills preferable, but not required. Please send cover letter, resume, writing sample and salary requirements to

Established Below the Line Agency is expanding their Commercial/Music Video Department and is seeking to hire an experienced agent or someone with relevant experience. For consideration please email your resume as an attachment only to


United Talent Agency (UTA) seeks qualified candidates for its agent trainee program. Previous industry experience and bachelors degree required. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, have excellent communication and organizational skills and a desire to learn the business of talent representation. This is a very demanding environment with excellent opportunities to work in Film, Television, Music, New Media and Entertainment Marketing. Proficiency with Microsoft Office software is mandatory. Compensation includes overtime and full benefits. References required. for more information. Fax cover letter & resume to (310) 247-1111 or email to Attn: Human Resources. No calls.

CEO at prominent film school is in search of an experienced Executive Assistant. Looking for a computer proficient, educated positive person with a great attitude. Must take on any and all assignments with enthusiasm and dedication. This is a full-time, paid position. Please email resumes and cover letters to

COO/CFO of a studio-affiliated production/finance company is looking for an executive assistant. Candidates must be highly organized and detail oriented with an ability to maintain high levels of accuracy while handling multiple tasks.  Understanding of basic accounting concepts via education and/or experience is required. Duties include general office and mild accounting .  Experience with MAS 200 Accounting Software a plus.  Computer system literate – proficiency in the use of MS Word and Excel.  Please e-mail resume and cover-letter to

Boutique talent and literary management company seeks a full time, executive assistant for president of the company.  Responsibilities include but are not limited to: heavy phones, making travel arrangements, scheduling, arranging auditions, script reading, coverage and correspondence. Prefer candidate with interest in graduating to full time manager as promotion is guaranteed for the right person (if becoming a manager is not your goal, this is not the job for you).  Minimum of 1 year agency experience a must.  Salary and benefits commensurate with experience.  Please send cover letter and resume to

Executive Vice-President of a studio-affiliated production/finance company is looking for an executive assistant. Candidates must be motivated self-starters, love to read, and able to manage a busy desk including heavy phones, travel, scheduling, have a keen understanding and passion for the motion picture business, as well as extensive knowledge of screenwriters, directors, agents, producers and actors.  Please e-mail resume and cover-letter to

Management 360 is seeking an assistant for one of our talent partners. Ideal candidates have an excellent educational background and a minimum of one year paid desk experience at a talent agency or management company. Must have excellent skills (rolling calls, travel, client schedules, attention to detail, etc.) and have a strong desire to be a talent manager. If you do not meet all these qualifications, please do not apply. Send resumes as an attached pdf file to

Independent television/film/digital production company seeks experienced executive assistant to Head of Sales and our Head of Business Affairs.  The ideal candidate must have prior experience supporting senior level executives on the business side, including functional business areas such as Business Affairs, Sales, Finance, or Human Resources.   Candidates must have 1-2 years of experience as executive assistant to a senior executive(s) at agency/studio/network.  Compensation is commensurate with experience.  Please send resumes to and write “Sales and Business Affairs Executive Assistant” in the subject line.

Telepictures Productions Inc. is seeking an Executive Assistant IV to provide administrative support to the President of the division. As part of executive offices, it is a very fast-paced production environment acting as liaison with Telepictures Productions executives to ascertain current status of various projects and on all division activities. Extensive executive assistant experience and Macintosh, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook required. Please submit your resume as an attachment and cover letter to

International Creative Management, Inc, a major talent and literary agency, is seeking an exceptional, highly motivated and detailed orientated Exec Assistant to support senior level exec and corp team.  Must be able to work well in a fast paced deadline driven environment.  Great opportunity to experience the exec side of the entertainment world.  Competitive entry level salary and full benefits package. Send resumes to

Seeking Production Coordinator for Executive at a prominent film studio. Knowledge of the development and physical production process preferred. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are integral, as are brains and personality. Ambitious attitude and the ability to play well with others are key to fitting in this environment. Duties include rolling calls, scheduling, expenses, booking travel, Mac, Excel, Word, Outlook, and Quicktime Pro proficient and working with the team in various aspects of the production process. This is a full-time, paid position.  Submit resumes and cover letters to

G3/ GRAMMNET, a POD at Lionsgate TV is looking for a full-time assistant. Duties will include all general assistant work (answering the phone, scheduling, handling travel, script coverage and research for potential projects). We are looking for someone with desk experience, who is extremely organized, thick-skinned and excited about the job. Please send all resumes to

Executive Producer on network, reality show is looking for a new office assistant. Looking for an organized, tech-savvy, and eager person willing to travel on short notice. Typical office administrative duties and editing abilities on Final Cut Pro is a plus. Must have a love for reality TV and knowledge of the space.  Email  resumes to

Talent management / Production Company seeking experienced Assistant for its CEO. Candidate must be able to work extremely well in a fast paced environment and be able to handle a busy desk.  At least one year of development, talent agency or management experience preferred. There is potential for growth. Please send resumes to

Leading entertainment advertising company seeks a Post Production Coordinator.  University degree and 2+ years experience.  Mac, Excel, Word, Outlook, SnapZ and Quicktime Pro proficient.  Knowledge of the post production process, tape formats, budgets, storyboards, research and finishing required.  Team player with exceptional people skills to deal with demanding clients.  Must be able to work very long hours under pressure.  Send cover letter, resume and salary history to:

Newly launched feature film production company is looking to hire a Development  Assistant / Story Editor. Responsibilities range from heavy phones and scheduling to script analysis and notes, and generation of information regarding talent and new material. Candidate must be mature, ambitious and have impeccable communication and organizational skills. Excellent opportunity for growth. Send resumes to

Major Film Producer seeks Assistant.  Producer requires somebody with celebrity asst experience.  Position is very fast paced.  Must be able to stay organized under high pressure and deadline oriented environment.  Must be very detail oriented, have thick skin, and good communication skills.  Duties include heavy travel, manage busy schedule, roll calls, and script coverage.  Must have reliable car, good attitude, and Mac / PC savvy.  Send resume/CV to

FlynnPictureCo. is looking to hire an assistant to the company’s primary exec. This will require general assistant responsibilities, as well as performing story editor duties (i.e. reading, coverage, tracking material, etc.). Rock star, get-it-done, thick skinned attitude is a must. It’s a small, but very busy company. One year minimum agency/management experience required. Please send cover letter and resume to:

Media Rights Capital is seeking an ambitious and hardworking assistant to support the Corporate Development and Finance departments. This is a demanding position at a fast-paced film and television studio with an Executive Trainee Program and growth opportunities for the right candidate. Must be detail-oriented and comfortable managing phones, scheduling, and working with Excel and PowerPoint. Ideal candidate will have a strong interest in learning the business side of the industry. Bachelors degree required. Please submit a resume and cover letter to

The Executive Producers of a reality TV Production company are looking for a very qualified assistant/coordinator. Candidates must have a four-year degree from a major college or university and prior experience as an assistant. The position offers strong growth potential for someone seeking an Executive/Producing path in media production, and provides the opportunity to travel. Please submit a cover letter and resume to Full Time Paid Position.


Looking for Personal Assistant to high profile individual. Previous experience and degree preferred. World-wide travel. Candidate will be creative, resourceful, positive, a go-getter, find no job too big or too small. Must have good communication skills, be able to complete projects in a timely manner. This position is for a personal assistant. Duties include errands such as organizing, shopping, packing for trips, mailing packages etc. Room for promotion. References required . Send resumes to:

Actor seeks personal assistant. Duties include driving (including weekends), personal/work scheduling, handling errands, general multi-tasking and personal assistant duties. Must have clean driving record and insurance.  Previous personal assistant experience is required.  Please email resume and cover letter to

Career Assistant need for Successful Film Producer. Discretion is key as you will be dealing with High Profile Individuals on a daily basis. Familiarity with the Entertainment Industry is preferred. Someone who can take initiative and think on their feet, always one step ahead. Experience running busy desk or assisting Entertainment Professional required. 20% Personal Errands including coordinating with his wife. Salary DOE: $50,000.


Major talent agency is looking for an experienced, Manager to Director-level publicist (with knowledge of corporate PR preferred) to work alongside head of corporate communications. Candidate must have trade and business press experience, as well as minimum 5+ years working at PR agency, studio or network. Candidates should have top-notch written and oral communication skills, including ability to write press materials under tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Growth potential. Position reports to head of corporate communications but will also interface with senior management. Competitive salary (commensurate with experience) and all customary benefits offered. Please fax resumes and cover letters to 310-205-5608. No calls please.

Entertainment PR Firm seeks assistant with prior work experience. Must be extremely organized, self-motivator, prolific writing skills, and outgoing.  Must have paid experience in PR or as an assistant. Responsibilities will include assisting the partners of boutique Film PR agency with film festivals, premieres, press junkets and more. Heavy computer and internet work.  Room for advancement within in company. Please send salary requirements with resume to

PR and marketing firm specializing in emerging brands and entertainment is looking for responsible and dedicated interns to start immediately and gain valuable hands-on experience with media and the mechanics of PR campaigns and strategy. Credit-only interns who have an active interest in all forms of public relations and marketing, specifically social media and website design/management. Applicants must be a dedicated, reliable, articulate, and personable. Must be able to commit to at least 10-15 hours per week.  If interested, please send a resume and cover letter to

Entertainment marketing company seeks energetic, ambitious, self starter to join our team and learn the business.  Fast paced creative environment.  Responsibilities include project management, event production, research and administrative support. Successful candidate must be detail oriented, have strong communication skills, able to multitask and interface with clients and talent.  Superior organizational skills, Microsoft Office, Photoshop preferred.  West Hollywood location.  Email resume and cover letter

Nancy Seltzer & Associates entertainment public relations agency in Los Angeles seeks an intern. This person’s duties include, but are not limited to: scheduling, answering phones, working on various projects, updating lists, organization, client interface, helping with events and red carpets.  Excellent verbal and writing skills are a must. Must be, organized, able to multi-task and be computer literate. Internship is unpaid, though there is room to advance in the company. Please contact via email to

Senior publicist at top firm seeking experienced assistant to manage busy desk with a-list client roster.  Duties include handling both publicist and client schedules, rolling calls, covering clients as appropriate, multi-tasking, etc.  Must be a self starter who is forward thinking and extremely detail oriented.  Experience required.  Email resume to

Red Light PR , a boutique fashion firm specializing in product placement, publicity, entertainment marketing and celebrity seeding seeks to fill positions in their internship program with potential transition to full-time employment.  Qualified candidates should have excellent communication/people skills, prior experience in fashion PR field, and open schedule availability. Email resume and cover letter as soon as possible to

PR firm based in Hollywood seeking motivated assistant with prior industry experience to work with A-list clients and red carpet events. Candidates should be extremely detail-oriented, outgoing, organized, and creative with strong communication skills. Also important, a knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook; Cision Point is a plus. We are looking for someone with a passion for public relations that wants pursue their PR career to the fullest. Place resume and cover letter in body of email as well as attach and send to

B|W|R Public Relations is seeking a highly motivated assistant for its Corporate/Lifestyle division. We are looking for an individual with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations, Communication or a related field, to work with the Corporate/Lifestyle Managing Director and staff on a wide range of clients. Responsibilities include creating media lists, assembling press kits and clips, assisting staff with special events, media outreach, and administrative duties.  Submit resumes to

Entertainment Public Relations Firm, with A-Level clients, seeks an executive assistant to work for senior publicist.  Minimum one year of experience in personal publicity required but will consider agency or management. Candidates must have excellent communication skills and the ability to multi-task in a fast-pace environment.  Medical/Dental benefits.  Email resume to



Job opening for a Social Media Manager at a small TV production company.  Manage website, blog, and social media accounts. Mostly in-office but could have some telecommute hours as well.   We have two on-air television shows and more projects in the development stage.  Great opportunity to grow with the company and get plenty of experience.  Must take direction well, be tech-savvy and have excellent writing skills.  Please send cover letter, resume and writing sample to:

Online & digital animation/casual game company is looking for an executive assistant to work with the CEO in it’s Beverly Hills offices. Must have prior desk experience. Candidates must be extremely organized, have excellent communication skills and be proficient with both pc and mac with seasoned Microsoft Outlook, Powerpoint and Excel abilities. Not afraid of working hard and must have hands-on/proactive approach. This is an, exciting and friendly company to work for. Email all cover letters, resumes and salary requirements to and re: Exec. Asst. Position in subject line

Looking for a photographer/graphic designer to help assist with photos for a celebrity business’s website.  Applicants should have experience in high-resolution photography and knowledge of digital photography software. Attention to detail is a must and duties will include: taking & editing photos/updating website with new photos of product and being able to work 1-2 days out of the week. This is an hourly paid job and the candidate must own his or her own camera and equipment. Please submit resume and type/brand of camera to

CEO of a fashion based digital media company in need of detail-oriented, extremely organized and enthusiastic assistant. Will be responsible for heavy calendar management, booking travel, running errands, and maintaining general organization. No task is too big or too small. Must have a Bachelors degree or higher and be Mac proficient. An interest in fashion and/or digital media is a plus. Please send resumes and cover letters to

A-list management and production company in Beverly Hills seeks an ambitious intern interested in the digital side of the music business. Applicants must have a love for social media and experience with Photoshop is preferred. This internship is a great opportunity to gain work experience in digital marketing and the music management area of the entertainment field. This is an unpaid internship, so students must be enrolled in an accredited college’s undergraduate or graduate degree program and must receive school credit to be eligible. E-mail cover letters and resumes to

Marketing/Social Media Administrator needed for a well-known, high-end jewelry retailer in Beverly Hills. Duties include: managing the firm’s Facebook; managing Website content and updates; working with stylists; advertising oversight and some office assistance. Applicants must be fluent in social media marketing. Salary: $35,000-$45,000 depending on experience. Please apply to:

Constellation, an online movie theater channel, launching in November, is seeking dedicated fall interns to assist in areas including film research, PR/marketing, and social media. Interns will be exposed to a dynamic startup environment and will learn about the changing landscape of film distribution on the front lines.  We are seeking students who are well-organized, personable, ambitious, have exceptional written and verbal communication skills, and proficiency in social media platforms.  Ideal candidate would be available 3 days per week for a minimum of 3 months. Please send resume /cover letter:

Looking for a graphic designer/digital artist who is looking to gain experience. An interest in Entertainment/PR is preferable, but not required. Candidate should possess all or most of the following skills: Photo editing/manipulation, layout design, video editing, flash animation (this is one of the main qualities we are looking for), web design, drawing. Required Materials: Must have their own laptop , be able to commit to 15-20 hours a week and some weekends. This is a non-paid internship. Please send a resume to and/or a link to your online profile.


NON-LA POSITIONS (All Locations/All Positions)

Busy NY PR Department at cable network seeks a temp assistant who will complete 200+ Emmy entries, collect support materials and book nominee travel and accommodations for various high profile award ceremonies.  Candidate should be computer literate, detail oriented with strong communication skills and professional email etiquette.  Two years entertainment experience is mandatory. Responsibilities include heavy data entry, airfare, car and hotel bookings.  Email resume and cover letter to:

NY based film production company seeking Production Finance / Physical Production Coordinator. Should be self-motivated, with strong organizational, analytical and interpersonal skills. Strong verbal and written communication with ability to work extended hours during peak periods.  Necessary Experience: Coding, logging and processing check requests, wires and invoices. 1-2 years feature film/ TV accounting experience. 1-2 years assisting an executive. Bachelor’s Degree and proficient in Excel. Please E-Mail resumes to

New York based film production company is seeking a seasoned assistant for a top level executive. Candidates should have a keen interest in the entertainment business, an awareness of the key players and companies, and the requisite skill set of an experienced assistant.  The position is demanding and requires long hours and occasional travel. Please send resumes to

Constellation, an online movie theater channel with offices in NYC, launching in November, is seeking dedicated fall interns to assist in areas including film research, PR/marketing, and social media. Interns will be exposed to a dynamic startup environment and will learn about the changing landscape of film distribution on the front lines.  Seeking students who are well-organized, personable, ambitious, have exceptional written and verbal communication skills, and proficiency in social media platforms.  Send resume and cover letter to:

Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, a creative advertising firm located in San Francisco, is looking for an executive assistant for the principal partner.  GS&P produces some of the most awarded and watched commercials in the world.  The ideal candidate would be personable, have industry experience as an assistant, be savvy to culture, restaurants and event organization and have overall good instincts. Requires traditional executive assistant duties such as answering phones, setting up meetings, organizing events, expense reports and other general office duties.   The salary for the position is between $60,000 to $70,000 depending on experience.   Email resume to Michele at

Acquisitions and Marketing Assistant: Screen Media Films, an independent film distribution company in New York, seeks a Marketing and Acquisitions Assistant. Prior marketing and assistant/office experience preferred. Responsibilities include scheduling, screening and tracking submissions, online research, assist in marketing campaigns for theatrical releases, including familiarity with booking ads, viral marketing, social media and general office management. Applicants must be proficient in Microsoft Office (InDesign and Photoshop a plus). Email cover letters and resumes to


Part-Time bookkeeper needed for boutique Talent Management and Development Company.  Must have prior industry experience.  Must be highly organized and detail oriented. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Possibility for full time position.

INTERNSHIPS (Film & Television)
Award winning agency and production company is seeking 2 interns to work with an award-winning costume designer and stylist on a television promo shoot.  This is a great opportunity.  Candidate must be professional, motivated, flexible.  Basic experience in fashion world a plus.  Non-paid internship starts immediately and will continue on to October, 22 2011.  Please send brief email why you would be perfect and your resume in the body of an email to

Looking for a smart, hard-working intern to read scripts, write coverage, and assist with day-to-day duties at Muse Entertainment, a production company located in Studio City. Latest projects include the Emmy-nominated, The Kennedys and Pillars of the Earth. Position is unpaid. It’s a great opportunity to learn how the dev

Posted via email from Superstar Management

Free Tickets to GOAPELE- Yoshis, S.F., 5/1 @8pm; Tank- Yoshis, Oakland, 4/24 @8pm; A List Celebrities Comps for Kentucky Derby, May 5-7, 2011; New Entertainment Jobs May-April 2011!


7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA  94605-3032
(510) 394-4501,  Fax (510) 638-8889
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
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Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile
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Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France
Articles on Abdul-Jalil
: The Man Who Turns Hits Into Million$, One Special CaseESPN Bostock 5th & Jackson TV Special Part 1, and Part 2ESPN Bostock Magazine Special, the “al-Hakim Tax Code Ruling”, Smart Agent, Busy Agent, Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA ConferenceOakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,
Email Abdul-Jalil here

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A List Celebrities Comps for Kentucky Derby, May 5-7, 2011

If you are or have “A List” Celebrities that would like to attend the Kentucky Derby, May 5-7, 2011you may be able to attend as a select V.I.P. The “A Lister” could receive: air transportation or Private Jet service from major U. S. cities, hotel suites and accommodations, ground transportation, VIP tickets to the Derby, special V.I.P. guest invitations to the exclusive events,  Contact us ASAP with Celebrity bio for consideration.

Millionaires Row

Throughout the years of the Kentucky Derby, the race has had a special appeal to the celebrity set. The rich and famous that mingle among the Derby Day crowd add a unique dimension to the spectacle of the “Run for the Roses.”

VIP Access

One of the first celebrity sightings dates to 1877 when famed Polish actress Helena Modjeska attended the third running of the Kentucky Derby. In the 1945 book, Down the Stretch, it was noted that Modjeska was impressed by the Derby but even more charmed by the mint julep to which she was introduced by Churchill Downs founder M. Lewis Clark following the race.

Over the years, a stream of celebrities from film, music, sports, politics and wealth have been drawn to the Derby. On at least one occasion, a celebrity with a more notorious background was the talk of the Derby. The 15th renewal in 1889 brought bank and train robber Frank James to Louisville. The brother of famed outlaw Jesse James and a leader in their outlaw gang, Frank was on hand to watch Spokane take the victory over favored Proctor Knott.

Although most of the rich and famous that attend are guests of prominent ticket holders, the Derby has also attracted an impressive roster of celebrity racehorse owners. The group has found that the thrill of running their horses in the Kentucky Derby is as moving as any accomplishment in their professional careers.

During the 1990s this group of celebrity owners grew to include: musician MC Hammer, 1992 Dance Floor, 3rd; composer Burt Bacharach, 1994 Soul of the Matter, 5th, and 1995 Afternoon Deelites, 8th; music producer Berry Gordy, 1994 Powis Castle, 8th; film producer Albert Broccoli, 1994 Brocco, 4th; New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, 1997 Concerto, 9th; and former NBA and current University of Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino, 1998 Halory Hunter, 4th, and 2001 A P Valentine, 7th.

A direct descendant of England’s Epsom Derby, the Kentucky Derby has been attended on four separate occasions by British royalty. The first came in 1930, when Edward George Villiers Stanley, the 17th Earl of Derby and a representative of the family from whom the term Derby was derived, became the first member of the English nobility to attend. Prohibition was in effect at the time and Lord Derby expressed his disappointment in not being able to sample a mint julep. “You have a great many advantages I should like to copy for England,” Derby said, “but prohibition is not one of them.” Derby was followed in 1951 by the Duke of Windsor, who had renounced the British throne in 1936 so he could marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson.

The 100th running of the Kentucky Derby in 1974 brought Princess Margaret and her husband, Lord Snowdon. The most recent visit by British royalty came in 2007, when Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II attended with her husband, Prince Philip.

Eight U.S. Presidents have witnessed the Derby and marveled at the pageantry and spectacle of the famed event. Future President Harry S. Truman was reported as the first and was followed in 1952 by Lyndon Johnson who attended as a Texas senator. In 2000, future President George W. Bush, who would win the election that same year, was on hand for the 126th running of the Derby with his father former President George Herbert Walker Bush. Only Richard M. Nixon attended while serving in office. He had visited in 1968 as guest of Kentucky Governor Louie B. Nunn and commented that if he was elected President he would return to the 1969 Derby. That year also attracted two future presidents Gerald R. Ford and Ronald Reagan. No other President has witnessed more Derbys than Ford. Beginning in 1977, Ford and his wife Betty attended almost every Derby for 10 years as guests of longtime friend John Galbreath, a former Churchill chairman of the board. In 1983, for the 109th Derby, two past Presidents and one future president were in attendance. Ford was joined by Jimmy Carter, the Democrat who had defeated him in 1976, and then Vice President George Bush, who would win the 1988 presidential election. In 1999, Al Gore joined the list of vice presidents that attended the Derby. That list includes: 1931, Charles Curtis; 1937, John Nance Garner; and 1958 Alben Barkley.

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation provides FREE food; clothing; computers; private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals FREE for ANYONE whom has the need at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation website.
Anyone can register at http://AMWFTRUST.ORG by submitting an online request form in a strictly confidential submission and they can also feel free to call the number (510) 394-4101 as well.


FREE tickets to GOAPELE show Sunday, May1, 2011, 8:00pm at Yoshi’s, San Francisco, and Tank show Friday, April 22, and Sunday April 24, 2011, 8:00pm at Yoshi’s Oakland. The tickets will be awarded via our Twitter or website, so if you haven’t already, you should join us on:

Twitter at: , , , or
go to the websites at: ,  , http://AMWFTRUST.Org/  or http://NowTruth.Org/  and make your request on the “I WANT TICKETS” page.




Yoshi’s- San Francisco

MAY 1, 2011 8:00 PM.

Yoshi’s- San Francisco
1330 Fillmore Street
San Francisco CA 94115
Sunday, May 1, 2011
8:00 pm

“This spiritual love child of Sade and D’Angelo mixes sweet soul vocals, jazz funk instrumentation and hip hop rhythms by underground Bay Area beatmasters. Goapele can kick it in the streets as in the lounge.”

Rolling Stone

Goapele brings an infusion of fresh energy and a classic, yet new sound to R&B music with her sophomore set, Change It All.

The Oakland, California-based songstress broke onto the Bay Area music scene in 2001 with her ethereal EP, Closer, and the follow-up full length album, Even Closer. Released on her family-owned record company, Skyblaze Recordings, the album’s mix of soulful grooves and thought-provoking lyrics introduced the world to a multi-faceted artist and songwriter, known as much for her social and political activism as for her lush romantic ballads.

“I grew up,” Goapele explains, “inspired by a tradition of soulful singers like Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone, Bob Marley, and Miriam Makeba, people who created timeless music and positive change in the world. I’m also part of the hip hop generation, and my influences continue to grow, so my music has become a blend of many musical traditions.”

Critics from Rolling Stone, Billboard, Essence, Vibe, and a host of others, hailed the songstress as an emerging artist to watch and heralded Even Closer as an album that was ahead of its time. The inspiring title track, “Closer,” notched 1’s on radio playlists from San Francisco to LA to DC to Baton Rouge, and as of August, 2005, four years after its initial release, was 1 at the two largest urban stations in Detroit.

Goapele followed up the release of her album debut by hitting the road and taking her serene — yet inspiring — sound to the masses, both stateside and abroad. Time and again, the singer wowed sold-out crowds with her emotionally-powerful songs, energetic spirit, and electrifying shows.

While Goapele garnered the support of music critics and fans, a host of fellow musicians and celebrities–including The Roots, Talib Kweli, Magic Johnson, Prince and Stevie Wonder–came under the spell of her music, style and sensibility. “I’m very excited to get the support of artists I’ve long admired,” she says.

For her new album, Goapele returned to her Bay Area roots to craft an artistically challenging sophomore set inspired by her recent experiences both in and out of the industry. The album was recorded largely at her Skylight studios in Oakland with a combination of old friends Jeff Bhasker, Mike Tiger, and Amp Live, and fresh collaborators like the production team Sa-Ra Creative Partners (Jill Scott, Bilal), veteran producer Linda Perry (Pink, Christina Aguilera), Bay Area hip hop producer Bedrock (E-40, the Team) and fellow soulster Dwele.

“It was really important to me to work with the people who helped me with my first album,” Goapele says of her long-term and frequent collaborators. “We know where each other is coming from, so there’s already a strong foundation to create from. And we’ve all come along way since we made “Even Closer”. Jeff [Bhasker], for example, co-wrote and produced the title track of The Game’s album, ‘The Documentary,’ last year, so I was really excited to come back together in the studio with them and share our new skills and experience.”

The result is a collection of love songs and politically and socially inspired songs that remain true to Goapele’s firmly planted soul roots while allowing her to branch out in a number of exciting, new directions. Songs like the emotive “Darker Side Of The Moon” and “Love Me Right,” with its electro-pop funk, show Goapele taking aesthetic risks while staying true to her signature sound.

“What I am happy about was that I don’t feel like any of the collaborations were forced,” says Goapele. “They were connections that were already there, and we were just waiting for the right time to work together.”

Goapele collaborated with Linda Perry on “Darker Side Of The Moon,” a ballad that reflects her ability to travel far beyond the borders of traditional R&B while strengthening the core values of sweet soul music.

“I met Linda at one of my shows in LA,” says Goapele of the collaboration with Perry, “and we talked about the possibility of working together. Although I was a fan of her music, I really didn’t know how our styles would mesh, but I’m really proud of what we created together. ‘Darker Side’ was inspired by Pink Floyd, who I had recently become a fan of and had been a favorite of Linda’s for years.”

The granddaughter of German holocaust survivors and South African grandparents who lived through apartheid, Goapele knows the importance of giving back time, energy and resources to the community and the planet. “I’ve been involved in community organization since I was 10, so it’s naturally integrated into my music. One of the reasons I wanted to be a songwriter in the first place was so I could sing lyrics that I believed in and that come from my heart. I draw from my own experience and the experiences I’ve watched others go through. I want my music to truly represent me, instead of trying to fit stereotypes that women in this industry are encouraged to fit into.”

The title track, “Change It All,” started with a song idea,” says Goapele. “I was feeling disempowered and frustrated with the people who were elected in 2000, and then re-elected, and frustrated about the disappearing support for music and art and resources that are being taken away from our local communities in order to fund a war that many of us don’t believe in.”

In the spirit of Goapele’s interest in positive change, she and Skyblaze founded an online community that shares its name with her album. presents Goapele’s musical message, highlights political and social change-makers, and provides a forum for Goapele’s fans and others to network and create ways to promote action, creativity, courage and positive growth for people and communities everywhere.

“In talking to the team at Skyblaze, we started thinking, ‘What if we used this opportunity to create a tool for other people to connect, ‘” she adds. “So, instead of looking at what’s wrong in the world, let’s look at what changes are already happening and use it as a way for people to organize around those things.”

For a singer whose name means ‘to move forward’ in Sitswana, a South African language, her new album, Change It All, proves that enlightened change can be a positive force in the world of music and beyond. Note: Goapele is pronounced Gwa-pa-lay.


Yoshi’s Oakland


TankFriday, April 22, and Sunday April 24, 2011 8:00 PM.

Yoshi’s Oakland
510 Embarcadero W
Oakland Ca 94607
Friday, April 22, 2011 and
Sunday, April 24, 2011
8:00 pm

Tank is one of the most recognizable names in modern R&B, known for vivid storytelling and sensual love songs. He’s an icon in the making, with four albums and eight Grammy nominations under his belt. He’s also a singer who carries the torch of masters like Marvin Gaye and Al Green, while redefining R&B for a new decade. For singer/songwriter/producer Tank—about to release his Atlantic Records debut Now or Never, his first album in three years, and the one he describes as his most confident yet—the secret is simple. He remains true to who he is, as a man and an artist.

“My music is the real me,” says Tank. “I’ll either live by that or I’ll die by that in this business, but I’ve got to be me.” He’s famous for sexy yet relatable love songs that are at once thoroughly modern and yet steeped in the sounds of classic soul. Though fans know and love Tank for smash hits like “Maybe I Deserve” and “Please Don’t Go,” they may be surprised to learn that he is also behind such chart-toppers as Rubben Studdard’s “Change Me” and Omarion’s “O.” What’s more, Tank served as an associate member of the hit-making production team, The Underdogs, with further credits including the smash soundtrack to the 2006 musical film adaptation of Dreamgirls (in which he also made a cameo). Since releasing his previous album Sex, Love, & Pain in 2007, Tank took a moment to step out of the spotlight, but not necessarily out of the studio. He formed the Los Angeles-based production company Song Dynasty, and began shaping the sound of modern R&B with songs for a diverse roster of artists including Keyshia Cole, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Chris Brown, and Keri Hilson. Though he has enjoyed crafting hits for these artists, Tank is ready to step into the spotlight yet again, and returns with an incredibly personal collection. “I put a lot of my personal business into my music because people relate to it. I sing based upon the things that I’ve been through. I don’t just sing about the pain, I sing about getting through it. Whether I’m singing about sex, relationships, or the occasional party, the songs are still about classic R&B themes.”

Poised to release his fourth studio album Now or Never, Tank is ready to share the intensely intimate themes his fans have come to love, even as he prepares to show an entirely new side of himself. “The sound of this new album is still the traditional R&B formula, but sonically it’s very current,” says Tank. His first single, “Sex Music,” perfectly illustrates his new sound. The high-energy track lives up to its name with a spacey, shuddering beat. Produced by Song Dynasty with Harvey Mason Jr. (Dreamgirls, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Timberlake), “Sex Music” is sure to appeal to die-hard Tank fans.

“We’re going to keep pressing forward with this R&B thing,” promises Tank. During the process of bringing Now or Never to life, he’s experimented with new technology and new collaborators, even as he explores the themes that have always moved him. “Emergency” is an emotional ballad with a sense of humor, comparing a woman’s desire to a four-alarm fire. “You Mean that Much” is a soaring, orchestral anthem. “Can I Make Love”, says Tank, “is self-explanatory… I’m known for having songs that give you an opportunity to not say much. All you need is a little eye contact, and it’s on.”

These timeless songs of love, lust, and loss take cinematic tone in the hands of Tank, as he crafts imagery that is uniquely tangible and real. Perhaps it’s his new love of acting that has deepened his storytelling. Tank recently graced the screen in The Preacher’s Kid, and he has been studying acting, though he promises that music will continue to be his first love. “We have to take this stand now because R&B is slowly becoming a lost art,” explains Tank. “R&B music is the thing that connects people.” Though he loves a fantasy party scene as much as any man, Tank writes about the real, everyday emotions and situations that people relate to because, as he says, “we’re meant to move people with this music, and I want to be part of that movement.”

It’s been an incredible journey since Tank was an undiscovered artist with a dream, penning “Maybe I Deserve” in the basement of his mother’s Maryland home, on “an MPC and two keyboards.” The single would go on to dominate urban radio in 2001, when Tank released his gold-certified debut album Force of Nature. Though he has enjoyed remarkable successes throughout his career, Tank considers Now or Never the album when “it all came together.” The title doesn’t just refer to the urgency he feels within R&B as a whole, but also the growth he’s done over the years as an artist. Now re-emerging with a new team and a renewed confidence in his music, Tank is ready to have these songs heard.

“Everything I’ve been through has prepared me for this moment right now. I’ve got a new deal, new energy and new people around who are just as excited about the album as I am. Everything I’ve learned over the years as a producer, writer and artist have gone into Now or Never.”

Tank – Emergency [Official Music Video]

¿eX-whY AdVentures?


There are some good entertainment industry job listings below and on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!
We have a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing targeting the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip
Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY AdVentures? We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the motion picture or television project, stage play, entertainment event, commercial ads, film trailers, soundtracks, the jingle, voice overs, and all promotions associated with the product.
We are developing jobs for actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and writers in the entertainment, commercial advertisement, stage, film and television fields.
To that end , our management agency would like you to provide us with a list of your castings calls that might fit this description for consideration in placement for jobs that you have.
We would be interested in any roles for anyone of our 10,000 Professional Athletes, Entertainers, Celebrity, Musicians, and Actors direct email recipients; our over 270,000 list members; and our over 21 million total readers of the publications we submit to.
As you can tell from our roster of talent, our Casting Division has a unique advantage in all forms of casting. With the growing popularity of ‘film and music video-style’ products, we have found that directors and producers value our ability to call in seasoned, serious talent from the film and television industries to add depth and quality to performances in stage, film, television and commercials.
More than two decades of feature film, television and commercial casting experience has provided us with strong relationships with agents, managers and talent which helps us to find the necessary talent to create innovative, creative and one-of-a-kind artistic product.
We can send Photos, Bios, videos, Comp Cards, CV with samples of work and salary requirements, where necessary. We are members of the Casting Society of America (C.S.A.), Independent Film Producers (I.F.P.), Screen Actors Guild (S.A.G.), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) to list a few.
There are some good entertainment industry job listings on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!


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We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.

We are members of the Casting Society of America (CSA), Independant Film Producers (IFP), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Producers Guild of America (PGA), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI)

Thanks, and don’t forget to check out our website at:

(510) 394-4601

MAY-APRIL 2011 New Job Listings

EXECUTIVE & MANAGEMENT POSITIONSAmsel, Eisenstadt & Frazier is currently expanding its adult theatrical department.  We are seeking an experienced adult theatrical talent agent.  The candidate should have at least 2 years’ experience as a sub-agent.  No trainees or assistants.   Our agency is seeking someone to expand on our already successful adult theatrical, youth, commercial and below the line departments.  All inquiries are completely confidential. Please contact John Frazier at

Experienced commercial agent needed for one of LA’s top commercial departments in a full service bicoastal talent agency. Agent must have at least two to three years’ experience in a busy commercial department. Seeking an addition to an established team, must have excellent industry relationships and verifiable history of developing and servicing talent. Please email cover letter and resume (paste your resume into the body of the email – NO attachments) to

The People’s Production Company is hiring four Story Editors.  These are full-time positions based in Sherman Oaks.  As a Story Editor at PPC, you will compose story notes and script coverage, help in the story evaluation process, identify scripts and films for feature development, and assist in the managing of freelance Story Analysts.  Each Story Editor will oversee one of four Genre groups.  To apply, please go to and search for any of these job numbers:  136878, 136876, 136874, 136872.  If you have questions, contact us at


United Talent Agency (UTA) seeks qualified candidates for its agent trainee program. Previous industry experience and bachelors degree required. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, have excellent communication and organizational skills and a desire to learn the business of talent representation. This is a very demanding environment with excellent opportunities to work in Film, Television, Music, New Media and Entertainment Marketing. Proficiency with Microsoft Office software is mandatory. Compensation includes overtime and full benefits. References required. for more information. Fax cover letter & resume to (310) 247-1111 or email to Attn: Human Resources. No calls.

Looking for motivated first assistant to established literary manager in Beverly Hills. All the usual assistant duties. Interest in becoming a manager a must. This is a promotion track job. Please email cover letter, resume, coverage sample and references to with subject line: Literary Assistant.

A leading Beverly Hills independent film company has a unique and exciting opportunity for someone with great administrative experience to assist the chairman of the company.  The candidate must have a minimum of 2+ years relevant experience working with key players in the entertainment industry, including executives, producers and managers. This is an extremely busy desk and all candidates must have excellent written, oral & interpersonal communication skills.  Ability to effectively prioritize with strong time management skills, follow up and ability to multitask.  Salary is commensurate with experience and benefits included.  Please email

A busy and growing talent and literary management company seeks a part-time assistant to start May 2nd. Duties include but are not limited to heavy phones, scheduling, organizing, helping with submissions, and other duties. Ideal candidate should be personable, able to multi-task, possess good communication skills, and be PC proficient. Great introduction to the representation side of the business. College degree required. Hours are weekdays 10AM-1PM & 3PM-6PM. One year commitment preferable. Salary to be discussed. Please email cover/resume

Busy talent manager with 14 clients and a number of other ventures seeks a trained, intelligent, type A assistant who is interested in managing actors, developing tv and film projects and a multi-tasker as well as a skilled communicator.  Experience in rolling calls, scheduling and anticipating is preferred.  Please contact us at

Theatrical Talent Agency seeks Assistant with 3-5 years’ experience, tapped into the milieu, with a strong passion for the business and desire to take on Jr. Agent responsibilities. Must have excellent phone and people skills, as well as a knack for writing. Applicant will be responsible for standard office tasks, should be MAC savvy, detail oriented and organized. Please send cover letter, resume and salary requirements to

Assistant to EVP of Production at a busy reality TV company.  Ideal candidate has worked at a production company or agency. Person must have strong interpersonal skills and ability to juggle multiple tasks. Responsibilities include assistant duties, managing production office, and providing support to production staff.  Technical knowledge of Mac products is required.  Please send cover letter and resume to with “Assistant to EVP of Production” in subject line.

Looking for an assistant for two executives at MTV scripted development.  Prior experience on an entertainment desk a must.  Detail-oriented, best of the best, etc.  Send resumes to

Verve Talent & Literary Agency is seeking a new assistant for one of its partners.  Candidates must be detail-oriented, extremely motivated and passionate about being involved in the representation business.  Extensive knowledge in both features and television, and a year of relevant agency/management experience is required.   Job responsibilities include heavy phones, scheduling and extensive coverage.  Must be a team player with a great attitude and the ability to prioritize several tasks simultaneously. This is a great opportunity at a growing company for the right person.  Please email resume and cover letter to:

Independent television/film/digital production company seeks experienced executive assistant to partner of the company.  Candidates must have 2-3 years’ experience supporting a senior level executive at studio/network/agency.  Applicants should be extremely organized, detail-oriented, hardworking team players with excellent communication skills and a great attitude.  Proficiency with Macs, iPads, Blackberry is necessary.  Compensation is commensurate with experience.  Please send resumes to and write Executive Assistant in the subject line.

Looking for motivated first assistant to established literary manager in Beverly Hills. All the usual assistant duties. Interest in becoming a manager a must. This is a promotion track job. Please email cover letter, resume, coverage sample and references to with subject line: Literary Assistant.

Full-time first assistant needed for a top Los Angeles commercial department at a full service bicoastal talent agency.  Ideal candidate would have two years agency experience, excellent communication abilities, computer fluency, as well as exceptional organizational and problem solving skills. Multi tasking in a fast paced environment necessary, as well as good humor under stress.  Looking to hire immediately. Local Applicants only. Please email cover letter and resume (paste your resume into the body of the email – no attachments) to

Immediate entry-level Department Assistant position available in the Theatre (Stage) Department of a bicoastal talent agency based in Los Angeles. Candidates must be dedicated, organized, able to multi-task, and have excellent computer and people skills.  Candidate must also be reliable, enthusiastic and intelligent.  Knowledge of theatre and office skills are required. Please email cover letter, resume and a (writing sample in the form of a business letter) to

Partner of management/production company Kritzer Levine Wilkins Griffin Entertainment is seeking an executive assistant.  Ideal candidate is an ambitious person with a strong interest in talent management and the desire to be promoted in house is a must.  Great opportunity for someone who seeks mentorship and wants to take his or her career to the next level.  At least one year of talent experience (preferably agency experience) is required.  Standard industry pay, benefits and hours.  Please email resumes to

Boutique management company seeks qualified assistant. Candidates must have excellent people skills, ability to multi-task, strong attention to detail, and previous agency or management experience. Duties include rolling calls, heavy scheduling, database upkeep, and maintaining a general sense of order in clients and managers lives. Send cover letter and resume to:

Award winning screenwriter and future director looking for intelligent, personable assistant to run their office. Applicants must have at least one year industry experience with references; have excellent phone, writing, and researching skills and be computer savvy. A strong ability to prioritize, multi task and organize a great advantage. Perfect position to see what it’s like from the creative side of the business. Please email resume to: , subject line to read “Assistant Position”

Assistant needed for Producer in prep on studio film with others in development. Responsibilities include office management (schedules, phones, submissions), project coordination and working side-by-side with Producer in all aspects of job.  Must be Mac, Office proficient. Tech proficiency a plus. Must be energetic, reliable, and detail-oriented.  Previous agency/management or assistant experience mandatory. Entry-level salary with basic health plan; and bonus/incentive structure. Send resumes/cover letters to

Mess Media, a reality TV production company, seeks a temporary assistant to the president/CEO that could lead to a permanent position. Responsibilities include answering phones, scheduling, filing and some heavy lifting. Additionally, the assistant will be exposed to development, production and post-opportunities. Qualifications needed for this position are an understanding of computers and office software, phone experience and an interest in reality television. Please send resumes to

Santa Monica based TV Production Company seeks a professional administrative assistant with 3-5 years’ experience to work with two busy television executives.  Applicant must be a motivated self-starter with exceptional people skills.  Must have excellent written and organizational skills and be proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.  Administrative duties will include scheduling meetings, maintaining calendars, handling incoming calls, arranging travel and managing correspondence.  Looking for a team player who can thrive in a fast paced work environment! Please send resume and cover letter to:

Preferred Content, a film, television and digital production, sales and finance advisory company, is seeking an experienced administrative assistant for one of its Managing Partners.  Responsibilities include heavy phones, scheduling, film/television/digital project tracking and evaluation and general administrative duties. Fast paced, high energy work environment with potential for growth. Agency experience a must.  Salary and benefits commensurate with experience.  Please submit cover letter and resume to

A talent management company seeks an organized and self-motivated assistant to one of the company partners.  Responsibilities include heavy phones, rolling calls, scheduling, travel arrangements, and general administrative duties. Experience required. Full-time position. Pay based on experience. Please send cover letter and resume to

Assistant needed at Odenkirk-Provissiero Entertainment. Agency or management experience and a passion for comedy is a plus. Applicant should have a college degree, good phone and people skills, strong writing ability, and be Mac proficient. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to become a manager. Send resume and cover letter to:

Prominent commercial talent agency seeking personal/administrative assistant for CEO.  Highly organized, detail-oriented and proactive applicants only.  College graduates with experience supporting industry executive preferred.  Responsibilities include administrative tasks, phones, calendar/scheduling, travel coordination, personal errands, shopping and supervision of household projects.  Excellent communication and computer skills essential (Outlook/Word/Excel). Must have reliable vehicle and auto insurance.  Salary: DOE  Send cover letter and salary requirements with resume to

Partner at talent agency seeking full-time assistant in Branding/Endorsement Dept.  Job responsibilities include heavy phones, filing and standard office tasks, handling agent schedule, booking agent and client travel, etc.  Position requires experience in Microsoft Word and Excel, excellent writing ability, and professional phone etiquette.  Great opportunity for growth.  Agency, public relations, or management experience required.  Please email resumes to

Sargent Hall is currently looking for a new assistant.  This person should have agency desk experience; we are searching for someone with a huge appetite for reading and finding material for our TV business in addition to handling the typical assistant duties. Day to day you will be responsible for the two partners who run Sargent Hall, one of which also has a busy acting career. A positive and proactive attitude is a must! This is a very exciting time as we are entering into a new overall deal at Warner Brothers TV Studios and will be aggressively looking to bring in ideas and grow our company. Please send a resume and cover letter to subject-Assistant Position.

Leading independent Production Company seeks assistant for SVP of Programming & Development.  Responsibilities include phones, scheduling, travel arrangements, and contributing to Development projects.  Must be able to multi-task, anticipate needs, and handle shifting priorities.  Ideal applicant is organized and enthusiastic, has a good sense of humor, solid writing skills, and a genuine interest in unscripted television.  Similar experience a plus.  Please send resume, cover letter, and writing sample to

Looking for a hardworking, detail oriented assistant for two managers in Talent. A great opportunity to get on board at an innovative, on-the-rise Management/Production company. Must have relevant experience (Agency experience is preferred), and be eager to learn about all aspects of the talent business. Ability to multi-task, prioritize, and handle a heavy workload is a must. This is a high volume desk. This position is to start as soon as possible. Please send resumes to

Talent Management company with high-level feature and television clients seeks a detail oriented and organized assistant.  Relevant talent agency, casting or management company desk experience is preferred.  Applicant must be hard-working and reliable with the ability to juggle, prioritize and follow-through on responsibilities.  Duties include arranging/maintaining calendars and schedules, heavy phones and emails, and liaising with clients and casting offices.  Knowledge of inEntertainment is a plus.  Punctuality is a must.  Please send resumes to

Urban Entertainment company located in Beverly Hills seeking an executive assistant with at least 3 years’ experience.  Entertainment business experience not essential, but a winning attitude with a desire to succeed in the Entertainment business critical. Duties include working for the executive staff and directly with the chief executive.  Important that candidate is committed to moving company mandate forward (see mission statement below).  Send resume to

Brillstein Entertainment Partners is looking for an assistant in the talent department. Must have a least one year agency or management experience. Should be available to start immediately. Please email resumes to

Entertainment One, a leading television production and distribution company, is looking for a stellar assistant to support the Vice President of Alternative Programming. We are searching for someone who is a qualified assistant looking to gain valuable experience in reality TV while supporting a very busy executive in a fast growing department. We need someone who can effortlessly handle the day to day office management i.e. heavy call volume, managing files, answering phones, scheduling and heavy travel while at the same time devoting time and energy to helping craft treatments, pitch documents and source new talent. This is not an entry level position. Please submit cover letter and resume to

Busy Film Producer seeks 2nd Assistant/Personal Assistant.  Position is very fast paced.  Must be able to stay calm, organized under high pressure and deadline oriented environment.  Must be very detail oriented and must be able to travel with Producer.  Position travels a lot and position has long hours.  As Producer heads two films.  Duties include manage busy schedule, arrange travel, script coverage, and etc.  Candidate must have prior entertainment industry experience, must have reliable car, strong communication skills, good attitude, and Mac / PC savvy. Send resume/CV to

Busy Beverly Hills entertainment talent law firm is looking for a reliable assistant.  Must be able to juggle heavy phones, scheduling, billing, expense reports, client management and related tasks professionally and with discretion.  Mac computer skills are required, including Word, Excel and QuickBooks.  Entertainment and legal experience preferred.  Please email cover letter, resume and references to:


Part-time (12-15 hours per week) Personal assistant wanted for partner in entertainment firm.  Must have clean driving record and insurance.  Ideal for student or actor. Not an office job or career position. $12.50/hour plus mileage to start. Please email your cover letter and resume to

Photographers Assistant/Personal Assistant needed: Responsibilities include: Client management, photo selection, color correction & retouching (very easy to learn if you don’t have experience), MAC proficient.  PA work to include: organization of business & personal emails, marketing stuff (Facebook and tweeting), blog writing, website maintenance, basic bookkeeping, etc.  The ideal candidate is someone intuitive who is a self-starter and can work very efficiently. Pay starts at $10/hr. with a review after the first month with a possible raise for the RIGHT person. No benefits. Work out of my home office at 1217 S Holt., Los Angeles. Email resume and cover letter to Stuart Townsley:

A celebrity and entrepreneur is seeking an extraordinary assistant.  Duties include: dry cleaning, maintain personal shopping, fed-ex,  grocery shopping, maintaining schedules and meetings, and running around for pick-ups and drop offs, etc.  You will be expected to run errands all over town (San Fernando valley, Hollywood, Beverly Hills etc.)  So you must know your way around and be comfortable in your car.  It is imperative that the assistant has the sophistication to communicate effectively with people at all levels of management and handle highly confidential matters and be accessible on weekends and evenings to handle ongoing activities.  Employer has two children, so candidate must be comfortable with kids.  At least one-year entertainment industry experience required. Please email resumes to:


Busy boutique PR firm based in Hollywood seeks eager intern ready to learn about the entertainment industry, working with A-list clients and red carpet events. Candidates should be driven, detail-oriented, outgoing, and creative with strong communication skills.  Also important, a knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook. We are seeking someone interested to pursue a career in public relations. Must be willing to work a 4 month, 2 day a week minimum. Internship is unpaid, but college credit may be obtained. Place resume and cover letter in body of email and attach as well. Email to

A prestigious entertainment PR firm in W. Hollywood seeks a dedicated full-time assistant in a very demanding environment with long hours and weekends. Must be dedicated, assertive, proactive, and reliable and want a career in PR. Responsibilities: Office management, heavy calls, monitor emails, oversee schedules, cover events, schedule meetings, etc. Must be out of college with two years full-time work experience & live in LA! Please email resume/cover letter to AGPRASST@GMAIL.COM.

bpg- an entertainment advertising agency- seeks multiple part-time summer interns with an interest in gaining hands-on experience (available in Interactive, Production, and Print dept). Must be detail-oriented, hardworking, outgoing, and passionate. Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite a plus. Must be willing to work 2 day/week. Internship is un-paid, college credit available. Lunch and parking are paid for. Attach cover letter and resume to

Los Angeles based PR / Marketing firm is looking for eager and hard-working interns to come in and help out two days a week.  Clients include those in the fashion, design, and entertainment fields.  Tasks include phones, filing, research, occasional attendance at work events, etc.  Internship is for school credit only. Please email resumes to

High-level executive seeking assistant at a high-profile entertainment public relations agency in Los Angeles. The job requires someone who is organized, motivated, and a quick learner. Duties include answering phones, interfacing with top executives, performing extensive research, managing databases, scheduling meetings, making travel arrangements, reviewing and summarizing a broad range of press, and distributing press clippings. Must be able to take direction and multitask efficiently. Exceptional written and verbal communication skills, as well as general problem-solving skills needed along with ability to maintain confidentiality. Experience in Publicity, Corporate Communications or the Entertainment industry needed. Interested candidates should email with their resume and cover letter.

Looking for an Assistant to work for the head of Marketing.  Must have 1-2 years Assistant experience, have a passion for and experience in Marketing and know that extensive overtime is required. Must be eager, energetic, bright & professional.  Heavy calendaring and scheduling.  Great opportunity for the right person.  Send your resume to for consideration.

Brand Central, a full service licensing agency based in Los Angeles, is seeking an experienced licensing sales and management professional with strong relationships, industry and category knowledge and skills to build national consumer products programs. Our ideal candidate will be a self-motivated professional with a proven business development expertise that possesses excellent organizational, time-management, and communication skills.  A Bachelor’s degree with 2-5 years of prior licensing experience is required. Salary and title commensurate with experience. Please do not apply unless you have prior licensing experience.  Please submit resumes to:

Cashmere Agency – seeking an Online Marketing Project Manager. Responsibilities include creating cutting-edge marketing plans, submitting weekly reports and maintaining social media profiles. Must have 2-3 years in-house marketing agency experience. Ideal candidates must be creative multi-taskers, knowledge of online apps, mobile apps, and industry news. Candidates should demonstrate the ability to work under pressure. Please submit a cover letter, resume and writing samples to

Cashmere Agency – seeking an Online Editorial Publicist. Responsibilities include creating media plans and targeted media lists, securing online, print and broadcast placements and servicing various assets and track their placements. Must have 2-3 years of in-house PR agency experience. Ideal Candidates must have the ability to multi-task and work in a pressured environment with a team. Please submit a cover letter, resume and writing samples to

LA-based boutique PR agency is looking for Summer 2011 interns. Proficient in Adobe Photoshop is highly preferred. Intern duties include: updating client Twitter & Facebook accounts, shipping packages, creating press kits, writing press releases, creating media lists, inputting contacts into Outlook, answering phones, etc.  Applicants should have an interest in public relations, familiar with Microsoft Office. Very hands-on experience, great opportunity to learn PR. This is a non-paid internship.  Send resumes, cover letters as an attachment to

Kelly Bush, founder and CEO of ID Public Relations, is seeking qualified candidates for her 1st assistant. Previous industry experience and bachelor’s degree required. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, and have excellent communication and organizational skills. A fast-paced work ethic is required. Please send all resumes to Allie Willensky at


Social Media Agency looking to fill a Community Manager position in our LA office. The ideal candidate will have 1-2 years of agency experience with impeccable writing skills, an interest in digital culture and a desire to get involved in virtually every facet of an end-to-end online marketing campaign – market research, social media profile management, online publicity, strategic development, tracking, and reporting.  Send cover letter and resume to

EQAL looking to hire a Junior Interactive Coordinator to assist in running multiple high profile online communities. Must have understanding of social media/distribution, prior experience writing/blogging, impeccable organization skills/attention to detail. Responsibilities: publishing content to websites, basic blog research, maintaining posting schedule for multiple websites, photo sourcing, preparing email newsletters (via MailChimp), some weekend posting, etc.   Full-time, paid, entry level position. Email your skill-set, experience, and understanding of social media to

EQAL, Inc., a leading social media company that focuses on the build and
growth of web communities for celebrities and brands, is currently seeking a Sales Department Associate. Key responsibilities include: reach and surpass growth goals, lead generation & research, custom quoting, reporting & campaign analysis, Qualifications: prior online sales experience, 1-3yrs. media experience, Powerpoint/Keynote, Excel, and Google Analytics. Please send cover letter and resume to

EQAL, Inc., a leading social media company that focuses on the build and growth of web communities for celebrities and brands, is currently seeking a Director of Branded Content and Communities. This position oversees the execution of all aspects of a branded campaign and manages communication with agency partners and brand clients. We offer a creative working environment along with great benefits and competitive compensation. Please send cover letter and resume to

Established social media company seeks Interactive Research intern for several celebrity-run health & wellness web sites. Responsibilities include researching topics related to health news, eco trends, and vegan/plant-based lifestyles; and contact various experts via phone or email for quotes and information about specific topics. Candidate should have excellent writing skills, a genuine interest in green/eco lifestyle topics and have a basic understanding of good journalism practices pertaining to sources and citations (journalism experience is a plus but not required) Internship will be at least 10 hours per week, specific days and hours are flexible. Candidate must be able to get college credit. Please send cover letter and resume to

NON-LA POSITIONS (All Locations/All Positions)

Development Executive, Salary c£40-45k per annum, Aardman Animations, England, UK. 12 month contract. Aardman is a world leader in character led stop-frame and CGI animated film making, producing TV series, commercials and feature films. We have a great opportunity for an experienced Development Executive to help manage development activity across multiple projects.  Please see our website for more information and how to apply.  Contact for questions.

Real Deal Productions, LLC. Partners with NBC Bay Area, is looking for a creative intern who is savvy in building websites, as well as being familiar with the process of  implementing social media campaigns. Real Deal Productions is currently working on various TV projects with NBC as well as several documentary projects. In the world of social media, we are looking for a team player to collaborate with the producers in driving our projects to the next levels. This person must be technology driven, but also be willing to support studio and field production as required. Can work virtual if required but must be available for periodic meetings. Contact:

Authentic Talent & Literary Management seeks Client / Project Assistant in NY.  Candidate will be responsible for all tech related support / troubleshooting as well as client projects.  Knowledge of editing / ripping software, basic HTML, and routers needed.  Duties include coordinating auditions and client travel, updating client reels / resumes, updating web links for clients, and general technical support for both NY and LA offices.  Email resumes to


Smuggler, a commercial/film production company seeks receptionist for LA office.  Must be outgoing, well presented, able to multi-task and keep calm under pressure.  Attention to detail and organizational skills also important.  Responsibilities include answering phones, rolling calls, running conference calls, database upkeep, and contributing to our unique office environment (sense of humor, unique style, and knowledge of upcoming musical artists a plus).  E-mail resume & cover letter to

Major Century City Entertainment Law Firm has immediate opening for a Admin/Floater.  Must have a minimum of 2 years prior experience working as an assistant.  Industry experience a plus!  Looking for that special person that can be discreet, resourceful, honest, polite and well educated.  Job skills should include MS word, excel and outlook.  Impeccable spelling and grammar skills, excellent telephone manners, well organized and a sense of humor.  Salary plus excellent benefits.  For consideration, please email your cover letter and resume to:

Established boutique West LA talent agency looking for receptionist to start immediately.  Entry level position – Phones, filing, submissions, etc. 9:45am to 6pm, Monday – Friday. Salary $400 per week, no benefits to start. Email resumes to

Foreign sales company seeking bookkeeper/accountant to start immediately. Knowledge of Quickbooks and Excel a must. Responsibilities include Accounts Payable, producer and expense reporting, and AR collections among other duties. Please send resume and cover letter to

INTERNSHIPS (Film & Television)

A-list management and production company in Beverly Hills seeks a bright, motivated intern to help with administrative tasks. Duties include heavy phones, scheduling meetings, coordinating travel, submitting expense reports, and other duties as assigned. This is an excellent opportunity to learn the skills you’ll need for starting out in the entertainment industry, and the internship provides a great introduction to how a busy management company operates. Previous desk experience preferred but not required. Candidates should be able to commit 2-4 days per week and must be able to receive school credit as the position is unpaid. E-mail cover letter and resume to

Worldwide film production, finance and sales company based in West Hollywood seeks interns interested in learning about global theatrical marketplace.  Focus is on presales, financing, and festivals.  Part-time and full-time welcome.  Business school students encouraged to apply. Should be Mac capable and have excellent office skills including Microsoft Office. Must be receiving credit.  Send resume to

Recreation Media, a Management Consulting firm for the entertainment industry is looking for an office manager/executive assistant. Ideal candidates are self-starters with strong organizational skills and ability to prioritize. Must be computer-savvy and proficient with MS Office software.  Knowledge of international business and foreign language skills a plus. Commitment for 3 months, 2-3 days a week.  Unpaid, great learning opportunity.  Please send resume/cover letter to:

Reverie Entertainment Partners, a talent management/production company based in West Hollywood, is seeking spring and summer interns. Candidates must be ambitious, reliable and have a strong desire to get their feet wet. Responsibilities include phones, reading scripts, writing coverage, and occasionally acting as a second assistant. Reliable transportation is a must and some office experience is preferred. College credit available. Please email resume and cover letter to

Temple Hill Entertainment is a film and TV production company currently seeking development interns available to start immediately. Internship responsibilities include covering scripts, compiling research packets, organizing the office, handling phone reception and occasional messenger runs. We require strong writing skills, access to a car, drivers insurance, a positive attitude and desire to learn about the movie industry. Please send resumes to

Busy talent manager with 14 clients and a number of other ventures seeks a trained, intelligent, type A intern who is interested in managing actors, developing tv and film projects and a multi-tasker as well as a skilled communicator.  Experience in rolling calls, scheduling and anticipating is preferred.  For the right person, this Internship position could convert into a paid opportunity within 2-3 months.  Please contact us at

International film distribution/financing/acquisition/production company based in Los Angeles (Century City) is looking for interns who can work 20 hours per week. Seeking smart, dynamic and responsible young adults who are keen to learn about international film distribution, acquisition and financing. Unpaid internship. Parking provided. Send resume via e-mail or fax 310-788-2823.

Busy boutique talent agency seeks motivated, reliable interns. You should be eager to learn and ready to roll up your sleeves. Must also be focused, able to multi-task in a hectic environment, good with people. Prefer some office experience. May lead to a paid position for the right candidate. Send resumes and cover letters to re: Internship Program

Santa Monica based, management firm/production company, is in need of an office intern looking to gain college credit. Candidate must be ambitious, reliable and a strong researcher who loves film/television. Responsibilities include reading scripts, producing coverage and at times acting as a second assistant. Bi-lingual is a plus. Please email resume and cover letter to with an example piece of script coverage attached.

Angry Films is looking for a few highly motivated interns to assist as we move into a very active period. Job responsibilities would include, but not limited to, organization of multiple hard disks of image files, filing, rolling calls, script reading and synopsis, copying and whatever else we can throw at you. Applicants need to be computer literate, well spoken, own a car, into the zeitgeist and have the ability to multitask and be organized.  Internship is unpaid. Please send cover letter and resume in body of email to

Interns needed for well-established boutique talent agency in Venice.We are looking for enthusiastic individuals who are organized, responsible and interested in learning about the tv/ film industry. Flexible schedule – about 20 hours per week. Duties will include answering phones, data entry, printing, scanning and binding scripts, filing,and other clerical tasks. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in learning about the entertainment industry and has a possibility to move to a paying position. Please e-mail resume and cover letter to

GreeneStreet Films is looking for development interns in our Beverly Hills office. Job will entail coverage of scripts and manuscripts, notes on projects currently in development, research and general office assistance. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to be a writer or learn the business. Must like dogs.  This is an unpaid position.   Please send resumes to

Smokehouse Pictures seeks motivated interns for the summer semester and beyond.  Interns will be responsible for reading scripts, writing coverage, answering phones, running errands and other office work.  Ideal candidates will be available 2-3 days per week.  This internship is unpaid, although lunch is provided, and interns must receive college credit and provide a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance.   Please send resumes to

Strong Management seeks interns to start immediately. Duties include phones, research, covering breakdowns, filing, coordinating appointments. Interns must have reliable transportation and a positive, hard-working attitude. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to learn about the management business.  Email to

Busy talent manager with 14 clients and a number of other ventures seeks a trained, intelligent, type A intern who is interested in managing actors, developing tv and film projects and a multi-tasker as well as a skilled communicator.  Experience in rolling calls, scheduling and anticipating is preferred.  For the right person, this Internship position could convert into a paid opportunity within 2-3 months.  Please contact us at

Team Downey is currently accepting applications for interns. We are looking for smart and motivated candidates who are eager to learn and have a demonstrated interest in film. Excellent analytical reading and writing skills are required as coverage is expected regularly. Other duties include covering phones, research for current projects, and general office tasks. Applicants MUST be able to receive course credit. To apply please email along with your resume, 1-2 pieces of sample coverage (if you have any), date you can start, and days of the week you can work.

Award winning production company with several projects in pre-production seeks smart, responsible intern with all around creative/online skills.  Looking for someone who has a strong understanding of social media marketing, writing and blogging with some experience in New Media. Must have laptop and cell phone.   Flexible hours. We provide opportunities to advance in your area of expertise. We are located near 405 and Wilshire.  Please email us explaining the range of your skill-set, experience, your passion and understanding of social media and your availability to

The Mark Gordon seeks sharp, creative interns passionate about Film, TV and New Media. Excellent analytical reading and writing skills necessary, as coverage is expected regularly. We recognize and reward talent and give our interns a lot of opportunity for creative input. Our internship producing program teaches interns the steps taken to develop and produce feature films and television series. We maintain a fun, family-like work environment. Car required. Hours are preferably at least a couple full days a week. We hire interns through our website at  Please log on and create a short video and profile about yourself. We are currently hiring interns for Summer 2011.  Please direct questions to:

Talent Management Company is looking for effective, intelligent interns. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone interested in talent representation. Duties include but not limited to heavy phones, helping with submissions, scheduling, organizing, and other office duties. Candidates should possess outstanding communication skills, be organized multi-taskers, have a great attitude, and Mac skills. Must be available Mon, Wed, Fri. Email resume and cover letter to In subject line put “Internship”

Sierra/Affinity, a foreign sales, independent finance and production company is looking for hard working interns to start immediately. Responsibilities include film festival prep, answering phones as needed, script reading/coverage, research, assisting executives and assistants, errands, and/or general office needs. We are looking for someone to commit to 2 or more days/week in our Beverly Hills office. We offer school credit to students enrolled in a recognized academic institution.  Please email resumes to

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is seeking smart, confident, organized, and ambitious interns for the summer semester! Responsibilities will include sitting in on/taking notes during weekly pitch meetings, editing pitch videos, sorting mail submissions, assisting casting producers, and various other light administrative duties. You must be able to receive college credit!  Experience with avid/and or final cut strongly encouraged.  Must have laptop computer. Email resumes and cover letter to

Verve Talent & Literary Agency based in Los Angeles is seeking hard working, motivated interns for the summer to start in late May/early June.  Duties will include research, coverage, phone work and general office/clerical duties.  Candidates should be resourceful, able to multitask and excited to learn about the industry in a fast-paced and demanding environment.  This internship provides the opportunity for hands-on involvement and a fantastic learning experience.  Internship is unpaid, but college credit is available if needed.  Please email resume and cover letter to:

A busy production company located on the Fox lot is looking for outstanding interns with a passion for the entertainment industry. Duties include script reading and coverage, phone handling and assisting in any and all office endeavors. Candidates should be self-starters, reliable and ready to always go above and beyond the call of duty. This is a great learning experience for anyone looking to succeed in the industry. Internship is unpaid. College credit is available but not required. Please send resume and cover letter to

Smart Entertainment  (Ted, Family Guy, Blades Of Glory, Anger Management, The Ringer) seeks passionate interns to start immediately. Responsibilities include script reading and coverage, research, answering phone calls and general office demands. This is an excellent opportunity to learn in an active environment and grow within the entertainment industry.  2-3 days/week preferred. Email resumes and cover letters to:

River Road Entertainment is seeking reliable, enthusiastic interns. Responsibilities include: script coverage, projects (writer/director lists, research), and administrative support (phones, copies). Contribute in creative meetings, and learn the development process firsthand. Candidates should have strong interest in feature film development, superior writing skills, and great taste! Send resume, cover letter and coverage samples (if available) to

Busy producers need interns to assist with marketing efforts of exciting indie documentary that will be released nationwide in April.  Great opportunity to learn the business and make contacts.  Please email your resume to:

Echo Lake Entertainment, an independent production company and film financier with a management division, is seeking interns to work in their Beverly Hills office. Interns should be prepared to commit 2/3 days per week for 3 months for this unpaid internship. Resumes and cover letters can be faxed to 310-789-4791 or emailed to ilda@echolakeproductions

Scenario, a new literary management and production company, run by former MP/TV lit agents (ICM, APA, & Innovative) and studio/production company development execs, offers interns a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience and earn great references by working with our writers, directors, and creative producers in the story development process doing story analysis, research, and notes. Part-time and full-time positions are available (including optional evening and weekend hours) for this unpaid internship. For more details, email

Original Film seeks sharp interns passionate about film and eager to learn. Friendly work environment. Past interns have been hired. Responsibilities include reading, coverage, research, and general demands of an office. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn in an active environment.  2-3 days/week preferred. Class credit available. Email resumes to

Radiant Productions, director Wolfgang Petersen’s company, is actively seeking development interns for Summer 2011. Radiant combines epic-scale filmmaking with a great, small company environment. Interns will read scripts, books, and graphic novels; write coverage and receive feedback; complete research projects; and handle general office duties. They may also have the opportunity to join internal, pitch, or general meetings, at the supervisor’s discretion. This is a great, hands-on learning opportunity.  College credit and at least 2 full days/week are a must. Please fax cover letter and resume to (310) 656-1408, or email them to

Award-winning production and management company seeks interns for Spring / Summer 2011 to work with the head of our Feature Film and Management divisions.  Fantastic opportunity to learn about the development process, gain on-set experience, and work hands-on with our directing clients.  Should have car and own laptop.  Previous experience with script coverage preferred though not required.  This is an unpaid internship.  You must be enrolled in an accredited academic program and eligible for school credit.  Minimum commitment of 26 hrs/week.  Email cover letter and resume to Carolina at  Subject line: LW Internship 2011.

Top film/music video/commercial production company seeks an enthusiastic, hands-on intern for a high profile director and producer. Our ideal candidate must have experience and/or knowledge in production and is extremely bright and motivated to learn the ins and outs of the entertainment industry. Looking for someone with experience in excel, budgeting, and scheduling. Need to be able to multitask as projects currently include two films and two music videos. This is an unpaid internship. Candidate must be enrolled in school and available to start immediately, and have a car/up to date insurance. Minimum commitment of 26 hrs/week. Please send cover letter and resume to – subject line Film Internship.

A diverse production company seeks motivated, hard-working interns for the Summer 2011 semester. Responsibilities include office maintenance, research, script coverage, driving, and assisting on several commercial and music video productions. This is an unpaid internship: you must be enrolled in an accredited undergraduate program and be eligible for receiving school credit. Must be computer savvy, reliable, have a valid driver’s license and car insurance, and have a strong interest in film and commercial production. Minimum commitment of 16 hrs/week. Email cover letter & resume to Carolina at Subject line: Internship 201.

Original Film (Battle Los Angeles, The Green Hornet, “The Big C,” The Fast and Furious franchise, Vantage Point, Sweet Home Alabama, Cruel Intentions) seeks sharp interns passionate about film and eager to learn. Friendly work environment. Past interns have been hired. Responsibilities include reading, coverage, research, and general demands of an office. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn in an active environment.  2-3 days/week preferred. Class credit available. Email resumes to

Asylum Entertainment is a television production company that specializes in original reality series, scripted projects as well as gritty documentaries. Asylum entertainment is currently looking for driven interns who are passionate about Television development. We are looking for interns who can work 10-20 hours a week, 2 to 3 days a week. These interns must be very creative, hardworking, and love brainstorming. This is an unpaid internship but will receive school credits. Please email your resume to

Sidney Kimmel Entertainment, an LA-based production company/financier (Lincoln Lawyer, Death at a Funeral, United 93, Breach, Adventureland, Lars and the Real Girl) seeks reliable, passionate interns for the Spring/Summer semester.  Lots of reading/script analysis, clerical work, and research projects. Ideal candidates are outgoing, well-read, have discerning taste, and an eagerness to learn. Unpaid, college credit required. Send resume/cover letter to .

Tenth Planet Productions, a busy production company with several series in development and production, is seeking smart, creative interns.  Interns will assist with research and development as well as all aspects of production and general office tasks. Please email with a resume and cover letter.

Marvel Studios is offering a part-time unpaid IT Internship. Students that are tech savvy and interested in how a film studio operates, in regards to IT, are encouraged to apply. Prior knowledge of the Marvel Universe and its various properties is a definite plus. Knowledge of structured cabling, experience with Symantec Ghost, MS Office, and Mac OS are preferred. Responsibilities include changing LTO tapes, configuring Smart Phones and PC’s, mapping printers, resolving printer issues, and other general duties. Must be able to lift 50 pounds. Internship is a duration of three months, can be for Spring or Summer and is 20 hours/week. Interns must receive course credit. Please email resume and cover letter to: ATTN: IT Team.

Development Interns needed at Gale Anne Hurd’s Valhalla Motion Pictures. Duties include script reading/analysis, coverage and research on active projects, as well as general administrative tasks such as phones, filing and limited messenger runs.  College credit preferred but not required.  Applicants must be available for at least two full days a week.  Send resumes to

Free Tickets to Lauryn Hill @ Warfield, San Francisco, Tuesday, April 12, 9pm, Kurt Elling @ Zellerbach Hall, Berkeley, Saturday April 23, 8pm, Scholarships, Jobs, Entertainment Jobs May-April 2011!

FREE tickets to Lauryn Hill show Tuesday, April 12, 2011, p:00 pm at the Warfield, San Francisco and the Kurt Elling show Saturday April 23, 8pm at Zellerbach Hall, U. C. Berkeley, Berkeley, California. The tickets will be awarded via our Twitter or website, so if you haven’t already, you should join us on:

Twitter at: , , , or
go to the websites at: ,  , http://AMWFTRUST.Org/  or http://NowTruth.Org/  and make your request on the “I WANT TICKETS” page.

Moving Target: Extended Intimate Playdate Series

Ms. Lauryn Hill

Hot 8 Brass Band

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

  • The Warfield
  • 982 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
  • Show time: 9:00pm
  • Door time: 8:00pm
  • Age: All Ages+

Ms. Lauryn Hill-
Hot 8 Brass Band-

The legendary GRAMMY Award winning MC, vocalist, producer and songwriter, Ms. Lauryn Hill, has announced dates for her Moving Target: Extended Intimate Playdate Series. The series will kick off in Orlando, FL on March 16thand hit 12 cities across the country including sets at Miami’s Jazz in the Gardens Festival on March 19th, this year’s Coachella Music and Arts Festival on April 15th and then wrapping at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival on May 7th (full routing below). More dates to be announced in the coming weeks.

In addition, Ms. Hill has also announced the creation of @MsHillMvngTrgt on Twitter as the definitive source for news, highlights and updates for the Moving Target Series as well as a place for her to communicate directly with her supporters. Of these playdates Ms. Hill says, “One of the benefits of playing venues smaller than the ones I’m used to allows me the opportunity to not only reconnect with my supporters but to expose them to a portion of the musical journey I’ve been on which the world for the most part has not had access to. I’ve never shied away from being musically adventurous, nor am I known for being a lightweight when it comes to lyrical content or musical exploration. These more intimate playdates afford me the time to perform for listeners who haven’t heard from me over the past several years or have been misinformed by the inaccuracies in home media coverage, many of which I might add, I find very amusing. Getting back out there to perform is a lot like resuming a strenuous sport after having been away from it for a while, but eventually the muscle-memory kicks in and each day brings progressive strength. It\’s an exciting and REAL process which these audiences will get to witness.”

Ms. Hill recently ended a set of dates last month playing venues predominantly on the Eastern half of the country, which included performances at the Sundance Festival in Park City Utah and an exclusive party held during Fashion Week celebrating the opening of Alexander Wang’s New York City Flagship store. Ms. Hill has been performing an innovative set list of classic material, evolved but faithful to the rigor, soulfulness and power of the original music from her iconic and groundbreaking solo album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill as well as classic Fugee numbers and a few covers honoring some of the music that Ms. Hill grew up influenced by.

About Ms. Lauryn Hill:
Cited as one of the greatest female MCs of all time, Ms. Lauryn Hills prolific rhymes and powerful\r\nvoice catapulted her into the public eye as a member of the Fugees, whose 1996 album The Score was certified six times platinum and took home two GRAMMY Awards for Best R&B Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal and Best Rap Album. In 1998, Ms. Hill established herself as a creative force as a solo artist with her now classic debut The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. The iconic work earned Ms. Hill a record-setting ten GRAMMY Award nominations, five of which she took home, including Best New Artist and Album of the Year. The album was also nominated in several categories at the NAACP Image Awards, including Outstanding Female Artist, Outstanding Album, and Outstanding Song, where she was nominated for both Doo Wop (That Thing) and A Rose Is Still A Rose. The album has appeared on countless Best Of lists, including Rolling Stones 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, SPINs Top 100 Albums of the Last 20 Years, Vibes 150 Albums That Define the Vibe Era, and the Associated Press 10 Best Albums of the 1990s. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill has sold 8 million copies worldwide. In 2002, she released MTV Unplugged No 2.0, a live album of her 2001 performance on MTV Unplugged, which was certified platinum four weeks after its release. Ms. Hill has also been recognized for her humanitarian efforts, receiving an Essence Award for her work including the 1996 founding the Refugee Project.



DEDICATED TO YOU: Kurt Elling Sings The Music of Coltrane and Hartman

April 23, 2011 8:00 PM.

Cal Performances,
Zellerbach Hall
U. C. Berkeley
Berkeley,  CA

When Kurt Elling hits the stage with his unique scat-vocalese style, you know you’re in the presence of a worthy successor to Mark Murphy and Johnny Hartman. Without a doubt, a groundbreaking jazz artist, composer, and lyricist of true distinction. At the top of his game, Elling just took home the 2010 Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album for his swinging Dedicated to You: Kurt Elling Sings the Music of Coltrane and Hartman. “The leading male vocalist of our time” (The New York Times).

Zellerbach Hall does not have a street address. We suggest that you use the address of The Musical Offering, 2430 Bancroft Ave., as it is directly across the street from Zellerbach Hall.


The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation provides FREE food; clothing; computers; private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals FREE for ANYONE whom has the need at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation website.

Anyone can register at http://AMWFTRUST.ORG by submitting an online request form in a strictly confidential submission and they can also feel free to call the number (510) 394-4101 as well.



Top 2011 Scholarships For Black Students


AARP Foundation Women’s Scholarship Program
For women 40+ seeking new job skills, training and educational opportunities to support themselves.

Academic Competitiveness Grant
For first-year and second-year college students who graduated from high school.

Actuarial Diversity Scholarship
For minority students pursuing a degree that may lead to a career in the actuarial profession.

Akash Kuruvilla Memorial Scholarship Fund
For students who demonstrate excellence in leadership, diversity, integrity and academia.

American Copy Editors Society Scholarship
Available to junior, senior and graduate students who will take full-time copy editing jobs or internships.

AORN Foundation Scholarship
For students studying to be nurses and perioperative nurses pursuing undergrad and grad degrees.

Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarship
For students who indicate a sincere interest in an automotive related career.

AWG Minority Scholarship For Women
Encourages young minority women to pursue an education and later a career in the geosciences.

AXA Achievements Scholarship
Provides more than $600K in annual scholarships to 52 students – one from each state.


Beacon Partners Healthcare IT Scholarships
Awarded to a student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in the IT Healthcare field.

Best Buy Scholarship
For students in grades 9-12 who plan to enter a full-time undergraduate program upon high school graduation.

Burger King Scholars Program
For high school seniors who have part-time jobs and excel academically in school.


CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Developed to assist minority and disabled students, but open to all who meet the requirements.

Coca-Cola Scholars Program
Four-year achievement-based scholarships given to 250 high school seniors each year.


Davidson Fellows Scholarship
Recognizes and awards the extraordinary who excel in math, science, and technology.

Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
Need-based scholarships for college students are part of the progressive movement in their community.

Dell Scholars Program
For students who demonstrate a desire and ability to overcome barriers and achieve their goals.

Development Fund For Black Students in Science and Technology
For students studying science or technology at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Discovery Scholarship
Annual scholarship for high school juniors to support continued education and training beyond high school.


Ed Bradley/ Ken Kashiwahara Scholarships
Open to full-time students who are pursuing careers in radio and television news.

EMPOWER Scholarship Award
Designed to increase diversity in the medical rehabilitation field by awarding students of color.

ESA Foundation Computer and Video Game Scholarship Program
For minority and female students majoring in a field related to computer and video game arts.


Fulbright Scholar Program
Sends faculty and professionals abroad each year to lecture and conduct research.

Future Engineers Scholarship Program
For students pursuing a career in engineering who shows outstanding academic performance.


Gates Millenium Scholarship
Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; established to help low income minority students.

Go On Girl Book Club Scholarship
Supports authors of the Black African Diaspora who wan to write their way to college money.

Google Anita Borg Scholarship
For women who excel in computing and technology, and are active role models and leaders.


Hallie Q. Brown Scholarship
For African American women who have a minimum C average, and can demonstrate financial need.

HBCU Study Abroad Scholarship
Provides travel opportunities for students of color who are traditionally under-represented in such programs.


Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program
Provides fellowships to students who excel in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.

Javits-Frasier Teacher Scholarship Fund
To increase diverse students’ access to talent development opportunities through teacher training.

Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund
For low-income women who have a vision of how their education will benefit themselves and their community.

Joe Francis Haircare Scholarship
For cosmetology and barber school students who can demonstrate a financial need.


KFC Colonel’s Scholars Program
For college-bound students who can demonstrate financial need, and have a GPA of at least 2.75.


Lincoln Forum Scholarship Essay Contest
A writing contest pertaining to the life and times of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War era.

McKesson Pharmacy Scholarship
Designed to assist pharmacy students who plan to continue their education.

National Achievement Scholarship
Established in 1964 to provide recognition for outstanding African American high school students.
National Black Police Association Scholarships
For students pursuing careers in law enforcement, criminal justice, and other related areas.
National Institute of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship
For students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are pursuing science and health-related research.
National SMART Grant
Available to full-time students who are majoring in science, math, technology, engineering, and more.

PMI Educational Foundation Scholarships
Established for students in the field of project management or a project management related field.

Ron Brown Scholar Program
Seeks to identify African American high school seniors who will make significant contributions to society.

Ronald Reagan College Leaders Scholarship
Seeks to recognize outstanding young people who are promoting American values on college campuses.

Siemen Competition
Competition for individual or team research projects in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology.

Thurgood Marshall College Fund Scholarships
For first-generation students majoring in business, finance, science, engineering, and more.
Tri-Delta Scholarships
For students who excel in chapter and campus involvement,community service, academics, and more.
Tylenol Scholarship
For students pursuing a career in health care who can demonstrate leadership and academic qualities.

United Negro College Fund Scholarships
Administers 400 different scholarship programs so low-income families can afford college, tuition, and books.
U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship
For high school seniors planning to enroll or college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors already enrolled.
USDA/1890 National Scholars Program
For students seeking a Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, food, or natural resource sciences and related majors.

Vanguard Minority Scholarship Program
Provides merit-based scholarships to minority students studying business, finance, economics, and more.

William B. Ruggles Right To Work Journalism Scholarship
Available to undergraduate and graduate students who are majoring in journalism or a related field.
Writer’s Digest Annual Short Story Competition
Contest for writers who can compose the best fictional short story, written in 1,500 words or less.

Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship
For academic high-achievers in science, engineering, and information technnology.



Working Women’s



Deadline Saturday, May 7, 2011

Application must be received via the email listed below or postmarked and completed in entirety (no exceptions)

Please email completed applications to:

Or mail to:

Scholarship Committee Chairperson

National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. – Oakland/Bay Area Chapter

PO Box 24231

Oakland, CA  94623-1231

You may also access application forms at the Chapter’s website,



The National Coalition of 100 Black Women (NCBW) Oakland/Bay Area Chapter is accepting applications from working women attending a college, university, or other post-secondary institution of higher learning.  Priority will be given to women seeking their first degree.  NCBW is a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of African-American women and girls in particular, and the Black community in general. The Oakland/Bay Area Chapter accomplishes its mission through education, programs for girls and women, scholarships and community grants.

A complete scholarship application package must be submitted via email to or mailed to the scholarship committee and postmarked no later than May 7, 2011.  The package consists of a completed scholarship application form, scholarship recommendations forms, school acceptance letter, certification of academic standing and two typed essays. Applicants must also provide documentation of age and financial need.


ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (Evidence must be submitted to show that you meet the requirements)

  • Applicant must be 30 years of age or older  (provide copy of driver’s license or other proof)
  • Applicant must be attending an accredited institution of higher learning in the Fall 2011 school term (provide official or certified proof of enrollment)
  • Applicant must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Applicant must be working at least on a part time basis (minimum 15 hours per week)
  • Applicant must need financial assistance  (provide Student Aid Report, FAFSA documents, 2010 W-2 form, or other evidence of financial need for 2011-12 year)
  • Applicant must provide at least two recommendations – one from an official of current school and one from  the present employer
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen
  • Write an Essay on both of the following topics:
  1. What is a role model? What woman (or women) has served as your role model, and how has she influenced your life?  How do you serve as a role model for others?
  2. What are your academic and career goals? How will achieving your goals impact your community?

Failure to address the specified topic disqualifies the essay.  Each essay should be from 200 to 300 words, typed and double-spaced.  Essays will be rated on content, depth, grammar, organization, and originality.

For this application to be considered complete, all documentation listed above must be scanned and attached to the application or included in your mailed application packet.



NOTE:  All information provided is subject to verification.  Original documents must be presented for review if requested.









(Please type or print legibly)





Last Name                              First Name                                  Middle Initial



Address                                     City                                            State                  Zip Code


(             )                                                                                                                                                          

Telephone Number  (Home)                   (Cell)                             Social Security Number



E-Mail Address                  Date of Birth (*Attach Copy of Driver’s License or Other Official Proof of Age)



Name of Present Employer/Company       Address                       City                State                  Zip Code


                                                                                                        __________                  __________  

Employer Telephone Number              Name of Supervisor                           Dates of Employment



Current School Attending                                                  School Counselor Name



School Address                                             City                       State                  Zip Code



GPA                Major field of study                 Length of program?           Year entering in Fall 2011



School Attending in 2011-12                                  Name of School Counselor or Other Contact Person



2011-12 School Costs (including tuition, fees, books)            *Attach Copy of FAFSA or Other Documentation of Need


Household income (required)


Annual Household Income:     Under $27,100        $27,101 – $45,149      $45,150 – $64,399     $64,400 – $90,299

$90,300 – $108,349     $108,350 & above


Number of dependents in household including applicant:


All of the information provided on this application and subsequent documents is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.  I agree that, if asked to do so, I shall provide proof of the information that I have given on this application.  I realize that if I do not provide requested documentation, I will not be considered for a scholarship award.


Signature of Applicant:                                                                                                           









Student’s Name:  __________________________________________________


School Name & Address:  ___________________________________________




Student Identification Number:  ______________________________________


Student’s Class Status (e.g. 1st yr. or freshman; 3rd year or junior, etc.)   ________


Please complete the following for the student named above and AFFIX SCHOOL SEAL:


_____Is officially enrolled for the 2010 -11 academic year


_____Is pre-enrolled for the 2011 -12 academic year


_____Has a Cumulative Grade Point Average of _________

            (Please calculate to FOUR DECIMAL PLACES.)


_____Other Comments_________________________________________________________


Applicant’s Signature__________________________     Date_____________________


Signed by:  ______________________________                              Date: ________________

                   School Counselor/Administrator

                                                                                                             Phone: _______________









(Please type or print legibly)


Applicant’s Name: ________________________________________________


Number of hours worked/week _______   Number of months with employer _______


This applicant has applied for a NCBW Oakland/Bay Area Chapter, Working Women’s Scholarship.  Please provide a recommendation for this applicant, addressing her work ability, character, and potential, number of hours worked per week, and any other pertinent information you wish to include.  (This page may be photocopied, or use a blank sheet of paper if additional space is required.)


Name of Employer:  ___________________________________________________

Recommendation completed by:  ________________________________________

Title: _____________________________________            Date:  _______________






(Please type or print legibly)


Applicant’s Name: ____________________________________________


This applicant has applied for an NCBW Oakland/Bay Area Chapter, Working Women’s Scholarship.  Please provide a recommendation for this applicant, addressing her academic ability, character, and potential, and any other pertinent information you wish to include.  (This page may be photocopied, or use a blank sheet of paper if additional space is required.)



Recommendation completed by:  ________________________________________


Title: _____________________________________            Date:  _______________


EMPOWER Scholarship Program

This program is designed to increase diversity in the medical rehabilitation field by awarding a scholarship to two students of color each year, to be used at the college or university of their choice.

Applicants must identify how they will use their educational training and demonstrate their interest in this field. Selection is based on the applicants’ intentions, achievements and need, rather than solely on graduation ranking.

Deadline is in May 2011.

[Click Here To Apply]

Also, Check Out These Great Offers


Scholarships For Women and Moms
$10K scholarship for the ladies.
[click here]
$10,000 Scholarship For 2011
Apply Every Month.
[click here]



Accounting Career Awareness Program (ACAP)

See my note below regarding ACAP and forward to any interested high school students of color. If you would like to set up a presentation at your high school – let me know.

I wanted to personal reach out to you asking for your assistance in spreading the word to parents of high-school students, for a summer program. Many of you who know me know that I have worked with the Accounting Career Awareness Program for 10+ years now. This program, affectionately known as ACAP, is a career development program for high school students from under-represented ethnic groups aimed at exposing them to Accounting and other business professions.

ACAP offers a one-week summer residency program at UC Berkeley which introduces the students to accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, economics and management through a carefully tailored curriculum involving guest lecturers from industry and academia. Students are actively involved in the week’s activities which include classroom lectures, field trips, and mentoring from working business professionals.

All ACAP participants receive scholarships covering the total cost of tuition, books, supplies, transportation, and room and board. (In other words everything is FREE for the student/parents) The week culminates with a banquet for sponsors, participants and their parents or guardians.

The residency program this year will be held from July 17-22, 2011 on the California University of Berkeley Campus.

If you can please forward this information to ALL who may be in need or have in interest in the Accounting Career Awareness Program. In 1996 I too was a student of ACAP, and it has since changed my life forever! This is a wonderful experience to be taking advantage of.

Go to web site for more info: (and applications).

Application Deadline is April 15th.

Thank you,
Andrea Handy

============ JOBS ==========

Job Title:    
Student Services Advisor 3 #12143
Job ID:       
Main Campus-Berkeley

Full/Part Time:     Full-Time

Application Review Date
The First Review Date for this job is: April 18, 2011.

Departmental Overview
The Statistics Department is a medium size department in the division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, in the College of Letters and Science.  The department has 17.5 faculty members, some of them shared with departments such as Mathematics and Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.  The department also has close ties to the Biostatistics program in the School of Public Health.  There are approximately 10 Lecturers, visitors, and post doctoral appointees who teach in the department each year and a large number of visiting researchers (approximately 50 per year), who are here throughout the year including summer.  The department manages a budget of approximately 17 million dollars in grants, contracts, state, gift funds and revenues and it is staffed by 9.6 FTE including the staffing of the Statistical Computing Facility.  The department serves approximately 4,865 students who enrolled in departmental courses each year and has approximately 145 majors and 60 graduate students.

The Student Services Advisor has sole responsibility for providing a wide range of student services to graduate students in the Statistics Department including: providing guidance to the chair, faculty, and students in academic advising, graduate student recruitment, graduate admissions, financial aid.  Evaluating and awarding of fellowships and block grant funds; conducting the orientation of new graduate students, student events, career counseling, and related activities.  Independently advises students and resolves student services-related issues on the full range of academic issues. Advises faculty and management on a variety of student issues. Works with the department’s management to recommend changes to policies, practices, and procedures relating to student services.  Administers and coordinates funding for graduate student support.

The incumbent has full responsibility for the department’s graduate programs (M.A. and Ph.D.).  Responsible for all GSI appointments.  Communicates and coordinates with other campus units such as Graduate Division.  Represents the Department at graduate affairs Campus and systemwide meetings.

Required Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree and/or experience and training in related areas.
Knowledge of student services at the college level.
Good judgment skills and ability to make decision in area of responsibility.
Excellent problem solving skills and to develop original ideas to approach unforeseen circumstances.
Excellent interpersonal skills to effectively interact with faculty, students, and colleagues both inside the department and in other units.
Ability to work effectively with a student population of diverse backgrounds and needs.    Proficiency in computing skills (use of databases, spreadsheets, word, web and electronic communications).
Ability to develop in-depth knowledge of all regulations, contracts, and policies governing graduate students matters.
Analytical skills sufficient to gather and present data regarding graduate student program(s).

Preferred Qualifications
Knowledge of national and international trends in higher education, particularly in issues of recruitment, admissions, graduation rates, employment.
Working knowledge of student advising at UC Berkeley.
Knowledge of UCB systems used for graduate students processes.

Salary & Benefits
Annual Hiring Range: $42,000 – $58,000 depending upon experience

For information on the comprehensive benefits package offered by the University visit:

Criminal Background Check
This position has been designated as sensitive and may require a Criminal Background Check. We reserve the right to make employment contingent upon successful completion of a Criminal Background Check.

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Facilities Manager 03/28/11 $3,372.00—$4,729.60


Payroll Title/Grade/FTE:                        Career Services Specialist4- job code 4517u/Grade 22/ 100%

Department:                                     College of Engineering, Fung Institute

Replacement for:                          new position

Supervisor:                                    Executive Director


Working Title:                        Assistant Director, Career Planning & Placement


SALARY:                        Commensurate with qualifications and experience





The Coleman Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership was launched in January 2010 and offers programs that combine leadership coursework in technology innovation and management with intensive study in an area of technical specialization. In fall 2011, the College of Engineering will open its first educational program developed with support from the Coleman Fung Institute.


The new Berkeley Engineering Professional Master’s Degree is a one year program that prepares early-career engineers to lead technology enterprises at the managerial and executive levels. The first class will graduate in spring 2012.


The Fung Institute’s Assistant Director for Career Planning and Placement will create, implement, and manage a career development and placement program for graduates of the new Master’s in Engineering professional degree.  Collaborating closely with College and campus resources the Assistant Director will establish scalable programs to advise and assist students and alumni on career issues and strategies, job search methods, resume preparation, placement options, and related matters.


The Assistant Director will work with numerous internal and external partners to establish and manage relationships with potential employers and create relationships with the range of constituencies needed for a successful career planning program.


RESPONSIBILITIES:     (* Asterisk denotes essential job functions)


Career Development Program Design, Implementation, and Management (*40%)


  • Design and implement a suite of career development and placement services and programs that provide Master’s in Engineering (M.Eng.) students and alumni with a career edge. Collaborate closely with the Fung Institute Executive Director and Assistant Director for Academic Affairs as well as College of Engineering, campus, and external resources to identify opportunities for synergy with existing programs.
  • In collaboration with the Executive Director, College Relations, and others, research, develop, and execute new programs and outreach services to coach and continuously update students, alumni, and other parties interested in career development opportunities and options.
  • Develop customized services for specific student groups and provide tailored content to support outreach efforts. Use a variety of strategies from in-person networking and seminars to large-scale virtual events, webinars, and use of social media.
  • Co-sponsor key programs and Fung Institute events, e.g. Visit Day, orientation, M.Eng. commencement reception, etc.
  • Work with graduate student groups to ensure alignment of student career desires with plans to target companies and to provide general recruiter feedback on their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Research and analyze economic and employment trend data to provide context for marketing
    decisions and support outreach efforts. Develop presentations for management, students and campus professionals.
  • Establish metrics to track utilization of services, including advising and workshops/Webinars. Compile data for program evaluation and to aid in marketing.
  • Manage improvement processes. Conduct assessments, and evaluate program effectiveness. Collaborate with faculty and other members of the University community to update, enhance, or eliminate programs.
  • Present sensitive and difficult information about the career program to the media and public.
  • Manage career development services logistics and information systems. Use thorough knowledge of career program and information systems to build applications and improve web sites and other supporting technologies.


Career Planning Advising: Students and Alumni (*30%)


  • Provide career advising in particularly complex areas that requires specialized expertise in working with junior as well as mid- to senior-level individuals who are looking to advance in their careers or switch entirely to another function and/or industry.
  • Use standard quantitative and qualitative assessments to help M.Eng. students assess career goals. Guide clients by providing decision making and goal setting tools helping them to identify interests, values, skills, and internal/external obstacles to obtaining goals. Identify personal crisis situations and refer clients to appropriate resources.
  • Develop and conduct workshops and programs to meet students’ needs. Organize and facilitate workshops to convey current trends in the workplace and job search process, such as a panel of both contingency and retained recruiters.
  • Ensure that students have current information about specific job markets and about recruiter perceptions by educating career advisors and communicating directly with students.
  • Meet regularly with Executive Director and College Relations to develop and implement alumni marketing and outreach programs. Establish protocols and programs for serving Alumni, locally and in other regions. Travel as needed to meet program goals.

Network and Relationship Building (*30%)


  • Establish new relationships with corporations and other organizations related to career services for M.Eng. students and alumni Identify and contact companies about recruiting M.Eng. students both on and off campus.
  • Work proactively to strengthen relationships with recruiting companies in designated industries. Assist them in developing and executing recruiting and marketing strategies.  Coordinate recruiter relationships with UC Berkeley Career Center as appropriate.
  • Work with other CoE departments and faculty to develop comprehensive relationships between companies and the M.Eng and Fung Institute programs.
  • Build long term relationships with students and alumni in mid and senior level positions. Facilitate networking opportunities between students and alumni/contacts in industry.
  • Promote employment, networking, and corporate sponsorship opportunities appropriate student populations.






  • Five to seven years of relevant work experience in establishing new career development programs in engineering and/or science. Outplacement, executive search, and industry recruiting experience for engineers/scientists helpful
  • Strong engineering or science background or experience advising individuals with those backgrounds on careers in a range of organizations and industries
  • Advanced knowledge of career development theories, adult development theory, counseling processes, career decision making, learning styles, and job search techniques.
  • Experience coaching and advising entry level as well as mid-senior level career professionals.
  • Knowledge of workshop/program design/development and management.
  • Highly effective interpersonal, counseling, presentation and oral and written communication skills.
  • Strong organizational and analytical skills.
  • Attention to detail and ability to manage multiple projects and audiences simultaneously and the ability to work with people from diverse cultures.
  • Demonstrated interest in current issues in science and technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, global economics.
  • Experience collaborating with business and technology executives and career professionals. Ability to effectively and persuasively represent the College of Engineering.
  • Knowledge of career management, employer expectations, recruiting, staffing methods, and employment trends.
  • Ability to excel in a fast paced customer service oriented environment.
  • Must be able to work regular evenings and weekends hours.
  • Education and experience equivalent to an advanced degree in a relevant field and at least 5 years of experience in a related area.



·       MBTI and Career Leader Certification preferred


To Apply:

Submit your cover letter and resume online as one document when applying online noting job 12168 at:

Payroll Title/Grade/FTE:                        External Relations Specialist2 6298U/Grade 19/ 100%

Department:                                     College of Engineering, Fung Institute

Replacement for:                          new position

Supervisor:                                    Executive Director


Working Title:                                    External Relations Specialist 2


SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience





The Coleman Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership, launched in January 2010, prepares engineers and scientists — from students to seasoned professionals — with the multidisciplinary skills to lead enterprises of all scales, in industry, government and the nonprofit sector. The Fung Institute is headquartered in UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering, which is recognized for its educational and research excellence and is consistently ranked among the top three Engineering colleges in the United States.


In fall 2011, the College of Engineering will open its first educational program to be developed with support from the Fung Institute. The new Berkeley Engineering Professional Master’s Program prepares early-career engineers to lead technology enterprises at the managerial and executive levels. In addition, three existing programs will be moved under the Fung Institute umbrella: the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (CET); the Management of Technology (MOT), a joint program with the Haas School of Business; and Executive Education program administration.


This position will provide start-up support to this new and rapidly growing Institute and serve as a primary point of contact for all external constituencies. Activities associated with this position include reaching, serving, and engaging external constituencies through programs, events, products, and services not primarily related to fundraising. Constituencies include potential students, alumni, donors, international visitors, industry and non-profit organizations, local community, parents, as well as the general public. Translates constituent needs and priorities into customized programs to create, enhance, and sustain relationships between the campus and its external constituencies.




RESPONSIBILITIES:     (* Asterisk denotes essential job functions)



External Relations/Events Coordination (*55%)

  • Collaborates with Fung Institute directors and staff on all details regarding events.  In coordination with College Relations, provides organizational oversight for local and off-site conferences, seminars, workshops, retreats and recruiting sessions. Identifies sites and manages participant communications. Coordinates logistics between institutional and outside constituencies.
  • Participates in the long-range unit event planning for the Board Meetings, Steering Committee meetings, Innovation Initiative forum and seminars.
  • Researches and gathers data to inform planning for the Institute and its various programs.
  • Assists in the creation of flyers, posters, invitations, programs, signage, forms, ads, slide presentations, and other communication materials.
  • Serves as back-up for Program/Policy Analyst in managing/maintaining websites for the Fung Institute and related programs. Makes regular updates for assigned web content and graphics. Recommends changes and upgrades. Assists in testing pages for proper display and content rendering for cross-platform and browser compatibility.

Comprehensive Executive Support (*35%)


  • Supports and assists the Directors and Chief Scientist in program management and outreach.Functions as the gatekeeper, understanding the requirements of the executives in order to prioritize issues and to allocate time for scheduled events, travel and meetings.  Makes high level contacts of a sensitive nature, internally and externally requiring discretion and diplomacy.  Handles the details of a variety of matters on behalf of the executives.
  • Manages calendars for the Faculty Director, Executive Director and Chief Scientist independently setting priorities. Filters requests from diverse groups including faculty, students, campus administrators and directors, visiting dignitaries, etc. Makes frequent and complex meeting and travel arrangements.
  • Develops presentation materials for speeches, professional talks, and meetings with donor prospects for Directors. Independently researches data and background information required for meetings and other business for the Directors
  • Provides front-line customer service to campus visitors and answers routine inquiries, including questions received on-line via the internet.
  • Responds to inquiries from faculty, staff, students and the public on behalf of the executives regarding Fung Institute and related program operations.
  • Acts as initial point of contact for finance, human resources, IT, other services that have been clustered with or outsourced to departments/units outside of the Institute.Provides in-depth knowledge, actively working with external groups to ensure seamless service, troubleshoot issues, identify potential service gaps and propose solutions.  Coordinates implementation of administrative policies, procedures, and standards with external groups and academic departments to ensure uniform, effective and appropriate business practices.
  • Manages equipment needs and maintenance.
  • Develops databases and/or other tracking systems in collaboration with Fung Institute staff and service providers to support Institutes’ organization and growth.


Special projects as assigned (*10%)



  • Working knowledge of concepts, principles and practices of event planning and production and public relations.
  • Working knowledge of the campus, its programs, policies, mission, goals, objectives, achievements and infrastructure.
  • Very strong written and verbal communications skills, and demonstrated high detail orientation.  A business writing sample will be requested.
  • Good judgment and effective decision-making and problem resolution skills, including skill to recognize and deal effectively and appropriately with real and potential problem areas,
  • Conscientious self-starter with ability to work as part of a team or independently.
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain confidentiality and to determine the issues that need to be brought to the attention of higher level staff and/or management.
  • Able to work effectively with diverse faculty, students, staff, and others
  • Advanced experience with MS Office Suite, particularly Outlook, Word and PowerPoint, and with one or more of the following: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and/or Adobe Acrobat.
  • Experience creating, updating and troubleshooting web pages.
  • Exceptional organizational and project management skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, including tact and political acumen to effectively represent the institution.
  • Strong analytical and critical thinking skills.


  • Bachelors degree in related area and/or equivalent experience/training

To Apply:

Submit your cover letter and resume online as one document when applying online noting job 12170 at:

Payroll Title/Grade/FTE:                        Student Services Advisor4 4576U/grade 21/ 100%

Department:                                     College of Engineering, Fung Institute

Replacement for:                          new position

Supervisor:                                    Executive Director



Working Title:                                    Assistant Director for Academic Affairs


SALARY:            Commensurate with qualifications and experience





The Coleman Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership was launched in January 2010 and offers programs that combine leadership coursework in technology innovation and management with intensive study in an area of technical specialization.


Over time, the Fung Institute, in close collaboration with industry partners, will support the development of a range of educational offerings emphasizing “engineering leadership,” including undergraduate courses, graduate degrees, certificate programs, and a range of professional education options including executive education.


In fall 2011, the College of Engineering will open its first educational program developed with support from the Fung Institute. The new Berkeley Engineering Professional Master’s Degree (M. Eng.) is a one year program that prepares early-career engineers to lead technology enterprises at the managerial and executive levels.


As a key member of the Fung Institute operations team, the Assistant Director for Academic Affairs helps ensure successful implementation of recruiting and marketing efforts for the M.Eng. and other Fung Institute programs.  Collaborating closely with the Executive Director, Assistant Director of Career Development and Placement, and other Fung Institute staff this position is charged with enhancing the M.Eng. student experience by designing, implementing, and managing a suite of student services from matriculation through graduation that focus on cohort and professional development.


The Fung Institute’s Assistant Director for Academic Affairs focuses on the broad student academic experience, administering a range of functions for the Master’s in Engineering (M.Eng.) professional degree and related programs including:

  • recruitment;
  • admissions and financial aid;
  • cohort development and advising; and
  • curriculum planning support.


RESPONSIBILITIES:     (* Asterisk denotes essential job functions)


Student and Program Recruitment (*25%)


  • In collaboration with the Faculty Director, Executive Director, and academic departments establishes recruitment programs and protocols for the Master’s in Engineering degree and related programs generating academically excellent and diverse pools of applicants and students. Makes use of a range of media/methods (in-person, print, electronic) and scales (one-on- events, materials, and outreach services.
  • Coordinates with Executive Director, academic departments, alumni, and industry/organization partners to identify and leverage potential student recruitment sources.
  • Serves as point person for prospective students, parents, etc.on questions regarding the M.Eng. program using a variety of communication channels. Collaborates with departments to respond to in-depth curriculum issues.
  • Plans, manages, and implements events to enhance recruitment and yield including info sessions, Open House, diversity initiative events, mentoring programs, etc.
  • Evaluates effectiveness of recruitment programs and makes recommendations to enhance yields.


Student Services Program Design & Implementation and Academic Advising (*40%)


Student Services Program Design & Implementation

  • In collaboration with the Faculty Director, faculty, Executive Director, and Assistant Director for Career Planning and Placement create a specialized suite of programs and services for M.Eng. students supporting cohort development as well as individual personal and professional development.When possible, integrate cohort development activities into the academic program.  Coordinate efforts with academic departments and campus resources.
  • Manages, in collaboration with Fung Institute staff, academic departments, College Relations and other resources, key programs and assigned events, e.g. Visit Day, Diversity Day, orientation, speaker series,M.Eng. commencement reception, etc.


Alumni Services Program Design and Implementation

  • Create professional development programs and services for M.Eng. alumni in collaboration with other Fung Institute and College staff. Programs will have a secondary goal of supporting recruitment efforts.



  • Advises students regarding Master’s in Engineering curriculum, capstone projects, and leadership course information. Refers students to departments for general degree requirements and other issues delegated to departments.
  • Advises students on personal and professional issues, referring those with specific concerns or needs to appropriate college, departmental or campus resources.
  • Identifies and refers for resolution intricate student issues/grievances such as alleged discrimination, students’ personal crises. Refers grade disputes to departments.
  • Participates in professional student services committees that develop policies/procedures with nationwide impact


Admissions and Financial Aid (*25%)



Oversees professional Master’s program admissions planning and implementation at the College level, coordinating with academic departments to support Graduate Division policies.

  • Assists in management, design, and evaluation of M.Eng. admissions program.Works closely with academic department admissions to ensure applicants – and faculty – experience a seamless process and to develop and refine best practices.
  • Serves as staff for College-level M.Eng. Review Committee advising Dean, Associate Dean, and Committee participants on related policies and protocols.
  • Collaborates with Fung Institute Master’s admissions committee and coordinates with academic department committees to provide guidance for the review of the most difficult and complex admissions cases.
  • Compiles and analyzes admissions metrics and statistics.
  • Evaluates the effectiveness of the admissions program in coordination with the Executive Director and academic departments. Recommends improvements.



Financial Aid

Evaluates and coordinates financial aid, fellowship and scholarship awards for admitted applicants to M.Eng and related programs. Coordinates with Dean’s Office financial services and academic departments to determine funding options and create need-based and merit-based financial aid packages.


Department/School/College Policies (*10%)


In collaboration with academic departments, advises Faculty Director and Executive Director on the formulation of policies impacting the professional degree program(s) and other professional programs within the Fung Institute by clarifying issues, identifying potential solutions and analyzing the consequences.


  • Coordinates with academic departments and campus resources on policy interpretation and implementation.Recommends policy amendments and solutions to problems without policy or precedent.
  • Works with Faculty Director and Executive Director to support the leadership curriculum including advising regarding academic policies, programs and courses.Facilitates, in coordination with academic departments, new course approval for the leadership sequence. Assists with course scheduling.





  • Five – seven years of relevant experience in creating, leading, and evaluating graduate level student services for engineers and/or scientists that support personal and professional growth, as well as experience in establishing cohort development programs.
  • Demonstrated experience in building graduate student support services that assist faculty in attracting, retaining and developing an exceptional, outstanding, diverse, inclusive graduate student population.
  • Demonstrated ability and strong interpersonal skills to work in a multicultural environment with individuals and groups with a wide array of backgrounds, identities, life experiences, personality types and communication styles.
  • Skill to concentrate in an open work area in a busy office environment as well as skill to pay close attention to detail and prioritize work load with frequent interruptions,
  • Advanced knowledge of advising and counseling techniques.
  • Knowledge of common University-specific computer application programs and knowledge of University and departmental principles and procedures involved in risk.
  • Demonstrated experience in implementing new processes in a higher education environment, preferably in the student services arena.
  • Knowledge and experience related to student services IT/systems.
  • Skills in assessing people, processes or services, to make improvements. Experience in effectively using metrics to build strong a student support organization, including metrics related to building a diverse, exceptional, outstanding, and  inclusive student body, professional development, student retention etc.
  • Experience in managing projects through to completion including social perceptiveness to be aware of others’ reactions and understanding why they react as they do.
  • Ability in problem identification, reasoning, ability to develop original ideas to solve problems, persuasion, leadership.
  • Ability to effectively and persuasively represent the College of Engineering.
  • Ability to travel and work regular evenings and weekend hours
  • Education and experience equivalent to a bachelor’s degree and at least 5 years of experience in a related field.



Advanced degree in relevant field strongly preferred


To Apply:

Submit your cover letter and resume online as one document when applying online noting job 12169 at:


Criminal Background Check

This position has been designated as sensitive and may require a Criminal Background Check. We reserve the right to make employment contingent upon successful completion of a Criminal Background
